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08-14 投稿


pentagonal 发音

英:[pen?t?ɡ?nl]  美:[pen?t?ɡ?nl]

英:  美:

pentagonal 中文意思翻译



pentagonal 短语词组

1、pentagonal number ─── 五边形数

2、pentagonal prism ─── 五角棱镜; ─── 五棱柱

3、Pentagonal pyramid ─── 五角锥

4、pentagonal icositetrahedral class ─── 五角三八面体类; ─── 五角三八面体晶族

5、pentagonal saloon ─── 五边形轿车

pentagonal 词性/词形变化,pentagonal变形

副词: pentagonally |形容词: pentagonal |

pentagonal 常用词组

pentagonal prism ─── [物]五角棱镜;[数]五棱柱

pentagonal 相似词语短语

1、pentagons ─── n.五角形

2、pentactinal ─── 五环

3、pentagon ─── n.五角形

4、decagonal ─── adj.十边形的

5、pentagonoid ─── 五边形

6、pentagonally ─── 五边形

7、enneagonal ─── 九分

8、pentagynian ─── 五雌同体

9、heptagonal ─── adj.七边形的;七角的

pentagonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Pentagon wanted Mr Chalabi and his fellow exiles put swiftly in charge. ─── 五角大楼原本希望扶植起查拉比与其他伊拉克流亡政治家,迅速地赋予他们职责。

2、Flowers: Sepals strongly ascending to appressed, longest 4 – 5 mm, corolla globose-urceolate, pentagonal, to 10 x 8 mm in diameter, petals apiculate, orange -red. ─── 花:萼片紧密贴合在花上,最长约4-5毫米,花冠球瓮形,(正面观)五边形,10×8毫米直径,花瓣尖细,橘红色。

3、The Pentagon has issued similar statements about the situation. ─── 五角大楼就这一情况发布了类似的声明。

4、Chuck Armentrout, chief of the military force policy division at the Pentagon. ─── ChuckArmentrout,军事力量政策分裂的在五角大楼。

5、But the Pentagon spokesman, Bryan Whitman, said he believes experts will come up with a clear answer. ─── 但国防部发言人布莱恩·惠特曼表示,相信专家会给出一个准确的答案。

6、The Pentagon ordered 16,099 body bags to be shipped to the Persian Gulf to bring hom dead Americans. ─── 五角大楼订购了16099具运尸袋送往波斯湾,准备装运美国阵亡士兵回国。

7、The Pentagon pushed training teams and new equipment to aid the navies of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. ─── 五角大楼敦促培训工作队和新设备帮助新加坡和印度尼西亚,马来西亚的海军.

8、Meanwhile, the Pentagon belatedly turns attention to planning for the aftermath of war. ─── 与此同时,五角大楼很晚才将注意力转移到对这场战争后果的准备中。

9、The original site of Pentagon was nothing more than wasteland, swamps and dumps. ─── 五解大楼的所在地本来只是荒垃圾

10、Yes, it is. A pentagon has five sides and five corners. ─── 五边形有五条边和五个角。

11、He attended ceremonies at the White House and Pentagon this morning. ─── 他早上参见了在白宫和五角大楼的纪念会。

12、The Pentagon does not comment on UFOs,except to say they do not exist and that such objects really are high altitude balloons or military aircraft. ─── 五角大楼除了说不明飞行物不存在、所谓的不明飞行物实际上是高空气球或军用飞机外,没有对不明飞行物作更多评论。

13、Meantime, the Pentagon says there isn't any need for US fighting forces in the region. ─── 同时,五角大楼声称该地区并不需要美国军事力量的介入。

14、Rights groups: Pentagon sought Geneva Convention loopholes. ─── 人权组织:五角大楼寻求日内瓦公约漏洞.

