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08-14 投稿


skewer 发音

英:['skju??]  美:['skj??]

英:  美:

skewer 中文意思翻译



skewer 同义词

slope | pervert | angle | color | slant | bias |tilt | colour | weight | twist | skewed | distort | tip | spin

skewer 反义词


skewer 词性/词形变化,skewer变形

动词过去分词: skewered |动词第三人称单数: skewers |动词现在分词: skewering |动词过去式: skewered |

skewer 短语词组

1、skewer nut ─── 串坚果

2、beef skewer ─── 牛肉串

3、skewer stick ─── 串棒

4、skewer in spanish ─── 西班牙语串

5、skewer crossword ─── 串字谜

6、skewer inn ─── 插入

7、skewer recipes ─── 串菜食谱

8、skewer qc SkewerQC

9、chicken skewer ─── 鸡肉串

skewer 相似词语短语

1、skeeter ─── n.蚊子;冰上滑行船

2、skewered ─── n.烤肉叉子;串肉扦;针;vt.刺穿;串住;讽刺

3、skewed ─── adj.歪斜的;曲解的

4、skewers ─── n.烤肉叉子;串肉扦;针(skewer的名词复数);v.刺穿;串住;讽刺(skewer的动词第三人称单数形式)

5、shewer ─── 舍尔

6、spewer ─── n.呕吐者

7、stewer ─── 炖锅

8、sewer ─── n.下水道;阴沟;裁缝师;vt.为…铺设污水管道;用下水道排除…的污水;vi.清洗污水管

9、screwer ─── n.螺纹刀

skewer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Slide pieces of fruit onto the skewer stick until it is almost covered from end to end. Let the children design their own kebab. ─── 把鲜果粒穿过整根竹签,让孩子设计他们喜爱的「鲜果串串」,尽量串满整串。

2、Brush olive oil all over the ingredients on the skewer (Pic. 3) and grill for 5 minutes (Pic. 4). Rotate the skewer from time to time. ─── 3牛肉串周围扫匀橄榄油(图3)后,便可放上扒炉烤熟(图4),需时五分钟。烤时要将串烧不时转动。

3、The wafflier the piffle, the more sharply Mr Nicholson wields his skewer. ─── 废话说得越离谱,尼科尔森先生的智慧大棒就挥舞得越加凶猛。

4、Then, when you hold the whole skewer up, you will be able to see its entire contents. Everything is in your hand. ─── 当你举着这根竹签时,你会看到所有的部分,所有的东西都在你的手中。

5、to skewer somebody ─── 讥讽某人

6、Operational Guidelines : very satisfied shooting game, the game can begin to switch off small like pork on a skewer. ─── 操作指南:相当过瘾的射击游戏,把出现的小叉叉关掉就能开始游戏。

7、NewProduct - Octopus neck meat skewer ─── 章鱼颈肉串

8、2. skewer v. ─── 刺穿;串住;

9、Food broiled or roasted on a small skewer or spit. ─── 在小炙叉上焙烤的食物

10、cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables ─── 浸泡过的肉串,在串肉扦上烹制,通常和蔬菜一起

11、It is diced chicken with leek and small green peppers on a skewer, covered with a special sauce and barbecued. ─── 那是用串肉签把韭菜、小绿辣椒和鸡丁串在一起,涂上特别的调味料烤出来的。

12、to skewer one's hair ─── 别住头发

13、I know Jang Jin really likes ice-sugar gourd, so I bought a skewer for her. ─── 红兵:我知道张静非常喜欢吃冰糖葫芦,所以给她买了。因为冰糖葫芦好吃不说,还能帮助消化。

14、Then, when you hold the whole skewer up, you will be able to see its entire contents. Everything is in your hand. ─── 当你举着这根竹签时,你会看到所有的部分,所有的东西都在你的手中。

15、Check for doneness by inserting a wooden skewer, if it comes out clean the cake is ready. Allow to cool before removing from tin. ─── 拿支烤肉木叉插入蛋糕中间,取出后是干净的就是熟了。完全晾凉后才取出烤模。

16、Marinated cubes of lamb threaded on a skewer. ─── 串制的切块烧羊肉。

17、Fixed a rare case in which the skewer thumbnail of an NPC could disappear during a private wedding. ─── 修正了一个罕见的病例,其中串缩略图全国人大可能消失在一个私人婚礼。

