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alexipharmic 发音

英:[[?'leks?fɑ:m?k]]  美:[[?'leks?fɑ:m?k]]

英:  美:

alexipharmic 中文意思翻译




alexipharmic 短语词组

1、alexipharmic definition ─── 解毒定义

alexipharmic 相似词语短语

1、alexipharmakon ─── 解毒药

2、alexinic ─── adj.补体的

3、alexipharmac ─── 解毒药

4、aliphatic ─── adj.脂肪质的,[有化]脂肪族的

5、alexipharmics ─── adj.解毒的,消毒的;n.解毒药

6、alexithymia ─── n.述情障碍

7、alecithic ─── Alecitic的

8、epiphanic ─── adj.顿时领悟的;使人顿悟的;显灵的

9、Galenic pharmacy ─── 方剂药房

alexipharmic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch USES an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job. ─── 第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。

2、For instance board La Gen, board La Gen is to belong to clear hot detoxify, the medicine of alexipharmic benefit pharynx; ─── 比如板蓝根,板蓝根是属于清热解毒,解毒利咽的药;

3、Some uses the method that scatters dry pulverized limestone, do not have alexipharmic effect actually. ─── 有的采用撒干石灰粉的办法,其实不起消毒作用。

4、If installed dishwasher already, configured alexipharmic ark again, implementation rinse one continuous line serves, can make integral kitchen is used rise more convenient. ─── 假如既设置了洗碗机,又配置了消毒柜,实现洗刷一条龙服务,则可以使整体厨房使用起来更方便。

5、How to clear the alexipharmic water that still stays on operation defensive position? ─── 怎么清理掉手术后手上还留下的消毒水?

6、Some installed alexipharmic ark, did not configure dishwasher again however. ─── 有的设置了消毒柜,却又没有配置洗碗机。

7、(Any stuff that catch likely are in 4) when the job ends, should undertake alexipharmic. ─── (4)任何有可能传染的材料在工作结束时应进行消毒。

8、Use tool: Make up what prepare alexipharmic alcohol, physiological saline, soft cutin blandly small clip of brow of the water, club that divide blain, clip. ─── 使用工具:预备好消毒酒精、生理盐水、柔软角质的暖和化妆水、除痘棒、夹眉毛小夹。

9、And the grand opera of this formula is the clear lung that by Guangdong name the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine recommends alexipharmic soup. ─── 而该款套餐的重头戏便是由广东名中医推荐的清肺解毒汤。

10、Content of its calcium, iron is very rich, often eat rape to clear blood step-down, able-bodied skeleton, Qing Dynasty heats up alexipharmic action. ─── 其钙、铁含量十分丰富,常吃油菜有清血降压、强健骨骼、清热解毒的作用。

11、Make: Harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine, or the effect that cites drug, or alexipharmic, or add curative effect. ─── 使:调和众药药性,或引药的作用,或解毒,或增疗效。

12、Licorice, gan Ping, can clear fire is alexipharmic, but correct flavour, in all heart of received in full, Calm the nerves, the effect of step-down. ─── 甘草,甘平,能清火解毒,又可矫味,共收清心、安神、降压之效。

13、Those who need an attention is, must undertake strictly according to alexipharmic time and temperature, such ability assure to sterilize the effect. ─── 需要注重的是,必须严格按照消毒的时间和温度进行,这样才能保证消毒效果。

14、General alexipharmic: Embedded activated carbon 2 portion, magnesian (or magnesian breast) 1 portion, tannic acid 1, after mixing, use. ─── 通用解毒药:内含活性炭2份、氧化镁(或镁乳)1份、鞣酸1份,混合后使用。

15、3.The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch uses an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job. ─── 第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。

16、In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at what thing? ─── 中药里的“玳瑁”具有很好的清热解毒功效,它取材于什么东西?

