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08-14 投稿


deleterious 发音

英:[?del??t?ri?s]  美:[?del??t??ri?s]

英:  美:

deleterious 中文意思翻译



deleterious 词性/词形变化,deleterious变形

名词: deleteriousness |副词: deleteriously |

deleterious 常用词组

deleterious effect ─── 毒害身心的作用,有毒影响

deleterious 短语词组

1、deleterious means ─── 有害手段

2、deleterious element ─── 愉快的元素

3、deleterious define ─── 有害定义

4、deleterious definition ─── 有害定义

5、deleterious effects ─── 毒害身心的作用,有 ─── 毒影响

6、deleterious meaning ─── 有害的意义

7、deleterious gene ─── 有害基因

8、deleterious rhizobacteria ─── 有害的根细菌

9、deleterious effect ─── 毒害身心的作用,有 ─── 毒影响有害(身心的)作用,有 ─── 毒效应

10、deleterious defined ─── 有害的定义

11、deleterious liquors ─── [法] 有害酒类, 有毒酒类

12、deleterious waste ─── 有害废物, ─── 有毒废物

13、deleterious mutations ─── 有害突变

14、deleterious effluent ─── 令人愉快的影响

deleterious 相似词语短语

1、deceptious ─── adj.虚假的;骗人的(等于deceptive)

2、deletes ─── v.删除(文字);(从计算机存储器中)删除(数据);(从购物目录中)删除(产品)(delete的第三人称单数)

3、deletions ─── n.删除;[遗]缺失;删除部分

4、delegations ─── 委托;代表团

5、deleteriousness ─── 有害性

6、delirious ─── adj.发狂的;神志昏迷的;精神错乱的

7、deletories ─── 委托人

8、demeritorious ─── 记过

9、deleteriously ─── 有害地;有毒地

deleterious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most plants carry a large "genetic load" for deleterious recessive genes of which a few are homozygous and depress growth ─── 多数植物带有大量有害的隐性基因的“遗传负荷”,其中少数是纯合的,因而降低了生长。

2、deleterious effluent ─── 有害废水

3、Disquiet: An invisible aura emitted by the Promethean that is deleterious to humans, animals and even the land itself. It is the chief cause of a Promethean's estrangement from mortals. ─── 恶躁:从活尸身上散发出的无形灵气,对人类、物甚至土地都有害。这是造成活尸与人类疏远的主要原因。

4、Some companies have taken measures to prevent the women from dealing with the work that may contact with the deleterious work so that unborn childen can be protectd. ─── 有些公司已采取了措施,不让妇女从事可能接触有害物质的工作,以便保护未出生的孩子。

5、Any form of positive-pressure ventilation is deleterious during cardiac arrest because the increase in intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return to the heart and perfusion of the heart and brain. ─── 在心脏停跳期间,任何形式的正压通气都是有害的。因为正压通气会提高胸内压,减少静脉回流,进而减少心脑血液灌注。

6、It exciudes the deleterious substance, even if in heating or burning conditions. ─── 即使在过热或燃烧的情况下,也不会产生有毒物质。

7、It's very deleterious to be indulged in the internet insobriety. ─── 无节制地沉迷于网络,危害多多。

8、With the increase of mechanical pressure, the corrosion couple action between galena and iron is stronger, which is deleterious to galena flotation. ─── 增大方铅矿与铁介质间的机械力,二者之间的腐蚀电偶作用和体系的还原性增强,同样不利于方铅矿浮选。

9、An ideal general anesthetic agent would hae a rapid onset, permit a rapid return to baseline leels of lucidity and equilibrium, and be free of deleterious cardioascular and respiratory effects. ─── 一种理想的麻醉药将是快速起效,快速恢复到术前的清醒和平静水平,并且无有害的心血管和呼吸功能影响。

10、The OQPSK modulator imbalance and amplifier nonlinearity have a deleterious effect on the receiver performance. ─── OQPSK调制器的不均衡以及放大器的非线性对接收机的性能具有非常大影响。

11、Some drugs have a deleterious effect on the body. ─── 有些药品对身体有害

12、Deleterious effects: light nausea, dizzy or rash. ─── 不良反应:轻度恶心,眩晕,皮疹.

