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08-14 投稿


ohm 发音

英:[??m]  美:[om]

英:  美:

ohm 中文意思翻译



ohm 网络释义

n. 欧姆(电阻单位)n. (Ohm)人名;(朝)严;(德、英、西、匈、瑞典)奥姆

ohm 词性/词形变化,ohm变形

形容词: ohmic |副词: ohmically |

ohm 短语词组

1、Georg Simon Ohm ─── [网络] 乔治·西蒙·欧姆;欧姆定律的欧姆;格奥尔格·西蒙·欧姆

2、kilo-ohm ─── 千欧姆

3、legal ohm ─── [电] 法定欧姆

4、Ohm law ─── [化] 欧姆定律

5、absolute ohm ─── [机] 绝对欧姆

6、ohm's law ─── [计] 欧姆定律 ─── [医] 欧姆氏定律(电流)

7、thermal ohm ─── 热欧姆

8、Ohm's instrument ─── [医] 欧姆氏器械(同时投照心音和脉搏曲线的装置)

9、reciprocal ohm ─── 倒欧姆,姆(欧)

10、true ohm ─── [电] 真欧姆

11、acoustical ohm ─── [电] 声欧姆

12、international ohm ─── [医] 国际欧姆

13、ohm's law for magnetic circuit ─── [电] 磁路欧姆定律

14、micro-ohm ─── [计] 微欧

15、reciprocal of ohm ─── 姆欧,欧 ─── 姆的倒数

16、acoustic ohm ─── 声欧姆

17、mechanical ohm ─── [电] 机械欧姆

18、fluke ohm ─── 福禄克欧姆

19、ohm gage ─── 欧姆·盖奇

ohm 相似词语短语

1、oom ─── n.伯父;n.(Oom)人名;(荷)奥姆

2、olm ─── n.洞螈

3、oho ─── int.(表示惊喜或辨认出)哦嗬

4、ohms ─── abbr.英国政府信件不用邮资印(OnHisMajesty'sService);为女王陛下效劳(OnHerMajesty'sService)

5、Ohm ─── n.欧姆(电阻单位);n.(Ohm)人名;(朝)严;(德、英、西、匈、瑞典)奥姆

6、ohv ─── abbr.上置阀门,顶阀(overheadvalve)

7、Phm ─── abbr.相位计(phasemeter)

8、chm ─── abbr.化学加工(ChemicalMachining)

9、ohs ─── abbr.(美)公路安全处(OfficeofHighwaySafety)

ohm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A material obeying ohm's law is called an ohmic conductor or a linear conductor ─── 凡是遵守欧姆定律的材料,都叫做欧姆导体或线性导体。

2、DVM is not accurate in measuring resistance below 20 ohm due to the lead resistance, unless it is a 4 wired ohm meter. ─── 数字式电压表在测量低于20欧姆的电阻时,会因为引脚的电阻而使测量不准确.除非它是一个四线欧姆表.

3、In reality, this value should be a few tenths of an ohm to a few ohms due to trace resistance. ─── 在实际中,布线的电阻应该为零点几到几个欧姆。

4、RBM minimum base resistance ohm RB ─── 最小基极电阻

5、A real-world voltage source has a very low, but non-zero output impedance: often much less than 1 ohm. ─── 一个真正的世界电压源具有非常低的,但不为零输出阻抗:通常远小于1欧姆。

6、true ohm ─── 实际欧姆电磁制欧姆

7、Hence comes the name of Ohm 's Law. ─── 欧姆定律就是由此命名的。

8、Ohm Measure System With Full Range Scale Less ─── 全量程无档型欧姆测量系统

9、int ohm ─── (=international ohm) 国际欧姆

10、micro ohm ─── n. 微欧姆

11、The SH-833's output impedance was on the high side, at 5 ohms from the 8 ohm transformer tap and 2.6 ohms from the 4 ohm tap. ─── SH-833's输出阻抗是偏高, 在5欧姆从8欧姆变压器轻打和2.6欧姆从4欧姆轻打.

