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08-14 投稿


generalized 发音

英:[?d?enr?la?zd]  美:[?d?enr?la?zd]

英:  美:

generalized 中文意思翻译




generalized 反义词

specify | specialize

generalized 短语词组

1、generalized ankylosis ─── [医] 弥散性关节强硬

2、generalized binomial coefficient ─── [计] 广义二项式系数

3、generalized algebraic translator ─── [计] 广义代数翻译程序

4、generalized displacement ─── [计] 广义位移

5、generalized binomial distribution ─── [计] 广义二项分布

6、generalized algorithm ─── [计] 广义算法

7、generalized continuum hypothesis ─── [计] 广义连续统假设

8、generalized anxiety disorder ─── 泛焦虑症

9、generalized data base subsystem ─── [计] 综合的数据库子系统, 广义的数据库子系统

10、generalized drawing primitive ─── [计] 广义绘图原语

11、generalized circle circle criterion ─── [计] 广义圆判据

12、generalized audit software ─── [经] 通用审计软件

13、generalized coordinate ─── [计] 广义坐标 ─── [化] 广义坐标

14、floating generalized ─── [经] 普遍浮动

15、generalized Bingham body ─── [化] 广义宾汉体

16、generalized audit software package ─── [经] 通用审计软件组合程序

17、generalized arteriolar sclerosis ─── [医] 普遍性小动脉硬化

18、generalized data management system ─── [计] 广义数据管理系统

19、generalized data structure ─── [计] 广义数据结构

generalized 词性/词形变化,generalized变形

动词现在分词: generalizing |动词过去式: generalized |动词第三人称单数: generalizes |动词过去分词: generalized |

generalized 同义词

speculate | be | categorize | statement | infer | imprecise | think | vulgarize |simplify | broaden | popularize | oversimplify | common | vulgarise | a | generality | draw | universalize | generalities | extend | sweeping | popularise | popular | terms | diversify | general | speak | make | vague | hypothesize | generalise | pigeonhole | in | extrapolate

generalized 常用词组

generalized projection ─── 广义投影

generalized system of preferences ─── 普遍优惠制

generalized function ─── 广义函数

generalized 相似词语短语

1、generalizer ─── 推广者

2、generaliser ─── 总则

3、generalises ─── 概括

4、generalise ─── vt.概括;归纳;普及;vi.推广;笼统地讲;概括(等于generalize)

5、generalize ─── vt.概括;推广;使...一般化;vi.形成概念

6、federalized ─── n.使成为同盟或联邦(federalize的过去式和过去分词)

7、generalizes ─── vt.概括;推广;使...一般化;vi.形成概念

8、generalised ─── 概括;推广;形成概念(generalise的过去分词)

9、centralized ─── adj.集中的;中央集权的;v.集中(centralize的过去分词)

generalized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He finally quieted down in 1985, when Margaret Thatcher dismissed his proposal as 'generalized jabberwocky. ─── 但没有哪个国家的首脑会鲁莽地指出这一点。

2、By employing the compatibility of a generalized isospectral problem,a generalized zero curvature equation is obtained. ─── 利用一个广义等谱问题的相容性得到了一个广义零曲率方程。

3、It's based on an international standard called Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). ─── 它是基于一个叫做标准归一化标记语言(SGML)的国际标准。

4、The longitudinal association between migraine and cognitive changes was assessed by generalized estimating equations. ─── 在偏头痛和非偏头痛患者之间的纵向关联由普通估计方程来评估。

5、The article may be generalized by mentioning only those main points. ─── 只要提一下那些要点即可概括那篇文章。

6、Next, we generalized Gray map to Zq i.e.F(x) = (f0(x),f1(x) ,..., fps ?1?1(x)),where x = a0+a1p+. ─── i其次我们推广Gray映射到Zq上,即F(x) = (f0(x),f1(x),...,fps ?1?1(x)),其中x = a0 + a1p + .