18、a skewer for holding meat over a fire. ─── 在火上烤肉用的串肉扦。

19、Remove the cork from the wine opener skewer and place it upward on the right side of the wine glass. ─── 从酒刀上取下木塞,把转下的木塞放在客人酒杯的旁边。

20、to skewer one's finger ─── 刺穿手指

21、Then pierce the skin all over with a skewer needle concentrating particularly where the fat gathers around the thighs. ─── 用烤肉针均匀地刺入鸭皮,特别需要插进鸭腿最多肥肉的部分。

22、Cut veal loin into 2cm cubes. Season with salt, pepper and all-spice and mix well. With a bamboo skewer (Pic. 2), skew up onion, green pepper and veal loin in succession. ─── 2小牛柳切为2公分方块,用盐、黑胡椒粉及杂香料粉调味拌匀,用串烧棒依次串起洋,青甜椒及小牛柳粒(图2)。

23、A slender skewer, usually ornamented at the top, used decoratively, especially in serving garnishes. ─── 串肉杆:一种细长的叉状物,通常顶部有点缀,用作装饰,尤其在食品装饰中

24、Cuttings election skewer young or old trees on the strong growth of good year Health sturdy branch most likely to survive. ─── 插条选扦幼龄或壮龄母树上生长发育良好的一年生粗壮枝条最容易成活。

25、The eyes looked skewer can not eat, we thought that using pot to bake, really "failure looms, vista. ─── 眼里看着烤串不能吃,就想到用锅来烤,真是“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。”

26、skewer pointer ─── 磨木锭子机

27、I can take them to doctor appointments, scout meetings, or field trips to the aquarium, but I'll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish, and cook it over an open flame on a piece of tin foil. ─── 我可以带他们去看医生,参加童子军集会,或者带他们去参观水族馆,但是我永远也不会进入荒郊野地,在鱼钩上挂上虫饵,钓上一条鱼,然后把鱼用锡纸包起来在明火上烤着吃。

28、Note that the skewer doesn't work so effectively when your aim is to capture a Cannon, for the Cannon can hop over the allegedly skewered piece to capture your Chariot. ─── 请注意,串并没有工作,从而有效地当你的目的是要捕捉大炮,可以为农合在一块据称串捕捉您的战车。

29、eg:Food broiled or roasted on a small skewer or spit. ─── 家具一夜之间就会积上灰尘。串,烤肉叉子,剑;

30、There are many people who sell pieces of roast mutton on a skewer by the roadside. ─── 路边有很多卖烤羊肉串的人。

31、I used a skewer to make an extra hole in my belt. ─── 我用扦子在腰带上又打了一个眼儿。

32、When he had had some mutton cubes roasted on the skewer (烤肉叉) and some beer in an open-air bar on the wayside, he stood pissing into the moat boorishly(粗野地). ─── 晚上穿得是引人注意的带荧光条的衣服,说是避免车祸;现在穿得是红衣衫,说是狗的本命年。一天晚上,蔡特金去遛狗,在路边的大排挡吃了些羊肉串,喝了点啤酒。

33、cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. ─── 浸泡过的肉串,在串肉扦上烹制,通常和蔬菜一起。

34、to bind or skewer the wings or legs of(a fowl) before cooking ─── 扎紧烧之前捆住或串起(鸡)的翅膀或腿

35、In a nutshell, lamb (sometimes chicken) is roasted on an enormous skewer and shaved off by the cook. ─── 羊羔肉(有时是鸡肉)在大架子上烤着,然后厨师一片片把肉削下来。

36、The authors skewer a few pieces of lazily received wisdom. ─── 作者把一些随处可见的智慧穿针引线。

37、Skewer 2 prawns onto each bamboo skewer(makes 6), brush with a little oil. ─── 用竹签将两只虾串起成一串(共6串),扫少许油。

38、But I'll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish, ─── 但是我永远也不会进入荒郊野地,在鱼钩上挂上虫饵,钓上一条鱼

39、a shiner may make a meal off one without finding the skewer. ─── 这村子的蚯蚓真大极了,银鱼可以饱餐一顿而还没碰到这个串肉的钩呢。

40、skewer prototype ─── 扦样机

41、On a chopping board, pierce the pieces with bamboo skewers (about 4 pieces to a skewer). ─── 切菜板上将鸡肉串在竹扦上,每根竹扦串上4块左右。

42、Form scant tablespoons of meat mixture into balls and thread 3 balls 1/2 inch apart onto each skewer, arranging skewers on a lightly oiled broiler pan. ─── 预热烤器将不到一勺的肉制成肉丸,欻在烤钎上,3个肉丸(1/2英寸),将烤钎放在涂有油的烤锅上。

43、or, as the people in the neighboring country call it, 'Soup from a sausage skewer. ─── 宴会上大家为发明烧这种汤的乾一杯,他配得上做济贫院院长!挺好玩,是不是?

