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08-14 投稿


conformably 发音

英:[[k?n'f?:m?bl?]]  美:[[k?n'f?:m?bl?]]

英:  美:

conformably 中文意思翻译



conformably 短语词组

1、conformably to ─── 符合

2、conformably geology ─── 整合地质学

3、conformably meaning ─── 一致意义

4、conformably definition ─── 符合定义

conformably 词性/词形变化,conformably变形

副词: conformably |名词: conformability |

conformably 相似词语短语

1、conferrable ─── adj.能授与的,可赠予的

2、conformability ─── n.一致;适合;顺应

3、conformable ─── adj.一致的;顺从的;适合的

4、conformingly ─── 一致地

5、unconformable ─── adj.[地质]不整合的;不顺从的;不适应的;不一致的

6、unconformably ─── 不一致地;不整合地;不符合地;不顺从地

7、confirmable ─── adj.可证实的;可确定的

8、confirmedly ─── adv.坚定地;根深蒂固地

9、conformal ─── adj.[数]保角的;共形的;正形的

conformably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella. ─── 他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞。

2、Refusal or failure to conform to accepted customs, beliefs, or practices. ─── 不墨守成规拒绝或不遵从既定的风俗、信仰或规则

3、One that is excepted, especially a case that does not conform to a rule or generalization. ─── 例外被排除在外的,尤指不符合常规或普遍原理的例子

4、Refusal to accept or conform to the doctrines, usage, or polity of the Church of England. ─── 不信奉国教拒绝接受或遵从英国教会的教义、习惯做法或政体

5、This sketch does not conform with the specifications. ─── 图文不符。

6、The works shall conform to the topic and tenet of the contest. ─── 作品需符合本届大赛的主题和宗旨。

7、Eg You should conform to the rules. ─── 你应该遵守规则。

8、She refused to conform to the normal social conventions. ─── 她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。

9、Conform to the custom of the land. ─── 入国随俗。

10、They want me to conform, to be lily-white. ─── 他们要我循规蹈矩,要我清白无瑕。

11、Most people are willing to conform to the customs of society. ─── 多数人愿意遵从社会习俗。

12、If you are a member of a club, you must conform to the rules of that club. ─── 如果你是某个俱乐部的成员,你必须遵守它的规章制度。

13、Do you conform to your state's official religion? ─── 你是否信从你们的国教?

14、The people's court shall reject the appeal that does not conform to the aforesaid stipulations. ─── 人民法院对不符合前款规定的申请,予以驳回。

15、They persecute those who do not conform to their idea. ─── 他们迫害那些不信奉他们思想的人。

16、Any country who fails to conform to international convention will be condemned. ─── 任何不遵守国际公约的国家都应受到谴责。

17、To cause to conform to a particular form or pattern; adapt to fit. ─── 使符合使与一种特殊形式或式样一致;使适合。

18、Kinds of books in her library conform to her level of education. ─── 她的藏书种类是和她的教育程度相一致的。

19、He angled his policies to conform with the voters. ─── 他暗地里变更自己的方针政策,以迎合选民。

20、His ideas do not conform with mine. ─── 他的想法跟我的不一致。

21、Her dress doesn't conform to the fashion. ─── 她的衣服不合潮流。

22、The date-set are managed equally and conformably in the traditional association rule mining algorithm. ─── 传统的关联规则挖掘算法对更新的数据集按平等一致的方式加以处理。

23、Party B shall conform to bylaws of the Marketing Center. ─── 乙方应当切实遵守营销中心的各项规章制度。

24、Most people are willing to conform to the custom of society. ─── 大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。

25、A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country. ─── 一个好公民应当遵从他国家的法律。

26、In apperception everything must conform to the unity of self-consciousness. ─── 在源始统觉中,一切都必须必然地符合自我意识的普遍统一性的种种条件。

27、Their names must conform to the rules for identifiers. ─── 其名称必须遵守标识符规则。

28、A citizen is expected to conform to the laws of his country. ─── 公民理应遵守国家的法律。

29、One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices. ─── 不符合准则或规范的人不服从,或拒绝被既定的信仰,风俗,或规则约束的人

30、The follower must conform his body, speech and mind to those of the Buddha. ─── 信徒必须使他的身体,讲话和头脑与那些佛顺应一致。

31、Religious activities conducted at the sites, however, must conform to laws and regulations. ─── 在宗教活动场所进行宗教活动也必须遵守法律、法规。

32、If you do not conform to the traffic laws, you may get hurted. ─── 如果不遵守交通法规,则可能受伤。

33、She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her family's way of life. ─── 她离家出走以求摆脱她家生活方式对她的束缚。

34、The date-set are managed equally and conformably in the traditional association rule mining algorithm. ─── 传统的关联规则挖掘算法对更新的数据集按平等一致的方式加以处理。

35、The kinds of books in her library conform to her level of education. ─── 她的藏书种类是和她的教育程度相一致的.

