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08-14 投稿


enlivens 发音

英:[?n?la?vnz]  美:[?n?la?vnz]

英:  美:

enlivens 中文意思翻译



enlivens 同义词

invigorate |cheer | cheer up | pep up | liven | inspire | liven up | exhilarate | exalt | wake up | refresh | animate | brighten | stimulate

enlivens 词性/词形变化,enlivens变形

动词过去分词: enlivened |动词过去式: enlivened |动词现在分词: enlivening |名词: enlivener |动词第三人称单数: enlivens |

enlivens 反义词


enlivens 短语词组

1、enlivens synonym ─── 活跃同义词

2、enlivens definition ─── 活跃定义

3、enlivens crossword ─── 活跃纵横字谜

4、enlivens meaning ─── 意义活跃

5、enlivens vegetation ─── 活跃植被

6、enlivens nyt ─── 活跃纽约时报

7、enlivens thesaurus ─── 活跃同义词库

8、enlivens clue ─── 活跃线索

enlivens 相似词语短语

1、enlivener ─── 元神

2、unlives ─── v.忘却(过去不愉快的经历等)

3、enlightens ─── vt.启发,启蒙;教导,开导;照耀

4、elevens ─── n.上午11点左右的点心

5、enliven ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

6、enriven ─── 名称

7、livens ─── vt.使高兴,使快活;vi.快活起来;活跃起来;n.(Liven)人名;(俄、英)利文

8、enlivening ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

9、enlivened ─── vt.使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

enlivens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This year, the secondary market has not yet open to all open areas, and to take effective measures to enliven the market. ─── 今年,尚未开放二级市场的地区要全部开放,同时要采取切实措施把市场搞活。

2、4. to practice so as to enliven the practical theories. ─── (4)走向实践-实践理论勃兴。

3、This process enlivens the play itself, while also raising the standard of temple performance. ─── 如此一来既活泼了戏剧本身、也提升庙口演出水准。

4、A small plant or flower placed on a desk can enliven the dullest room. ─── 图3:桌上的小花小草都能为生活空间带来无限的生气。

5、Life would be dull without stories to enliven our imaginations and fire up our dreams. ─── 如果没有故事,生活将变得呆板而无味,我们的想像力无法获得激发,梦想也无法点燃。

6、How can you enliven the party? ─── 你怎样使这聚会热闹起来?

7、China enlivens in the African market is positively because often neglects this area including Russia's other primary armament export State. ─── 中国积极地活跃在非洲市场是因为包括俄罗斯在内的其他主要武器出口国往往忽视这一地区。

8、Conflict enlivens and animates challenge; without conflict, challenge is limp and passive. ─── 冲突使得挑战更有生趣,更让人鼓舞;没有冲突,挑战仅仅是被动的,瘸腿的东西。

9、If any dispute, Enliven International Limited Company reserves the right to decide on the final. ─── 如有任何争议,茵莱国际有限公司保留最终决定权。

10、Among them, shoe kind reveal meeting MIDEC, let people see the first situation that the drive that Chun Xia stepped 2007 enlivens first. ─── 其中,鞋类展示会MIDEC,让人们先睹了2007年春夏迈出的精神抖擞的第一步。

11、It is also important to transfer and extend these models to your own life and situation.This will enliven the language you study and make it more interesting to you. ─── 但要想灵活使用所学到的语言,达到学以致用,你还需要把这些内容转化并扩展到自己的实际生活中。

12、This process enlivens the play itself, while also raising the standard of temple performance. ─── 如此一来既活泼了戏剧本身、也提升庙口演出水准。

13、The feeling of friendship is like that of is comfortably fille with roast beef; love, like is enliven with champagne. ─── 友谊的感觉好比喝了香槟酒后的兴致。

14、Sincerely speaking,l am not a busy body,not a hen.l just awaken you not to brainwash next generations to be a guest people,but l encourage to enliven the Punti Fah nyin community and Punti language. ─── 崖自家今下经常当家暗示自家是本地土生土长的本地人,不再沿用上一代的客家人贬号,或客人之他主我客的自虐,自贬。但不用去标旁,不默认当家是客人就行了。

15、Or you may just as easily feel that you could use a recharge that you know comes from spending time with those whose company enlivens you. ─── 或者你也许只是简单地感到你想和一个让人愉快的人共度时光,以给自己充电。

16、Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom. ─── 他们可能需要这种戏剧性的场面,来活跃董事会枯燥的气氛。