12、Just as the kilometer is the unit of length, so the ohm is the practical unit of resistance. ─── 正象公里是长度的单位那样,欧姆就是电阻的实际单位。

13、Its relationship with today's Ohm's law-and that do not see any direct link. ─── 其关系式与今天的欧姆定律表示式之间看不出有什么直接联系。

14、ohm's law for magnetic circuit ─── [电] 磁路欧姆定律

15、Ohm law for whole circuit ─── 全电路的欧姆定律

16、However, many headphones have been sonically optimized to be driven by an output impedance of120 Ohm. ─── 但是,许多耳机是在120欧姆的输出阻抗下被调音的。

17、digital ohm meter ─── 数字欧姆表

18、1 company general situation 1. 1 ohmic dragon dragon of company limited ohm the company limited founds at was in Japan 1933. ─── 1公司概况1.1欧姆龙株式会社欧姆龙株式会社于1933年在日本创立。

19、kilo ohm ─── n. 千欧姆

20、Ohm law ─── [化] 欧姆定律

21、Two Forms of Ohm's Law on Anisotropic Basic Electronic Elements ─── 关于各向异性基本电子元件欧姆定律的两种形式

22、Students are going to use ohm gauges to measure the power output of the new robot parts. ─── 学生们要用欧姆表测量新机器人零件的输出功率。

23、8 Ohm power connectors coaxial type banna plugs and jacks ─── 8欧姆电源连接器同轴香蕉型插头及护套

24、The resistivity is then constant and Ohm's law is obeyed ─── 因此电阻率也是常数,并遵循欧姆定律。

25、a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohm ─── 功率单位;电压为伏特通过电流是安培时功率是瓦特

26、Micro Ohm Test ─── 微电阻测试

27、If teacher can give me an opportunity, I definitely will study diligently and study, if cannot enter Academia Sinica unfortunately, I am willing to make China's ohm and the oersted. ─── 如果老师能给我一个机会,我必然会努力学习和研究,如果不幸不能进入中科院,我愿意做中国的欧姆和奥斯特。”

28、In physics, one of the well-known laws is Ohm's law, on the basis of this law we can know the relation of the current,the voltage and the resistance . ─── 在物理学中,一个众所周知的定律叫欧姆定律,根据这个定律我们可以知道电流,电压和电阻之间存在的关系。

29、Koss 60 ohm: Sounds excellent on Koss KSC75 and Sporta Pro. ─── Koss 60欧:高斯KSC75和SportaPro在小M+下的声音很棒。

30、In a well-designed instrument, R4 can be as high as 109 Ohm. ─── 在设计很好的仪器中,R4可能高达109欧姆。

31、“Based on electromagnetic induction, ohm harvests, stores and converts human power into usable energy. ─── “基于电磁感应,欧姆收获,储存和转换人类权力转化成可用能量。

32、mechanical ohm ─── 力学欧姆力欧姆

33、N . For one direct current low resistance tester (Y150), record showed that the calibrating area did not cover the actual measuring area-below 100m ohm, but the calibrating result was accepted. ─── 一台直流低阻测量仪,记录显示低于100毫欧的实际测量区域没有校准,但此校验结果判定为合格。

34、Even though MF used the 4 ohm tap with his WATT/Puppies, this equalization will undoubtedly be audible. ─── 即使MF使用4欧姆轻打有他的瓦特/小狗, 这均等将无庸置疑地是听得见的.

35、"an additional check can be made by removing the enclosure cover and momentarily placing a jumper (or 20,000 ohm resistor) across terminals 9-10 on the control. " ─── "通过拆卸外壳盖板,并立即将跨接线(或20,000欧姆电阻)并联在控制装置的接线端子9-10上,能够再次进行测试。"

36、Applying Ohm's Law to Electric and Magnetic Circuit ─── 含源电路欧姆定律在交直流电路磁路中的拓展

37、four-wire ohm ─── 四线电阻

38、The output voltage swing may be adjusted by degenerating resistor (it is 300 ohm in your circuit).It was designed by Dr. ─── 最简单有效的方法就是增加输入电晶体的射极电阻阻值,而且很明显的,这种做法付出的代价就是开环路增益的下降。