44、Lamb skewer: the city of the district have to Wudu, Dangchang, into the county better outside lamb kebab with different spicy flavor is heavy, strong flavor. ─── 烤羊肉串:市内各区县均有,以武都、宕昌、成县为佳,与市外烤羊肉串不同处在于麻辣味较重,香味浓烈。

45、Buy a mutton skewer from a roadside Barbecue stall ─── 从街头摊贩买羊肉串

46、The authors skewer a few pieces of lazily received wisdom. ─── 作者由一些散乱的数据推导出了明智的结论。

47、Use bamboo stick to skewer the prawns &grilled, then grilled vegetables &set aside. ─── 用竹签将明虾串起来,烤熟.蔬菜烤熟待用.

48、You can also barbecue them, with or without a skewer in the middle. ─── 你也可以进行烧烤,将肉丸串成串也是不错的选择。

49、She was not afraid to have an edge or to skewer public figures, but something beyond that is required of the main character of a sitcom. ─── 她不用担心自己锋芒毕露和自己标杆式的公众形象,不过喜剧的主角可是需要更多的东西。

50、The man then inserts this long skewer in your ear and slowly cleans it out and I never stood so still in my life. ─── 接着那个人将这个长长的扦子伸进耳朵,慢慢的清理,我有生以来从未如此纹丝不动的待着。

51、" In this way, Lukas prefers to try various new things, for example, he likes all kind of Chinese food, such as chaffy dish, acrid food, even skewer on the street. ─── 正因为有这样一种心态,路思亨喜欢尝试各种新鲜事物,就如他喜欢尝试中国的火锅、麻辣小吃、甚至街边的烤肉串那样。

52、It is diced chicken with leek and small green peppers on a skewer , covered with a special sauce and barbecued. ─── 那是用串肉签把韭菜、绿辣椒和鸡丁串在一起,涂上特别的调味料烤出来的。

53、Grilled skewer of chicken, pork or beef with peanut sauce ─── 沙爹肉串

54、Satay Skewer With Peanut Sauce (Specify Chicken, Pork or Beef) ─── 沙爹肉串(鸡肉,猪肉或牛肉)

55、A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat, fish, or vegetables. ─── 小炙叉焙烤肉、鱼或蔬菜的小杆或小叉

56、They are carved from hardwood and a hot metal skewer is used to burn in the decorations. ─── 它们由硬木板雕刻而成,在装饰物中有一个用于燃烧的热的肉叉。

57、mutton cubes roasted on a skewer ─── 烤羊肉串


59、Spicy prawn skewer with sweet sour sauce ─── 甜辣大虾串

60、Forks may have become popular here to offset these culinary hazards or to allow greedy diners to skewer the largest bites more efficiently. ─── 叉子流行起来,可能就是为了减少吃饭时的这些危险,或者是为了让胃口大的人能更方便地叉到最大块的食物。

61、could skewer it through, say, the horizontal axis. ─── 可以让横轴穿过它。

62、skewer and insert ─── 扦插

63、Wooden skewer ─── 木扦

64、The skewer for the bike is now going to go through the rack and wheel. ─── 该串的自行车现在是去通过机架和车轮。

65、Grilled Shrimps And Bacon Skewer ─── 扒培根虾串

66、Use a pick or skewer to scoot them closer together. ─── 用镊子或叉子将芦笋摆放整齐靠拢。

67、footstep of the skewer ─── 木锭子托杯

68、There is a small trick, netball hand cast ball, the screen will be a small like pork on a skewer! ─── 有个小窍门,投球手投出球之前,屏幕上会有一个小叉叉!

