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08-14 投稿


consumption 发音

英:[k?n?s?mp?(?)n]  美:[k?n?s?mp?(?)n]

英:  美:

consumption 中文意思翻译



consumption 短语词组

1、annual consumption ─── [化] 年用量

2、articles of personal consumption ─── [法] 个人消费品

3、an entry for consumption ─── 进口货物报单

4、utility consumption ─── 消耗量;动力 ─── 消耗指标

5、aggregate consumption ─── [经] 总消耗量, 总消费量

6、actual consumption ─── [经] 实际消费(量), 实际消耗

7、apparent consumption ─── [经] 表面消费(量), 约计消费(量), 估计消费(量)

8、age of high mass-consumption ─── [经] 高水准大量消费时代

9、capital consumption ─── [经] 资本消耗

10、air consumption ─── [机] 空气消耗量

11、community consumption ─── [经] 社会(集体)消费

12、buying for ultimate consumption ─── [经] 为最后消费而购买

13、bleach consumption ─── [机] 漂白消耗

14、capital consumption allowance ─── [经] 资本消耗摊提, 折旧准备

15、aggregate consumption expenditure ─── [经] 总消费支出

16、articles of consumption ─── [经] 消耗品

17、anode consumption ─── [机] 阳极消耗

18、comprehensive energy consumption ─── [化] 综合能耗

19、cell consumption ─── [医] 细胞消耗(血细胞生理变性)

consumption 常用词组

energy consumption ─── [化]能量损耗

power consumption ─── 能量功耗

water consumption ─── 耗水量

consumption 相似词语短语

1、nonconsumption ─── [经]非消费

2、consumptives ─── adj.消耗性的,消费的;浪费的;肺病的,结核病的;n.肺病患者,痨病患者

3、transumption ─── 转运

4、constipation ─── n.[临床]便秘;受限制

5、consummations ─── n.圆满成功;完成;成就;达到极点

6、consultation ─── n.咨询;磋商;[临床]会诊;讨论会

7、consumptive ─── adj.消耗性的,消费的;浪费的;肺病的,结核病的;n.肺病患者,痨病患者

8、conscription ─── n.征兵;征兵制度;征用

9、consummation ─── n.圆满成功;完成;成就;达到极点

consumption 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、IncreaseIs the consumption of beer still on the increase? ─── 啤酒的消耗量仍在增加中吗?

2、Water consumption decreased during the summer. ─── 夏天,水的消耗量减少了。

3、Holiday economy injected fresh energy to the consumption growth. ─── 假日经济为消费增长注入新的活力。

4、The index of human's base metabolism is oxygen consumption. ─── 人类的基本代谢通常是以氧消耗为指标。

5、Domestic consumption demand is well met. ─── 国内消费需求得到很好的满足。

6、He was ordered to cut down his daily consumption of food. ─── 他遵嘱减少自己每天摄入的食物量。

7、Consumption of oil increase even after it rise in price. ─── 即使涨价后石油的消费仍在增长。

8、Energy consumption rises as countries industrialize. ─── 能源消耗随着各国工业化而增加。

9、He had consumption last year. ─── 他去年患肺

10、You can also define a rate of consumption for material resources. ─── 您还可以定义材料资源的消耗率。

11、He always noted down daily consumption. ─── 他总是记下每天的消费。

12、Debt-fuelled consumption has been felled. ─── 债务促进型消费已经被击倒。

13、Conspicuous consumption was eschewed. ─── 奢侈的消费并不流行。

14、Low power consumption longevity for battery powered devices. ─── 低电能的消耗。

15、Inspiratory capacity and low power consumption. ─── 吸气量大、功耗低。

16、Whether Five Major Consumption Hot Spots Could Last? ─── 五大消费热点能否持续?

17、Consumption in Europe could improve slightly in 1978/79. ─── 1978/79年度欧洲的棉花消费量可能略有增长。

18、Power consumption 36-68W. 100% CFC and HFC-free. ─── 功率消耗36 - 68瓦特。

19、Power consumption (serial): 65 mA (Max. ─── 功率消耗(串行):65毫安(最大值)

20、Lead the market trend and guide the consumption concept. ─── 引领市场潮流,引导消费观念。

21、Is the consumption of alcohol restricted by law in your country ? ─── 在贵国,酒的消耗量是否受法律限制?

