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08-14 投稿


Corvus 发音

英:[?k??rv?s]  美:[?k??v?s]

英:  美:

Corvus 中文意思翻译



Corvus 短语词组

1、corvus belli store ─── 美丽的大乌鸦

2、corvus sp ─── 乌鸦属。

3、corvus belli ─── 美丽的乌鸦

4、forum corvus belli corvus belli ─── 论坛

5、Corvus (constellation) ( ─── 星座)

6、genus Corvus ─── [网络] 科尔牙属

7、corvus draconis ─── 严酷的颜色

8、Corvus brachyrhyncos ─── [网络] 砧木brachyrhyncos

9、Corvus frugilegus ─── [网络] 秃鼻乌鸦;秃鼻鸦

10、Corvus (boarding device) Corvus( ─── 登机设备)

11、Corvus monedula ─── [网络] 梧桐monedula

12、corvus energy corvus ─── 能源公司

13、corvus os ─── 乌鸦

14、corvus glaive ─── 乌鸦

15、Corvus corax ─── [网络] 渡鸦;渡鸦乐队;乌鸦星座乐队

16、corvus rom ─── 罗马乌鸦

17、corvus belli forum corvus belli ─── 论坛;

18、corvus belli infinity ─── 无限美丽的乌鸦

19、corvus lestrange lestrange ─── 曲线

Corvus 相似词语短语

1、corvids ─── 科维德

2、corvees ─── n.强迫劳役

3、corious ─── 革质的

4、cormous ─── 肥大的

5、corves ─── n.小型矿车;提矿大筐

6、Corvus ─── n.[天]乌鸦座;乌鸦星座

7、cormus ─── n.[植]茎叶体

8、cornus ─── n.山茱萸;n.(Cornus)人名;(法)科尔尼斯

9、corpus ─── n.[计]语料库;文集;本金;n.(Corpus)人名;(西)科尔普斯

Corvus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any of several large, glossy, black birds of the genus Corvus, having a characteristic raucous call, especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America. ─── 鸦任一种鸦属的大型的、亮黑色鸟类,能发出嘶哑的特有叫声,尤指生活于北美洲的短嘴鸦

2、Corvus albicollis ─── n. 白颈渡鸦(鸦科)

3、Corvus monedula ─── n. 寒鸦(鸦科)

4、Mixed species colony of Corvidae, including Corvus macrorhynchus, C. ─── 鸦科Corvidae混群鸟大嘴乌鸦Corvusmacrorhynchus、秃鼻乌鸦C.

5、Ravens and crows relatives, belong to the raven is the same (Corvus). ─── 乌鸦和乌鸦亲属,属于乌鸦是相同的(乌鸦) 。

6、Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds (see passerine) of the genus Corvus (family Corvidae) that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill. ─── 雀形目鸦科鸦属二十多种黑色鸣禽的俗称,比大多数渡鸦小,嘴也不那么厚实。

7、Any of several species (genus Corvus, crow family Corvidae) of heavy-billed, usually solitary, songbirds, once abundant throughout the Northern Hemisphere but now restricted to undisturbed areas. ─── 鸦科鸦属数种喙厚,通常独居的鸣禽的统称,曾大量分布于北半球,现仅分布于不受干扰的区域。

8、A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus ─── 巨爵座南天球的一个星座,位于长蛇座和乌鸦座附近

9、Some 60 million light-years away in the southerly constellation Corvus, two large galaxies collided. ─── 约6000万光年远,在南天星座乌鸦座中,两个硕大的星系撞在一起。

10、Crowlike black bird (Corvus monedula) with gray nape and pearly eyes. ─── 像乌鸦的黑色鸟类(学名Corvus monedula),项灰色,眼似珍珠。

11、Regardless of whether you choose an IBM network, Corvus OMNINET, AT &T Star LAN, etc. ─── 不论是选择IBM网络,Corvus公司的OMNINET网络,还是AT&T公司的星形局域网络等,都可获得Netware的操作环境。

12、Most abundant Eurasian bird (Corvus frugilegus) of the crow family (Corvidae). ─── 鸦科中数量最丰的欧亚大陆鸟,学名Corvus frugilegus。

13、Explanation: Two galaxies are squaring off in Corvus and here are the latest pictures. ─── 说明: 两个星系在乌鸦座内缠绕在一起,这张就是最新的照片。

