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08-14 投稿


envying 发音

英:[?envi??]  美:[?envi??]

英:  美:

envying 中文意思翻译




envying 反义词

gratification | satisfy |satisfaction | gratify

envying 词性/词形变化,envying变形

动词现在分词: envying |名词: envier |名词复数: envies |副词: envyingly |动词第三人称单数: envies |动词过去分词: envied |动词过去式: envied |

envying 同义词

of | bitterness |covet | be jealous of | grudge | invidia | resentment | jealous | resent | greed | enviousness | be | jealousy | spite | begrudge | crave

envying 相似词语短语

1、-neying ─── 内英

2、envyingly ─── 羡慕地

3、denaying ─── 约会

4、envyings ─── n.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;vt.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;vi.感到妒忌;显示出妒忌

5、unenvying ─── 不竞争

6、enskying ─── vt.使耸入天空;把…置于很高地位;把…捧上天;vi.悬空;位于很高处

7、renaying ─── 雷诺

8、bevvying ─── n.饮料(尤指含酒精饮料)

9、enjoying ─── 享受;享有;欣赏(enjoy的现在分词)

envying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. ─── 你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和分争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。

2、not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. ─── 不可荒宴醉酒;不可好色邪荡;不可争竞嫉妒。

3、In a society which stresses on images so much, we often cannot help envying others' glorious appearance, and feel dissatisfied with ourselves. ─── 在一个讲究包装的社会里,我们常禁不住羡慕别人光鲜华丽的外表,而对自己的欠缺耿耿于怀。

4、Why should you be any less spry, any less cheerful, than these youngsters around you that you have been envying? ─── 为什么你在和周围这些令人羡慕的年轻人在一起的时候不能活泼点、高兴点呢?

5、For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? ─── 你们仍是属肉体的。因为在你们中间有嫉妒分争,这岂不是属乎肉体,照着世人的样子行吗。

6、It is always be my pain that I'm not born in HongKong, envying you all so much!!!!!!!! ─── 每当有活动的时候,就会很羡慕香港的朋友,幸福啊!!!

7、13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. ─── 13行事为人要端正、好像行在白昼.不可荒宴醉酒.不可好色邪荡.不可争竞嫉妒。

8、The Research on Farm Land Information Secondary Planet Remote Sensing Computer Automatic Extraction Techniques Using the ENVI Software ─── 利用ENVI软件卫星遥感耕地信息自动提取技术研究

9、Envying those flashy celebrities on the cover page of fashion magazines? ─── 您是否对杂志封面里风情万千的明星而艳羡不已?

10、James 3 : 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. ─── 雅3:14你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和纷争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。

11、Envying those who've made some achievements seems like a case of sour grapes. ─── 嫉妒某人成功有点“酸葡萄”的味道。

12、Envying is a wasting of time because you have owned what you need. ─── 嫉妒其实是浪费时间,因为你已经拥有你所需要的。

13、In fact, the civil servant is a job, and only a job, not worth envying! ─── 事实上,公务员就是一份职业,仅仅是一份职业而已,并不值得羡慕!

14、14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. ─── 14你们心里若怀著苦毒的嫉妒和纷争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。

15、Mark S.Nemeth.* , Helena M.Solo-Gabriele. ,: Department of Civil, Architectural, and Envi原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

16、Keywords subside seeper area;aquatic envi ronment;dominant species; ─── 塌陷积水区;水生态环境;优势种;

17、"Yes, I have.Mine is dishes and dusters, and envying girls with nice pianos, and being afraid of people." ─── “有呵,我也有。锅、碗、瓶、盆,扫帚抹布,嫉妒有漂亮钢琴的女孩,害怕生人,这些都是我的担子。”

18、Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. ─── 行事为人要端正,好像行在白昼。不可荒宴醉酒。不可好色邪荡。不可争竞嫉妒。

19、Several Critical Techniques in Constructing Interactive Envi ronment of Parallelizing Compiler ─── 构造并行化系统交互环境的若干关键技术

20、Envying is a kind of insalubrious psychology, can prevent oneself aspirant, make oneself encounter difficulty to also cannot free oneself. ─── 妒忌是一种不健康的心理,会阻止自己上进,使自己碰到困难也无法解脱。

