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08-14 投稿


flagella 发音


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flagella 中文意思翻译



flagella 网络释义

n. 鞭毛;鞭节(flagellum的复数)n. (Flagella)人名;(意)弗拉杰拉

flagella 短语词组

1、Loffler's flagella staining ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏鞭毛染色法

2、whip like flagella ─── 鞭毛

3、amphitrichous flagella ─── 两性鞭毛

4、desmid flagella ─── 胀气障碍

5、cilia and flagella ─── 英文生物翻译

6、flagella def ─── 鞭毛

7、bacterial flagella ─── 菌鞭毛

8、flagella picture ─── 鞭毛图

9、flagella & cilia n. ─── 鞭节, ─── 鞭毛; ─── 鞭毛, ─── 鞭子, ─── 鞭状匍匐枝( flagellum的名词复数 )

10、flagella singular ─── 鞭毛

11、flagella function ─── 鞭毛功能

12、fimbriae and flagella ─── 菌毛和鞭毛

13、flagella microscope ─── 鞭毛显微镜

14、flagella job ─── 鞭毛作业

flagella 相似词语短语

1、flagellate ─── v.(因宗教戒条或性满足)鞭打;adj.有鞭毛的;鞭状的;n.鞭毛虫

2、flabella ─── n.扇形器官;团扇(flabellum的变形)

3、flagellar ─── adj.鞭毛的;鞭状体的

4、flagellin ─── n.[生化]鞭毛蛋白

5、flagellum ─── n.[昆]鞭毛;鞭子;鞭状匍匐枝

6、glabella ─── n.印堂,[解剖]眉间

7、labella ─── 唇瓣;副舌;n.(Labella)人名;(西)拉韦利亚;(意)拉贝拉

8、flagellant ─── n.鞭笞自罚的人;苦修者;执鞭抽打者;adj.伤人的;鞭打的

9、favella ─── 贫民窟

flagella 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、E. coli antigen complex, can be divided into cell antigen (O), flagella antigen (H) and surface antigen (K), which has swallowed up body resistance and anti-complement the capacity. ─── 大肠杆菌的抗原成分复杂,可分为菌体抗原(O)、鞭毛抗原(H)和表面抗原(K),后者有抗机体吞噬和抗补体的能力。

2、Nearly half of the samples contained cells with flagella, tail-like projections that sperm use to swim. ─── 将近一半的样本培育出带鞭毛(一种精子用来游动的尾状隆起物)的细胞。

3、34. one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella; some contain photosynthetic pigments. ─── 两个公认的真细菌目之一;革兰士阴性螺旋形球形或杆形细菌,通常通过极性鞭毛移动;有的含有光合色素。

4、Certain eukaryotic cells can swim freely in liquid environments, propelled by whiplike cilia or flagella. ─── 某些真核细胞能在液体液体中自由运动,由纤毛或鞭毛推动。

5、one-celled monerans having simple cells with rigid walls and (in motile types) flagella ─── 单细胞无核原生物,具简单的细胞、刚硬的细胞壁和(能动型的)的鞭毛

6、Many protoctistans are motile, using pseudopodia, cilia or flagella. ─── 许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。

7、polar flagellum ─── 极性鞭毛

8、any of numerous bacteria of the genus Spiroplasma that vary in form,lack flagella,and are associated with various plant diseases ─── 原体螺原体属中许多种细菌中任一种,外形可变且缺少鞭毛,与各种植物疾病相关

9、Having one flagellum at only one pole or end, as certain bacteria. ─── 单鞭毛的只在一极或一端有一个鞭毛的,如某种细菌

10、At the same type of gametes and meet with the special-shaped gametes fertilization methods, cells have flagella, the fusion of two gametes in the water swimming meet and achieve fertilization. ─── 在同型配子配合和异型配子配合的受精方式中,性细胞都具有鞭毛,融合的两种配子可在水中游动相遇并实现受精。

11、Microtubules are also used in the construction of centrioles, basal bodies, cilia and flagella ─── 微管还用于建造中心粒,基体,纤毛和鞭毛。

12、The end tail, that is flagellum, contain 9+2 array of microtubules. ─── 末段细长,轴丝为典型的“9+2”微管结构.

