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08-14 投稿


examination 发音

英:[?ɡ?z?m??ne??n]  美:[?g'z?m?'ne??n]

英:  美:

examination 中文意思翻译



examination 短语词组

1、bimanual examination ─── [医] 双手检查, 双手诊察

2、bar examination ─── [法] 律师资格考试

3、physical examination ─── 物理检验;体格检查

4、barium meal examination ─── [医] 钡餐检查

5、chemical examination ─── [医] 化验, 化学检查

6、cpa examination ─── [经] 会计师考试

7、cross-examination n. ─── 盘问

8、cheat on an examination ─── 考试作弊

9、civil service entrance examination ─── [法] 文官录用考试

10、condition code examination ─── [计] 条件码检查

11、bear examination ─── 经得起考验

12、cross examination ─── [法] 盘问, 反讯问, 反问

13、apparatus for nitrogen examination ─── [医] 氮测定器

14、barium swallow examination ─── [医] 钡吞咽检查

15、bank examination ─── [经] 银行检查

16、comprehensive examination ─── 综合测验

17、critical examination ─── [化] 关键检验

18、castings examination ─── [化] 铸件检验

19、barium enema examination ─── [医] 钡灌肠检查

examination 词性/词形变化,examination变形

形容词: examina-tional |

examination 相似词语短语

1、evagination ─── n.外翻;外翻部分

2、exanimation ─── n.昏迷,晕厥

3、elimination ─── n.消除;淘汰;除去

4、examinational ─── adj.检查的;审查的

5、deamination ─── n.去氨基;脱氨基作用

6、examinations ─── n.考试;检查;审核(examination的复数)

7、examinator ─── n.检查人;主考人

8、delamination ─── n.分层;[生物][化学]层离

9、reexamination ─── n.再检查,再调查;重考

examination 特殊用法

1、recall type examination ─── 复忆式考试

2、promotion examination ─── 升级考试

3、bacterial examination ─── 细菌检验

4、non-destructive examination ─── 非破坏性检验

5、metrological examination ─── 计量学检验

6、foundation examination ─── 基础知识考试

7、technical examination ─── 技术检查

8、bank examination ─── 银行检查

9、written examination ─── 笔试

10、rail examination ─── 钢轨探伤[检查]

11、local examination ─── [英](某些大学在各地举办的)地方考试

12、university entrance examination ─── 大学入学考试

13、open-book examination ─── 开卷考试

14、biological examination ─── 生物检验

15、senior level examination ─── 高级水平考试

16、computer-assisted examination ─── 计算机辅助考试

17、prior examination ─── 预先检查

18、organoleptic examination ─── 感官检验

19、inspection examination ─── 查验

20、universal examination ─── 统考

21、test-basis examinations ─── 抽查法检查

22、water examination ─── 水质检查

23、professional examination ─── 专业考试

24、academic examination ─── 学业考试

25、state examination ─── 国家考试

26、mock examination ─── 模拟考试

27、course examination ─── 学年[学科]考试

28、end-of-term examination ─── 大考, 期终考试

29、placement examination ─── 就业考试

30、mental examination ─── 心理检查

31、radio examination ─── 无线电波检验

32、competitive scholarship examination ─── 奖学金竞试

33、examination of budget ─── 预算的审定

34、examination of sanitary water ─── 上水检验

35、examination of municipality water supply ─── 城市给水检验

36、preliminary examination ─── 初步检定

37、mid-term examination ─── 期中考试

38、term examination ─── 期末考试, 大考

39、X-ray examination X ─── 射线检查

40、essay type examination ─── 论文式考试

41、selection examination ─── 甄别考试

42、geological examination ─── 地质勘测[调查]

43、bursaties examination ─── [新西兰]大学奖学金考试

44、public examination ─── (由校外考试机构进行的)统考

45、metallographic examination ─── 金相检验

46、visual examination ─── 肉眼检验, 表观检查

47、microscopic examination ─── 微观检验, 金相试验

48、semester examination ─── 学期考试

49、liquid penetrant examination ─── 液体渗透探伤[检查]