21、Keywords In situ leachable sandstone type uranium deposit;Uranium metallogenic envi ronment;Imitation experime; ─── 可地浸砂岩铀矿;铀成矿环境;模拟实验;

22、Went envying her and me- ─── 所以天使对我们妒忌,

23、envying at, contempt of, and rebellion against, their persons and places, in their lawful counsels, commands, and corrections; ─── 当长辈对晚辈有合法的建议、吩咐和责备时,晚辈嫉妒、蔑视、反叛长辈本人和地位;

24、It can also cause strife and quarrels: "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth" (James 3:14). ─── 舌头还会引起嫉妒和纷争:“你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和纷争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道”(雅各书3:14)。

25、For where envying and st***fe is, there is confusion and every evil work. ─── 16在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。

26、Let us not be made desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying on another. ─── 不要贪图虚荣,不要彼此挑拨,互相嫉妒。

27、In fact, the mentality of envying Shandong roots in the fear to Shandong. Who will envy an adversary worse than himself? ─── 其实嫉妒山东的心理来源于对山东的惧怕,谁会嫉妒一个比自己弱的对手呢?

28、I couldn't help envying the American undergraduates: at least they could choose majors after the first year. ─── 我禁不住羡慕美国的本科生们:起码他们可以进入大学一年以后再选择专业。

29、while we are envying someone better than us, we are decrying ourselves. ─── 当我们嫉妒一个成绩更好的学生时,我们正在自我诋毁。

30、3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? ─── 你们仍是属肉体的。因为在你们中间有嫉妒分争,这岂不是属乎肉体,照着世人的样子行麽。

31、And then there was another reaction of hopelessness, when pain sapped his will and he wished that he were dead, envying the lizard he'd just killed.It didn't have to live on and suffer. ─── 不过当来自腿上的疼痛再度袭来,莫名的绝望又如期而至,卡森宁愿自己就此死去,就像他之前杀掉的那条蜥蜴一样,早死早超生,就不用再忍受这无尽的痛苦。

32、With Chrysler going through bankruptcy and giving majority control over to Italian automaker Fiat, it's a bit unclear where the Auburn Hills automaker's ENVI electric-vehicle division stands. ─── 与克莱斯勒经历破产,使大部分的控制权,以意大利菲亚特汽车,这是一个有点不清楚的奥本山的汽车的环保电动车司展位。

33、The notion of ENVYING Catherine was incomprehensible to him, the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 嫉妒凯瑟琳的说法他不太理解,说道凯瑟琳伤心,他却非常清楚。

34、Mine is dishes and dusters, and envying girls with nice pianos, and being afraid of people. ─── 锅、碗、瓶、盆,扫帚抹布,嫉妒有漂亮钢琴的女孩,害怕生人,这些都是我的担子。”

35、Meanwhile, we can not help envying their position in the realistic world. ─── 日本国民上下都一条心,就是要以中国人民为敌。

36、For where envying and contention is, there is inconstancy, and every evil work. ─── 因为那里有嫉妒和纷争,那里就有扰乱和种种恶行。

37、envying or grieving at the deserved credit of any, endeavoring or desiring to impair it, rejoicing in their disgrace and infamy; ─── 对别人所当得的功劳,嫉妒愤怒,妄图予以削弱、损害;别人蒙羞受辱,则高兴欢喜;

38、3.The person that envy should establish correct belief, envying is the dilettante expression that does not have self-restraint. ─── 妒忌者应树立正确信念,妒忌是没有涵养的浅薄的表现。

39、Other ENVI interactive functions include 3D (perspective) viewing and fly-through animation, surface shading, and geometric rectification and mosaicking. ─── ENVI的其它交互功能包括三维显示和飞行浏览,表面阴影和几何校正和掩膜。

40、I knew no one worth my envying him. ─── 我知道没有一个人值得我羡慕。

41、So, don't go around envying others ,count the blessings that Heaven has bestowed upon you, you will find that there are more things that you have than things that you don't have. ─── 所以,不要再去羡慕别人如何如何,好好数算上天给你的恩典,你会发现你所拥有的绝对比没有的要多出许多。

42、Young also naturally won many dazzling"laurel wreath"s, win come many together age the envying of person is this I also"proud" for a long time and for a long time. ─── 年轻时也就自然地博得了许多耀眼的“桂冠”,赢来了许多同龄人的羡慕,为此我也就“骄傲”了许久许久。

43、The person is the most damned is have a heart for envying, is what under the irradiation of sunlight disgusted! ─── 人最可恶的是有颗嫉妒的心,在阳光的照射下是多么的恶心!