17、Nutrition comments on: Ginger sex laborious is lukewarm, dispel the wind comes loose cold, promote digest, alexipharmic and antiseptic action. ─── 营养点评:目前,韩国泡菜逐渐成为世界上认可的健康发酵食品。

18、Drug fumes dip to alexipharmic leather shoes insolates because of avoid and immerse, can use formalin fumigation. ─── 药剂熏浸消毒皮鞋因忌暴晒和浸泡,可采用福尔马林熏蒸消毒。

19、Alcohol can promote the absorption of carcinogen, damage the alexipharmic function with abate liver. ─── 酒精可促进致癌物质的吸收,损害和减弱肝的解毒功能。

20、Remedial appropriate Qing Dynasty is fire of hot, have diarrhoea, alexipharmic. ─── 治疗宜清热、泻火、解毒。

21、an antidote; a remedy against poison; alexipharmic ─── 解毒药

22、Chinese economics introduces " times spirit " have its absurd with negative one side, caused malign consequence, need undertakes alexipharmic well. ─── 中国经济学引进的“时代精神”有其荒唐和负面的一面,并导致了恶性后果,需要很好地进行消毒。

23、Of course, want cold storage via alexipharmic milk, want to be drunk as early as possible. ─── 当然,经消毒的牛奶要冷藏,要尽早喝掉。

24、Consumer points out, dishwasher and alexipharmic ark why cannot is form a complete set installed? ─── 有消费者指出,洗碗机和消毒柜为什么不能配套设置呢?

25、And the alexipharmic function of dishwasher is excel washs rinse artificially more. ─── 而且洗碗机的消毒功能更是优于人工洗涮。

26、Stimulative metabolism, enhance hepatic and alexipharmic function. ─── 促进新陈代谢,增强肝脏解毒功能。

27、Antidote - the carcinogenic substance such as the compound of alexipharmic foreign country that another main function is peptide of cereal Guang pleasant and harmful metabolization content. ─── 解毒剂 - 另一个主要功能是谷胱甘肽的解毒外国化合物等致癌物和有害代谢物.

28、.. High temperature heats evaporate of alexipharmic high temperature boils shoe of the slipper that basically applies to ability high temperature, cloth, insole to wait. ─── 高温加热消毒高温蒸煮主要适用于能耐高温的拖鞋、布鞋、鞋垫等。

29、Kind of introduced hare should keep apart observation first a month, after confirming health does not have disease resumptive use. 2 should have alexipharmic establishment and alexipharmic system. ─── 引进的种兔要先隔离观察一个月,证实健康无病后再开始使用。二要有消毒设施和消毒制度。

30、In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at? ─── 中药里的“玳瑁”具有很好的清热解毒功效,它取材于?

31、freezer interior can use boric acid or alexipharmic paper towel is wiped, put aside frame should take clean with water. ─── 冰箱内部可以用硼酸或消毒纸巾擦拭,搁架要拿出来用水清洗。

32、Shang Keqing of tipple kelp gram heats up sore of lung of alexipharmic, cool serum, cure to divide blain. ─── 常喝海带绿豆汤可清热解毒、凉血清肺、疗疮除痘。

33、Venom of the disappear inside alexipharmic pool should maintain certain amount and chroma, and often change. ─── 消毒池内消毒液要保持一定的数量和浓度, 并且经常更换.

34、Venom of the disappear inside alexipharmic pool should maintain certain amount and effective chroma, change everyday. ─── 消毒池内消毒液要保持一定的数量和有效浓度,并天天更换。

35、Cure cure often uses the clear heat, dehumidify, alexipharmic, method that raises shade in. ─── 中医治疗常采用清热、除湿、解毒、养阴的方法。

36、That's all right is special when the circumstance, cleaned vulva to go with clear water, not necessary use ground of big fee be scared to use alexipharmic lotion, medicaments lotion to wait a moment. ─── 没什么特殊情况时,用清水清洗外阴就行了,没必要使用大费周章地使用消毒洗剂、药物洗剂等等。