69、Beer Meat Bunched by Silver Skewer ─── 银钗鹿肉

70、Spoon the cake mixture into the greased and lined cake tin and bake in preheated oven for 85 minutes or until cooked through and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. ─── 汤匙蛋糕混合物进入油和内衬蛋糕和烤田在预热烤箱85分钟或直到煮熟通过和串插入中心出来干净。

71、to skewer one's thesis sharply ─── 一针见血地击中某人论点的要害

72、The best “partner” for cool beer in this summer is our assorted skewer! ─── 清凉啤酒搭配美味串烧,释放夏季好心情!

73、Always plant stakes to skewer your own cavalry on. ─── 放置木桩,然后就可以串烤你的骑兵了.

74、"They've always been used to skewer the ills of society, " he says. "It's not surprising they're making a comeback in these intense times. " ─── “他们总是与社会的祸害相连”,他说“也就并不奇怪他们会在这么紧张的时刻归来。”

75、Try twisting a skewer through the sides of a balloon instead of the ends.What happens? ─── 试著从侧面来刺入气球,而不是两端,会发生什麽事呢?

76、Experimental study on micro-irrigation for skewer raising flowers in green houses ─── 温室花卉扦插育苗微喷灌技术试验研究

77、W: We have Kong Bao chicken, roast duck, steamed whole fish, beef and potato stewed, braised pork belly chunks, stir fried tomato and egg, stir fried shredded potato with vinegar, barbecue lamp skewer etc. ─── 我们有宫爆鸡丁、烤鸭、清蒸鱼、土豆炖牛肉、红烧肉、西红柿炒鸡蛋、醋溜土豆丝、烤羊肉串等等。

78、Skewer the chicken before cooking. ─── 烹饪前先把鸡肉串起来。

79、Dishes like shawarma, roast leg of lamb, and fasulia are all excellent examples of Middle Eastern food not made on a skewer. ─── 像烤羊腿就是极好的例子,它足以证明中东的食物不是由串肉扦串成的。

80、Doctors have removed a skewer from the head of a Russian woman. ─── 医生从一名女子的头部取出一把烤肉叉。

81、The cake is baked through when you insert a skewer and it remains clean. ─── 用支竹签或是细筷子插入蛋糕中间,取出要是干净的就是烤好了。

82、On a plate combine the mint cocoa cinnamon and salt. Coat each skewer of lamb by pressing entire surface of lamb into the cocoa-mint mixture until fully coated. ─── 放在一个盘子上,结合薄荷、可可粉、肉桂和盐,涂每个羊羔竹串棒按压整个羊羔肉让可可薄荷混合直到全部被包裹。

83、I'll skewer you where you stand. ─── 我要把你插在你站的地方。

84、A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat,fish,or vegetables. ─── 小炙叉焙烤肉、鱼或蔬菜的小杆或小叉。

85、Skewer raspberries on a toothpick to garnish. ─── skewer树莓对一牙签,以装饰。

86、to skewer the mutton ─── 串上羊肉


Moon cake is the festival of Mid Autumn Festival, just as pie is Christmas pie. Traditionally, it is seasonal round pie with lotus seed paste or red bean paste. There is usually one or more salted duck eggs in the middle to represent the moon, and the moon is the whole content of the celebration.

The mid autumn Festival is on the second day of the 8th, when the moon is the brightest and roundest moon.




1. 月饼(Mooncake):作为中秋节最具代表性的美食之一,月饼有着不同的口味和形状,如莲蓉、豆沙、五仁等。传统的月饼外壳往往带着精致的花纹或中秋节的祝福语句。

2. 糯米团(Glutinous Rice Balls):糯米团是另一种中秋节不可或缺的美食,它通常被用来表示团圆和家庭团聚。糯米团中夹杂着各种不同的馅料,如花生、绿豆、红豆、芝麻等。

3. 柚子(Pomelo):柚子也被视为是中秋节的代表美食之一。柚子有着厚实的皮和甜美的果肉,同时也被视为是吉祥的象征。

4. 烤肉串(Barbecue Skewer):在一些地区,烤肉串也是中秋节的传统食品。通常有牛肉、羊肉和鸡肉等不同的口味,与家人或朋友一起享用,更能增加节日气氛。

5. 莲藕(Lotus Root):莲藕是中秋节期间非常流行的食材之一,可以用来做糖藕、藕片等不同的菜肴。


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