15、The Pentagon has said it will release an edited transcript of each hearing some days after it is held. ─── 他们是被指控参与9.11袭击的也门人拉姆齐"本"阿尔萨巴赫和被指控是基地组织高级成员的利比亚人阿布"法拉杰"法尔贾"阿勒。

16、It is thwarted only when someone tips off the Pentagon, which helps to quash the deal. ─── 唯一的反对是有人向五角大楼告发,后者取消了这笔交易。

17、The PFPA is a civilian agency within the Defense Department that is responsible for safeguarding Pentagon employees and infrastructure. ─── 五角大楼部队保卫局是国防部内的文职机构,负责维护美国国防部雇员和基础设施。

18、A five - pointed star formed by five straight lines connecting the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon in the completed figure. ─── 五角星形一种有五个顶点的星形,由连接五边形各顶点的直线构成并包含另一个完整的五边形

19、Defense Secretary-designate Les Aspin, 54, is a former whiz kid from Robert McNamara's Pentagon. ─── 内定的国防部长接班人亚斯平,今年54岁,从前是在麦克纳马拉执掌五角大楼时代的青年才俊之一。

20、By introducing a pentagonal folded loop, the bandwidth of the antenna is improved twice than that of conventional folded loop antenna. ─── 通过引入五边形的折合环结构,该天线的工作带宽较常规的折合环天线提高了一倍以上;

21、The Pentagon has notified more than 35000 soldiers to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall. ─── 五角大楼总部表示从今年秋天开始,将有三万五千多名士兵被部署到伊拉克驻兵。

22、Pentagon policy makers vow there's no thought of fudging on their intention. ─── 五角大楼的决策者们发誓说他们根本没有想使他们的意图不了了之。

23、Meanwhile, another airliner crashed into the Pentagon. ─── 同时,另一架民航飞机坠入五角大楼。

24、Still, China has been blamed for breaching everything from Pentagon e-mail to congressional PCs. ─── 但是,它还是受到各种指责,包括入侵五角大楼电子信箱,甚至侵入美国国会电脑系统。

25、The Pentagon is watching China's aircraft-carrier ambitions with bemused interest. ─── 五角大楼正困惑的关注着中国的航母野心。

26、The Pentagon is another name for the Department of Defense. ─── 五角大楼是国防部的代名词。

27、At the Pentagon, spokesman Geoff Morrell stressed the proposed changes will be studied carefully, deliberately and with respect. ─── 同时他们又说,有关协议至关重要,对协议作措辞方面的改动是有可能的。

28、The Pentagon refused to comment on the media report. ─── 五角大厦对这项报导不作任何评论。

29、The Pentagon stands strong and whole. ─── 五角大楼岿然屹立,完好如初。

30、Well, admitted Saxe, the Pentagon is already trying to recruit her. ─── 哦,萨克斯承认,五角大楼已经在试图招募她。

31、Republican strategist Ed Gillespie and Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke have been mentioned by top Republicans as potential prospects. ─── 共和党战略家埃德?西莱斯皮以及五角大楼女发言人维多利亚?克拉克也是这一位置的竞争人选。

32、Pentagon officials said Monday that the two sides will sign an agreement on the prisoner of war and missing in action issue on Friday in China. ─── 五角大厦官员星期一说,双方星期五将在中国签署有关战俘及战争失踪人员问题的协议。

33、The Impeccable did not carry large-caliber weapons and was operated by civilians for the Military Sealift Command, Pentagon officials said. ─── 五角大楼官员称,“无暇”号没有携带大口径武器,由平民经营为军事海洋补给部服务。

34、In this limit, nothing depends on whether the blocks were triangular, cubic, pentagonal or any mixture thereof to start with. ─── 在此极限下,砌块一开始是三角形、四方形、五角形还是其混合形状,其实毫无影响。

35、The last piece of American ASAT debris fell back to Earth in 2006, say Pentagon officials. ─── 五角大楼官员声称,美国最后一片反卫星试验碎片在2006年落回地球。

36、He outlined the pentagon in red. ─── 他用红笔画出五角形。

37、No new launch date was announced by the Pentagon. ─── 五角大楼没有宣布新的发射日期。

38、Meanwhile, it was beginning here in Washington. Another hijacked plane hits the Pentagon. ─── 同时,在华盛顿另一架被劫持的飞机撞上了五角大楼。

39、A comparision of the structures for C, CN x and BCN nanotubes indicates that a pentagonal structure hybridized with both B and N has lower formation energy than with only N. ─── B和N的同时掺杂 ,所形成的五边形结构比单独N掺杂时具有更低的形成能 ,是竹节状结构形成的主要原因 .

