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08-14 投稿


gymnastics 发音

英:[d??m?n?st?ks]  美:[d??m?n?st?ks]

英:  美:

gymnastics 中文意思翻译



gymnastics 词性/词形变化,gymnastics变形

副词: gymnastically |

gymnastics 常用词组

rhythmic gymnastics ─── 艺术体操;韵律操,韵律体操

artistic gymnastics ─── 艺术体操;竞技体操

gymnastics 短语词组

1、remedial gymnastics ─── 矫正体操

2、ocular gymnastics ─── [医] 眼肌体操, 眼保健操

3、free gymnastics ─── 自由体操

4、gymnastics bars ─── 体操杆

5、formal gymnastics ─── 正式体操

6、medical gymnastics ─── [医] 医疗体育

7、Acrobatic gymnastics ─── 技巧

8、gymnastics events ─── 体操项目

9、Swedish gymnastics ─── [医] 瑞典式体操, 矫形体操

10、competitive gymnastics ─── 竞技体操

11、corrective gymnastics ─── 矫正体操

12、functional gymnastics ─── 机能锻炼

13、fundamental gymnastics ─── 基础体操

14、vocal gymnastics ─── [医] 练音体操

15、rhythmic gymnastics ─── 韵律操,艺术体操

16、compensatory gymnastics ─── 补偿体操

17、gymnastics club ─── 体操俱乐部

18、brain gymnastics ─── 脑力体操

19、funamental gymnastics ─── 葬礼体操

gymnastics 相似词语短语

1、gymnastical ─── adj.体操的;体育的;n.体操课;体操技巧(等于gymnastic)

2、gymnasic ─── 健身房

3、slimnastics ─── n.减肥体操;健美操

4、gymnasts ─── n.体操运动员(gymnast的复数形式)

5、gymnasial ─── 健身房

6、gymnasia ─── n.健身房;体育馆(gymnasium的复数)

7、cymatics ─── 音流学

8、dynastic ─── adj.王朝的;朝代的

9、gymnastic ─── adj.体操的,体育的

gymnastics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination. ─── 体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。

2、Such variety guarantees the gymnastics competition will forever remain one of the highlights of any Olympic programme. ─── 各种各样的项目使得体操一直是所有奥运比赛中最受人关注的比赛之一。

3、Gymnastics appears to have been a popular sport in China's ancient past. ─── 在过去古老的中国,体操似乎已成为流行的运动。

4、They come not only to learn Wushu,but also to learn table tennis ,track and field ,swimming,gymnastics and so on. ─── 不仅来学武术,也有来学其他体育项目的,比如乒乓球、田径、游泳、体操什么的。

5、Physical programs such as running, brachiation, gymnastics, and ballet. ─── 体能训练比如跑,悬梯,体操和芭蕾训练。

6、I also like basketball and gymnastics. ─── 我也喜欢篮球和体操。

7、The term @gymnastics@ derives from the Greek word @gymnos@, meaning naked. ─── 名词“体操”来自于希腊词语,意思是“裸露的”。

8、The Russians made a clean sweep of (the medals in) the gymnastics events. ─── 俄罗斯运动员囊括体操项目奖牌。

9、Gymnastics is more difficult than running. ─── 体操比跑步更难些。

10、B You mean like gymnastics, weight-lifting and so on ? things like that? ─── 你是指体操,举重等等,是像这样的吗?

11、Eleanor immediately begins to perform her gymnastics. ─── 埃莉诺立刻开始表演她的技艺。

12、It did not know that their fight became more serious, just "stretch gymnastics" , but regardless of urn in the matter. ─── 殊不知,他们的愈演愈烈比打架事件来得更严重,只管“舒展舒展筋骨”,却不管瓮中事。

13、But academies of weight lifting, badminton, gymnastics, diving? ─── 不过,专门为举重、毛球、操和跳水而设立学校?

14、China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events. ─── 中国队在体操比赛中包揽了所有的奖牌。

15、Who can tell us something more about gymnastics? ─── 以此导入课文。又如教?

16、The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace. ─── 体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如。

17、Chinese people are very good at gymnastics. ─── 中国人非常擅长体操。

18、Since red and yellow feathers, claws stretched out inside, Yi Shen a, as if it led you to do gymnastics! ─── 小红爪子从那黄色的羽毛里伸了出来,一伸一曲,好像在领着大家做体操呢!

