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08-14 投稿


tapers 发音

英:[?te?p?z]  美:[?te?p?rz]

英:  美:

tapers 中文意思翻译



tapers 词性/词形变化,tapers变形

动词现在分词: tapering |动词第三人称单数: tapers |动词过去式: tapered |动词过去分词: tapered |副词: taperingly |

tapers 相似词语短语

1、capers ─── n.酸豆(caper的复数);n.(Capers)人名;(英)卡珀斯

2、tampers ─── v.做手脚,破坏;n.夯工,拍压的人;打夯机

3、rapers ─── n.强奸犯;n.(Raper)人名;(英)雷珀

4、tapes ─── n.录音带,胶纸带;条带,边带

5、taper ─── v.(使)逐渐变窄;(使)成锥形;逐渐变弱(或减轻);(中央银行)缩减资产购买;n.(点火用的)木条,纸媒;细长蜡烛;逐渐缩小(或变细);弱光;锥形物;(比赛前)练习的减少;adj.逐渐变窄的;划分等级的

6、tappers ─── n.轻敲者;电报键;n.(Tapper)人名;(英、德、瑞典、芬)塔珀

7、gapers ─── n.长蛤;打呵欠的人

8、tapets ─── 像素

9、papers ─── n.文件;证件;论文数;n.(Papers)人名;(希)帕佩尔斯

tapers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taper roller bearigns are generally used to support combined load mainly consisting of radial load. ─── 圆锥滚子轴承主要用以承受径向载荷为主的径向与轴向联合载荷。


3、A taper or acute protection tube made from stainless steel is on the front of the products. ─── 产品前端配有锥形或锐角不锈钢保护管。

4、The kerf taper is approximately proportional to the traverse speed, but pressure and traverse speed have an inverse effect on it. ─── 压力越大余纹角度越小,靶距对余纹角度影响不大,余纹曲线相互之间大体平行,且不规则;

5、Materials: 4 votive candles, 1 taper candle, a chalice with salt-water, a bowl of sand, a cone of sandalwood incense, matches. ─── 工具:四只许愿蜡烛、一只细蜡烛、适量的盐水装在酒杯当中、一碗沙、一搓檀香料、火柴。

6、Today, we are going to discuss tapers. ─── 今天我们学习圆锥体。

7、To shorten and taper(hair) by cutting and thinning. ─── 剪短,剪薄剪成薄的以使(头发)变短变细、变薄

8、HIGH CAPACITY. Automotive hubs on taper roller bearings. ─── 大承载量:小型滚轴轴承上的自动轮毂。

9、From a lofty hall the ceiling tapers down via a voluminous entrance and ends in a horizontally accented library. ─── 天花板从高大的礼堂开始,经过宽敞的入口大厅,逐渐降低,终止于一个半地下的语音教室。

10、Beside Sister Perpetue, she was the taper beside the candle. ─── 她在佩尔佩迪姆姆身旁,就好象牛脂烛旁的细蜡烛。

11、Taper of hole in spindle nose MT No. ─── 主轴锥孔锥度。

12、Our main products are taper roller bearing, spherical roller bearing and deep groove ball bearing. ─── 主要生产圆锥滚子轴承、调心滚子轴承、深沟球轴承等。

13、Moreoer, infliximab use did not increase the proportion of patients who were able to taper their steroid dosages without relapse. ─── 另外,使用英夫利昔单抗不会增加减少类固醇用量而不复发的患者比率。

14、Museums often enjoy cheeringly high visitor numbers in the first year or two, but then attendance tends to taper off. ─── 博物馆的访客量往往在第一、二年有较高的人数,随后便趋于逐年减少。

15、The following photos show the blade thickness and distal taper. ─── 以下的是比较不同刀剑的刃厚及其变化。

16、The foreface tapers from eye to muzzle with a perceptible stop. ─── 前脸从眼睛向口吻方向呈锥形,止部清晰。

17、Other taper degree and bit diameter are available upon request by Customers. ─── 尾孔锥度及大径可以根据用户具体情况制定。

18、Designed to be used with drill, reamer and other shanks which have a morse taper shank. ─── [打印][关闭