37、Do not spit everywhere, should phlegmy spit inside cuspidor, undertake alexipharmic next. ─── 不随地吐痰,要把痰吐在痰盂内,然后进行消毒。

38、Constipation or summer go up personally red when, meal of taro taking a place can have aperient, alexipharmic effect especially. ─── 其中含有较多的淀粉和纤维素,不仅能预防便秘、减少肠癌发生,还有助于减少血液中胆固醇的形成,预防冠心病。

39、How to clear the alexipharmic water that still stays on operation defensive position? ─── 怎么清理掉手术后手上还留下的消毒水?

40、The expert warns customer, buy alexipharmic ark to had better choose well-known trademark. ─── 专家提醒消费者,买消毒柜最好选择知名品牌。

41、(2) will inject with alexipharmic absorbent cotton disinfect all round place, the method is from which turn outwards, let disinfect liquid medicine doing to appear. ─── (2)用消毒药棉将注射部位周围消毒,方法是从中间向外转,并让消毒药水干透。

42、Accordingly, what collocation cool sex and Gan Ping sex want when eating hotpot is vegetable, can have the effect of cool and refreshing, alexipharmic, reduce internal heat. ─── 因此,吃羊肉时要搭配凉性和甘平性的蔬菜,能起到清凉、解毒、去火的作用。

43、Sanitation and disinfection because summertime air temperature is high, humidity is big, because this does good sanitation and alexipharmic work,appear particularly important. ─── 为了在夏季获得较高的育雏成活率,笔者经过多年的实践与总结,认为应采取以下五个方面的措施: 一.卫生与消毒 由于夏季气温高,湿度大,因此做好卫生与消毒工作显得尤为重要。

44、The colloid composition in kelp of kelp gram soup can promote the eduction of toxic substance inside body, gram sex is cold cool, but clear heat is alexipharmic. ─── 海带绿豆汤海带中的胶质成分能促进体内有毒物质的排出,绿豆性寒凉,可清热解毒。

45、Cleaner is washed with washing powder first, using alexipharmic bath, brush with the mop that brushs a toilet finally. ─── 清洁工先用洗衣粉洗,在用消毒水洗,最后用擦厕所的拖把擦。

46、Alexipharmic Capsule ─── 解毒胶囊

47、Ate to have the watermelon of agent of accelerate the ripening, the meeting is giddy, how are this excuse me alexipharmic? ─── 吃了有催熟剂的西瓜,会头晕,请问该怎么解毒?

48、(2) the chroma that use tableware disinfectant undertakes alexipharmic, must reach the consistency that this product manual sets; ─── (2)使用餐具消毒剂进行消毒的浓度,必须达到该产品说明书规定的浓度;

49、Stimulative metabolism, enhance hepatic and alexipharmic function. ─── 促进新陈代谢,增强肝脏解毒功能。

50、Gump: flavour, wax gourd, micro cold water, the alexipharmic function clearing sitting. ─── 冬瓜: 味甘淡 、 性微寒,功效清热利水, 解毒生津.

51、Alleviates fever alexipharmic ─── 清热解毒药

52、Invigorate the circulation of blood changes Yu, cool blood is alexipharmic, jieyu brings magical function. ─── 有活血化瘀,凉血解毒,解郁安神的功能。

53、Need is alexipharmic, choose flea to rest, half branch lotus, Long Kui, Asian puccoon; ─── 需要解毒的,就选蚤休、半枝莲、龙葵、紫草等;

54、1.Make: Harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine, or the effect that cites drug, or alexipharmic, or add curative effect. ─── 使:调和众药药性,或引药的作用,或解毒,或增疗效。收藏指正

55、The alexipharmic job of experimental animal orgnaization is one of their routine content. ─── 实验动物机构的消毒工作是它们的日常工作内容之一。

56、A few kinds can clear hot alexipharmic still divide? ─── 清热解毒药还可以分成哪几类?