19、The gymnast swung on the parallel bars. ─── 体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。

20、Gymnast Paul Hamm won't be going to Beijing after all. ─── 体操运动员保罗汉姆终究不会参加北京奥运会。

21、The floor and all gymnastics apparatus are set at positions. Please have a try. ─── 场地和全部体操设备都安装到位,请试用。

22、A girl of Romanian gymnastics has been robbed of all her golden medals in 1992 Olympic. ─── 一位罗马尼亚体操队的姑娘在1992年奥运会上所获得的奖牌全部被盗走了。

23、"I have to pick up Savannah from gymnastics," he said lamely. ─── “我必须去接萨瓦娜,她的体操课应该结束了。”他的声音有点颤抖。

24、China is so great in gymnastics. ─── 中国的体操真是太强了。

25、When does a young gymnast reach her peak? ─── 女子少年运动员多大可以达到最高水平?

26、Qingling seems to have become his brain thinking gymnastics. ─── 大脑清零好像就成了他的思维体操。

27、A gymnast's physical qualities must be excellent. ─── 体操选手的身体素质一定很好。

28、Gymnastics is his favourite sport. ─── 体操是他最喜爱的运动。

29、"Gymnastics" is always stated to all gymnastics project, which project but isn't is concrete the name. ─── “体操”是对所有体操项目的总称,而不是具体哪个项目的名称。

30、Groups of gymnast are having their physical training in the gymnasium. ─── 几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻链。

31、The gymnastics trainer insisted that his students discipline themselves. ─── 体操教练坚持地要求他的学生要过个自制的生活。

32、They won the team title for gymnastics. ─── 他们得了团体体操冠军。

33、China's Lu Bin wins vault champion in World Cup gymnastics. ─── 中国的路宾获世界体操锦标赛鞍马冠军。

34、The Olympic women's gymnastics have never before been solely the province of very young, very diminutive athletes. ─── 奥运女子体操在过去还从未出现过像现在这样由超小年龄、超小个子运动员一统天下的局面。

35、Gymnastics is one of the oldest Olympic sports. ─── 体操是一项古老的奥运会体育项目,

36、Of or relating to gymnastics. ─── 体操的体操的,和体操有关的

37、One of gymnastics strut movements. ─── 体操支撑动作之一。

38、At school she had been captain of the hockey team and had won the gymnastics trophy two years running. ─── 上学时她做曲棍球队长,连着两年得了体操奖杯。

39、Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG. ─── 体操比赛评分规则由国际体操联合会制订。

40、The highest possible score in a gymnastics event is ten points. ─── 体操比赛的满分是十分。

41、She competes in gymnastics, with hopes of making it to the Olympics. ─── 她参加体操比赛,希望能进军奥运会。

42、They did gymnastics when they were in kindergarten. ─── 他们小时候在幼儿园练习过体操。

43、The Russians made a clean sweep of the gymnastics events. ─── 俄罗斯运动员囊括体操项目奖牌.

44、Which competitions are most popular? Athletics, swimming, gymnastics and diving, and others. ─── 哪些比赛比较热门?田径,游泳,体操,跳水等。

45、Makoto quit soccer at age 8 so he could focus on gymnastics. ─── 冲口诚8岁放弃足球,为的是追求体操事业。

46、He has won a world championship in men s gymnastics. ─── 他得过男子体操世界冠军。

47、I just concentrated on what I can do on just a skill level with my weaponry, my sword work, and my gymnastics. ─── 我只是专注于我能在自己的武器,剑术以及我的体操技巧层面上能做到些什么。

48、The gymnast performed a somersault on the beam. ─── 体操运动员在平衡木上做了个空翻。

49、The Chinese gymnastics is very promising. Maybe at the next Olympic Games,China will be the top gold holder. ─── 中国体操的前景很好,或许能在下一届奥运会上成为取得金牌最多的国家。

50、CNN:blogger "Stryde Hax" uncovered proof of underage gymnast. ─── 何可欣年龄不足 为什麽还在沈默?

51、The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully. ─── 体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。

52、What are the physical qualities that a good gymnast requires? ─── 优秀体操运动员对身体素质的要求是什么?