19、fusiform Spindle-shaped; used in reference to the body shape of a fish which is cylindrical or nearly so and tapers toward the ends. ─── 纺锤型纺锤形的;用于描述鱼的体型呈现或近似圆筒形并且朝向末端逐渐尖细。

20、The chamfered diamond like structure tapers from the centre towards the top and the bottom. The meandering structural mesh expresses the change of programs across the tower. ─── 交织的菱形结构从大楼中间逐渐向顶部和底部延伸。富有创新性的蜿蜒变化的网状结构形成了整栋大楼的支撑体系。

21、Compare these two tapers: Which is taller? How to measure its height? ─── 师:比一比:(老师出示两个不同的圆锥)哪一个圆锥高?怎样测量圆锥的高?

22、And the shape of the vertebrae in women tapers off toward the back, creating a wedge shape that further facilitates arching, Whitcome said. ─── 妇女身体里的椎骨呈椎形向后,形成一个楔形更容易搭成拱形。

23、The stainless steel seat ring is manufactured with a slight inside taper. ─── 不锈钢阀座密封环制成内部锥度。

24、Drill Type Bit Diameter Buttons,mm Taper Water Hole Part No. mm in Guage Front Angle Button Bits Flat Face&nbs... ─── 品牌: 三山 . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: 专业生产各种规格的重型釬具系列产品。

25、The tail is thicker at the base, tapers to a point, and is feathered (covered and fringed with hair). ─── 尾巴根部粗,向末端呈锥形,有饰毛(覆盖的毛发和边缘的毛发)。

26、Hong Kong IPOs are now springing back from the slowest first half for six years, but flows could taper off before long. ─── 今年上半年,香港股市的IPO跌至六年来的最低位。现在,这里的IPO正从这一低位强劲反弹,但其势头可能很快又会减弱。

27、On the sides, it tapers gradually and smoothly from the ears to the nose, without being flared out in back skull (cheeky) or pinched in muzzle (snipey). ─── 从侧面观察,从耳朵到黑色鼻镜方向,头部逐渐变细,但后脑不向外扩张(厚脸皮),口吻也没有突然变窄的样子(象被截断的口吻)。

28、The control algorithms about DSU,Taper Head,Taper Tail are introduced to ensure flatness by maintaining steady rolling force. ─── 介绍了采用动态设定DSU、Taper Head、Taper Tail控制算法以维持轧制力恒定来保证板形。

29、He glanced at his own white taper fingers, shuddering slightly in spite of himself. ─── 他瞧瞧自己白而修长的手指,不由自主地微微打了个寒噤。

30、Quick and simple clamping is achieved by using a friction taper that provides sufficient torque transmission. ─── 在有足够的带动转矩时,采用摩擦圆锥体使夹紧快速又方便.

31、A single taper flickered in Ambreene's bedchamber as she shot the door bolt into place with steady hands. ─── 卧室的门被牢牢的插上,一只小细蜡烛在里面闪动。

32、The stifles are moderately bent and taper smoothly into the hocks. ─── 后膝关节角度恰当,向下逐渐地、平滑地变细,与飞节连接。

33、You would better taper off the amount of time given to rest . ─── 你最好逐渐地减少休息时间。

34、Without the misalignment, coupling efficiency increases with the decreasing of taper length. ─── 失配不存在时,耦合效率随著锥长的增加而减小。

35、The muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip. ─── 口吻从根部向鼻镜方向略呈锥形,尖端略圆。

36、The connected curve equation after spreading connected joint of taper container are derived, the new blanking method with computer is put forward. ─── 导出了圆锥形容器接管交线在展开接管表面后的曲线方程,提出了用计算机绘制其交线,即放样下料的新方法。

37、The Pucara has a low wing with no taper or dihedral on the broad center section. ─── “普卡拉”的低单翼宽大平直,没有后掠角。

38、Their tail, described best as an otter tail, is thick at the base and tapers to a narrower point. ─── 他们的尾巴,被描述的最好作为水獭尾巴,是厚实的在基地和逐渐变得尖细对更加狭窄的点。

39、Murray overcome thrust fault of cloth Mu taper to discover uraniferous mineral in laborious. ─── Murray先生在辛克布姆锥形冲断层发现含铀矿物。

40、They had red tapers on the table at Christmastime. ─── 在圣诞节期间他们在桌子上点红色的细蜡烛。

41、But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness. ─── 但是,未刮净的汗毛茬会给人以粗糙的感觉。

42、Financial aid generally tapers off after the first year of college. ─── 助学金在大学一年级以后就逐步减少。

43、A top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle. ─── 尖塔、尖顶:向上逐渐变尖的顶端或顶点;小尖塔。

44、Is there any taper tap in the house? ─── 工具房里有公锥吗?