7、fanning the flames of a protest that has since spread into a more generalized criticism of Muslim institutions in the United States. ─── 对抗议活动煽风点火,抗议从此扩散到全国,引起了美国国内对穆斯林组织更普遍地批评。

8、Because of its rarity, IBC is often misdiagnosed as mastitis or generalized dermatitis. ─── 由于其稀有性,IBC被误诊为乳腺炎往往或全身性皮炎。

9、The global resolvent-type error bounds for generalized quasi variational inclusions are given under certain conditions. ─── 其研究结果可以讨论集值拟变分包含的各种迭代方法的收敛性。

10、We have generalized the use of computers . ─── 我们已经推广了计算机的使用。

11、Iterative methods by the generalized conjugate gradient method were constructed and its limited termination was proved. ─── 利用广义共轭梯度法构造迭代算法,并证明了算法的有限步终止性。

12、The algorithm is proven to be generalized arid effective by the result of experiments. ─── 实验表明,该方法具有适应性强、计算效率高的特点。

13、These conclusions cannot be generalized to the whole country. ─── 这些结论不可能推及全国。

14、Break yourself into your most generalized demographic qualities: gender, age, race, economic class. ─── 不妨用人口统计学中最普遍的标准把你自己“解剖”一下:性别、年龄、种族、经济阶层。

15、Other presenting signs such as angioedema, generalized urticaria and cardioascular collapse would suggest anaphylaxis. ─── 其他表现如血管性水肿、全身荨麻疹和心血管性虚脱提示出现过敏反应。

16、A generalized Galilean transformation deserves more investigation. ─── 广义相对论很大程度上是一种数学理论。

17、A novel concept of geometrical transformation with generalized connotation in projective geometry. ─── 射影几何中一个具有更加一般化内涵的几何变换概念。

18、It is gener all yaccepted that smoking is harmful to ourhealth. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。

19、Does it mean a generalized wipeout for all stocks is directly in front of us or that this was just an especially brutal correction? ─── 这是否预示着所有股票在我们面前直接失败或者这只是一个特别的残忍的纠正。

20、She looked less specifically like a woman than a more generalized human being and a sad one. ─── 她看上去不象一个标准女人,而是一个特征不明显的人,一个穷愁潦倒的人。

21、Perturbation theory of soliton solution for the generalized Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs equation? ─── 广义Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs方程孤子解的扰动理论

22、Many factors will enter into any generalized correlation accounting for this behavior. ─── 任何说明这种性状的通用关联式将包含许多因素。

23、HNC theory thinks that abstract concepts have complicated multiplicity, which was generalized as Quintuple. ─── HNC理论认为,抽象概念具有复杂的多元性表现,可以概括为五元性,用五元组表示.

24、As reduction case, a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation is presented. ─── 作为约化情形,得到了广义非线性Schrodinger方程.

25、Forms of the "relative" vary greatly and are always changing, and cannot be generalized. ─── 只是这“相对”的形式千差万别、变动不居、难以概括表述。

26、They generalized the use of a new invention. ─── 他们推广一项新发明的应用。

27、A generalized exclamation of contempt, anger, incredulity, etc. ─── 不尊敬,恼火,怀疑等等的惊叹词。

28、Research findings are generalized on load-carrying properties of penstock laid on downstream face of dam. ─── 以理论分析法、模型试验与原型观测法、有限单元法为线索总结了近年来坝后背管承载性能的研究成果。

29、"Chinese Philosophy", or "the Taoist Arts", or the Generalized Philosophy Which Can Be Changed into the Taoist Arts? ─── "中国哲学","道术",还是可道术化的广义哲学?

30、Initial neurologic exam was notable for generalized choreic movements involving facial as well as limb muscles. ─── 初始的神经学检查显著症状是涉及面部和四肢肌肉的弥漫性舞蹈样动作,还伴有持续的点头动作。


32、He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook. ─── 他根据笔记里归纳起来的东西写了一些短篇小说和小品文。

33、Diamond pricing cannot be generalized but valued according to its carat size, color, cut, and clarity. ─── 会因应不同颜色,净度,大小和车工来衡量它的价值。

34、Based on hypoelasticity, this relationshiop is generalized into a three-dimensional stress-strain relationship. ─── 在次弹性理论基础上将三轴条件下的用表达的三模量关系式推广到一般的三维应力条件下。

35、Develop the interface localisation extension into a generalized translation tool. ─── 发展本地化的介面,使它成为一个普遍化的翻译工具。

36、Weak duality theorem is established under generalized convexity conditions. ─── 在广义凸性条件下,建立了弱对偶性定理。

37、Some concepts for classical(signed) measure are generalized without additivity,and the corresponding results are made. ─── 在去掉可加性的条件下,将经典测度论中的某些概念加以推广,得到相应的结果.