36、You can't omit a member of an interface and still conform to that interface. ─── 你不能忽略任何一个接口的成员,并保持它们和接口中定义的一致性。

37、Activities are checked to determine whether they conform to planned action. ─── 决定那些是否按照计划行动的工作,都要加以核查。

38、The seamstress made the dress conform to the pattern. ─── 女裁缝按纸样制作衣服。

39、Their technical specifications conform to GB standard. ─── 其技术要求符合GB标准。

40、His remarks may not conform to your taste but it holds. ─── 他的话也许不合你们的脾胃但是站得住脚。

41、It does not conform with international trade practice not to allow a commission. ─── 不给佣金不符合国际贸易惯例。

42、All of our products strictly conform to IEC and Bellcore (Telecordia) Standard. ─── 公司的发展目标是致力于成为国际通信设备行业一流的光电子器件供应商。

43、The old solution is modified to conform to the new situation. ─── 修改这个老办法以适应新的形势。

44、You must conform to the rules or leave the school. ─── 你要么遵守校规,要么离开学校。

45、It do not conform with the international trade practice not to allow a commission. ─── 不给佣金是不符合国际贸易惯例的。

46、Her ideas do not conform with mine. ─── 她的观点与我的不一致。

47、Your conduct does not conform with the custom. ─── 你的行为不合习惯。

48、You must either conform to the rules or leave the school. ─── 你或者遵守纪律或者离开学校。

49、If you are a member of our club, you must conform to our rules. ─── 如果你是我们俱乐部的成员,那你就得遵守我们的规则。

50、You and your brethren may do whatever seems best to you with the remainder of the silver and gold, conformably to the will of your God. ─── 余的金银,你和你的弟兄看着怎样作好,就按照你们天主的旨意去作。

51、To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony. ─── 使符合,使同意;使和谐

52、You must conform to the rules of the school. ─── 你必须遵守学校的规章。

53、She tried to conform her habits and tastes to those of her husband. ─── 她努力于自己的习惯兴爱好能和她丈夫的一致。

54、Does this conform to the reality? ─── 合不合乎实际?

55、Once the plaque is fully packaged it must conform to ISTA procedure 1A shock test. Requirements are noted on prints. ─── 一旦门牌包装好后,就必须遵照ISTA的程序做1A抗震测试。要求印于箱上。

56、Upon receipt of credit conform documents at our counter, we shall remit proceeds as instructed. ─── 在我行柜面收到与信用证相符合的单证即视为我们获得指示可以汇款。

57、conformably is an important method to control credit risk. ─── 统一授信是控制信贷风险的重要手段。

58、If you don't conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt. ─── 如果不遵守交通法规,则可能受伤。

59、Maker make trial product exactly conform specification expect completion within fortnight. ─── 厂家已在试验制造,完全符合所要求的规格,可望在两周内完成。

60、You need to conform your essay to APA format. ─── 你的论文要符合APA格式。

61、State statutes must conform to the respective state's constitution. ─── 各州法令必须与其宪法相一致。

62、Any further "suppression" will also conform to it. ─── 今后如再要“剿”,又得重复这个决议。

63、Conform the material quality after sandblasting before welding & tracing. ─── 在喷砂后焊接前确认材料质量并跟踪。

64、To cause to conform to nature. ─── 促使符合于自然

65、Most people willingly conform to the customs of society. ─── 大多数人都愿意遵守社会习俗。

66、Methods According to the national standards regulation and demand, admonitory cards and warning languages must be conformably designed. ─── 方法根据国标的相关规定与要求,对各种警示图案与警示语句进行整合设计。

67、He refused to conform to the local customs. ─── 他拒绝遵从当地的风俗习惯。

68、Hello, Ms. Richardson? Lee here-I am calling to conform that you receive page three. ─── 喂,Richardson女士吗?我是BobLee。我打电话来确认你有没有收到第三页。

69、Awarding Credit Conformably: the Realistic Choice of the Control of Bank Credit Risk ─── 统一授信:控制银行信贷风险的现实选择

70、His ideas do not conform to mine. ─── 他的想法和我的不一致。

71、Nonconformists - lower need to conform indicating self-reliance. ─── 不墨守成规--很少遵守规则意味着能自我发展。

72、A foreigner must conform his behavior to our customs. ─── 外国人必须入境随俗

73、Students are required to conform to the rules. ─── 学生被要求遵守规则。

74、Before approval to ship, parts must conform to first parts approval. ─── 在首次船运之前,产品必须符合首次承认的样品。

75、Who issue the inspection certificate in case the quality or quantity do not conform with the contract? ─── 如果货物的质量或数量与合同不符,由谁出具检验证书呢?

76、In writing one has to conform to usage as well as to the rules of grammar. ─── 写作时既要遵守语法规则,又要符合习惯用法。

77、Let me advise you to conform your courses to his counsel. ─── 且让我劝你一声,你就把你的做法与他的计划一致起来吧。

78、These results do not conform to those of the "silvered vessel test". ─── 上述试验结果与“银瓶试验”的结果相异。

79、These limits for metric bearings conform to ISO 582:1995. ─── 公制轴承的这些极限值符合ISO 582:1995。

80、They failed to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage. ─── 他们没有遵守订婚的法定条件。

81、The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous cherty breccia. ─── 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。

82、In a school, students are asked to conform to many rules. ─── 体验:在社会中,人们被要求遵守法律。

83、If a file doesn't conform to those rules, XML stops working. ─── 如果文件不遵循这些规则,XML就会停止运行。

84、Conformably to piety, that thou mayest be content with the lot which is assigned to thee, for nature designed it for thee and thee for it. ─── 符合虔诚就是说你可以满足于分配给你的命运,因为自然是为你分配的,你是适合它的。

85、Concomitantly, students are compelled to perform rote tasks of memorization and conform to classroom routines. ─── 与此同时,学生继续被迫死记硬背,机械式地完成各种学习任务,继续在教室里履行公事似的完成学业。

86、Those who do not conform to the law must bear the consequences. ─── 不守法的人就应承担后果。

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