13、The continual forcasting errors had significant deleterious impact on Motorola's credit ratings and relationships. ─── 持续的预测失灵对摩托罗拉的信用和关系产生了极坏影响。

14、Assorting with the actualization of statutes and standards, all kinds of testing instruments are applied to test and control deleterious emissions from engines strictly. ─── 为了更好的配合法规标准的实施,需要各种检测仪器来对发动机的各种有害排放物进行严格的检测和控制。

15、Charge: The article appears to contain Salmonella, a poisonous and deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health. ─── 指控:商品明显含有沙门氏菌,它是一种有毒有害物质,可对人体健康造成危害。

16、I will correct them striking out such clauses as could have a deleterious influence on the Other Side, and replacing them with clauses of a more judicious character ─── 我将校正它们,我要抹掉那些会在另一个世界上对我造成恶劣影响的措辞,代之以更加恰当的文句。

17、Circular PV isolation and additional linear ablation in the left and right atrium without prolongation of the P wave duration indicate no deleterious effect on interatrial conduction. ─── 射频消融术前和术后即刻的最大P波时限无明显变化,表明环肺静脉消融对于心房间的电传导无明显影响。

18、It's suggested that lead oxide additive could remove hydrogen sulfide homogeneously during coking process and is little deleterious on coke quality. ─── 在炼焦收缩阶段,半焦中过多的铅的存在不利于硫化铅的分解。

19、The marine organism heavy metal contents were lower than the threshold values of "non-environmental pollution food, the limit for the deleterious matters in the aquatic product". ─── 大亚湾经济类海洋生物体重金属含量低于"无公害食品-水产品有毒有害物质限量"标准值。

20、If a mutation has a deleterious effect, it will then usually be removed from the population by the process of natural selection. ─── 如果一个突变有有害作用,它通常会被自然选择过程从群体中移除。

21、a deleterious effect on community life. ─── 社区生活正在产生有害影响。

22、4. Normally the lysosomes may be protecting the cell from the deleterious effects of such metal ions, by sequestering them. ─── 在正常情况下,溶酶体将这些金属离子隔离,保护细胞免受其有害的作用。

23、guarantees the nature time 12 months. stores up dry. cool. evades the light place. do not mix with the virulent deleterious substance saves. ─── 保质期12个月.储存在干燥.阴凉.避光处.勿与有毒有害物质混存.

24、deleterious water ─── 侵蚀性水

25、In transports and in the stack process, buckles the board to put aside smoothly, cannot the bearing, and must avoid high temperature and the deleterious substance corrosion. ─── 在运输和堆放过程中,扣板要搁置平整,不能受压,并要避免高温和有害物质的侵蚀。

26、The cold weather had most deleterious consequences among the chrysanthemums. ─── 寒冷的天气对菊花产生了极有害的影响。

27、“the plant government” may effectively in the decontamination chamber in the air deleterious substance. ─── “植物治理”可以有效地清除室内空气中的有害物质。

28、Among procedural issues, stent overexpansion and overlap have proven most deleterious. ─── 关于操作方面,已证实支架的过度后扩张和支架重叠是最有害的。

29、With time, natural selection will tend to flush the deleterious SNPs out, as it has done -- relatively speaking -- in African populations. But in the case of Europeans, not enough time has passed. ─── 假以时日,自然选择会逐渐清除有害的SNPs,就像它曾经对非洲群体--相对而言--所作的那样。但是对于欧洲人来说,还没到时候。

30、The stress, due to restrained volume change related to thermal deformation and shrinkage in the early age concrete, is the main driving force for the deleterious cracking in the construction stage. ─── 早期混凝土由于体积变形受到约束而产生的应力是导致混凝土开裂的主要因素。

31、Limits can be established based on the minimum known pharmacological, toxicological, or physiological activity of the API or its most deleterious component. ─── 基于最少的已知的药理,毒理或生理的活性的原料药或它的最有害的组分来确定。

32、Or might it suffice him that every wholesome growth should be converted into something deleterious and malignant at his touch? ─── 或者说,大地会不会把每一种良木益草在他接触之后都变成毒木莠草来满足他呢?

33、I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. ─── 我将避免任何有害的和恶作剧,并没有考虑或明知管理任何有害药物。

34、Other deleterious effects, such as the transmission of viruses, are not apparent until weeks or months later, after the incubation period and the onset of the disease. ─── 其它有害作用(如病毒感染)在初期并不明显,要等到数周或数月之后,过了潜伏期开始发病时才能察觉。

35、deleterious gene ─── 有害基因

36、Second, sex acts to bring together currently deleterious mutations to create severely unfit individuals that are then eliminated from the population (sex aids in the removal of deleterious genes). ─── 其次,有性生殖汇集现时的有害突变,产生严重不适宜个体,这些不适宜个体然后被淘汰出群体(性有助于消除有害基因)。

37、deleterious element ─── 有害元素

38、6. Mouth-to-mouth 搑escue breaths?also are deleterious because they dissuade bystanders from performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and necessitate a pause in CCCs. ─── 口对口呼吸也是有害的。因为进行心肺抢救患者的人员需要停止持续胸外按压,(而行口对口呼吸)

39、non deleterious ─── adj. 无害的

40、DELETERIOUS CONSEQUENCES: The major risk is that of a hyperviscosity syndrome, responsible for thrombosis and decreased cardiac output. ─── 有害的后果:主要的风险是一个高粘滞血症,负责血栓和心输出量下降。