50、scholarship examination ─── [美]奖学金考试

51、higher certifical examination ─── 高级证书考试

52、core examination (of concrete) ─── (混凝土)取样试验

53、performance examination ─── 性能检验

54、supplementary examination ─── 补考

55、substantive examination ─── 实质性审查

56、previous examination ─── [英](剑桥大学)入学考试, (文学士学位考试的)初考

57、gas examination ─── 气体检验

58、admission examination ─── 入学考试

59、narrow examination ─── 严格的检查

60、laboratory examination ─── 实验室检验

61、examination of a scheme ─── 计划审查

62、boroscope examination ─── 用看孔镜目视检查

63、macroscopic examination ─── 宏观检验, 粗视检定

64、matriculation examination ─── 大学入学考试

65、ring section examination ─── 切环检验

66、external examination ─── 由校外人士[机构]主持的考试

67、common entrance examination ─── 统一入学考试; [英]公学入学会考

68、modular examination ─── 单元考试

69、magnetic examination ─── 磁性探伤检查

70、mass examination ─── 集体检查

71、comprehensive examination ─── 综合测验

72、radiological examination ─── 放射学检查

73、multiple-choice examination ─── 多项选择考试, 选答考试

74、periodical physical examination ─── 定期体格检查

75、health examination ─── 健康检查

76、customs examination ─── 验关

77、first certificate examination ─── [英]中学初级证书考试

78、clinical examination ─── 临床检查

79、medical examination ─── 体格检查

80、tin crystal size examination ─── (镀锡板的)锡晶粒度检定

81、qualifying licensing examination ─── 资格试验

82、field examination ─── 实地监查

83、Cambridge previous examination ─── [英]剑桥大学预试

84、high school equivalency examination ─── 中学同等学力考试

85、examination of disbursement vouchers ─── 支出凭证检查

86、magnetic particle examination ─── 磁粉检验

87、post-irradiation examination ─── 辐照后检验

88、examination in chief ─── 对证人的讯问

89、recruitment examination ─── 征聘考试

90、goods examination ─── 货物检查

91、final examination ─── 期终[学年; 毕业]考试

92、civil service examination ─── 公务员考试

93、school-based examinations ─── 校内考试

94、graduate admission examination ─── 研究生资格考试

95、tripos examination ─── [英](剑桥大学的)荣誉学位考试

96、tax examination ─── 税务调查

97、qualitative examination of ash ─── (石油产品的)灰分定性测定

98、quantitative examination ─── 定量检查

99、leaving examination ─── 毕业考试

100、radiographic examination ─── 射线照相检查

101、microscopical examination ─── 显微镜检验, 镜检

102、ultrasonic examination of concrete ─── 混凝土超声波试验

103、macrographic examination ─── 宏观检验, 粗视检定

104、deferred examination ─── 延迟审查

105、examination for credit ─── 学分考试

106、postmortem examination ─── 尸体剖检, 尸检

107、examination of auditor ─── 审计检查

examination 习惯用语

1、on examination ─── 检验, 察看

2、take an examination ─── 应试, 参加考试

3、sit for an examination ─── 应试, 参加考试

4、go up for one's examination ─── 受考, 应试

5、undergo an examination ─── 受审查[检查, 诊察]

6、pass an examination ─── 通过[没通过]考试

7、take the examination of sb. ─── 【律】讯问某人并录其口供

8、under examination ─── 在审查[调查]中

9、fail in an examination ─── 通过[没通过]考试

10、make an examination of ─── 检查

11、go in for one's examination ─── 受考, 应试

examination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He coached her for the English examination. ─── 他辅导她英语考试。

2、He had passed the entrance examination of the college. ─── 他已经通过了大学的入学考试。

3、A solution used to preserve and harden fresh tissue for microscopic examination. ─── 固定剂进行微观考察时用的一种保护和使新鲜组织变硬的溶液

4、He was strung up by having to take the difficult examination. ─── 他因为不得不参加很难的考试而感到紧张。

5、A medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home? ─── 大夫或者护士不在跟前就能进行体格检查?在家里就能选购东西?