13、Or consider the rotary motors of the bacterial flagella, which efficiently propel the one-celled organisms [see “The Once and Future Nanomachine,” on page 78]. ─── 或者,想想细菌鞭毛的转动马达,它可以有效率地推进这些单细胞生物。

14、upper flagellum ─── 上鞭(动)

15、Bacteria with flagella form larger, flatter colonies with irregular edges. ─── 有鞭毛细菌的菌落较大而平坦、边缘不整齐。

16、algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color, their chlorophyll being masked little if at all by other pigments. ─── 主要以其鞭毛和鲜艳的绿色为特点的藻类。

17、central flagellum ─── 中央鞭毛

18、Having flagella uniformly distributed over the body surface, AS certain bacteria. ─── 有周毛的身体周围有鞭毛的,如某些细菌

19、posterior flagellum ─── 尾鞭

20、Having flagella uniformly distributed over the body surface, as certain bacteria. ─── 有周毛的身体周围有鞭毛的,如某些细菌

21、The NAS can only dismiss the scientific case for the design of the flagellum by distorting the facts about the structure. ─── NAS 唯一能不承认设计是有科学的根据的办法就是歪曲结构上的事实。

22、Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power, while others can glide along over surfaces by some little-understood mechanism. ─── 不少细菌没有鞭毛,因而不能自已行进。 还有些细菌却能通过某些鲜为人知的机制沿物体表面滑动。

23、recurrent flagellum ─── 后向鞭毛(动)

24、Other types of setae are located on both the lateral and medial flagella. ─── 其它三种感受器在内外两鞭上均有分布。

25、Filling a volume of just 0.043 cubic micrometres, they consisted of thin rods with up to three long whip-like attachments called flagella. ─── 它们只占0.043立方微米的空间,是由三个被称鞭毛的长鞭状附件组成的细条。

26、The Crann's characteristic snout tentacle, or flagellum, or whatever it was, was still snapping like an angry whip as the thing flew apart in all directions. ─── 克兰兽粉身碎骨朝各个方向飞散开的同时,它那标志性的鼻端触角或者叫鞭毛之类的玩意儿,仍如同愤怒的皮鞭一般不停噼啪挥动。

27、periplasmic flagella ─── 周质鞭毛(微)

28、Bacterial flagella are thread-like appendages composed entirely of protein. ─── 完全由蛋白质构成的一种丝状的附属结构。

29、The pathogen of disease of Ba Ertong body is a kind of bacili that takes flagellum, parasitism is in surface of red blood cell, travel by white midge. ─── 巴尔通体病的病原体是一种带鞭毛的杆菌,寄生在红细胞表面,由白蚊传播。

30、Having a flagellum or flagella. ─── 有鞭毛的或有鞭节的

31、Filling a volume of just 0. 043 cubic micrometres, they consisted of thin rods with up to three long whip-like attachments called flagella . ─── 它们只占0.043立方微米的空间,是由三个被称鞭毛的长鞭状附件组成的细条。

32、type genus of the Volvocaceae; minute pale green flagellates occurring in tiny spherical colonies; minute flagella rotate the colony about an axis. ─── 团藻科的模式属;微小淡绿鞭毛藻生长在小型球状生物群中;小型鞭毛带动整个生物群围绕着轴转动。

33、anterior flagella ─── 前鞭毛

34、Using special stains one can see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking "hairs" called flagella.Others have only one flagellum. ─── 使用特殊的着色剂后,你会发现有的细菌上长着不少波状的"毛发"即鞭毛,而有的细菌只有一根鞭毛。

35、This review focused on the research progress on bacterial flagella,including staining methods,the structure and function of flagella gene,as well as immunegenicity.of flagellin. ─── 从细菌鞭毛的结构以及它在细菌致病性和免疫中的作用最新研究进展加以概述,以供细菌研究者参考。

36、It is compared with the two other species of Calamus from Taiwan, C. formosanus and C. siphonospathus, and distinguished from them by its presence of a flagellum and absence of a cirrus. ─── 且本种具有纤鞭,不具卷须,可与台湾产另两种省藤属植物(兰屿省藤与黄藤)区别。

37、whiplash type flagellum ─── 尾鞭型鞭毛

38、inner flagellum ─── 内鞭(动)

39、Its essential function is the perception of movement at the joint between the second antennal segment and the flagellum ─── 它的基本功能是感知触角第二节和鞭节之间的关节运动。