57、(5) detoxify and protect liver: Still do not have alexipharmic of specially good effect. ─── (5)解毒和保肝:尚无特效解毒药。

58、Heat having Qing Dynasty is alexipharmic, disappear carbuncle discharges pus, diuresis connects drenched function. ─── 有清热解毒,消痈排脓,利尿通淋的功能。

59、According to introducing, the citizen uses these " alexipharmic plant " a large number of harmful material after absorbing a building to decorate, rise to purify airy effect. ─── 据介绍,市民用这些“解毒植物”吸收房屋装修后的大量有害物质,起到净化空气的效果。

60、When undertaking alexipharmic to contaminative birdhouse, must clean with eradicator first with defecate, solution of accept of second chloric acid disinfects reoccupy, use formalin and potassium permanganate fumigation finally. ─── 对污染的禽舍进行消毒时,必须先用去污剂清洗以除去污物,再用次氯酸纳溶液消毒,最后用福尔马林和高锰酸钾熏蒸消毒。

61、Dew of alexipharmic water, drop had better be bought to wait in drugstore, drop in bath crock, to water disinfection. ─── 最好在药店买消毒水、滴露等,滴在浴缸中,对水消毒。

62、Dishwasher is one kind is cleaned, machine of alexipharmic an organic whole, convenient and practical. ─── 洗碗机是一种清洗、消毒一体机,方便实用。

63、The food that contains a lot ofcellulose or chlorophyll has alexipharmic function, eat more conduce to remove the noxiousness material that accumulates inside body. ─── 富含纤维素或叶绿素的食物具有解毒功能,多吃有助于消除体内累积的毒性物质。

64、Concentration of taller, ozone jumps over temperature it is better that alexipharmic cupboard sterilizes the effect. ─── 温度越高、臭氧浓度越高、紫外线强度越大的消毒柜消毒效果越好。

65、Do not spit everywhere, should phlegmy spit inside cuspidor, undertake alexipharmic next. ─── 不随地吐痰,要把痰吐在痰盂内,然后进行消毒。

66、The furnace of microwave oven of alexipharmic home appliance, light-wave " cosset " that became special period to occupy the home. ─── 消毒家电微波炉、光波炉等成了特别时期居家的"宠儿"。

67、After appearing to be affected locally, should clean in time with alexipharmic water local. ─── 当出现局部的感染后,要及时用消毒水清洗局部。

68、This law is wear alexipharmic rubber glove by doctor or its husband, the lubricant on besmear, insert a finger into the vagina in the begining, behavioral appropriate is gentle, extend slowly. ─── 此法是由医生或其丈夫戴消毒橡皮手套,涂上润滑剂,开始时将一个手指插进阴道,动作宜轻柔,慢慢伸入。

69、Venom of the disappear inside alexipharmic pool should maintain certain amount and chroma, and often change. ─── 消毒池内消毒液要保持一定的数量和浓度,并且经常更换。

70、Those who a lot of biochemistry ways are helpful for fat pledging the alexipharmic intention that discloses result and fat pledge is newer. ─── 有许多生化途径有利于脂质分解产物的解毒作用和脂质的更新。

71、Hawkthorn has lousy morale to come loose the result of Yu, silver-colored Hua Youqing heats up alexipharmic effect. 2 flavour are used together, apply to chill cold patient. ─── 山楂有破气散瘀之功,银花有清热解毒之功效。二味同用,适用于风寒感冒患者。

72、Study on quality standards of Xanthoma Alexipharmic pill ─── 黄连解毒片的质量标准研究

73、Effect: Strong heart diuresis, clear heat is alexipharmic, hemostatic. ─── 功效:强心利尿,清热解毒,止血。

74、Does the alexipharmic water that can complexing iodic and so on use before of the same branch of a family clean bilateral genital? ─── 同房前可以用络合碘之类的消毒水清洗双方的生殖器吗?

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