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08-14 投稿


insufficient 发音

英:[?ns?'f??(?)nt]  美:[,?ns?'f??nt]

英:  美:

insufficient 中文意思翻译



insufficient 同义词

lame |inadequate | meager | scarce | enough | deficient | unsatisfactory | lacking | not | not enough | in short supply

insufficient 词性/词形变化,insufficient变形

副词: in-sufficiently |

insufficient 短语词组

1、insufficient justification ─── 理由不足

2、be insufficient of ... ─── 不足, ... ─── 不够

3、be insufficient to do sth ─── 不能胜任某事

4、insufficient quorum ─── [法] 不足法定人数

5、be insufficient for ... ─── 不足, ... ─── 不够

6、insufficient tanning ─── [化] 鞣制不足

7、There may be insufficient system resources or the network may be ─── 可能系统资源不足或者网络已经下载

8、payment insufficient ─── [经] 付款不足

9、insufficient evidence ─── [法] 不充分的证据

10、insufficient prestation ─── [法] 给付不足

11、insufficient fusion ─── [化] 未焊透

12、insufficient enzyme bating ─── [化] 酶软不足

13、insufficient deliming ─── [化] 脱灰不足

14、insufficient liming ─── [化] 灰处理不足; 灰碱处理不足

15、insufficient compression ─── [化] 压缩不足

16、evidence insufficient ─── [经] 证据不足, 证据不适当

17、insufficient fund ─── 资金不足

18、insufficient neutralization ─── [化] 中和不足

19、insufficient funds ─── [经] 存款不足

insufficient 反义词


insufficient 相似词语短语

1、oversufficient ─── 太多

2、unsufficient ─── 不充分的;不满足的

3、sufficient ─── adj.足够的;充分的

4、insufficiencies ─── n.不足,不充分;机能不全;不适当

5、inefficiently ─── adv.无效率地;缺乏能力地

6、inefficient ─── adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的

7、insufficience ─── n.不充足,不富裕(等于insufficiency)

8、insufficiency ─── n.不足,不充分;机能不全;不适当

9、insufficiently ─── adv.不够地;不能胜任地

insufficient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The packages are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably. ─── 包装不充分导致内容物大量泄露。

2、Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name. ─── 名称转换:不能找到该名称;或权限不够,无法看到名称。

3、And the insufficient food supply? ─── 和粮食供应紧张的难题吗?

4、Where reducing the noise output at the source is impractical or insufficient, noise may be absorbed or confined. ─── 如果在噪音源处减少噪音量行不通或不够要求,可以采用吸收或限制噪音的办法。

5、Residential areas equipped with insufficient sports facilities shall have to meet the requirements before 2008. ─── 对已建成的未达标的居住区,要在2008年前达到配套建设指标。

6、A bid that fails to supersede the last preceding bid is an insufficient bid. ─── 一个实质叫牌不能取代前面最后实质叫牌即为不足实质叫牌。

7、In truth, the question you propound to us is no small one, nor such that but small harm will follow if it meets with insufficient treatment. ─── 你提出来的问题在真理中,不是个小问题。即使是处理不当,它能够造成的伤害也是极其严重的的。

8、There is insufficient growth in the market at home. ─── 国内市场没有足够的增长。

9、Insufficient memory to convert equation. Continue with document conversion? ─── 内存不足无法转换方程式。您要继续运行文档转换吗?

10、There is insufficient memory to complete the wizard. ─── 内存不足,无法完成向导。

11、"Teams for the exchange and hire of labour" were usually formed by peasants with insufficient land. ─── “扎工队”一般是由土地不足的农民组成。

12、To do to an insufficient degree, especially to cook for too short a time. ─── 不尽全力做做得程度不够,尤指烧得时间太短

13、To provide with insufficient quantity or quality of nourishment to sustain proper health and growth. ─── 使营养不足以提供营养不充足的数量或质量来维持适当的健康和生长

14、Insufficient to meet all debts, as an estate or a fund. ─── 不足偿还债务的财产或资金不足以清偿所有债务的

15、Insufficient information and facilities in your website. ─── 五、信息设施不足贵网站.

