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08-14 投稿


casualty 发音

英:[?k??u?lti]  美:[?k??u?lti]

英:  美:

casualty 中文意思翻译



casualty 短语词组

1、operational casualty ─── [网络] 操作伤亡

2、list of casualty ─── [法] 伤亡名单

3、casualty account investigation report ─── [法] 事故伤亡调查报告书

4、Casualty Care Research Center ─── [网络] 护理社区

5、casualty department n. ( ─── 医院专门负责救护事故、灾害伤者的部门)

6、unavoidable casualty ─── [网络] 不可避免的伤亡

7、fortuitous casualty ─── 意外伤亡

8、shippig casualty ─── [法] 海难

9、casualty station ─── [医] 救护站

10、casualty ward ─── [医] 临时病室, 重伤病室

11、personnel casualty ─── [网络] 人员伤亡

12、major casualty ─── [经] 主要灾害, 严重伤亡事故

13、combat casualty ─── [网络] 作战伤亡

14、casualty insurance ─── [经] 意外保险, 伤害保险, 灾害保险

15、a casualty list ─── 伤亡名单

16、casualty loss ─── [经] 伤亡事故损失

17、casualty accident ─── [法] 伤亡事故

18、maritime casualty ─── [经] 海上事故

19、equipment casualty ─── [网络] 设备伤亡

casualty 常用词组

casualty insurance ─── 灾害保险;不幸事故保险

casualty 词性/词形变化,casualty变形


casualty 相似词语短语

1、casually ─── adv.随便地;偶然地;临时地

2、casualties ─── n.伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数)

3、casualise ─── 随便的

4、caseate ─── vi.干酪化,发生干酪样变;干酪性坏死

5、casualize ─── 将(正式工)转为临时工

6、casuistry ─── n.诡辩;决疑论,决疑法

7、casual ─── adj.随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的;n.便装;临时工人;待命士兵

8、casuals ─── n.便服;临时工(casual的复数形式)

9、casualism ─── n.机缘说,偶然说;偶然状态

casualty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inevitably, as their "Heaven" escalates into "Earth" and "Hell" at ever-increasing velocity, love -- their purest bond -- becomes an inevitable casualty. ─── 不可避免的,他们的 " 天堂 " 在 " 人间 " 和 " 地狱 " 之间以前所未有的速度扩张时, 爱 -- 他们最纯净的纽带 -- 不可避免地成为了牺牲品。

2、Keep the casualty warm and send to hospital in all cases. ─── 保持伤员的体温,无论是什么情况,都要送到医院。

3、Taking a mine as an example, CCA is made with the average casualty number per month and the times of gas overrunning per month as the risk index respectively. ─── 以样本矿井为例,分别以月平均受伤人数、月平均计划外瓦斯超限次数为风险评价指标进行控制图分析。

4、Of the four armed services, the Army has faced the toughest recruiting challenge in recent years because of high casualty rates in Iraq and long deployments overseas. ─── 四个军种,军队面临的最艰难的招聘挑战,因为在最近几年的高伤亡率和长期在伊拉克部署在海外。

5、In the endless American battle for eternal youth, glow-ing good health, and an attractive figure, food is on the front lines, and flavour is the first casualty. ─── 在以永保青春、身体健康和有魅力的身材为目标的无尽战斗中,食物首当其冲,味道则是第一牺牲品。

6、If you follow the suggestions from teacher and hide under the desk or doss, then, I have to say, the possibility of casualty will be 98%. ─── 如果你依照小时候老师教的方法乖乖躲在桌子底下,床铺底下,那么,我必须告诉你,你的伤亡率,高达百分之九十八!!

7、Reassure casualty whilst regaining consciousness. ─── 再保证病人同时在恢复知觉。

8、Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures. ─── 训练包括伤亡处理程序的实际模拟。

9、While in Rwanda, she climbed to a mountain top to see the gorillas near where Dian Fossey, another American casualty in Africa, had worked. ─── 在卢旺达期间,她曾爬上山顶观看黑猩猩。 美国另一位在非洲的受伤人员迪昂 - 福塞就在离那里不远的地方工作过。

10、In less than eight seconds he'll be down hard on Tucson dirt with a separated shoulder, a casualty of the roughest event in the rough sport of rodeo. ─── 如果在牛背上待的时间少于8秒,他将会重重的摔在土桑市的土地上,伴随着他的是肩部骨折,这是粗暴的竞技运动中发生的严重事故。

11、Do not physically restrain or slap the casualty, this may make him/her more violent. ─── 不要在身体上控制病人或拍打他,这可能会使其更加激烈。