39、The voltage readings are then converted to current using Ohm's Law. ─── 利用欧姆定律将测得的电压转换为电流。

40、In previous experiments, Ohm used batteries is Volta stack, the stack of electromotive force of instability, he has a headache. ─── 在以前的实验中,欧姆使用的电池组是伏打电堆,这种电堆的电动势不稳定,使他大为头痛。

41、Ohm what fun it is to ride in a one horseopen sleigh ─── 单马露天雪橇

42、international ohm ─── 国际欧(姆)(等于1.000495欧)

43、Keywords multi-wall carbon nanotubes;ohm contact;multi-channel;ballistic transport; ─── 多壁碳纳米管;欧姆接触;多通道;弹道输运;

44、ohm meter ─── n. 欧姆米

45、Once the user finishes cycling, the ohm energy device can be removed and used to recharge, with suitable adapters, any portable electronic device under 5 volts. ─── 一旦用户完成骑自行车,能源设备的欧姆可以删除,并用来充电,适当的适配器,任何便携式电子设备的5伏电压下工作。

46、Ohm's Law of a Piece of Electric Circuit Including Power Source and Coulomb Field ─── 一段含源电路的欧姆定律与库仑场

47、Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one olt is applied across a resistance of one ohm. ─── 安培安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。

48、a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohm. ─── 功率单位;电压为伏特通过电流是安培时功率是瓦特。

49、"The motor manufacturer has provided a 330,000 ohm resistor across the probes inside the motor to complete the test." ─── "为了完成测试,在电机内,电机制造商在探头间并联了一个330,000欧姆的电阻。"

50、Ohm's instrument ─── [医] 欧姆氏器械(同时投照心音和脉搏曲线的装置)

51、Performance Standard for Category 6 and Category 7 100 Ohm Shielded and Unshielded Twisted Pair Cables ─── 6类和7类100欧姆屏蔽和非屏蔽双股电缆的性能标准

52、Per Ohm Resistance Power of Sum of Deterministic Voltage Signals is the Square of the Voltage Sum. ─── 定然电压讯号和之单位电阻功率为讯号电压和之平方,即电压两倍功率四倍。

53、Maybe even one ohm for some of these gee-whiz ultra-stable megawatt car audio amplifiers meant to cause your eardrums to meet in the center of your skull. ─── 也许你会看到一个只有一欧姆阻抗的系统,例如那些刺耳、无比稳定、而且标称上兆瓦功率的车载放大器,那么这个时候,你只能耳膜打鼓了。

54、Given the voltage and current, the resistance can be determined according to Ohm's Law. ─── 已知电压和电流,根据欧姆定律,就可以求出电阻。

55、Creped insulating paper for transformer, in rolls or sheets (insulation resistivity over 1000000000 ohm), other than paper of the kind described in heading No. 48.03. ─── 变压器用绉纹绝缘纸,卷筒或平版(绝缘阻抗1000000000欧姆以上),第4803节所述者除外

56、Theman who worked this out, in1827, was a German high-schoolteacher, George Simon Ohm. ─── 于1827年发现这一定律的是一位德国中学教师格奥尔格·蒙·姆。

57、two-wire ohm ─── 二线欧姆

58、The curve of the V-A characteristic was straight-line when the quantity of the conductive fillings was low, which accorded with the Ohm law, and when their quantities increased the no... ─── 在低填充量时伏安特性曲线为直线,符合欧姆定律,高填充量时非线性度提高。在此基础上可从中选择最佳填充工艺以指导工业生产。

59、unit-area acoustical ohm ─── 单位面积声欧姆

60、When a microampere meter is changed to an Ohm meter valtage is changed and there will be big errors in the measuring value. ─── 当微安表改装为欧姆表后,当电池电压变化时,改装表测量值会产生很大误差。

61、The equipment should be provided with independent earth line and its resistance to the earth should be less than 4 ohm. ─── 本设备必需具备独立地线,其接地电阻要小于4欧,切不可将水管或建筑物钢筋作地线。