22、There was an increase in the consumption of meat last year. ─── 去年肉类的消费量有所上升。

23、Emulsibility (1) the water consumption of ink. ─── 1.油不朱的乳化补偿火度。

24、She developed symptoms of consumption. ─── 她显示出肺病的症候。

25、The doctor told him to cut down his consumption of fat. ─── 医生建议他减少脂肪的摄取量.

26、The use of after-burners results in increased fuel consumption. ─── 加力燃烧室的使用导致燃料消耗量的增加。

27、Both are efforts to manage PC power consumption. ─── 两者都是努力处理个人计算机耗电量。

28、But How? -- REDUCE your plastic bags consumption! ─── 减少塑料袋使用量!

29、Saving is defined as postponed consumption. ─── 储蓄被定义为延期的消费。

30、They aid project teams in consumption and production of assets. ─── 他们在资产的使用和生产方面为项目团队提供帮助。

31、They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption. ─── 他们制订并实施了一项降低燃料消耗的计划。

32、Using while bathing, can avoid the useless energy consumption. ─── 即洗即用避免电能无谓消耗。

33、VOIP Bandwidth consumption naturally depends on the codec used. ─── VOIP消耗的带宽一般取决于所使用的语音编码.

34、The consumption of aspirin has increased enormously in America. ─── 在美国,阿斯匹林的消耗量已极大增加。

35、He worried (overworked) himself into consumption. ─── 他忧虑(劳累)过度而患肺

36、Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather. ─── 燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。

37、Coal Consumption Assessment Experiment of GO-ON Power Plant Co. ─── 国安电力有限公司煤耗查定试验。

38、Water consumption decreasedduring the winter. ─── 冬天耗水量下降了。

39、She objected to the consumption of beer by her maidservants. ─── 她反对她的使女喝啤酒。

40、Prices of service items in household consumption rose by 1.8%. ─── 居民消费价格中,服务价格上涨1.8%。

41、It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods. ─── 它排斥一种甚至在消费资料范围内的情况。

42、Dont worry: Conspicuous consumption wont disappear. ─── 不过不用担心:炫耀性消费不会消失。

43、Consumption of alcoholic drinks increases the toxic effect. ─── 嗜酒成瘾会增加中毒效应。

44、There's too great a consumption of alcohol in China. ─── 在中国酒的消耗量太大了。

45、A person afflicted with consumption. ─── 患肺痨的人

46、That is why diabetes borders on consumption. ─── 因此,你们不要嚼糖就长寿了!

47、"Conspicuous consumption was a manifestation of power. ─── “炫耀摆阔性的消费是力量的证明。

48、Children and women who are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or nursing should be careful to avoid excessive mercury consumption. ─── 孩子和孕妇或者打算怀孕以及正在坐月子的妇女应该尽量小心的避免过量的汞的摄入。

49、Summons? Soulshot consumption has been changed. ─── 召唤兽的灵魂蛋消耗变更。

50、Is the consumption of beer still on the increase? ─── 啤酒的消耗量仍在增加吗?

51、You must toy-the consumption of alcohol within bounds. ─── 你必须控制喝酒量。

52、Power consumption (parallel): 100 mA (Max. ─── 功率消耗(并行):100毫安(最大值)

53、Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. ─── 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。

54、Water consumption decreased during the winter. ─── 冬季期间水消耗量减少。

55、The consumption of the beer is still on the increase. ─── 啤酒的消耗量仍在增加.

56、How to Stimulate Consumption and Expand Domestic Demands? ─── 刺激消费扩大内需应从哪下手?

57、After-burners have to be used. As a result fuel consumption is heavier. ─── 不得不使用加力燃烧室,结果燃料消耗量增加了。

58、The consumption structure of local residents is improving steadily. ─── 居民消费结构不断优化。

59、Because she's got consumption,and she's almost always feverish. ─── 因为她有肺病,她差不多一直在发烧。

60、Affected or caused by the consumption of wine. ─── 嗜酒的饮酒影响的或造成的

61、Reduce the consumption of power and dissipation of radiation. ─── 减少能源耗用量和散发的辐射量。

62、State ownership depresses consumption demand. ─── 国家所有权抑制了消费需求。

63、He expent a large amount of public money on self consumption. ─── 他将大笔的公款花在了个人消费上。

64、In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing. ─── 在发展中国家香烟消费正在增长。

65、Goods provided in the factory for consumption. ─── 一在厂内供消费者。

66、The nation' s consumption of coal decreased continuously last year. ─── 去年全国耗煤量继续下降。

67、The Consumption Credit in China? ─── 中国消费信贷:何时拥有你?