41、Blood storage time was thecritical determinant of these deleterious effects, regardless ofwhether the transfused blood was allogeneic or autogenic. ─── 不论所输血液是异体还是自体来源,血液储存时间在这些有害因素中处于决定性地位。

42、However, most mutations are deleterious. ─── 然而,大多数突变是有害的。

43、It is now clear that continued stimulation of the neurohormonal system in heart failure (HF) has serious deleterious effects on the heart. ─── 现已明确,心力衰竭时神经激素的持续剌激对心脏具有严重的损害作用。

44、Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes. ─── 少年和青少年对于这样的偏见和愚昧的承受能力是特别的脆弱。

45、Yet to have continued this practice indefinitely would have been deleterious to her own growth, not to mention sabotaging her relationship with her beloved elder brother. ─── 当然如果持续这样做,对海伦的自身成长是不利的,更不要提这会损害她和基督长兄的关系了。

46、The operating room deleterious substance influence medical carepersonnel healthy factor and the countermeasure ─── 手术室有害物质影响医护人员健康因素及对策

47、is also common knowledge that milk containing deleterious organisms is an unsuitable article of food. ─── 乳品中含有有害微生物不适合食用是基本常识。

48、Methyl methacrylate,benzene,methyl acrylate,styrene and toluene-These major deleterious contaminants would be monitored and controlled as some characteristic compounds in sculpturing organic glass. ─── 其中甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸甲酯、苯、甲苯、苯乙烯等5种有毒有害物可以作为代表该行业特征的污染物加以监控。

49、I will follow the system of regimen wich,according to my ability and judgement,I consider for the benefit of my patients,and abstain fron whatever is deleterious and mischievous. ─── 仰赖医神阿波罗,埃斯克雷彼及天地诸神为证,鄙人敬谨宣誓愿以自身能力及判断力所及,遵守此约。

50、the deleterious effect of stress on health ─── 压力对身体的不良影响

51、Due to higher content of residual deleterious elements in scrap, the arc furnace charging should contain iron/hot metal or DRI in definite proportion to decrease the content of residual deleterious elements in steel for oil well. ─── 因废钢中残余有害元素含量较高 ,为降低油井用钢的残余元素含量 ,应在电弧炉炉料中加入一定比例的生铁 (铁水 )或直接还原铁

52、To have a deleterious effect on; ruin. ─── 使产生恶果;毁坏

53、QUESTIONER: Will our continued communication with Ra be deleterious to the physical energies of the instrument? ─── 我们与拉您的持续通讯,将对这器具的肉身能量有害吗?

54、EAKER That incongruity with what society expects of you may be deleterious to your health. ─── 伊科扮演被社会所不认同的角色可能会有害健康。

55、have a deleterious effect on a child's development ─── 对孩子的发育有不良影响.

56、G、It is not contained the deleterious substance. ─── 乳胶,作为医用科学方面的高级原料,对人体无害。

57、The trouble begins decades earlier, when the inside of a coronary artery becomes damaged--usually as a result of chronic high blood pressure, high cholesterol or the deleterious effects of smoking. ─── 即问题在冠状动脉内受损几十年前就开始出现了,通常是由于慢性高血压、高胆固醇或吸烟引起的。

58、In fact, indiscriminate ordering of tests can hae potentially serious and deleterious consequences. ─── 实际上,繁杂的检查会带来潜在的严重和有害后果。

59、Ferocious, deleterious traffic accidents inflict irrevocable damages to the eye. ─── 摘要本篇报告二位外伤性眼球移位病患。

60、Analysis on Damage caused by Deformation of Retaining Wall Induced by deleterious Effect of Ground Water ─── 地下水不良作用诱发挡土墙变形破坏分析

61、Preventive Measure for Corrosion of Noble Metal Thermocouple from Deleterious Medium ─── 关于有害介质对贵金属热电偶腐蚀的预防措施

62、Further study has reealed both deleterious and protectie roles for T and B cells. ─── 更多研究显示T和B细胞可发挥损伤和保护双重作用。

63、Exactly why the foreign body is so deleterious is not clear. ─── 异物为什么如此有害,其确切原因尚不清楚。

64、He then relates as far as possible the charts of those persons who have had a deleterious influence in his life. ─── 他则尽可能地联系那些在他的生命中存在有害影响的人的星盘。

65、When an environment changes, previously neutral or deleterious alleles can become favourable. ─── 当环境发生改变,以前中性或有害的等位基因可以变成有利的。

66、Burning industry deleterious castoff in cement rotary kiln system ─── 利用水泥回转窑系统焚烧工业有害废弃物

