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08-14 投稿


unlawfully 发音

英:[?n?l??f?li]  美:[?n?l??f?li]

英:  美:

unlawfully 中文意思翻译



unlawfully 反义词


unlawfully 同义词

improperly |underground | criminally | illegally | illicitly | dishonestly

unlawfully 短语词组

1、unlawfully syn ─── 非法同步

2、unlawfully and maliciously ─── [法] 非法而且恶意地

3、unlawfully killed ─── 非法杀人

4、unlawfully new zealand visa ─── 非法新西兰签证

5、unlawfully imprisoned ─── 非法监禁

6、unlawfully held ─── 非法持有

7、unlawfully obtained property ─── [法] 非法所得财产

8、unlawfully assauit ─── 非法袭击

9、unlawfully school ─── 非法学校

10、unlawfully movie ─── 非法电影

11、unlawfully fired ─── 非法解雇

12、unlawfully use of permit ─── 非法使用许可证

13、unlawfully mean ─── 卑鄙的

14、unlawfully blocking a right of way ─── 非法阻碍通行权

15、unlawfully and unfairly ─── 不合法和 ─── 不公平

16、unlawfully altered document ─── 非法涂改的文件

17、unlawfully present ─── 非法出席

18、unlawfully altered ─── 非法涂改

unlawfully 相似词语短语

1、lawfully ─── adv.合法地;守法地

2、awfully ─── adv.可怕地;十分;非常;很

3、unfearfully ─── 无情的

4、unharmfully ─── 无害的

5、unmanfully ─── 毫无男子气概

6、unlawful ─── adj.非法的;私生的

7、unusefully ─── 毫无用处,

8、unartfully ─── 毫不客气地

9、playfully ─── adv.开玩笑地;好游玩地

unlawfully 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unlawfully and maliciously ─── [法] 非法而且恶意地

2、The car you took is suspected as operating unlawfully. ─── 您乘坐的这辆车涉嫌非法营运。

3、4.The Landlord fails to comply the lease agreement and unlawfully cancels the term, the Landlord shall compensate the Tenant twice amount based on the prorated rent for the remaining days. ─── 4租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按提前收回天数的租金的2倍向乙方支付违约金。

4、The part of the subjective aspects of the Crime of Embezzlement: It aims at owning public and private property unlawfully and has the direct intent subjectively. ─── “侵占罪的主观方面”部分,论述侵占罪是以非法占有为目的的犯罪,主观上是直接故意。

5、No organization or individual shall unlawfully establish any religious activity site. ─── 任何组织和个人不得擅自设立宗教活动场所。

6、The act of unlawfully breaking into and entering another's house. ─── 侵入民宅非法侵入或进入他人家宅的行为。

7、Where any party who is unlawfully confined in personal freedom applies for canceling a marriage, he or she shall make the application within one year since the day he or she resumes personal freedom. ─── 被非法限制人身自由的当事人请求撤销婚姻的,应当自恢复人身自由之日起一年内提出。

8、the act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another ─── 侵犯人身的行为非法恐吓他人或试图伤害他人的行为或事实

9、Article 4 Right to Enter into Contract Voluntarily A party is entitled to enter into a contract voluntarily under the law, and no entity or individual may unlawfully interfere with such right. ─── 第四条当事人依法享有自愿订立合同的权利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预。

10、Article 5 No certification certificate or certification mark may be forged, unlawfully used, transferred or illegally traded. ─── 第五条禁止伪造、冒用、转让和非法买卖认证证书和认证标志。

11、However, Pakistan's Higher Education Commission has issued a "Public Alert on Substandard Private Universities" and lists "Preston University, Karachi" as operating unlawfully within the country. ─── 然而,巴基斯坦高等教育委员会公布了“关于不合格私立大学的公共警告”,“卡拉奇普拉斯顿大学”因非法运营名列其中。

12、Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication ─── 搭配销售出版物和强行推销出版物的;擅自更改出版物版权页的

13、Whoever unlawfully detains or confines another person in order to get payment of a debt shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. ─── 为索取债务非法扣押、拘禁他人的,依照前两款的规定处罚。

14、z Have you ever violated the terms of a U.S. visa, or been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States? ─── 您是否曾经违反过美国签证的有关规定?是否曾非法进入美国或曾被美国递解出境?

15、In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed shall not be sufficient, other than in exceptional cases, to permit release of the goods into the channels of commerce. ─── 对于假冒商标的商品,除了个别场合,仅将非法附着在商品上的商标拿掉,尚不足以允许这类商品投放商业渠道。

16、a burglar who unlawfully breaks into and enters another person's house ─── 经常破门而入到别人家盗窃的家盗

17、Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication; ─── 出版物市场管理规定部门规定搭配销售出版物和强行推销出版物的;擅自更改出版物版权页的;

18、He seized all her property unlawfully. ─── 他非法霸占了她所有的财产。

19、Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of honour. It shall be prohibited to unlawfully divest citizens and legal persons of their honorary titles. ─── 第一百零二条公民、法人享有荣誉权,禁止非法剥夺公民、法人的荣誉称号。

20、The article subject divides into four parts, first part of limits unlawfully obtained evidence exclusionary rule meaning and so on basic concept; ─── 文章主题分为四部分,第一部分界定非法证据排除规则的含义等基本概念;