68、CPU which has high performance and low power consumption and cost. ─── LPC2138采用的是ARM7TDMI处理器内核,具有高性能、低功耗、低成本的特点。

69、However the pattern of consumption began long before Terra exited the Great Central Sun as she was consumed until she fell therein. ─── 其实肉食的图案模式早在Terra离开大中枢太阳前就开始,她被“食用”导致振动下跌。

70、A reduction in prices boosts consumption. ─── 减价促进了消费。

71、The consumption of goods and service. ─── 商品和服务的耗费。

72、The doctor tell him to cut down consumption of fat. ─── 医生建议他减少脂肪的摄取量。

73、Fast data transmission and low power consumption. ─── 传输数据速度快,功耗底。

74、For a period of time consumption was overheated. ─── 前一段消费过热

75、Still, the state has continued to pay big consumption subsidies for fear of public unrest if it stopped. ─── 尽管如此,印尼政府仍继续支付巨额石油消费补贴,因为政府担心一旦停止补贴,就会发生公众骚乱事件。

76、Now, Chang is offering this history for mainstream consumption. ─── 如今,张提出这段历史供美国主流文化思考。

77、An internal service can be exported for outside consumption. ─── 内部服务可以被导出供外部调用。

78、China continues is voracious consumption. ─── 中国持续保持高消费量。

79、He condemned the meat as unfit for human consumption. ─── 他声称这肉不宜给人食用。

80、In 1843 Smith's elder brother died of consumption. ─── 1843年,史密斯的的哥哥死于痨病。

81、Eletricity must be generated by the consumption of coal or oil . ─── 发电需要消耗煤或石油。

82、There's too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain. ─── 在英国酒的消耗量太大了。

83、Not bad. What about power consumption? ─── 不错,年用电量是多少?

84、He has to cut down on the consumption of meat. ─── 他不得不减少吃肉。

85、This apparent irrelevance also relates back to the fact that the basic means of producing food and its consumption are distinct. ─── 这种明显的不相关也涉及回到一个事实,即生产食品,其消费的基本手段是不同的。

86、He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption. ─── 他被劝告减少饮酒。

87、It's hard to see the world going crazy [in terms of steel consumption] without a substantial contribution from the US. ─── 如果没有美国的显著贡献,很难想象世界将(在钢铁消费方面)陷入疯狂。

88、China's exports as a share of U. S. consumption might have grown quickly, but they are still a small fraction of the total. ─── 中国出口产品在美国消费总量中所占的比例或许增长迅速,但相对整体而言仍微不足道。

89、Consumption of domestic fuel oil varies between150 gallons a month at the height of winter and practically nothing in July-August. ─── 家用燃料的消耗量变动很大,严冬每月耗油150加仑,而七八月份几乎等于零。


也代表周数,例如KW36就代表第36周,一般德企或者中德合资企业项目进度表上可以体现(德文里表示“周”的意思。KW = Kalenderwoche. ( calender week )



kw意思是千瓦,是kilowatt的英文缩写。kilowatt读音:[?k?l?w?t] 美 [?k?l?wɑ?t] 释义:千瓦(电的功率计量单位,等于1 000瓦特)例句:Main motor kW capacity has10% margin against the maximum consumption power at guaranteed capacity. 翻译:主电机千瓦容量有10%的利润,对在一定的容量最大的消费国。例句:Where the watt is too small a unit, we many use the kilowatt. 翻译:在用瓦作单位嫌太小的情况下,我们用千瓦。


相关词汇1、kilogram读音:英 [?k?l?ɡr?m] 美 [?k?l?ɡr?m] 释义:千克,公斤。例句:The sugar has a net weight of one kilogram. 翻译:糖的净重为1000克。2、kilometer读音:英 [?k?l???mi?t?] 美 [k??lɑm?t?r] 释义:千米,公里例句:Three of us walked back about one kilometer and found Sun Yao. 翻译:我们中有三人往回走了一公里发现了孙尧。

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