6、He's het up about the examination. ─── 他为考试而焦虑不安。

7、He tried to tempt me to cheat in the examination. ─── 他想诱使我在考试中作弊。

8、He's grinding away for his examination. ─── 为应付考试他正在刻苦用功。

9、He slipped up in his calculation and failed in the examination. ─── 他计算出了错,这次考试未能及格。

10、He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination. ─── 他很倒霉,在考试当天生病了。

11、Schools and society as a whole often value a student just by his or her performance in the subjects on an examination. ─── 学校和整个社会的价值往往只是一个学生的他或她的表现科目考试。

12、He knew my examination was pending. ─── 他知道我的考试就要来临。

13、He failed in the examination of mechanics. ─── 他没通过力学考试。

14、The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. ─── 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。

15、The reason for his failure was not far to seek: he was ill during the examination. ─── 他不及格的原因不难了解:他在考试时病了。

16、No one will leave the examination room before ten o'clock. ─── 十点以前谁也不能离开考场。

17、The physician made a careful examination for him. ─── 大夫为他作了仔细的检查。

18、The teacher cracked down on the students when he found they had not been obeying the rules in the examination. ─── 当教师发现学生不遵守考试规则时,他对学生采取了严厉的手段。

19、So hard did he study that he could easily pass the examination. ─── 他那么努力,因而能够轻易地通过那次考试。

20、He was notified by the Army to report for his medical examination. ─── 他接到部队通知让他去报到进行休检。

21、He flunked in the final examination. ─── 他期终考试不及格。

22、Your examination results are excellent. ─── 你的考试成绩优异。

23、He would probably do well in the examination only he gets very nervous. ─── 他要不是考试很紧张,成绩可能不错。

24、As for me, I think for both examinees and examiners, the examination can show what and how much the examinees have mastered. ─── 至于我,我想对于考生和考官,考试能证明考生掌握什么,掌握了多少。

25、It goes without saying that we shall be glad if we all can pass the examination. ─── 不用说,如果我们都能通过考试,我们将会高兴的。

26、A close examination of the butterfly showed that it had four wings. ─── 仔细察看蝴蝶发现它有两对翅膀。

27、He failed his maths examination because of his careless work. ─── 他由于粗心大意,数学考试没及格。

28、Your proposals are still under examination. ─── 你的提议仍在审查之中。

29、An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important. ─── 初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试

30、Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination. ─── 吉姆这次考试大可不必那么拼命。

31、His examination results were lamentable. ─── 他的考试成绩很差。

32、He is confident of passing the examination. ─── 他有信心通过考试。

33、I have to have a medical examination before going abroad. ─── 出国前我必须进行体格检查。

34、He tried many times to pass the examination, and in the end he succeeded. ─── 他多次努力试图通过考试,最后终于如愿以偿。

35、Histopathological examination confirmed metanephric adenoma. She was followed up for one year and there was no recurrence or metastasis. ─── 目前病患接受术后定期追踪已逾一年,没有发现局部复发或转移。

36、I leafed my notes before the final examination. ─── 在期末考试前我匆匆地翻了下笔记。

37、The students went into the examination room, armed to the teeth with pens, pencils, rulers, computers and so on. ─── 同学们带着钢笔,铅笔,尺子,计算器走进考场,他们个个装备齐全。

38、He is grinding away for the examination. ─── 他正在拼命用功准备考试。

39、To her delight, she passed the examination. ─── 使她高兴的是她考试及格了。

40、Surely you could pass any examination. ─── 你确实能通过每门考试。

41、He never cheats to pass examination. ─── 他考试从不作弊。

42、One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young. ─── 儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。

43、In spite of his bad results in the examination, he has a fond belief in his own cleverness. ─── 他虽然考试成绩不佳,却仍然盲目相信自己的小聪明。

44、He is quite confident that he will pass the examination. ─── 他很有信心通过考试。

45、Henceforth it will be more difficult to avoid customs examination. ─── 从此以后,避免海关检查将会更加困难。

46、He's a quiet unobtrusive student, but always does well in the examination. ─── 他是个沉默寡言,不引人注目的学生,但他的考试成绩总是很优异。

