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08-14 投稿


anthropological 发音

英:[,?nθr?p?'l?d??k?l]  美:[,?nθr?p?'lɑd??kl]

英:  美:

anthropological 中文意思翻译



anthropological 网络释义

adj. 人类学的;人类学上的

anthropological 短语词组

1、anthropological aaa ─── 人类学aaa

2、anthropological perspective ─── 人类学视角

3、anthropological linguistics ─── 人类语言学

4、anthropological method ─── 人类学方法

5、anthropological view ─── 人类学观点

6、anthropological archaeology ─── 考古人类学

7、anthropological art ─── 人类学艺术

8、anthropological study ─── 人类学研究

9、anthropological science ─── 人类学

10、anthropological define ─── 人类学定义

11、anthropological perspectives ─── 人类学视角

12、anthropological culture ─── 人类学文化

13、anthropological materials ─── 人类学材料

14、anthropological measure ─── 人类学测量

15、anthropological archaeology definition ─── 人类学考古学定义

16、anthropological concept ─── 人类学概念

17、anthropological research ─── 人类学研究

18、anthropological roots ─── 人类学根源

19、anthropological interest ─── 人类学兴趣

anthropological 相似词语短语

1、anthroponomical ─── 人类经济学

2、anthroposophical ─── 人智学的

3、unchronological ─── 非年代学的

4、anthropologically ─── adv.人类学上

5、tropological ─── 比喻的

6、anthological ─── 花学的

7、anthropologists ─── [人类]人类学家

8、anthropologic ─── adj.人类学的

9、anthropologist ─── n.人类学家;人类学者

anthropological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is the most difficult of all anthropological data on which to "draw" the old Negro ─── 在所有的人类学资料中,最困难的事莫过于“刻划”古代的黑人。

2、CAREL VAN SCHAIK is director of the Anthropological Institute and Museum at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. ─── 凡谢克现任瑞士苏黎世大学人类学研究所暨博物馆主任。

3、Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture", like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ─── 因此,人类学中的“文化”概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念。它使大量的具体研究和认识成为可能。

4、anthropological interest ─── 人类学关注

5、A Study of the Residents'Lodges in Lijiang Ancient Town from an Anthropological Perspective ─── 丽江古城民居客栈业的人类学考察

6、Ethnologists had a distinct reason for wanting to hear the stories: they were after linguistic or anthropological data that would supplement their own field observations. ─── 人种学家想要听到这些故事是因为他们有一个独特的理由:他们想要语言或人类学的数据,以补充他们自己的实地观察。

7、An anthropological concept of civilisation can be a useful way of seeing this, and further circles around the centres of Chinese civilisation. ─── 人类学的文明概念可以用于研究这个以及围绕中华文明中心的更多的圈。

8、Tracing to the Anthropological Sources of the Horsemeat- eating Custom ─── 吃马肉行为的人类学溯源

9、The most widespread theory links the day to Gregorian calendar reform while others involve mythological legends or anthropological explanations. ─── 在这一天,您可以充分发挥想象力,让有序的时间和空间在您手中瞬时翻转,胡作非为在“愚人节”完全有充分的理由和充足的市场。

10、Is Confucianism a Religion or Not? --A Religious Anthropological Research on "Tang Ji San Xian Li" in the Miao Area ─── 儒家乎?儒教乎?--苗疆"堂祭三献礼"的宗教人类学研究

11、Looked at in epistemological or anthropological terms, they may be a link between rock carvings and oracle bone script, as the two both have ideographic functions; ─── 从认识论角度或人类学角度来看,岩画和甲骨文或许有关联,因为二者都有象形功能;

12、International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences ─── 人类学与人种学国际联合会

13、The international union of anthropological and ethnological Science ─── 国际人类学与民族学联合大会

14、Anthropological studies of Southeast Asian Chinese: A retrospective account in respect to areas and topics ─── 东南亚华人的人类学研究:以区域及主题为分析焦点