38、He generalized from that accident and said that all women were bad drivers. ─── 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善於开车。

39、In effect the whole of the loading system is a single generalized force symbolized by a single parameter. ─── 实际上,整个载荷系统是单个的广义力,可用单个参数符号表示。

40、Rough set theory and synthesis reasoning theory can be integrated and generalized successfully. ─── 实现了对粗糙集理论和综合推理理论的融合和成功扩展。

41、A generalized database management and multi user operating system designed for the business environment. ─── 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户操作系统。

42、Seismic trace interpolation with generalized spectral decomposition. ─── 广义谱分解地震道内插方法

43、The gas penetration in the process of gas assisted injection molding is presented by generalized Hele Shaw flow model. ─── 基于广义Hele-Shaw流动模型描述了气体辅助注射成型时气体的穿透过程。

44、We present a couple of female twins with generalized vesicular eruptions over the trunk and limbs at birth. ─── 我们报告一对女性双胞胎在出生时身体与四肢出现广泛性的水泡分布。

45、The reason and mechanism of the suspender damage are generalized. ─── 总结了吊杆破损的表现、原因和机理。

46、In generalized case I donot lent he. Money. ─── 一般情况下我不借给他钱。

47、For anisotropic materials Fourier's law must be formulated in a more generalized form. ─── 对于各向异性的物质来说,傅里叶定律必须改写成具有更普遍意义的形式。

48、The word anime was generalized into everyday use. ─── “anime”(日本动漫)一词已经普及到日常使用中。

49、allow the company to check for differences between units and benchmark "best practices" that might be generalized across units. ─── 让该公司以检查分歧单位和基准的“最佳做法”可能广义跨单位。

50、Therefore the class of generalized precedence grammar is a superclass of the weak precedence grammar. ─── 弱优先文法和弱运算符优先文法都是它的真子文法。

51、Koszul algebra was introduced by Priddy in 1970.Roland Berger generalized it to t-Koszul algebras. ─── 1970年,Priddy将Koszul代数的概念引入到代数的研究中。

52、The generalized methods are inherited into the application object and virtual methods are used rather than events. ─── 广义的方法继承到应用程序中的虚拟对象和使用方法,而不是事件。

53、Key Words: Primitive trinomials, generalized feedback shift register. ─── 关键词 :原生三项式,通用回馈位移暂存器。

54、At the same time the generalized inversion method enhanced the stability and the accuracy. ─── 同时,广义逆方法提高了反演计算的稳定性和精度。

55、In response to sorrow so generalized, Washington's politicians responded in unprecedented fashion. ─── 为了与公众的悲痛呼应,华盛顿的政客们以前所未有的热情做出了反应。

56、Mood may be defined as a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any particular circumstance. ─── 情绪可以被定义为一种短暂而温和的积极或消极的感觉,它是泛化的,不受任何特定环境的约束。

57、She experienced an increase in generalized aches and pains. ─── 她感受到了一种逐渐加剧的全身性疼痛。

58、The disease of heart and lung in the VMC can be generalized 8 syndrome-types. ─── 恢复期应用益肺气养心阴,兼活血化痰之法;

59、Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism. ─── 从18世纪以来,性不断地被煽动成一种普遍化的话语亢奋。

60、Point convergence properties of generalized Abel means on Triebel?Lizorkin spaces? ─── 广义Abel平均在Triebel-Lizorkin空间上的收敛性

61、Yue, C. J. (1998), “Generalized Two-stage Bandit Problem”, Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Statistical Meetings. ─── 世纪台湾的人口与相关现象,中华民国人口学会,274-285。

62、Business processes that are proven and generalized for a diverse set of applications would be good candidates for service providers. ─── 经过验证和大众化,能够适应一整套不同应用方案的商业程序很可能成为一个好的服务提供者。

63、Now a topos can be considered both as a “generalized space” and as a “generalized universe of sets”. ─── 即要求我们从“任何事物都包含着相互依存的两个方面去认识事物”。