17、"Hellfire and Herring" is a masterly work that enlivens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentality. ─── 《地狱之火与鲱鱼》是一部相当出色的作品,它以优美的叙述及丰富的情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些毫无来由的多愁善感。

18、He chose and sang several representative songs from the album so as to enliven the atmosphere. ─── 他选唱了专辑里的几首代表歌曲,调节一下气氛。

19、Shanghai, and other cities to enliven not only improve housing secondary market after residents living conditions, expanded housing consumption; ─── 上海等城市搞活住房二级市场后不仅改善居民居住条件,扩大了住房消费;

20、By Zhang Qiang, the behavior head's one batch turn sing the singer to start to enliven in the home popular musical world. ─── 以张蔷、张行为首的一批翻唱歌手开始活跃在国内流行乐坛。

21、Developing the Investment Bank to Enliven the Large-sized State-owned Enterprises ─── 发展投资银行搞活大型国企

22、Makes a debut 20 remaining years of life, he is still young, enlivens in the entertainment world. ─── 出道20余年,他依然年轻,活跃在娱乐圈。

23、Sympathy, however, enlivens joy and alleviates grief. ─── 然而,同情是可以提升快乐,减轻痛苦。

24、So while you are settling back and enjoying the long hazy days of summer brushed by gentle ocean breezes, why not enliven your palate with some "cool" summer wines. ─── 在你沐浴着柔和的海风,轻松地度过漫长的夏日时光时,不妨用一些“凉爽的”夏季葡萄酒唤醒你的味觉。

25、Conflict enlivens and animates challenge; ─── 冲突使得挑战更有生趣,更让人鼓舞;

26、The flower that a basin blooms stretched smiling face, the firm employee that spirit enlivens moves back and forth busily between neat modern conservatory big canopy. ─── 一盆盆盛开的鲜花张开了笑脸,精神抖擞的公司员工忙碌地穿梭于整洁的现代化温室大棚之间。

27、enliven all nature ─── 使大自然生气勃勃

28、The tall, lanky, soft-spoken professor enlivens his talks with trademark dry humor and a breathtaking knowledge of the natural world. ─── 又高又瘦、讲话温和的威尔逊是巡回报告团里最受欢迎的人。他渊博的自然知识和冷幽默都使他的讲话非常生动。

29、Although the rocks are applied primarily with light brown tone, the reflection of the sunlight uniquely adds brightness to enliven the setting. ─── 岩石色调上虽以浅褐色为主,但渗入光线的反射,使沉闷的褐色赋予生辉。

30、It enlivens their monotony. ─── 它能打破单调的生活。

31、Setting up the plate, not only does meet our working need, also enlivens the plate atmosphere. Everybody who is fervent is welcome here. ─── 开办这个版块,为了大家的工作需要,也是调节论坛的气氛,有热情的都可以来参与。

32、In opens dance party's time, we must enliven the atmosphere, lets self-confident reply successfully! ─── 在开舞会的时候,我们要活跃气氛,让自信去回答成功!

33、enliven the domestic economy ─── 对内搞活经济

34、When lunch or a cup of yoghurt is drunk after lunch, can let office worker loosen the mood, in all afternoon spirit enlivens, more be helpful for improving work efficiency. ─── 午饭时或午饭后喝一杯酸奶,可以让上班族放松心情,在整个下午都精神抖擞,更有利于提高工作效率。

35、Young people perform the "goat dance" or the "goose dance" to enliven the atmosphere ─── 好热闹的年轻人常出些洋相逗乐,或表演些"山羊舞"、"鹅舞"之类的小节目活跃气氛。

36、We must cater for the new situation and adopt effective measures to further enliven for ─── 对外贸易,要适应新情况,进一步搞活,采取有利措施,调动各方面的积极性。

37、If we can successfully deal with those feelings, then we feel much better and enliven more of our creative, loving potential. ─── 如果能够好好处理这些感觉,我们会比较快活,潜在的创作力与爱也比较能发挥。

38、To make zealous or ardent; enliven. ─── 使热情:使热心或热情;使有生气。

39、Vivid fairy-tale images enliven this now-classic reinterpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Card titles are in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. ─── 和精灵有关的传说被栩栩如生地描绘在这套对经典韦特重新诠释的塔罗牌上。每张牌的名称是以英文、法文、德文、意大利文和西班牙文被书写在牌面上的。