12、In all cases, do not attempt to remove the casualty without the assistance of a qualified first aider unless an imminent threat to life exists. ─── 在没有急救员的帮助时,无论什么情况下都不可以试图去移动伤者,除非有一个即将来到的威胁危及到了患者的生命。

13、Ground pressure disaster occupies a predominent proportion in mine casualty accidents. ─── 地压灾害在矿山伤亡事故中占绝对比重。

14、The disaster-hit area in the whole province is about 100 thousand square km and the casualty reaches over 252500. ─── 全省受灾面积约10万平方公里,伤亡人数达252500人之多。

15、If disperses disadvantageously,it will be able to cause the many personnel casualty. ─── 一旦发生火灾,如果疏散不利,将会造成较多的人员伤亡。

16、Skyjacking makes casualty each 5 person. ─── 劫机犯死伤各5人。

17、Do not roll the casualty along the ground as this can cause burning of previously unharmed areas. ─── 不要让伤员在地上翻转,这样可以让先前没有受伤的部位烧伤。

18、Assess the casualty condition and fill in the template form. ─── 伤亡情况进行评估,并且填写在表格模版里。

19、If the casualty is unconscious, carefully lift his chin to keep his airway clear. ─── 如果伤病者人事不省,可小心提起其下颔,以保持其气道畅通。

20、ACE is one of the World's few truly global Property and Casualty insurance and reinsurance organizations. ─── ACE是世界上少数几个真正意义上的全球性财产保险和再保险集团之一;

21、When "Missing--believed captured" appeared on the casualty lists, joy and hope reanimated the sad household. ─── 到"失踪----据信被俘"的消息出现在伤亡名单上时,这悲伤的一家人才又开始怀抱乐观的心情和希望了。

22、Do not give casualty anything by mouth. ─── 不要给病人吃任何东西。

23、It's easy to chalk Bryant up as a casualty of hype, because he does have flaws in his game that are easily exposed under scrutiny. ─── 人们轻易地就将科比定格为不定因素多多的那一类,围观者一多,他在比赛中缺陷确实就会有所暴露。

24、The southwest part of China witnesses a serious car crash with a casualty of about 30 people. ─── 在中国西南部,发生了一起严重的汽车撞人事件,死伤约30人。

25、Casualty lists were published the day after the train accident. ─── 伤亡名单在火车意外事故的第二天就公布了。

26、They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures. ─── 他们说,塔米尔猛虎组织强迫他们夸大上网数字。

27、Generali China Insurance Company Limited provides a broad array of property and casualty products to businesses and individuals. ─── 中意财险将向企业和个人提供一系列财产保险,责任保险,意外伤害保险和短期健康保险产品。

28、Kirsty: It's a bit grim I'm afraid. She says that casualty figures are still mounting and that's putting their relief operation under increasing strain. ─── 基施蒂:情况有点可怕。她说死伤人数还在增加,令他们的救灾工作越来越困难。

29、He was the only casualty we had from those "surprises". ─── 他是我们从这些“惊喜”中所遭遇的唯一伤亡。

30、She first came to national prominence at the 1932 AAU Championships, when her team, Employer's Casualty, won the team title.Babe was the entire team. ─── 在1932年美国田径运动会上,迪德里克森开始展露头角,在奥运会上,她曾经获得标枪,跨栏的金牌,同时还获得跳高银牌。

31、The death toll from an earthquake in Indonesia has reached 57 with scores injured and missing. Casualty figures could increase. ─── 印度尼西亚地震死亡人数已经增加到57人,仍有多人受伤及失踪。伤亡数字可能还会上升。

32、The Iraqis still control a portion of the Fao peninsula. Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port. No casualty figures are currently available. ─── 伊拉克人仍然控制着法奥半岛的一部分。今天,伊拉克大炮攻击了法奥港。目前,没有双方的伤亡数字。

33、Casualty toll is based on census data 1901-1911, some estimates are as high as 110,000. ─── 伤亡人数是根据普查数据1901年至1911年,有人估计是高达11.0万。

34、With the help of mayor, we finally got access to the casualty in this accident. ─── 在市长的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。

35、In war, truth is the first casualty -- Aeschylus. ─── 在战场上,伤亡在所难免。

36、The victims were rushed to casualty. ─── 受伤者被迅速送往急救室。

37、They rushed her to casualty after the accident. ─── 出事后,他们迅速把她送到急救室抢救。

38、Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival the only casualty of the lightening strike was Frick's pants. ─── 周五,道而.福瑞克在参加一次狂欢活动时被闪电击中。闪电只是毁坏了福瑞克的裤子。

39、The IDF presented Shoshana-Metal with the problem of evacuating patients in a mass casualty event, when the lack of sufficient manpower is one of the biggest concerns. ─── IDF向Shoshana金属制品提供在群众伤亡事件内撤离的病患者,什么时候缺乏足够的人力是最大的关心之一。