15、The ultimate legitimation for“ correct” actions in the kinship structure will then be their“ location” within a cosmological and anthropological frame of reference. ─── 亲属结构中”正确”行动最终的正当性,是根据他们在宇宙论和人类学参考架构中的位置。

16、There is only human nature in the sense of anthropological constants that delimit and permit man's socio-cultural formations. ─── 只有在人类学上不变的意义下,人类本质限定且允许社会、文化的构成。

17、Keywords Anthropological ritual theory;Liminal;Literary anthropology;Dionysus genealogy;Primordial ties on ancient drama;Arche-type; ─── 仪式理论;阈限;文学人类学;酒神祭祀;戏剧缘生形态;原型;

18、"The ascension is similar to climbing onto the next anthropological stage, " he said. ─── “升华就像我们进入了人类学的下一个阶段一样,”他说。

19、Anthropological film and television ─── 人类学影视

20、Explain reliability from a sociological, psychological, economic, legal, and anthropological point of view. ─── 从社会学、心理学、经济学、法学和人类学的角度解释可靠的含义。

21、An Anthropological Interpretation of the Decorative Patterns of Ancient Chinese Painted Pottery ─── 中国彩陶纹饰的人类学破译

22、The study of human bodymeasurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison. ─── 人体测量学对人体测量的研究,用于人类学的分类和比较。

23、Artistic Anthropological Significance of National Minority Folk Song Studies ─── 少数民族民歌研究的艺术人类学意义

24、In an anthropological sense and within the concept of art, there is hidden in all of us the ability to create. ─── 人类学意义上关于艺术的观念,通常指潜藏于我们每一个人身上的那种与生俱来的创造能力。

25、anthropological turn ─── 人类学转向

26、anthropological viewpoint ─── 人类学观点

27、Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture," like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ─── 因此,人类学中“文化”的概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念。它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。

28、Spiritual, magical, and" occult" aspects of human behavior in anthropological and historical perspective: magic, ritual curing, trance, spirit possession, sorcery, and accusations of witchcraft. ─── 以人类学和历史学的方法研究人类行为的精神、幻和玄妙的层面:魔法、医、眠法、灵魂、术和魔咒。

29、Anthropological Society ─── 人类学学会

30、The anthropological interpretation and analysis of the literature of Chinese History is the demand of historical anthropology. ─── 对中国历史文献进行人类学解读和分析正是历史人类学所要求的。

31、It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. ─── 对于我来说,每人心中有一个自己的上帝这一人类学观点,我并没有严肃认真地看待。

32、The anthropological concept of "culture" like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete reasearch and understanding. ─── 就像数学中的“集合”概念一样,人类学的“文化”概念是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。

33、Cultural change has always been the question in racial development that attracts the most attentions of cultural anthropological scholars. ─── 文化变迁一直是文化人类学工作者对族群的发展最为关注的一个问题。

34、Proceedings of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Inter-Congress[C]; ─── 山东省心理卫生协会首届学术研讨会获奖论文选萃[C];

35、Anthropological Research Council ─── 人类学研究委员会

36、Anthropological analyses rest heavily upon the concept of culture. ─── 人类学的研究在很大程度上取决于文化观念。

37、The anthropological concept of "culture" like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ─── 人类学中“文化”的概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,它是一个抽象的概念,由它可以产生大量的具体研究和理解

38、The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences and the World Congresses in Retrospect and in Prospect ─── 国际人类学与民族学联合会及其世界大会回顾与展望

39、anthropological approach ─── 人类学探讨

40、New Reflections On Anthropological Studies Of (greater)Chin. ─── 及编著《人类学中国研究之新反思》

41、There has been a long tradition to combining the disciplines of history and anthropology within anthropological studies in Taiwan. ─── 在台湾的人类学研究里,历史与人类学的结合却一直有长久的传统。