62、China has suffered some momentous events, such as "special-protection" and "anti-dumping litigation" etc, the relationship between OHM and China were getting worse, the export amount has decreased. ─── 我过遭遇到了“特保”和“反倾销诉讼”等重大事件,同欧美的纺织品贸易关系恶化,出口数量减少。

63、Micro ohm resistance ─── 小电阻

64、Resistance is measured in Ohm. ─── 电阻是欧姆来度量的。

65、ohm' s law of a piece elecyric circuit include power source ─── 一段含源电路的欧姆定律

66、Analyzing the whole measuring process of the Ohm meter,an estimate formula for the resistance uncertainty is derived. ─── 从分析欧姆表测量的全过程出发,导出了电阻测量不确定度的估计公式.

67、Analyzing the whole measuring process of the Ohm meter, an estimate formula for the resistance uncertainty is derived. ─── 当微安表改装为欧姆表后 ,当电池电压变化时 ,改装表测量值会产生很大误差。

68、Farther discussion on measuring error of Ohm meter ─── 对欧姆表测量误差的进一步讨论

69、The units of “ampere”, “ohm”, and “volt” are named respectively after three scientists. ─── 安培、欧姆、伏特这三个单位是分别根据三为科学家的姓氏而命名的。

70、Ohm law of a electric circuit containing power supply ─── 含源电路的欧姆定律

71、Five common units used in working with electricity and electric circuits are the volt, ampere, watt, ohm, and hertz. ─── 在电气与电路的工作中的五个通用的单位是伏特,安培,瓦特,欧姆,和赫兹。

72、low ohm ─── 低欧姆

73、DVOM digital volt ohm meter ─── 数字电压电阻表

74、reciprocal ohm ─── 倒欧姆姆

75、However, OHM with many bottles and big equipment could not be used in some of power plants with a narrow sample space. ─── 但该法设备多、装置大,不适合在部分采样空间狭小的电厂采样。

76、Resistance is measured in ohm. ─── 电阻是以欧姆为单位度量的。

77、At first the antenna is an ultra?wideband double-armed Archimedes spiral antenna and fed by 50 ohm coaxial-cable. ─── 文中首先设计了工作频带为1.5~12GHz的平面阿基米德螺旋天线,其天线直径为80mm,为了使天线输出端阻抗与50?

78、Note that Ohm‘s law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. ─── “感抗”这个术语只适用于交流电路,其测量单位为欧姆。

79、microelectrode ohm meter ─── 微电极电阻计, 微电极欧姆计

80、I wish I can take a bath and just soak, but, ohm, well, I'm a bit long and I don't fit in my bathtub. so it just stresses me out. ─── 我希望我能洗个澡,只是泡一泡,但是,嗯,我现在已经很大了,不适合在我的浴缸里。所以我就出去。

81、The Ohm's law of a circuit including the source of EMF and its application ─── 含源电路欧姆定律及其应用

82、Dismantle the motor and check the insulation between phase lines. Check the reasons of the lines, the insulation of which is less than 500,000 ohm, and repair them. ─── 拆开电动机、检查相线和相线问的绝缘,凡绝缘不到50万欧姆者,必须查出原因,加以修复。

83、Weak current equipment earthing adopts integrated earthing system with earthing resistance no more than 1 ohm. ─── 弱电设备接地采用联合接地系统,接地电阻不大于1欧姆。

84、An LM386 is used in non-inverting mode as a power amplifier to boost voltage gain and drive the 8 ohm speaker. ─── LM386 在非反转模态如一个以电力驱动的喇叭筒推进电压增益而且驾驶 8 欧姆说者中被用。

85、Ohm in before, though not the concept of resistance, but some people on the conductivity of metal (conductivity) for research. ─── 在欧姆之前,虽然还没有电阻的概念,但是已经有人对金属的电导率(传导率)进行研究。

86、Discuss on Improving Nonlinear Graduation and Negative Indicator of the OHM Grade of Pointer Multimeters ─── 对改进指针万用表欧姆档非线性定度、反向指示问题的讨论

87、acoustic ohm ─── 声欧姆

88、generalized ohm law ─── 广义欧姆定律

89、reciprocal of ohm ─── 姆欧, 欧姆的倒数

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