64、Generalized the index that cause traffic accident at interchange ramp, and resolved the mechanism of traffic accident. ─── 基于对事故成因的理解,解析了快速路交通事故的形成机理;

65、He generalized from that accident and said that all women are bad driver. ─── 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善于开车。

66、Figure 1 shows a generalized block diagram of a transducer-based data acquisition system. ─── 图1显示一个传感器基于数据采集系统的一个广义结构图。

67、A generalized instruction representing a predefined sequence of assembler language instruction. ─── 代表一个预定义的汇编语言指令序列的一种广义上的指令。

68、The cause in forming of the long sentences can be generalized into the present of coordinate component and multi related sentences. ─── 日语形成长句子的原因可以概括为多述语句和并列成分。

69、SGML stands for "Standard Generalized Markup Language". ─── 29 SGML代表“标准通用置标语言”。

70、Second, another important inequality of H-matrix was also generalized by the analysis of the Minkowski inequality. ─── 其次,通过进一步的分析,对H矩阵的另一个不等式作了推广。

71、The heterarchical architecture based on the generalized monitoring model is discussed in the end of the paper. ─── 基于广义监控模型,建立了包含单元级监控、协调级监控和集成级监控的系统分层控制结构,并对它们进行了详细探讨.

72、WSA process is imported and unsteady state conversion process is successfully developed, generalized and applied. ─── 成功开发非稳态转化制酸工艺,并得到推广应用。

73、Moreover,generalized definition of EBC is modified and thus EBCevaluating system is perfected. ─── 依据MVI准则对改善功能条件下的广义EBC指标重新作推广了定义,完善了EBC评价准测。

74、Integrated product information model is established based on generalized feature according to STEP. ─── 基于广义特征和STEP标准,建立了集成产品信息模型。

75、The rule of product can also be generalized to situations involving more than two events. ─── 乘法原理也可以推广到多于两个事件的情况。

76、Combined bilateral frontal lobe MST and anterior callosotomy is a good way to treat intractable generalized epilepsy. ─── 对于远离功能区的器质性病变应尽量予以切除。

77、Can your findings be generalized? ─── 你的发现是否是普遍的?

78、A Comparative Study of Paroxetine and Lorazepam in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. ─── 帕罗西汀、劳拉西泮治疗广泛性焦虑症临床观察。

79、Acute generalized exanthematous pustular dermatitis induced by diltiazem. ─── 地尔硫卓引起急性泛发性脓疱性皮炎(题目)。

80、In the first part of this paper, the vibration equation of the generalized distributed system is solved. ─── 在本文的第一部分,首先对广义分布系统受撞击时的运动方程进行了求解。

81、Generalized tetanus is the most common form. ─── 全身性破伤风是最常见的形式。

82、The infant developed generalized tonic seizure shortly after stabilization, and was put on anticonvulsants. ─── 存活婴儿在生产前即有胎儿窘迫,在产房亦曾接受急救处置。

83、Generalized including in the hilly, plateau, lowland. ─── 广义包括境内的丘陵、台地、低地。

84、Generalized lymphadenopathy also can occur in patients with such chronic dermatologic disorders as eczema. ─── 全身淋巴结病也可发生在有慢性皮肤性紊乱像湿疹病人中。

85、Whenever there is evidence of generalized adenopathy these groups should be uated carefully. ─── 任何存在广泛性淋巴结病的证据情况下,这些淋巴结组应被仔细评估。

86、Might the generalized changes precede then the localized or topical changes? ─── 弥漫性改变先于局限性病变吗?

87、At this final stage of developing with aspects, the emphasis shifts to building generalized, reusable mechanisms. ─── 在用方面进行开发的最后一个阶段,其重点转移到构建泛化、可重用的机制。

88、Therefore, this generalized definition is more suit-able for application environment of visible contour map. ─── 因此,广义等高线定义更适用于等高线可视化的地图应用环境。

89、A generalized adaptive active noise con-troller has been produced and corresponding experiment results are obtained. ─── 作为实例,设计了一台通用型自适应有源噪声控制器,并提供了该控制器用于有源噪声控制的实验结果。

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