53、He is a versatile gymnast with perfect skills. ─── 他是一个技术全面和娴熟的运动员。

54、The gymnast leaped into the air with grace. ─── 体操运动员腾空跃起,姿势优美。

55、The sport of gymnastics is popular in our country. ─── 体操运动在我国很流行。

56、The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam. ─── 体操运动员在平衡木上保持平衡。

57、Gymnastics has consumed my life from ages five to eleven. ─── 五岁到十一岁期间,体操占据了我的人生。

58、Gymnastics is a sport with no international barriers. ─── 体操是不分国界的运动。

59、One of gymnastics tuck dive movements. ─── 体操翻腾动作之一。

60、She left home at 11 and remembers climbing out of bed at 5 a.m. to study gymnastics and never sleeping until 11 p.m. ─── 她11岁就不住家里了。她记得每天早上5点钟就起床练习体操,晚上11点才睡觉。

61、Basic movements of ring gymnastics should include the triple leap. ─── 圈操的基本动作要求必须包含三次跳跃。

62、Gymnastics is a required subject. ─── 体育是必修的课程。

63、A person who is trained and skilled in gymnastics, especially one who engages in competition. ─── 体操运动员一个受过体操训练,技巧成熟的人,特别是指那些参加比赛的人

64、China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events. ─── 中国队在体操比赛中包揽了所有的奖牌。

65、Did you ever do gymnastics as a kid? -I did a little bit as a kid. ─── 你过去小孩子的时候有没有练过体操呢?-在小孩子的时候练过一点。

66、In rhythmic gymnastics,competitors use apparatus such as the rope,hoop,ball,ribbon and clubs. ─── 在韵律操的比赛中,参赛运动员使用绳、圈、球、带、棒等器械。

67、And gymnastics and also in events such as weightlifting and shooting. ─── 和体操以及其他一些项目像举重、射击等。

68、As a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain. ─── 他是个板球运动员, 体操非其所长。

69、The time is long past when clear favorites could be predicted in gymnastics. ─── 在体操比赛中可以明确预测谁能获胜的日子已经一去不复返了。

70、Ping-pong, volleyball, gymnastics, badminton and football are very popular sports games. ─── 乒乓球、排球、体操、羽毛球和足球都是很受欢迎的体育项目。

71、Gymnastics scoring rules are made by FIG. ─── 体操比赛的评分规则是由国际体操联合会制订的。

72、After trying artistic gymnastics, she switched to competitive trampolining. ─── 后来,她尝试转向艺术体操项目,并开始参加蹦床比赛。

73、China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium. ─── 中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。

74、A perfect gymnastics movement is the full expression of creative feelings. ─── 一个完美的体操动作是对情感的创造性表达。

75、Switzerland music teacher Emile Jaques-Dalcroze created rhythmic gymnastics to let human movement be able to show the rhythm of the music. ─── 瑞士音乐教师伊〃吉达尔克罗兹为了用人体的运动表现音乐的节奏,创造出韵律体操。

76、There were hundreds of contestants in the gymnastics competition. ─── 参加体操比赛的选手有几百名。

77、Before Lu Li's capture of gold,gymnastics was the only event where Chinese women lagged behind Chinese men. ─── 在陆莉夺得这块金牌前,体操是中国女选手落后于男选手的唯一的一个项目。

78、World gymnastics championships opened in Hungary. ─── 世界体操锦标赛在匈牙利开幕。

79、A golden girl of Romanian gymnastics has been robbed of all her 1992 Olympic medals. ─── 一位罗马尼亚的金牌姑娘在1992年奥运会上所获得的奖牌全部被盗走了。

80、China has won its first Olympic gold medal in women's gymnastics. ─── 中国摘得了它奥运会上第一枚女子体操项目金牌。

81、He won 6 gold medals in Gymnastics at Barcelona. ─── 他在巴塞罗那奥运会上获6枚金牌。

82、B Which ones? I like sports like gymnastics. ─── 哪些项目?我喜欢像体操之类的运动。

83、Extend gymnastics is OK also and soft tendon, ligament, articulatory, activity is neurological. ─── 伸展体操也可以柔软肌腱、韧带、关节、活动神经系统。

84、A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet. ─── 下; 下法体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地

85、Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country. ─── 兰姆先生是个欧洲人。

86、A gymnast should have good mental qualities. ─── 体操选手应具有良好的心理素质。

87、A golden girl of Romanian gymnastics hasbeen robbed of all her 1992 Olympic medals. ─── 位罗马尼亚的金牌姑娘在1992年奥运会上所获得的奖牌全部被盗走了。

88、DK Readers: First Day at Gymnastics (Level 1: Beginning to Read), Vol. ─── 1(Ganeri DORLING KIND )的详细介绍,评论,读后感及网上购买,代购。

89、Do you know that China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium. ─── 你知道中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛吗?

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