67、Lower deleterious diabetogenic effect of low concentration tacrolimus on Chinese Han people ─── 不同浓度他克莫司在体外对胰岛的毒性作用及致糖尿病作用的临床研究

68、Some variants produce clinical illness, though not all variants have deleterious effects. A brief sample is presented below ─── 有些变种产生临床疾病,尽管不是所有变种都有害。下面就是其中的一些变种。

69、Chemical accidents,Leak of deleterious air and liquid,Cauterization of infrastructure,weathering etc. ─── 化学品事故、有害气液泄漏,基础设施腐蚀,风化等。

70、Analysis on Nutritive Ingredients and Deleterious Substances in Double-Low Rapeseed Meal ─── 双低菜籽粕中营养成分与有毒有害物质的分析

71、"The roasting process can be manipulated to bring out different flavours and minimise any deleterious compounds produced, " he said. ─── 我们可以通过对烘焙过程的监控来产生不同的味道,同时把有害物质的产量减少到最低。

72、"We strongly suspect that rare, highly deleterious mutations may co-exist with common polymorphisms in many infectious diseases, " he said. ─── 他说:“我们非常怀疑那些罕见的、具有高度危害的基因突变可能与许多感染性疾病的普遍多形性共存。”

73、Discharges the crisp air to purify the indoor air, the adsorption deleterious substance, improves the air quality effectively. ─── 排放清新空气以净化室内空气,吸附有害物质,有效地提高空气质量。

74、After our ancestors began to see color, a gene important in the pheromone-signaling pathway suffered a deleterious mutation, making it impossible for the scent signals to reach the brain, Zhang said. ─── 张教授表示,在我们的祖先开始看到颜色后,一种对信息素信号通路十分重要的基因遭受了有害变异,使气味信号不能到达大脑。

75、During this time, the uncontrolled blood glucose and insulin levels will be having a deleterious effect on the bodys internal organs and nerves. ─── 在这一段时间里,未得到控制的血糖和胰岛素将会对机体内脏器官和神经造成损害。

76、Builds the smoking room not to be able to reduce in the air the deleterious substance. is final, smoking waste resources. ─── 建立吸烟室不能减少空气中的有害物质。最后,吸烟浪费资源。

77、To transmit data in a manner to mitigate the deleterious effects of delay spread, the expected coverage areas for multiple transmissions to be sent in multiple time slots are initially determined. ─── 为了以一种减轻时延扩展的有害影响的方式来发送数据,首先确定将要在多个时隙中发送的多个传输的期望覆盖范围。

78、But the financial effects can be deleterious, which seems to be the unintended consequences of the Fed's new policy. ─── 但在金融上的影响非常有害,而这又似乎是美联储的新政策所不想得到的后果。

79、The recovered crystals contain impurities deleterious to use of the product, and these crystals are, therefore, redissolved and recrystallized to enhance purity. ─── 回收得到的晶体含有杂质,对产品的使用有害,因此,这些晶体被再溶解和再结晶来提高纯度。

80、After implementation, an evaluation of the change should be undertaken to confirm the change objectives were achieved and that there was no deleterious impact on product quality; ─── 执行完成后,进行变更的评估以证实变更的目的实现了,并且对产品的质量无有害影响。

81、deleterious dust ─── 有害尘末

82、In a finite asexual population under the pressure of deleterious mutations, the random loss of individuals without such mutations is inevitable. ─── 在一个有有害基因突变压力的有限无性群体中,不带这种突变的个体的随机损失是不可避免的。

83、To study various deleterious alterations of malondialdehyde (MDA) on erythrocytes and the inhibitive effect of glutathione (GSH) on the MDA-related carbonyl stress. ─── 摘要探索丙二醛(MDA)对红细胞的羰基毒化过程,以及谷胱甘肽(GSH)的拮抗作用。

84、5. Normally the lysosomes may be protecting the cell from the deleterious effects of such ions, by sequestering them. ─── 在正常情况下,容酶体将这些金属离子隔离,保护细胞免受其有害的作用。

85、deleterious effect ─── 有害(身心的)作用有毒效应

86、Slaughter waste water includes a lot of nitrogenous organic matter such as blood, pluck, hairs and soon, and it is easy to breeding large numbers of deleterious microorganism. ─── 屠宰废水中含有大量的血水、动物内脏、毛发等含氮有机质,而且容易滋生大量的有害生物。

87、The formulation has MAC the deleterious substance, only needs to carry on MAC the monitor. ─── 制定有MAC的有害物质,只需要进行MAC的监测。

88、deleterious liquors ─── [法] 有害酒类, 有毒酒类

89、Disquiet: An invisible aura emitted by the Promethean that is deleterious to humans, animals and even the land itself. ─── 恶躁:从活尸身上散发出的无形灵气,对人类、动物甚至土地都有害。

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