44、For, whereas there is among you envying and contention, are you not carnal, and walk according to man? ─── 因为你们还是属血肉的人。你们中既有嫉妒和纷争,你们岂不还是属血肉的人,按照俗人的样子行事吗?

45、We must resurge ecological culture in community and combine it with envi... ─── 为此,在新的时代条件下,我们应重振社区生态文化,将其整合到现代农村环境保护之中。

46、Anyway, enjoying your own beautiful green grass with gratitude is far more satisfying than envying your neighbor's. ─── 语言上略有不妥之处,虽无大碍,但有改进的余地,以求更加纯熟、地道。

47、Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. ─── 13行事为人要端正,好像行在白昼。不可荒宴醉酒。不可好色邪荡。不可争竞嫉妒。

48、Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another. ─── 不要贪图虚荣,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。

49、This paper presents a practical method in abstracting Vegetation Index from remote sensing images using the ENVI Software . ─── 主要介绍了在ENVI遥感图像处理软件对遥感影像进行植被指数。

50、But if ye have bitter envying and st***fe in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. ─── 14你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和分争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。

51、is perhaps as if an article has is not but is such happiness is suchis touching for mine feeling is such heart movement is such envying!!! ─── 仿佛是一篇文章有或许不是但给我的感觉是那么的幸福是那么的感人是那么的心动是那么的羡慕!!!!!

52、The IDL language calling the ENVI secondary development library realize the extraction of RS information. ─── 通过IDL语言调用ENVI二次开发函数库,实现遥感专题信息提取;

53、Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another. dan janganlah kita gila hormat, janganlah kita saling menantang dan saling mendengki. ─── 不要贪图虚荣,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。

54、In order to unfold the infinite nature in one limited artificial envi ronment garden engineers caused the changeable spatial level and the changeable spatial sequence by the reasonable organization. ─── 明清私家园林小巧精致,为了在一个有限的人工环境里展现无限的大自然,造园家们合理组织,使其空间层次极富变化,空间序列曲折多变,园林内向而又开放,富有意境之美。

55、For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. ─── 16在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。

56、Microcystins are hepatotoxin released by harmful toxic cyanobacterial bloom, are the potential risk factor of natural envi ronment and human health. ─── 微囊藻毒素是有毒蓝藻释放的肝毒性代谢物,对环境和人们健康具有潜在危害,成为各国普遍关注的热点,并已列入我国地表水环境质量特定检测项目。

57、Kitty and Lydia were far from envying Miss Lucas, for Mr.Collins was only a clergyman; ─── 吉蒂和丽迪雅根本不羡慕卢卡斯小姐,因为柯林斯先生不过是个传教士而已;

58、But who know again how much of person is envying my life? ─── 可是谁又知道有多少的人正在羡慕着我的生活呢?

59、Envying is a kind of emotional state, such as sadness, boils down to is normal. ─── 妒忌是一种感情状态,如悲伤一样,可以归结为是正常的。

60、By using the powerful software ENVI for Remote Sensing Image Processing and its developing tool IDL, the edge detection and image registration algorithm is investigated deeply in this dissertation. ─── 本文利用功能强大的遥感图像处理软件ENVI及其二次开发工具IDL对遥感图像处理中的边缘检测算法和多图像配准算法进行了深入的研究。

61、Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. ─── 不要贪图虚名,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。

62、i m living quite good life, rather envying one. but still i m so unhappy so distressed. i love monitor, but he s going to the States; ─── 我过的相当不错,无须妒忌他人。但我仍不开心乃至沮丧。我爱班长,但他就要去美国。我爱乔,但他已经有了女朋友。