16、The amount he had in cash was insufficient. ─── 他的现金不够。

17、L.C. amount insufficient pls. increase to U.S. 754,280$. ─── 信用证付款不足,请增至754,280美元。

18、Life is the art of drawing sufficient conxlusions from insufficient premises. ─── 从不充分的前提中推断出充分的结论,这就是人生的艺术。

19、Distance alone is insufficient to specify all properties at space. ─── 单靠距离还不足以把空间的所有性质说清楚。

20、Insufficient funds will easily cause to overdrawn. ─── 存款不足很容易导致透支。

21、In his novels, sometimes ponder problems of insufficient depth and the theme is often repeated. ─── 在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。

22、Insufficient high of plant can be overcome. Can be a spare Hopper Dryer. ─── 作为预备烘料用或克服厂房高度不足。

23、A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain. ─── 因脑缺血所引起的暂时性意识丧失。

24、How should be if is the area insufficient,I entered again door? ─── 假如面积不够我又该怎么入户呢?

25、In their day scientific knowledge was insufficient to settle the matter. ─── 在他们的时代,科学知识还不能足以解决这些问题。

26、Only there is mathematics knowledge ising far insufficient. ─── 只有数学知识是远不足够。

27、If still be disrelished insufficient, that adds part of a few handmade more. ─── 假如还嫌不够,那就多增加一些手工的成分吧。

28、You may have insufficient technique. ─── 你有可能是画工不够。

29、The reason for not prosecuting Ms Aw was insufficient evidence. ─── 不检控胡女士的理由是证据不足。

30、In their day scientific knowledge was insufficient to settle the matter. ─── 在他们的时代,科学知识还不能足以解决这些问题。

31、In many cases it has still been insufficient. ─── 在很多个案中,这甚至还不够支付义务教育。

32、Unable to add entry to AutoCorrect because there is insufficient memory. ─── 内存不足,无法添加自动更正词条。

33、The goods have been heavily saturated by rain because of insufficient packing. ─── 包装不良使货物被雨水浸透。

34、In the meantime Thenardier did not "let go of the child, " and gave a hundred insufficient reasons for it. ─── 但是德纳第不肯“放走那孩子”,并且找了各种不成理由的借口。

35、Actually, water insufficient just is to reduce corpulent fear. ─── 其实,饮水不足恰恰是减肥大忌。

36、Either flow rate is insufficient or CPU is overoccupied. ─── 不是流量不够用就是CPU资源占用过多!

37、Class for an exception caused by an insufficient grant set. ─── 对于因授予权限集不足而导致的异常,初始化。

38、Similar comments apply for extinction due to the droplet size becoming insufficient. ─── 对于因液滴尺寸不断减小而引起的熄火也可作类似的说明。

39、Insufficient funds or stock holdings when the dependent order is activated. ─── 在您的连随指令启动时,您的户口里没有足够的资金或股票。

40、The existing problem is the insufficient domestic demand and the lag of economic structural adjustment. ─── 存在的主要问题是,国内需求不足和经济结构调整滞后。

41、Insufficient memory to perform requested function. ─── 内存不足,无法执行所请求的操作。

42、Insufficient or excessive vapor flow detected during evaporative emission system operation. ─── 在蒸汽散发系统运转过程中,检测到气流量不足或过多。

43、There are insufficient permissions on the MESO container in Active Directory. ─── Active Directory中MESO容器的权限不足。

44、His children were dwarfed by insufficient food. ─── 他的儿女因营养不良而发育不全。

45、There are insufficient doctors. ─── 医师不足。

46、Cause is somnolence dote on shop loss many pets add fund insufficient -! ─── 原因是梦幻宠店损失很多宠物加上资金不够-!

47、They gave insufficient help. ─── 他们没有给以充分的帮助。

48、Similarly,it has led to insufficient democracy in the united front and in the mass movements. ─── 同时,也就影响到统一战线中、民众运动中民主生活的不足。

49、The worshiper hthinks that theworst is the insufficient horsepower. ─── 崇拜者认为最坏的事是马力不足.