40、On one hand person is the assuror for the secure operation, on the other hand the causer and casualty for the accident. ─── 人,是安全的保证者,同时也可能是事故的引发者和受害者。

41、On Oct.23, 2004, a strong earthquake of M 7.0 stroke the area of Niigata County, Japan, resulting in some casualty and property losses. ─── 2004年10月23日,日本新?县中越地区发生M7.0强烈地震,造成了人员伤亡和财产损失。

42、If the casualty is conscious and capable of swallowing, immediately give sugar lumps or other sweet food to raise the level of sugar in the blood. ─── 如果病人是有意识的,并且能够吞咽东西,那么马上给病人吃糖块或者是甜的东西,以此来增加血液中的含糖量。

43、In the road accident, bicycle related accident and its casualty have taken a large proportion. ─── 在道路交通事故中,自行车交通事故及其伤亡人数占很大比重。

44、Conspiracy theories abound; in missed market opportunities, as in war, truth is often the first casualty. ─── 阴谋论四起;如同在战争中一样,遇到失去的市场机遇,真相往往成为第一个伤亡者。

45、If conscious, lay the casualty down with head and shoulders slightly raised and supported. Position head on the side to allow saliva to drain from the mouth. ─── 如果病人是有知觉的,让病人躺下来,头部和肩部应该稍高一点并支撑起来。将头部侧放以使口水从嘴里面流出来。

46、Two years ago, Citigroup demerged its Travelers property and casualty business. ─── 两年前,花旗集团将从事财产及灾害险业务的旅行者公司分拆了出来。

47、The TED conference could have been a casualty of all that turmoil. ─── TED本来会在这些混乱当中遭殃的。

48、Do not give the casualty anything by mouth until fully consciousness and then only sips of cold water. ─── 不要给病人嘴里放东西,直到病人完全恢复了知觉,然后给病人吃一点点的冷水。

49、An earthquake measured 5.7 on the Richter Scale hit Tokyo early this morning. No casualty report has been received so far. ─── 今天早上,东京发生芮氏地震仪5.7度的地震,目前尚未收到任何伤亡报导。

50、Ease your hands under the casualty's shoulders and grasp the clothing on each side, supporting the head between your forearms. ─── 两位救援人员将双手的十指向手掌内弯成钩状,并互相钩住对方的手指。

51、External disaster might include earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and serious accidents, including a mass casualty event like airplane crash. ─── 外部灾难包括但不仅局限于:地震,洪水,飓风和一些严重事故造成的大规模的人员伤亡。

52、A FLEC commander said the Togolese team was not targeted in the attack but was a casualty of the war. ─── 卡宾达海外领地解放阵线的一位指挥官说,此次突袭的目标并非多哥足球队,他们只是战争的牺牲品。

53、Cascoigne was not the only casualty among Lazio's lineup from Sunday's matach. ─── 加斯科因不是拉齐奥队星期天比赛中惟一受伤的。

54、To prevent the condition worsening, wounds should be covered, injured areas immobilized and the casualty placed in a correct and comfortable position. ─── 为了防止情况的恶化,伤口应该包扎起来,受伤的地方应该固定起来,受伤的人应该放置在一个正确而舒适的地方。

55、VFTO causes high interturn voltages and internal resonance in the transformer windings, so transformer is the main casualty of VFTO. ─── VFTO使变压器绕组产生匝间、层间电位差,并发生电压谐振,因此变压器是VFTO最大的受害者。

56、The casualty of the Iraqi troo was more than 85,000. ─── 伊军的伤亡人数达8.5万之多。

57、Accurate replacement cost data can ensure the insurer, lender and owner are adequately protected in event of a casualty. ─── 准确的重置成本的数据可以确保保险,贷款者和拥有者得到充分的保护在事件的伤亡。

58、Thus the second casualty, after wretched Georgia, is the idea of a common European foreign and security policy. ─── 倒霉的格鲁吉亚战争之后还有第二个变故:欧洲共同外交安全政策这一理念。

59、Cameron Diaz, who has suffered from acne since she was a teenager, could become the biggest casualty of high-definition TV. ─── 不光是女明星们,就连迈克尔-道格拉斯也难逃高清晰度电视的“皮肤打假”。

60、About 40 Iraqi divisio were a ihilated and the Allied Troo had a light casualty. ─── 伊军约40个师被歼灭,而多国部队伤亡很少。

61、About 40 Iraqi divisions were annihilated and the Allied Troops had a light casualty. ─── 伊军约40个师被歼灭,而多国部队伤亡很少。