40、offers a PENTAGONAL profile for good bite on the ball resulting in better spin potential. ─── 五角形的结构使其具备良好的咬球性能,提供了绝佳的旋转。

41、The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual. Costs escalated beyond all expectations. And few were privy to the problems because the program was financed in the secret part of the Pentagon budget. ─── 厂家对合同投的标似乎较一般低得太多。成本节节升高,超出任何人的预料。由于该计划系五角大楼秘密预算所支付,很少人知悉问题的同情。

42、Pentagon: Iraq in some ways in civil war. ─── 五角大楼:伊拉克某种意义上已处于内战状态。

43、Pentagon planners started to discuss digital morphing after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. ─── 五角大楼的计划者开始讨论数字复合技术是在1990年伊拉克入侵科威特之后。

44、On a surprisingly hot and suffocating afternoon last Sunday, I went to the Pentagonal Square for shopping. ─── 午夜时分的北京是安逸的,我很享受在这个陌生城市的神秘夜晚。

45、Pentagon Press Secretary Morrell was quick to say Gates is not calling for negotiations with Iran now, which would contradict the president's position. ─── 五角大楼发言人莫雷尔急忙表示,盖茨并不是呼吁现在就与伊朗举行会谈,如果是这样的话,盖茨就和总统的立场相矛盾了。

46、Take a leap of Roman ruins, add a dash of Hollywood razzle-dazzle, some Pentagon technology and a wily professor. ─── 一些五边形技术和足智多谋的教授,再现了古罗马的毁灭,给好莱坞的旋转舞台增添了光彩。

47、Pentagon described the Chinese action as "dangerous, unprofessional" and a "violation of international law". ─── 五角大楼称中国的行动是“危险的、不专业的”“违反国际法”。

48、Pentagon said in a statement that such action is not directed at any specific threat, but is purely an imperative and prudent precaution. ─── 五角大楼在一份声明中说,这项举措并非针对具体威胁,而是一种必要的预防性措施。

49、The Pentagon was quick to issue a press release saying that Mr Hersh’s article was “riddled with errors”. ─── 五角大楼迅速发表了一份新闻稿,声称赫希先生的文章是“谬误满文”。

50、The Pentagon attempted to suppress documents connected with the case. ─── 五角大楼试图阻止将与此 案有关的文件公诸于世.

51、The ruined portion of the Pentagon was rebuilt and reoccupied within a year. ─── 五角大厦的原址上将会重建并会在一年内落成。

52、Pentagon: The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system". ─── 五角大楼:互联网上需要处理,因为如果这是一个敌人“的武器系统”。

53、The composition the optical reflector system is analyzed in detail, eventually a half pentagonal prism is taken to be the imaging devices. ─── 文中详细地分析了光路反射系统的组成,以半五角棱镜作为最终成像装置。

54、The regular pentagon has been credited with magical powers throughout recorded history. ─── 历史记载认为,正五边形具有神秘的力量。

55、However, the Pentagon says these figures are grossly underreported. ─── 但五角大楼却宣布这些数字被极大低估了。

56、The trouble is that planners in the Pentagon cannot afford to bet on it. ─── 但问题在于五角大楼里的军师们可不敢打这个赌!

57、The Pentagon says it needs a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 五角大楼表示数周内需要新的资金注入来维持在伊拉克和阿富汗的军事行动。

58、The Chinese are telling the Pentagon that they don't own space,"he said. ─── 五角大楼说,中国正告诉他们不自己的空间,"他说。

59、Said Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley "We don't consider this a security issue at all. ─── 五角大楼发言人海军少将克雷格·奎格利说:“我们根本不认为这是一个安全问题。

60、LAST month the Pentagon agreed to release 44 photos showing Americans allegedly abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 上个月,五角大楼同意发布44张美军虐待伊拉克和阿富汗俘虏的照片。

61、The Pentagon says only an "unclassified" e-mail system was breached, and has not identified the suspects. ─── 五角大楼表示只有一个“非机密”的电子邮件系统受到破坏,并且没有透露涉嫌者的身份。

62、But Double Eagle's future is uncertain, because the Pentagon has slowed funding to a trickle, and NASA can't afford any new missions. ─── 因为“五角大楼”正在逐渐减少开支,并且NASA(美国国家航空和航天局)也不能资助新项目研究。

63、The Pentagon says it neend a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 五角大楼称为了继续巩固在伊朗克和阿富汗的成果,他们在未来几周需要新的资金注入.