45、The top heavy face is wider on the top half and tapers to a more narrow chin line. You want a hat that will balance the top and bottom out. ─── 额头高脸又大的脸型的特点是脸的上部分要比下部分宽,而且越往下下巴越短。你需要一顶能平衡上部分与下部分的帽子。

46、If the taper support ribbed surface and the cam cam rollers have not Sleek, will be for damage to the division. ─── 如果锥度支撑肋的凸轮表面和凸轮滚子之间有不滑顺情况,则会损害到分割器。

47、Taper A is taller than taper B. Measure its height from top down. ─── 圆锥比圆锥高。从顶点向下量。

48、I had to look up from there to see the top of the101-story World Financial Center, which tapers like the blade of a putty knife. ─── 我从那里看向世界金融中心这个高达101层的大楼时,这些尖角就像是油灰刀的刀刃。

49、The taper of elevators is usually slight, and the difference between the two values is generally small. ─── 升降舵的根梢比通常较小,因而两个值之间的差别一般不大。

50、A wax taper was placed in his hand but his fingers would not bend, so it was placed between them and held up for him. ─── 一个小蜡烛放在右手手指但不会重水因此它们之间,举起放在他。

51、Being thicker where it joins the body, the tail tapers to a point. ─── 尾巴与身体结合处比较粗,末端变细。

52、The Tree trembled so in every bough that one of the tapers set fire to the foliage. ─── 枞树的每根枝子都在发抖,弄得一根蜡烛烧着了一根枝子。

53、As domestic output tapers off, this ratio is bound to rise. ─── 随着国内石油产量不断下降,这一比例还将上升。

54、Look at the computer. How many centimeters are there in your taper? ─── 师:看电脑是怎样测量圆锥的高。量一量自己的圆锥的高是多少厘米。

55、a tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building (usually a church or temple) and that tapers to a point at the top. ─── 一种作为建筑物的上部结构的高塔(通常是在一个教堂或是一座庙里)顶上的锥形还具有一个尖。

56、Taper of bore in spindle center sleeve morse No. ─── 主轴套内孔锥度。

57、Taper of hob arbor fitting Morse no. ─── 主轴锥孔。

58、Just as government spending tapers off, America is set to raise taxes sharply on high earners and investment income. ─── 在政府支出逐渐减少的同时,美国已准备大幅提高高收入者和投资收益之税收。

59、Taper bore of tailstock barrel No. ─── 尾座套筒锥孔锥度。

60、Within the gear carrier unit, taper roller bearings are employed almost universally for carrying the input pinion. ─── 在齿轮承运人股,圆锥滚子轴承受雇几乎普遍进行输入齿轮。

61、Stop: stop rotating output shaft, cam rollers contact roller cam bearings taper ribbed support of the re-direct. ─── 停止:出力轴停止旋转,凸轮滚子接触滚子轴承式凸轮锥度支撑肋的重直部分。

62、You can choose ball, bullnose, flat and a variety of taper cutters. ─── 刀具除标准球、平、圆鼻刀外,亦可使用任意角度成形尖刀。

63、Manually operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plug valves for gas installations for buildings. ─── 建筑物气体装置用手工操作球阀和死底锥形旋塞。

64、Viewed from above or from the side, the head tapers uniformly to the tip of the nose. ─── 从上面或从侧面观察,头部都是呈锥形(向鼻尖方向逐渐变细)。

65、Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college. ─── 助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。

66、To shorten and taper (hair) by cutting and thinning. ─── 剪短,剪薄:剪成薄的以使(头发)变短变细、变薄

67、This paper produces a new way of grinding the hole of a helix flute Archimedes spiral hob: a bob is orientated in three tapers. ─── 介绍了一种采用三圆推销定位磨削阿基米德螺线滚刀内孔的新方法,该方法避免了圆周齿距误差和螺旋槽导程误差的影响。

68、Do you taper the tops and backs, are they thinner along the edge? ─── 你会逐渐地打薄面板和背板,而在沿着外围的地方会打的更薄吗?