40、He sidetracked to enliven the atmosphere. ─── 他换了个话题来活跃一下气氛。

41、Imaginatim is the most important creative quality with which an actor needs to enrich and enliven his or her role. ─── 创造想象 ,是演员用想象对角色加以补充和深化、创造角色完整的形象的最重要的创作素质和能力的具体体现。

42、See how I have loved Your precepts; O Jehovah, enliven me according to Your lovingkindness. ─── 159你看我怎样爱你的训辞;耶和华阿,求你照你的慈爱将我救活。

43、This inner platform releases a dramaturgy towards the exterior that enlivens and enriches the spatial content. ─── 这内在平台发布戏剧对外部的活跃和丰富了空间的内容。

44、Change the traditional way of thinking and enliven the spirit of innovation ─── 变革传统思维方式活跃创新精神

45、In the formation of adjectives, "Zi" is used as affix to enliven the expression, even a little bit excessive in meaning, showing the additional color of fondness or discontentment. ─── 在形容词中或作为词缀构词,或作为形容词生动形式的一部分,往往表示量增加了一点儿或程度超过了一点儿的意义,大都表示或喜爱或不如意的附加色彩;

46、Turn my eyes from beholding vanity, And enliven me in Your ways. ─── 37求你叫我转眼不看虚假,叫我在你的道路中活着。

47、"Hellfire and Herring" is a masterly work that enlivens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentality. ─── 《地狱之火与鲱鱼》,这部出色的作品以叙述美及情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些似以柔焦手法制作出来的含混不清的普通感伤。

48、System innovations enliven enterprises. ─── 制度创新为企业增添了活力。

49、Enliven the domestic economy and open up to the outside world;invigorate the domestic economy and be open to the outside world ─── 对内搞活,对外开放

50、It can be said that in the near future the policy advantage good will keep pouring, causes the market to enliven once again. ─── 可以说,近期政策利好频传,使得市场再度活跃起来。

51、"No riding to-day," she said;"and no chance of any callers to enliven us; ─── “今天没法儿骑马了,”她说:“也不会有客人来热闹一番的机会了;

52、At the same time, will enliven the secondary housing market and standardize the development of housing rental market. ─── 同时,将搞活住房二级市场,规范发展房屋租赁市场。

53、Hellfire and Herring" is a masterly work that enlivens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentality. ─── 地狱之火与鲱鱼》是一部相当出色的作品,它以优美的叙述及丰富的情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些毫无来由的多愁善感。

54、At the same time, be able to enliven the market, stock funds were used to enlarge and improve the market trading volume, so as to enhance the broker's commission revenue. ─── 同时,能够活跃市场,放大存量资金的运用,提高市场交易量,从而提高券商的佣金收入。

55、A cluster of ornate umbrellas enlivens a dreary day in Addis Ababa as a crowd of people lines up outside a church. ─── 当人群在教堂外排队时,一堆花伞使亚的斯亚贝巴这个阴沉的白天顿时鲜活了起来。

56、There are several measures to enliven the market in the plan of commercial development this year. ─── 在今年的发展商业工作计划中,有搞活市场的若干措施。

57、In fact he did enliven the semester, but a strange thing happened along the way: there was a tremendous outbreak of the jitters ─── 他的确做到了这一点,但是之前也发生了点怪事:系里爆发了一场恐慌。

58、The disaster of your family as well as the country enliven your poems. ─── 家国的祸难,鲜活了笔下的灵性。

59、Partnership energy is at a new level of being that enlivens and invigorates both of you. ─── 当与人合作完成任务时,你也敢于指出他人的问题。

60、Second, how to enliven the market and expand investment following the formation of a buyer's market; ─── 二是在买方市场已经形成的情况下,如何活跃市尝扩大投资;

61、To help readers bewildered by fuzzy policies and enliven the dreariest presidential election campaign in decades, a French newspaper has challenged readers to a who's who mystery candidate quiz called "the enigma of the day." ─── 为了帮助被各种扑朔迷离的施政纲领搞得晕头转向的读者,同时给数十年来最乏味的一次总统竞选增添生气,法国一家报纸向读者推出了名为“今日之谜”的神秘候选人竞猜游戏。

62、It enlivens joy by presenting another source of satisfaction; ─── 它通过提供另一个满足的源泉来活跃快乐;

63、Interest is broad , thought enlivens , the rich enterprising spirit and challenge realize; ─── 兴趣广泛,思维活跃,富有创新精神和挑战意识;