40、An independently replicating structure lying near the base of the flagellum in certain protozoans. ─── 动力体在特定的原生物中位于鞭毛某部附近的独立复制的细胞结构

41、Other proteins are appendages of single cells, called flagella or cilia or pill. ─── 其它蛋白是单细胞的附属物,移动鞭毛、纤毛或毛发。收藏。

42、Calamus flagellum ─── n. 长鞭藤

43、4. one-celled monerans having simple cells with rigid walls and (in motile types) flagella. ─── 单细胞无核原生物,具简单的细胞、刚硬的细胞壁和(能动型的)的鞭毛。收藏指正

44、Finegan SM, Smith RA.Enhanced staining of bacterial flagella using aged mordant in the silver stain.Biotechnic &Histochemistry, 1994, 69: 199-202. ─── 总之,本文报告的鞭毛染色方法具有简单、快速,重复性好,染色后的鞭毛清晰等多种优点,从而可作为常规方法。

45、one-celled monerans having simple cells with rigid walls and (in motile types) flagella. ─── 单细胞无核原生物,具简单的细胞、刚硬的细胞壁和(能动型的)的鞭毛。

46、Bacteria without flagella , especially cocci, form smaller, thicker, hemisphere-shaped colonies with regular round edges. ─── 无鞭毛细菌的菌落较小、厚、边缘整齐、半球形。

47、Theproteins that make up a flagellum are uncannily arranged into motorcomponents, a universal joint and other structures like those that ahuman engineer might specify. ─── 构成鞭毛的蛋白质以无比精巧的方式形成马达、万向节以及工程师需要的其它零部件。

48、The rotation of flagella pushes the bacteria through the water. ─── 鞭毛的旋转可以推动细菌在水中行进。

49、Bacteria under the microscope even those with no flagella often bounce about in the water. ─── 在显微镜下,细菌,甚至包括那些没有鞭毛的细菌,经常在水中跳来跳去。

50、An axial filament, with a similar structure to a bacterial flagellum, is spirally wound about the protoplast inside the cell wall. ─── 在细胞壁内部,和细菌鞭毛有相同结构的轴向细丝包绕细胞质并使之螺旋化。

51、having or resembling a flagellum or flagella. ─── 有鞭毛、鞭节的,或类似于鞭毛、鞭节的。

52、In the neck for eggs produced in only one egg, sperm is produced in many long, curly and two of the sperm flagellum. ─── 在颈卵器中只产生一个卵,而在精子器中产生许多长形卷曲而具二根鞭毛的精子。

53、An organism, such as a euglena, that is equipped with a flagellum. ─── 一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛

54、Others have only one flagellum.The flagella rotate, pushing the bacteria through the water. ─── 分子移动很迅速,仅0.1秒之隔,一个细菌周围的分子就会完全更新。

55、One of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria,gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella,some contain photosynthetic pigments. ─── 两个公认的真细菌目之一,革兰士阴性螺旋形球形或杆形细菌,通常通过极性鞭毛移动,有的含有光合色素。

56、Most are aerobic, some are capable of photosynthesis, and most possess undulipodia (flagella or cilia) at some stage of their life cycle. ─── 大多数是需氧的,某些种类可以进行光合作用,大多数(鞭毛虫,纤毛虫)在其生活史的某个阶段具有波动足。

57、Leisfson's flagella stain ─── 利夫森染剂

58、The so-called "bacterial flagellum" is what propels a bacterium through its microscopic world. ─── 所谓的“细菌鞭毛”推动细菌在微观世界游动。

59、Bacteria are so small that they are influenced by the movements of the chemical molecules around them.Bacteria under the microscope, even those with no flagella, often bounce about in the water. ─── 使用100倍的显微镜时,你会发现细菌不过是隐约可见的小细棒或小点点,而它们的结构你却根本看不出来。

60、algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color ─── 主要以其鞭毛和鲜艳的绿色为特点的藻类

61、The flagellum begins at the central space of the sleeve.Far away from the nucleus, it has lateral fin. ─── 尾部细长,自头部后端的正中部向后伸出,近核端部分很短,核心结构是轴丝,鞭毛起始于袖套腔,远核端有侧鳍;