50、His salary is insufficient to meet his needs. ─── 他的薪水不够应付需要。

51、Insufficient memory to complete the requested action. ─── 内存不足,无法完成所要求的行为。

52、Our industry suffers through insufficient investment in research. ─── 我们的工业因研究投入不足而大吃苦头。

53、No organization can stay in business if its operations are based on an insufficient margin of profit. ─── 如果一个公司的营业额利润不够,那它是无法在商场上立足的。

54、The main factor lead to impacted teeth was insufficient interdentium. ─── 发生阻生的局部因素主要是牙间隙不足。

55、It is usually insufficient for human recipients to receive only raw data or even summarized data. ─── 对接受人来说只接收原始数据或者甚至是总结的数据都是不够的。

56、The agency said it had become concerned at the weak recovery and an insufficient improvement in the public finances. ─── 标普表示,英国经济复苏疲弱和公共财政状况改善乏力确实令人担忧。

57、The worshiper considers those the worst is the insufficient horsepower. ─── 崇拜者以为最坏的事是马力不足.

58、Life bs the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises. ─── 人生是从不充分的前提引申出充分的结论的艺术。

59、Insufficient memory to perform operation. ─── 内存不足,无法执行操作。

60、Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease. ─── 坏疽软组织坏死或衰退,经常由供血不足和紧接着的受伤或疾病而发生在四肢

61、We reserve the right to cancel these classes due to insufficient enrollment. ─── 如果由于报名的学生人数不足我们有权取消课程。

62、All the offences mentioned above are due partly to immaturity and partly to an insufficient sense of responsibility. ─── 上面所说的那些,一方面是由于幼稚而来,另一方面也是由于责任心不足而来的。

63、Freedom seems to be a necessary but insufficient condition for innovation; any mechanism that could promote it should be welcomed. ─── 自由是必要的,但没有足够的条件去创新,任何能有促进作用的机制都应该被欢迎。

64、If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency. ─── 如果这些措施并不适合,那么一个国家将可能对他本国货币进行贬值。

65、Insufficient memory to load installable Virtual Device Drivers. ─── 内存不足,无法加载可安装的虚拟设备驱动程序。

66、There was insufficient memory to perform a task. ─── 内存不足,无法执行任务。

67、They gave insufficient help in this project. ─── 他们在这项工程中没有给以充分的帮助。

68、There was insufficient memory to start the application. ─── 内存不足,无法启用应用程序。

69、His salary is insufficient to meet his needs. ─── 他的薪水不够应付需要。

70、He feels that insufficient market was done and only in a limited area. ─── 他认为那只是在小范围内作的不充分的市场调查。

71、Why is life always so flimsy? Why are we always insufficient adamancy? ─── 为什么生命总是那么的脆弱?为什么我们总是不够坚强?

72、He was reprimanded for insufficient control. ─── 他因管理不善受到了责备。

73、An insufficient or improper charge. ─── 少量收费不足或不当收费

74、The two were later released due to insufficient evidence. ─── 但由于证据不足,二人获释。

75、The phrase "below average" does not necessarily mean insufficient. ─── “低于平均值”并不一定意味着发育不良。

76、There is insufficient memory available to complete operation. ─── 可用内存不足,无法完成操作。

77、"All very good, but insufficient," was his comment. ─── “你说的都很好,不过还不够。”他作了这种评述。

78、Problems can also be caused when insufficient equilibration time is allowed at the end of a temperature programmed run. ─── 在程序升温结束的时候平衡时间不足也会引起这个问题。

79、It is insufficient to solve health problems within the borders of a nation. ─── 光靠一国解决公共健康问题是不够的。

80、Insufficient memory to read history. History will not be available. ─── 内存不足,无法读取历史。历史不能使用。

81、However, the problem of insufficient demand is still prominent. ─── 但是,当前有效需求不足的矛盾仍然比较突出。

82、Insufficient force to defeat an enemy. ─── 力量不足不足以击败敌人的力量

83、This weill create the impression that we have an insufficient force. ─── 同时分派士卒,纵使他们骂敌挑战,以向敌人显示我军兵力单薄。”

84、Become aware quite to this author insufficient evenhanded. ─── 对此笔者颇觉不够公允。

85、Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient. ─── 供残疾人使用的设施仍然不足。

86、He was tired because he had had insufficient sleep. ─── 他很疲倦,因为他未睡足。

87、Not adequate to fulfill a need or meet a requirement; insufficient. ─── 不充分的没有足够的能力来实现某种需求或达到某种要求的;不足的

88、Insufficient pressure in pressure roller. ─── 加压罗拉压力不足。

89、It is caused by insufficient damping. ─── 它是由于阻尼不足而造成的。

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