62、Britain's SAS has revealed plans to cut down casualty rates in Iraq and Afghanistan by parachuting in German shepherds to spy on rebels. ─── 为减少在伊拉克和阿富汗的人员伤亡,英国特种空勤团(SAS)将启用"狗狗空降侦察兵部队"。这些德国牧羊犬正接受跳伞训练,它们头戴氧气罩,和特种兵绑在一起,从7620米高处空降。

63、The real casualty of the online color printing revolution was the color itself. ─── 事实上,线上彩色印刷革命的真正缺陷在于色彩本身。

64、One spouse has large medical expenses, miscellaneous itemized deductions, or casualty losses. ─── 一个配偶有很多的医疗费用,各种项目的抵扣或者伤亡损失。

65、Midfielder Quinton Fortune is the latest addition to United's lengthy casualty list with a thigh strain. ─── 只是拉伤而已,不太严重..希望只是用来唬南非教练的..

66、Its principal function is to render first aid, undertake casualty evacuation and operate emergency medical centres. ─── 他们的主要职责是提供急救及撤离伤者服务,并负责管理应急医疗中心。

67、An alarmed relative drove him from his West London house to his local casualty unit in posh Belgravia, says The Sun. ─── 太阳报说他的亲戚把他从西伦敦的家中送到位于贝尔塔莱维亚区当地的一家医院。

68、VI Design and Usage of PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. ─── 中国人保寿险有限公司VI设计的应用。

69、It would be most unfortunate if this important flow of diplomatic information were a casualty of WikiLeaks' crusade for free information. ─── 假如在维基解密为信息自由而进行的斗争中,重要的外交信息流通沦为受害者,那将是最大的不幸。

70、They also gave warning that casualty figures are likely to rise. ─── 他们也给出预报说伤亡人数还会增加。

71、The lack of a radio room station is a casualty of an aggressive schedule, and can in no way be construed as a showstopper. ─── 可以说,取消了无线电舱是这代的硬伤,就像是一个精彩的表演被突然打断了。

72、Accident An incident reported to the Police, involving personal injury occurring on roads in the Territory, in which one or more vehicles are involved. Casualty. ─── 一宗意外事件发生于本港道路上,涉及一辆或以上车辆,并已向警方备案,而在此意外事件中涉及伤亡者。

73、She read through the casualty list anxiously. ─── 她忧虑地把伤亡人员名单从头到尾看了一遍。

74、The number of casualty was 5. ─── 伤亡人数是5名。

75、If the casualty is conscious, give him hot drinks and high-energy food. But do not give casualty alcoholic drinks or smoking. ─── 如伤病者神志清醒,给他热的饮品及高能量的食物,但切勿让伤病者饮酒及吸烟。

76、Another casualty in the sub-prime mortgage mess. ─── 低收入贷款又出现新的问题.

77、Go to the nearest casualty, provided it is safe, and check for responsiveness. ─── 如果是安全的,那么走近最近的伤员,检查他的反应。

78、If the casualty is conscious ask if there is any pain and, if so where. ─── 如果伤者还清醒的话,询问伤者是否疼痛,哪儿疼痛.

79、Presence of a container near the casualty known to hold or have held poison or a poisonous plant. ─── 在知道了病人中毒以后,拿一个容器放在病人的旁边。

80、A general examination should be carried out quickly to discern any imminent threats to life, whether the casualty is conscious or unconscious. ─── 不管伤者是否有知觉,都应该进行一个全面的检查,在检查的过程中辨别是否有进一步的威胁会危及到生命。

81、For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U. S. , might be one more casualty of war. ─── 一时间,高楼大厦似乎成了战争的又一种牺牲品,至少美国是这样。

82、If the lips or mouth show signs of burning, cool them by giving the casualty water to drink. ─── 如果嘴唇和嘴巴有发热的迹象,通过给病人喝水让其冷却下来。

83、Miller, Hansen &Torphy, Inc. offers a full-service brokerage with property, casualty, surety, health, life, and disability insurance, plus a financial division. ─── 在财产,担保,健康,残疾及金融保险方面为顾客提供全方位服务。

84、Remember that in general the smaller the tortoise the more likely it is to end up as a hibernation casualty. ─── 不要忘了,通常越小的龟龟越容易在冬眠中夭亡。

85、She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work(= she lost her job). ─── 她成了裁减半职工作的受害人。

86、In war,truth is the first casualty. ─── 在战争中第一个倒下的是真理。

87、There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher. ─── 人们担心伤亡人数可能会更多。

88、If the casualty is conscious, may give him sweet drinks food. ─── 如伤病者清醒,可给其进食一些含糖饮料或食物。

89、Therefore, property loss and casualty should not apply the same statutory sentences, but be prescribed respectively. ─── 因此,财产损失与人员伤亡不能适用相同的法定刑,而应分别规定。

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