64、Strengthen students'Community League Construction and Enliven College Culture ─── 加强学生社团建设活跃校园文化

65、To make zealous or ardent;enliven. ─── 使热情使热心或热情;使有生气

66、Enjoys global Chinese people first baritone fine reputation world renowned singer Liao Changyong, is at present enlivens in the world opera stage one of few several outstanding Asian singers. ─── 享有全球华人第一男中音美誉的世界著名歌唱家廖昌永,是目前活跃于世界歌剧舞台上极少数几位杰出的亚裔歌唱家之一。

67、You are like drops of water forming the Ocean of Life and Love is the union of your own essence with the same one that enlivens the Universe. ─── 你们就像构成生命海洋的水滴,爱是连接你和与你的基质同样的其它个体,这为宇宙赋予生机。

68、China enlivens in the African market is positively because often neglects this area including Russia's other primary armament export State. ─── 中国积极地活跃在非洲市场是因为包括俄罗斯在内的其他主要武器出口国往往忽视这一地区。

69、He will enliven us after two days; On the third day He will raise us up, And we will live in His presence. ─── 2过两天?必使我们活过来,第三天?必使我们兴起,我们就在?面前活着。

70、enliven the whole scene ─── 使整个场面活跃起来

71、Enliven the Classroom Atmosphere by Group Teaching ─── 利用分组教学活跃课堂气氛

72、The museum naturally is not a commercial institution, but it certainly needs to enliven its role. ─── 博物馆当然不是商业机构,但是的确需要活化它的角色。

73、Give bountifully to thy servant, enliven me: and I shall keep thy words. ─── 上主惩罚我虽严厉非常,但却没有把我交于死亡。

74、Third enliven housing secondary market. ─── 三是搞活住房二级市场。

75、Its means are to keep up academic coherence, develop the steady reading and writing public, turn out its characteristics, enlarge its volume of information and enliven its format. ─── 其途径:保持学术的连贯性,培养稳定的读者群和作者群,办出刊物的特色;增大期刊的信息量;活跃期刊的版

76、With the main function of public declaration, consignment is the main alteration method of movable property, which originated from ancient times and enlivens today. ─── 交付是动产物权变动的主要公示方法,也是源自古代仍活跃于现代的物权制度。

77、open up and enliven the economy ─── 开放搞活

78、Only By the means of allowing flexiBility in the policy and enliven economy, could the market Be activated. ─── 唯有放开搞活,市场才有生机。

79、The area enlivens on the international arena as an independent unit, become an important variable established, keeping and changing of the international relations. ─── 地区作为一个特征鲜明和相对独立的单位活跃在国际舞台上,成为国际关系变迁的一个重要变量。

80、No matter how colourful or changeable, jokes always enliven with laughter. ─── 不管这些故事如何纷繁多变,但它们总是以笑为生命。

81、Zhou Wu that day, lead mysterious call in I, say to prepare to promote me to become office chairman, I of be overjoyed all over spirit enlivens, plaint this pasty that the sky drops. ─── 周五那天,领导神秘召见我,说预备提拔我当办公室主任,喜出望外的我浑身精神抖擞,感叹天上掉下的这块馅饼。

82、With when spurt, initiate new phase, enliven again. ─── 与时迸,开创新局面,再抖擞。”

83、markets and enliven the distribution of farm produce by improving its market system. ─── 开拓农村市场,搞活农产品流通,健全农产品市场体系。

84、“Perfect” is that person we imbue with the capacity to enliven and support our vision or the person we believe in and want to help. ─── “完美”是指那些我们深深相信有能力给我们带来活力,支持我们的观点幻想;或是我们信任和想去帮助的人。

85、It is the continual infusion of new game play opportunities in the secondary market that intrigues new gamers and enlivens game experts. ─── 但是在灯光设计上不要过于强烈,因为在晚间孩子的眼睛会受不了突然之间的强光刺激。

86、Supporters say the overhaul enlivens mandatory history courses for junior and senior high school students and better prepares them for life in the real world. ─── 支持者称,这种*检*查*使得强制性的初级中学和高级中学历史教材具有活力,也让他们为更好地面对现实生活做好准备。

87、“may enliven like the atmosphere. ─── “这样可以活跃一下气氛。”

88、Enliven(/liberate;invigorate) the domestic economy ─── 对内搞活

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