63、But envying the guiltless is like envying a house pet. ─── 然而羡慕这些人就像羡慕家养宠物一样。

64、Went envying her and me, ─── 于是把我和她妒嫉,

65、The equations use this method show the system s inertial effect roundly,and the influence imposed on inertial measurement errors by the overloading and vibration compound envi. ─── 该方法建立的方程全面反映了系统的惯量效应和过载振动复合作用对惯性器件的影响。

66、Envying the stubborn passion of those people, ─── 我嫉妒这些人那偏执的激情,

67、(profit gained by giving up your valuables are often not worth envying;the loss may often outweight the gain. ─── this is not a shrewd business deal)-- 放弃你的价值得到利益从来不值得羡慕,得不偿失,这可不是一个明智的交易。

68、Kitty and Lydia were far from envying Miss Lucas, for Mr.Collins was only a clergyman; ─── 吉蒂和丽迪雅根本不羡慕民卢卡斯小姐,因为柯林斯先生不过是个传教士而已;

69、The notion of envying Catherine was incomprehensible to him, but the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 这嫉妒凯瑟琳的念头,他是不能理解的,可是使她伤心这个念头,他可是十分明白的。

70、But after that, HJX addressed to the journalist, who was impressed by the words, that thousands of reporters are envying you while you are asking bullshit anyway. ─── 可是之后,令人印象深刻的是,HJX对本报记者说:全国上万名记者都在羡慕你,你却在问蠢问题。

71、It's no use envying others their success,it's time I worked hard! ─── 羡慕别人的成功是没有用的,该是我努力的时候了!

72、Abhijit Banerjee grew up in Kolkata envying them: poor kids always had time to play and they routinely beat him at marbles. ─── 而阿巴吉特.班吉纳在加尔各答长大,嫉妒着这些人:穷孩子们经常有时间玩耍,而且在玩弹子游戏时总会赢过他。

73、We're actually self-destructive, when envying some student with better grades. ─── 当我们嫉妒一个成绩更好的学生时,我们正在自我诋毁。

74、Old Hundred swelled up with a triumphant burst, and while it shook the rafters Tom Sawyer the Pirate looked around upon the envying juveniles about him and confessed in his heart that this was the proudest moment of his life. ─── 人们以饱满的热情,大声唱起了颂歌,歌声回荡在教堂上空。 海盗汤姆 - 索亚向四周张望,发现周围的伙伴们都在羡慕他,心中暗自承认,这是他平生最得意的时刻。

75、4.The notion of ENVYING Catherine was incomprehensible to him, but the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 嫉妒凯瑟琳的说法他不太理解,但是说道凯瑟琳伤心,他却非常清楚。

76、Envying someone because they possess more material resources than us allows us to only see the superficial. ─── 因为他人拥有更多资源而羡慕他人只让我们看到事物的表面。

77、When we look at successful people, we just can't help admiring their glories and even envying their fame and fortune. ─── 当我看见成功人士的时候,不再赞赏他们的辉煌也不再羡慕他们的名声和财富。

78、But don't bother envying his three children, the youngest of whom is only 6 years old. ─── 但是,不用嫉妒他的三个子女,他们中最小的今年只有六岁。

79、But in reality they were envying his authority. ─── 但是骨子里他们在妒忌他的领导地位。

80、At that moment, I cannot help envying her to count her as the most happy woman in the whole world. ─── 禁不住羡慕起她来,这个一直相信真爱的剧中人物;

81、The notion of ENVYING Catherine was incomprehensible to him,the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 嫉妒凯瑟琳的说法他不太理解,说道凯瑟琳伤心,他却非常清楚。

82、Gal. 5: 26 Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another. ─── 加五26不要贪图虚荣,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。

83、So, don't go around envying others, count the blessings that Heaven has bestowed upon you, you will find that there are more things that you have than things that you don't have. ─── 所以,不要再去羡慕别人如何如何,好好数算上天给你的恩典,你会发现你所拥有的绝对比没有的要多出许多.

84、Rather than watching and envying, act to do as the others do. ─── 现在淌的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。

85、16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. ─── 16 在何处有嫉妒、纷争,就在何处有扰乱和各样的坏事 。

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