69、Taper of Hole in Tailstock No. ─── 尾座套筒锥孔。

70、The two most common taper pipe threads used in the United States are NPT and NPTF. ─── NPT和NPTF螺纹是两种美国最常用的锥管螺纹。

71、Probe the kids to know the taper, hold its features and understand its plan. ─── 使学生认识圆锥,掌握圆锥的特征,会看圆锥的平面图。

72、Pulleys - Taper lock bushes - Chains Monobloc - Transmission belts Rubber sheets &carpets for... ─── 分类标题:橡胶和塑料管及管道|皮带轮...

73、It also requires a degree of skill to taper the dart to achieve a smoothly contoured garment. ─── 同时还需要一定的技术水平来缝合省道从而获得一个平顺的成衣。

74、top heavy face is wider on the top half and tapers to a more narrow chin line. ─── 高脸又大的脸型的特点是脸的上部分要比下部分宽,而且越往下下巴越短。

75、Genus of fungi whose fruiting body tapers toward a base consisting of spongy mycelium. ─── 包括柔软的菌丝体的且它的果体锥度以它的基部为准的真菌的属。

76、Sitting on a short stem this large fat glass tapers inwards at the top giving it a balloon like shape. ─── 这种杯子的杯杆非常短,胖胖的杯身向上越来越窄,成一个气球形状。

77、She put five tapers on the cake. ─── 她在蛋糕上放了五只小蜡烛。

78、Graduation: laborer rotating, contact roller cam roller cam bearings taper ribbed support of the curve. ─── 分度:出力轴旋转,凸轮滚子接触滚子轴承式凸轮锥度支撑肋的曲线部分。

79、In this paper,we introduce the analysis and design of a new photoelectricity taper tester. ─── 介绍了一种新研制的锥度检查仪,并就其测量不确定度进行了评定。

80、Well, the leg shall is taper all down the side seam. ─── 喔,裤腿应该沿边缝逐渐收

81、Let's do an experiment: Two pupils, please. Please pour into a cylinder with a taper full of water. How many times can we fill up the cylinder? ─── 下面我们来做一个实验。请两个同学上来演示,将圆锥装满水倒入圆柱,几次可以将圆柱装满?

82、To introduce the structure characteristics of dismoumtable drawing die having taper fit. ─── 介绍可拆卸式拉丝模具有锥形配合的结构特点;

83、On the sides it tapers gradually and smoothly from the ears to the end of the black nose, without being flared out in backskull (cheeky) or pinched in muzzle (snipy). ─── 从侧面观察,从耳朵到黑色鼻 镜方向,头部逐渐变细,但后脑不向外扩张(厚脸皮),口吻也没有突然变窄的样子(象被截断的口吻)。

84、It dilates easily and won't bring too much wound with the very smooth anterior taper. ─── 2、前端圆锥顺滑,扩张顺利,创伤小,减轻患者痛苦。

85、The new structure of a taper pin connection with external thread is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种外端带有螺纹的圆锥销联接的新型结构。

86、How many heights has a taper? ─── 圆锥有多少条高?

87、So the effects of self-fields should be considered in designing the Ubitron amplifier. Using wiggler taper, the efficiency is up to 12.3%. ─── 使用摇摆器幅值渐变,器件工作效率从10.9%提高到12.3%。

88、Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but sad, funeral tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. (Java for Programmers, by Douglas A. ─── 在这阴冷的尘世中,留给我们的只是无尽的悲伤;灵堂前摇曳不定的烛光,仿佛是通往天堂的盏盏明灯。

89、The tube is rounded at the top and tapers down to a flat base, making it convenient to dispense the product from the bottom up. ─── 该管圆上方,并逐渐下降到一个单位的基础,使之方便免除产品自下而上。

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