47、Mind you read the examination question very carefully. ─── 你要非常细心阅读考试的题目。

48、He breezed through the car examination. ─── 他很顺利地通过了车检。

49、Dora was a very good student, but in the examination she choked up and did poorly. ─── 多拉是个很好的学生,但在毕业考试中由于过份紧张而没考好。

50、They found invasive cancer during a routine examination. ─── 他们在一次例行检查中发现了扩散的癌细胞。

51、The doctor gave him an examination to see if he had chest trouble. ─── 医生给他做了检查,看他是否有肺病。

52、Paul came top in the examination. ─── 保罗在考试中名列前茅。

53、He was frightened at the thought of his coming examination. ─── 他一想到即将举行的考试便胆战心惊。

54、He was bewailing his failure in the examination. ─── 他为考试不及格而悲伤。

55、A thorough physical examination. ─── 体格检查彻底的身体检查

56、She sailed through the difficult examination with no mistakes. ─── 他轻易地通过了那次很难的考试,没有什么差错。

57、Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence. ─── 仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据。

58、He will take an oral examination. ─── 他将接受口试。

59、On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. ─── 再经仔细观察,证实那幅画是膺品。

60、He made a quick examination of the patient. ─── 他很快地把病人检查了一遍。

61、Later,it transpired she had failed the examination. ─── 后来得知她考试不及格。

62、The doctor gave him a careful examination. ─── 医生对他作了彻底的检查。

63、She flunked biology examination. ─── 他生理学考试不及格。

64、Did you work out how to cheat in the examination? ─── 你想出如何在考试中作弊了吗?

65、I am always in a state of nerves on the eve of an examination. ─── 临考的前夕我总是非常紧张。

66、Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination! ─── 哦!天啊!我英文没有考及格!

67、The prisoner is still under examination. ─── 囚犯仍在受审。

68、He swallowed, and walked into the examination room. ─── 他咽了一口唾沫,然后走进了试场。

69、At this school, only ten people passed the music examination this year. That may seem a small number but it's(about) par for the course. ─── 今年这所学校只有10人通过了音乐考试。人数看来太少了,但这却是意料之中的事。

70、Most students passed the examination. ─── 大多数学生通过了考试。

71、A: Did he pass the examination? ─── A: 他通过考试了吗?

72、Failure in one examination should not stop you trying again. ─── 一次考试不及格不应妨碍你再试一次。

73、She undergo a thorough examination at the hospital according to the doctor's order. ─── 依照医生的指示,她在医院接受了一次彻底的检查。

74、He passed the examination with flying colors. ─── 他考试中取得了优异成绩。

75、An academic examination in which questions and answers are spoken rather than written. Often used in the plural. ─── 口试大学里一种问题和答案均采用口头形式而非笔头的水平考试,常用复数形式

76、Followed by vaginal examination to see whether the vaginal malformations, vaginal inflammation, abnormal vaginal discharge. ─── 其次是阴道检查,看看有无阴道畸形、阴道炎症、白带异常。

77、His failure in history examination was a mere fluke. ─── 他历史考试没能及格纯属偶然。

78、He always crowed about his examination results. ─── 他总是夸耀自己的考试成绩。

79、He skinned through last examination. ─── 他勉强通过了上次考试。

80、The doctor had a microscopic examination of traces of blood. ─── 医生用显微镜作了血迹检查。

81、He does not care a hoot whether he passes his examination or not. ─── 他一点也不在乎考试是否及格。

82、I am on the rack during the entire examination. ─── 在整个考试过程中,我的心情十分紧张。

83、He was very sick at failing in the examination. ─── 他对于考试不及格觉得很沮丧。

84、He passed the examination with distinction. ─── 他以优异成绩通过考试。

85、You will need to have a routine biannual examination. ─── 你需要做一年两次的常规检查。

86、Most of their party were let through the customs without an examination. ─── 他们一行人大多数没检查就让通过了海关。

87、Regrettably, he failed the examination. ─── 可惜,他考试失败了。

88、He got into a state before the examination began. ─── 他在考试开始前心情十分紧张。

89、They were glad of the examination being over. ─── 他们为考试结束了而高兴。

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