62、“At best the TTSS represents one possible step in the indirect Darwinian evolution of the bacterial flagellum. ─── 最多TTSS 代表细菌鞭毛间接达尔文进化的一个可能步骤。

63、Attached to the outside of the cell are long strands called flagella which propel the cell. ─── 大肠杆菌的细胞壁上有鞭毛,是大肠杆菌的运动结构。

64、An adult Volvox consists of around 2,000 body cells, whose job is to move the organism around using their flagella, and 16 cells capable of reproducing. ─── 一株成年团藻由大约2000个体细胞组成,它们用它们的鞭毛移动整个团藻,而16个细胞具有繁殖功能。

65、8 Adjective form of “bacteria.” A “bacterial flagellum” is the flagellum of a bacterium. ─── 是啊。每个细菌要用到很多复杂的机械构造和生化成分来进行移动。

66、Leifson's flagella staining ─── 一种显示细菌鞭毛的染色法

67、Other proteins are appendages of single cells, called flagella or cilia or pill. ─── 其它蛋白是单细胞的附属物,移动鞭毛、纤毛或毛发。

68、polar flagella ─── 极生鞭毛

69、Loffler flagella staining ─── 吕弗勒鞭毛染色法

70、No more than sperm flagella , but in cycads and ginkgo head of the sperm head is still swimming. ─── 精子多不具鞭毛,但在苏铁目和银杏目仍具游动的精子。

71、outer flagellum ─── 外鞭(动)

72、As a bacterium's locomotive organs, the flagella are the prerequisite and foundation of its chemotaxis. ─── 鞭毛作为细菌的运动器官,是趋化的前提与基础。

73、Lffler's flagella staining ─── 吕(弗勒)氏鞭毛染色法

74、type genus of the Volvocaceae; minute pale green flagellates occurring in tiny spherical colonies; minute flagella rotate the colony about an axis ─── 团藻科的模式属;微小淡绿鞭毛藻生长在小型球状生物群中;小型鞭毛带动整个生物群围绕着轴转动

75、The final evolution of the flagellum might then have involved only the novel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved for other purposes. ─── 可是关键在于,它们每个都有多种功能,难怪容易招徕天择的青睐。

76、They have a whiplike structure called a flagellum. ─── 它们有像鞭子一样鞭毛结构。

77、Loffler's flagella staining ─── [医] 吕弗勒氏鞭毛染色法

78、Aetobatus flagellum ─── 无斑鹞鲼

79、accessory flagellum ─── 副鞭(动)

80、The sophisticated components of this flagellum all have precedents elsewhere in nature, as described by Kenneth R.Miller of Brown University and others. ─── 毕耶所说的鞭毛,每一个复杂组件都有先例,在自然界都找得到,布朗大学的米勒与其他学者都描述过。

81、Not all bacterium have flagella and no human cells have them besides sperm cells. ─── 并不是所以的细菌都有鞭毛,而人体细胞除了精子外也没有鞭毛。

82、Most are aerobic, some are capable of photosynthesis, and most possess undulipodia (flagella or cilia ) at some stage of their life cycle. ─── 大多数是需氧的,某些种类可以进行光合作用,大多数(鞭毛虫,纤毛虫)在其生活史的某个阶段具有波动足。

83、transversal flagellum ─── 横鞭毛

84、The flagellum had a simple "9+2" type of microtubular structure. ─── 尾部鞭毛横切面为简单的"9+2"型结构。

85、"Different types are distinguished in part by the structure of their cell walls, which is determined by gram stain. Many Bacteria swim by means of flagella (see flagellum)." ─── 可透过细胞壁结构(由革兰氏染色判定)来辨认出不同的细菌类型。许多细菌藉鞭毛游动。

86、lower flagellum ─── 下鞭(动)

87、Lffler rs flagella staining ─── 吕弗勒氏鞭毛染色法

88、"Each cell normally has two to six flagella that can rotate together as a bundle and act as a propeller to drive the cell forward. ─── “每个细胞都有2-6个鞭毛共同进行反转运动推动细胞朝目的方向前进。

89、From the reconstruct result, we can clearly observe the structures like flagellum and chloroplast which can’t be revealed in the projection images directly. ─── 从实验的结果中,我们可以清楚的观察到不能在透射像中直接观察到的绿藻的鞭毛和叶绿体等细微的结构。

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