42、Anthropological interpretation of aesthetic ideology ─── 审美意识形态的人类学阐释

43、Anthropological comprehension of theory and method of field survey are most heuristic. The reason lies in the fact that both anthropology and women culture show solicitude for actual life. ─── 其中 ,人类学的理解理论和田野调查方法最具启发性 ,这是因为人类学与妇女文化研究都是关注人的现实生活的。

44、It was almost a principle of anthropological etiquette to speak of his artificially constructed historical series -- child-murder, polygyny, marriage by capture, matriarchal family -- in tones only of profoundest respect. ─── 在原始历史学领域已经形成一种风气,只能以莫大的敬意谈论他那从杀婴经过一妻多夫制、抢劫婚姻到母权制家庭的人工编造的历史理论;

45、The American Anthropological Association has stated that race simply cannot be tested or proven scientifically. ─── 美国人类学协会指出,种族基本上无法用科学方法加以测试及验证。

46、Anthropological history ontology ─── 人类学历史本体论

47、Apte, Mahadev L. "Sexual Inequality in Humor." In Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985, pp. 67-81. ISBN: 0801417201. ─── 从诙谐看两性的不平等〉,收录于《幽默与欢笑:从人类学著手》.伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,1985,第67-81页.ISBN:0801417201.

48、But she adds there's probably a more anthropological reason at work. ─── 但她补充说,可能有更多的人类学因素在起作用。

49、anthropological basal line ─── 人类学基线

50、anthropological genetics ─── 人类遗传学

51、The anthropological research on the bone-collecting reburial in China, especially in Guangdong, is of great social significance today. ─── 今日关于捡骨重葬俗的人类学研究在中国,尤其是广东,具有重要的社会现实意义。

52、Theories and Approaches of the Anthropological Study of Eco-environment al History ─── 人类学生态环境史研究的理论和方法

53、Anthropological Survival Outreach ─── 人类生存文化外展协会

54、anthropological materialism ─── 人类学唯物主义

55、The Application of Quantitative Method in Anthropological Investigation and Studies ─── 定量方法在人类学调查研究中的应用

56、Anthropological research on people as a direct object, and its basis and comprehensive understanding for the purpose of the disciplines. ─── 人类学是以人作为直接研究对象,并以其为基础和综合理解为目的的学科。

57、The two researchers also looked at anthropological data on how much people in “traditional” (ie, non-urban) societies move around in different parts of the world. ─── 两位专家也参阅了人类学数据,了解”传统”社会(比如说,城市出现之前)人们在世界各地迁徙的情况。

58、As an anthropological study, the author uses field surveys and other supporting research methods to do empirical study on Beifang Jinde. ─── 作为一项人类学的研究,作者通过田野调查和其他辅助的研究方法,对北方进德这个个案展开了实证研究。

59、Chinese legal anthropology is an open system that includes comparative study of legal culture, ethnic law and anthropological study of law. ─── 中国的法人类学是一个开放的体系,包括:法律文化的比较研究、民族法学、法律的人类学研究。

60、The scholars argue that with anthropology being an open discipline, Chinese anthropologists should upgrade and construct new anthropological theories through open field studies. ─── 学者们认为人类学是一门开放的学科,中国人类学学者应放在开放的田野工作中提升和构建新的人类学理论。

61、anthropological measure ─── 人类学测量

62、Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King's College, Cambridge has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution. ─── 其他历史学家一样,剑桥大学国王学院人类学教授艾伦·麦克法兰花了数十年时间,试图解开工业革命的谜团。

63、I argue that the theory can be nothing but a complement to the theoretical trend of ethnological and anthropological studies in China. ─── 笔者认为,宗教文化类型是对当代中国民族学·人类学诸多理论的继承和补充。

64、The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison ─── 人体测量学对人体测量的研究,用于人类学的分类和比较

65、anthropological perspective ─── 人类学视野

66、He and his colleagues have turned to archaeological and anthropological data to show that early farmers used ten times as much land per person as modern farmers. ─── 他和他的同事开始转而研究考古学和人类学的数据,其显示早期的农民人均使用了十倍于现代农民的耕地面积。