64、But the judge had no stomach for bureaucratic infighting(particularly with the Pentagon, which controls most of his intelligence budget plus its own) and not much feel for how to fit secret information into policy debates. ─── 可是法官无意参与政府内斗(尤其不愿与国防部内斗。国防部控制自己的预算,也控制着他的大部分情报预算), 同时他也不甚清楚如何把机密情报扯进政策辩论。

65、Please tell headquarters to standby to send any financial request to help centers in aiding the suffering victims in the Pentagon and New York. ─── 各小中心于援助五角大厦和纽约受苦的灾民时,若有任何经济上的问题,请告知总部随时提供支援。

66、Alexander McCall, a manager at Game Stop, in the Pentagon City Mall remains optimistic as well. ─── 亚历山大麦考尔,经理游戏停止,在五角大楼市购物中心仍然乐观的。

67、One senior Pentagon official travelling with Mr Gates denied that India was in the middle of a "tug of war" between the US and China. ─── 一位随同盖茨出访的五角大楼高层官员否认,印度处于中美“角力”的中心。

68、you can use the triangular faces , the squares , the pentagonal faces as well as the black connecting edges. ─── 你可使用的组件包括正三角形正方形和正五边形,以及黑色的连接棒。

69、He was being loaned to the Pentagon. ─── 他暂时被借调给五角大楼。

70、It is noted that novel patterns of pentagon and heptagon are formed in some special parameters. ─── 其中五边形与七边形的图案更是奇特。

71、In 1974 when I was submitting android plans to the Pentagon, I envisioned two brains for the android. ─── 1974年,当我向五角大楼提出机器人计划时,我为机器人设想了两个大脑。

72、Pentagon Spokesman Brian Whitman had a similar view. ─── 五角大楼发言人惠特曼也有类似的看法。

73、This characteristic pentagonal geometry of plan was delivered to have the maximum space in this site and adequate open space around it. ─── 我们之所以采用了五角形设计方案,是为了在这片区域获得最大的室内和室外空间。

74、A senior Pentagon official later suggested Admiral Keating had been misunderstood. ─── 之后,五角大楼某高级官员路出口风,说大家误解了基廷上将的意思。

75、Hijackers had just used airplanes to kill 3,000 people at the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. ─── 劫机者仅用飞机就使得纽约世贸大厦和华盛顿五角大楼的3000人丧生。

76、Otherwise, everybody's gonna be gunning for you -- the rebels, AND the Pentagon. ─── 不然,每个人都会用枪来招待你,包括五角大楼。

77、A Pentagon report last May referred to China's“ rapid and relatively smooth rise as an emerging space power”. ─── 去年5月五角大楼一份报告指出,中国正“快速而且比较顺利地崛起为一支太空新军”。

78、The Pentagon is about to release "hundreds" of photographs showing the alleged abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, US officials say. ─── 以为美国官员称,五角大楼将放出“数百张”显示美军在伊拉克和阿富汗被指成虐俘的照片。

79、Among the Pentagon's other concerns is that an aerial assault on a suspected biological or chemical stockpile might inadvertently release toxic substances into the air. ─── 五角大楼的另一个顾虑是,如果对可疑的生物或化学武器储备实施空中打击,可能会在不经意间把有毒物质释放到空气中。

80、One senior US official said the Pentagon had pinpointed the exact origins of the attack. ─── 一位美国高层官员表示,五角大楼已查明此次攻击的确切来源。

81、Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment. ─── 五角大楼也对此事无可奉告.

82、I told everyone who was ready to listen that I had material with pentagonal symmetry. ─── 我曾跟愿意聆听(我的发现)的人说,我找到了五重对称的材料。

83、Pentagon jargon has given the new gun an awkward title: the Objective Individual Combat Weapon. ─── 五角大楼用行话给这种新步枪起一个蹩脚的名字:目标个人作战武器。

84、About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, part of which later collapsed. ─── 一小时后,一架飞机撞入华盛顿五角大楼,稍后,五角大楼部分倒塌。

85、The Pentagon has released a security camera videotape of the American Airlines flight that hit the building on 9/11. ─── 五角大楼近日公布了一卷国防录像带,内容为9.11事件中美利坚航空公司客机撞击五角大楼的场面。

86、Pentagon officials said the shooting happened at a stress clinic in Camp Liberty. ─── 五角大楼称枪击事件发生在自由营的一家减压诊所。

87、Pentagon brass was concerned that it lacked the firepower to hit it. ─── 五角大楼的高级官员担忧没有足够的弹药攻击它。

88、The Pentagon says America has the best-led, best-trained and best-equipped army ever fielded. ─── 五角大楼表示,美国拥有有史以来最佳领导,最佳训练和最佳装备的军队。

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