14、corvus system ─── 鸦鸟系统

15、The group and activity law of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchus) have been studied in the alpine area during spring of 2004. 35 representative zones were sampled as line transects, which are between 30 and 50 km in length. ─── 在2004年春季,对高寒地区大嘴乌鸦(Corvus macrorhynchus)的集群与活动规律进行了调查研究,共设置了35个有代表性的样线。

16、A Eurasian crow(Corvus monedula). ─── 寒鸦、鹩哥欧亚的一种乌鸦(寒鸦小乌鸦属)

17、Explanation: Some 60 million light-years away in the southerly constellation Corvus, two large galaxies collided. ─── 解说:大约在6000万光年之遥的南天乌鸦星座中,两个大型星系发生了碰撞。

18、Next, the Roman Corvus, the ancient plank designed to board an enemy ship. ─── 下一个,是罗马人的乌鸦吊,就是古代用来登上敌人船舰的木板。

19、corvus omninet ─── 鸦鸟总网

20、corvus oil ─── 洗引擎油

21、carrion crow: a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage . ─── 小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。

22、Corvus [Crv] ─── 乌鸦座 [Latin]

23、Corvus brachyrhynchos ─── n. 短嘴鸦(鸦科)

24、Any of more than 20 species of black songbirds in the genus Corvus (family Corvidae) that are smaller than most ravens and less heavily billed. ─── 雀形目鸦科鸦属二十多种黑色鸣禽的俗称,比大多数渡鸦小,嘴也不那麽厚实。

25、Ravens and crows relatives, belong to the raven is the same (Corvus). ─── 乌鸦和乌鸦亲属,属于乌鸦是相同的(乌鸦) 。

26、a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage ─── 一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛

27、A Preliminary report on food habits of Corvus monedula dauuricus Pallas during the harvest time in Tanko Region,Wushan,Kansu ─── 甘肃武山滩歌地区麦收季节寒鸦(Corvus monedula dauuricus Pallas)的食性研究

28、In the aspect of using tools, corvus frugileguses is as smart as chimpanzees and Corvusmoneduloides who are skilled in tools, " he said. " ─── 在使用工具方面,秃鼻乌鸦的能力不逊于以会使用工具著称的黑猩猩和新喀里多尼亚乌鸦。

29、Carrion crow: a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage. ─── 小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。

30、A common European crow(Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage. ─── 乌鸦;大乌鸦;秃鼻乌鸦;寒鸦;红嘴山鸦;鹊;松鸦。

31、Explanation: Two galaxies are squaring off in Corvus and here are the latest pictures. ─── 说明:两个星系在乌鸦座内缠绕在一起,这张就是最新的照片。

32、The New Caledonia crow (Corvus moneduloides) has been shown to fashion tools out of parts of pandanus leaves and to use them to extract grubs from crevices in wood. ─── 南太平洋新克里多尼亚乌鸦(Corvusmoneduloides)能以露兜树叶制造工具,从树缝中挑出昆虫的幼虫吃。

33、Corvus's batteries are much beefier than the ones used in consumer products, but they are built in a similar way. ─── 乌鸦能源公司的电池比在消费品中所使用的更强大,但他们是用同样的方法制造的。


35、any of several large,glossy,black birds of the genus Corvus,having a characteristic raucous call,especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America ─── 任一种鸦属的大型的、亮黑色鸟类,能发出嘶哑的特有叫声,尤指生活于北美洲的短嘴鸦

36、Regardless of whether you choose an IBM network, Corvus OMNINET,AT&T Star LAN,etc., you can obtain Net ware as the operating environment. ─── 不论是选择IBM网络,Corvus公司的OMNInet网络,还是AT&T公司的星形局域网络等,都可获得net ware的操作环境。

37、large-billed crows ( Corvus macrorhynchus) ─── 大嘴乌鸦

38、Carrion crow:a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage. ─── 小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。

39、The huge inheritance is clear Corvus mesh with the self-door in the corner bar at the bottom of the handle to create a coat of the profile, aggressive but at the same time no conventional pattern. ─── 巨型的网状大嘴显然继承自同门的,在杠下方的尖角处理营造出盾形的轮廓,霸气之余却不落俗套。

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