67、anthropological context theory ─── 人类学情境理论

68、An understanding of natural right from the mode of the anthropological philosophy ─── 人类学哲学思维范式下的自然权利解读

69、DODONA Human Biodiversity Discussion Forum - Linguistics Topics in Anthropological Linguistics ─── 人类语言学项目

70、anthropological remote sensing ─── 人类学遥感

71、This paper will take funeral rites as an example in order to analyze from an anthropological and sociological perspective the interaction and interweaving between Chinese and European Catholic rites. ─── 作者以清初的丧葬礼仪为例,从社会学及人类学的角度分析中国儒家与欧洲天主教礼仪的互动与交织。

72、I also made a different interpretation of the concept of Documentary and Anthropological in the context of China originated from the West. ─── 对人类学和纪录片这两个源自西方的概念在中国语境的不同解释也作了一番探究。

73、The traditional way of sta--Anthropological investigation of waving dance and its hall in the Shuangfeng village ─── 传统的驻留方式--双凤村摆手堂及摆手舞的人类学考察

74、Nordic Anthropological Research Counci ─── 北欧人类学研究理事会

75、Anthropological Methodology in Marketing Research ─── 人类学方法在市场研究中的应用

76、From Orality to Literacy: An Anthropological Breakthrough in Storytelling ─── 从口头到书面:故事讲述中的人类学突破

77、(3) From an anthropological point of view, "Furcae Caudiane" hypothesis is theoretically untenable. ─── 其三,从人类学的角度来看,“资本主义制度的卡夫丁峡谷”这一提法在理论上是不准确的。

78、Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ─── 因此,人类学概念的“文化”如数学里的“设置”一般,是一个抽象的概念,用以概括无数具体的研究和认知

79、This paper also analyzes the urgent needs of the current ADIS epidemic in China and its potential disastrous threat in the future for anthropological research and Chinese anthropologists. ─── 中国艾滋病流行现状和将来潜在的灾难性威胁迫切需要人类学研究以及中国自己的人类学者。

80、anthropological linguistics ─── 人类语言学

81、Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture", like the concept of "set"in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ─── 参考译文:因此,人类学中“文化”的概念就象数学中“集”的概念一样是一个抽象概念,这种概念使大量的具体研究和认识成为可能。

82、anthropological studies ─── 人类学研究

83、Dr Ahmed said the members of bank will get a microchip-based DNA card containing anthropological and medical information, biometrics details about a person. ─── Ahmed博士说,银行成员将得到一张DNA微芯片卡,其中含有人类学和医学信息、个人生物线索。

84、Branches of macrolinguistics include psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, etc. ─── 宏观语言学的分支包括:心理语言学,社会语言学、人类语言学等等。

85、Is the study of language changes. Anthropological linguistics ─── 人文语言学

86、The American Anthropological Association in 1998 stressed that neighboring populations interbreed and that physical traits tend to vary gradually rather than abruptly over geographic areas. ─── 1998年美国人类学协会为了邻近种族的杂交而生理上的特徵有非常逐渐而不是突然地跨过地理区域感到很紧张。

87、An Analytical View Towards the Formation of Visual Images through Cliff Painting--Some original images out of the anthropological points of view ─── 从岩画看视觉图像的构成--人类学视域的原始图像

88、Practical reasons and cultural reasons of the longevity ceremony of Ou Town--Anthropological investigation of the ceremony ─── 仪式的实践理性与文化理性--对瓯镇寿礼仪式的人类学考察

89、While at its lowest level aesthetic appreciation is merely of anthropological or sociological interest,at its highest level,perhaps,it duplicates artistic creation and exists on the same plane. But certainly that plane is multi-dimensional. ─── 低层次的审美鉴赏仅仅出于对人类学和社会学的兴趣,而高层次的审美鉴赏,也许才对艺术创造的加深井存在于同一水平上,当然这个“水平”是多方面的。

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