21、Article 6 Where the assignee unlawfully alters the use of land as stipulated in the assignment contact of land use right and the assigner requests to terminate the contract, it shall be supported. ─── 第一条 本解释所称的土地使用权出让合同,是指市、县人民政府土地管理部门作为出让方将国有土地使用权在一定年限内让与受让方,受让方支付土地使用权出让金的协议。

22、It's Very Necessary to Restrain the Unlawfully - unusually Upstart to Construct the Harmonious Society ─── 构建和谐社会必须坚决遏制非法非正常暴富

23、The defendant unlawfully enters the land of the plaintiff. ─── 被告违法入侵原告的土地。

24、One of the women claims she was unlawfully coerced and subjected to sexual molestation and deliberate molestation. ─── 其中一名女子称,她被非法诱骗,还被性骚扰和蓄意骚扰。

25、He's the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully. ─── 他是个非法贩卖药品的人。

26、It also contest the Michigan automaker was unlawfully given a loan from the Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program. ─── 它还竞赛密歇根州的汽车被人非法获得的贷款从财政部的麻烦资产救济计划.

27、Murderer n. A person who unlawfully kills another person Nebraska n. A state in the U. S. ─── 内布拉斯加州。

28、A doctor shall not unlawfully go out for consultation without approval of the medical institution where he works. ─── 医师未经所在医疗机构批准,不得擅自外出会诊。

29、The goods unlawfully imported were confiscated. ─── 不合法进口的货物被没收了。

30、A party is entitled to enter into a contract oluntarily under the law, and no entity or indiidual may unlawfully interfere with such right. ─── 第五条当事人应当遵循公平原则确定各方的权利和义务。

31、No entity or individual may unlawfully interfere with or influence the process or result of bid appraisal. ─── 任何单位和个人不得非法干预、影响评标过程及结果。

32、Have you ever violated the terms of a U.S. visa, if been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States? ─── 您是否曾违反过美国签证的有关规定?是否曾非法进入美国或曾被美国递解出境?

33、To seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom. ─── 绑架非法地通常为得赎金而劫持

34、Article 10 No entity or individual may alter, resell, rent, lend its/his qualification certificate or unlawfully transfer its/his qualification certificate by any other means. ─── 第十条任何单位和个人不得涂改、倒卖、出租、出借或者以其他形式非法转让资质证书。

35、Chauzy says a law passed last month requires that all squatters vacate houses they unlawfully occupy in Baghdad or face prosecution. ─── 乔兹说,有关财产权的争议仍然是阻止这些难民返乡的最大障碍。

36、government acted unlawfully in imposing the restrictions. ─── 政府不合法地采取行动强加制约。

37、1) All goods unlawfully bearing a trademark or trade name shall be seized on importation into those countries of the Union where such mark or trade name is entitled to legal protection. ─── 一切非法标有商标或厂商名称的商品,在输入到该项商标或厂商名称有权受到法律保护的本联盟国家时,应予以扣押。

38、The higher-level DSAD may order lower-level DSADs to correct, within a prescribed time limit, the decisions of administrative punishment that have been unlawfully made. ─── 上级药品监督管理部门对下级药品监督管理部门违法做出的行政处罚决定,可责令限期改正;

39、The General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said Friday that the two companies unlawfully added melamine in some of its products. ─── 中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局星期五说,这两家公司非法在一些产品中添加叁聚氰胺。

40、On Establishing the Principle of Exclusion of Evidence Obtained Unlawfully ─── 论建立非法证据排除原则

41、“We will investigate the responsibilities of judges that adjudicated cases in an unlaw manner or wrongly, and investigate and rectify every case according to the law whenever it is discovered.” ─── “对违法办案和办错案的法官,实行责任追究,发现一起,查处一起,依法纠正一起.”

42、Secondly, study the present situation and the insufficiency of legislation of the exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in our country. ─── 三、探讨我国刑事非法证据排除规则的制度构建。

43、They have been hanging on in the unlawfully occupied area. ─── 他们一直赖在那个非法占领的地区不走。

44、Article 50 Neither of the parties to the government procurement contract may unlawfully alter, suspend or terminate the contract. ─── 第五十条政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。

45、unlawfully delivered ball in cricket. ─── 板球运动中不符和规定的投球。

46、A construction entity shall undertake the construction according to the approved designing documents.No entity or personnel may unlawfully revise any project design. ─── 施工单位必须按批准的设计文件施工,任何单位和人员不得擅自修改工程设计。

47、Study on the Exclusionary Rule of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence ─── 刑事非法证据排除规则研究

48、No child should be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or detained unlawfully or arbitrarily. ─── 不应对任何儿童进行折磨或其它残忍的,非人的或低下的待遇或惩罚,或非法专横的扣留。

49、The lag of the evidence legislation and the vacancy of the exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence, is intensely manifested the idea. ─── 证据立法的滞后以及非法证据排除规则的制度性缺位,正是这种法律观念、法律思想在制度层面的强烈体现。

50、Calculation Methods of Unlawfully Felled Tree Volume and Their Application ─── 盗伐立木材积测算方法及其应用

51、A coroner's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed. ─── 一个验尸官组成的陪审团裁定戴安娜王妃及其男友死于谋杀。

52、In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts ─── 在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木

53、Any individual shall be strictly prohibited from unlawfully making decisions on providing guaranty or changing collective approval opinions. ─── 严禁任何个人擅自决定提供担保或者改变集体审批意见。

54、A party is entitled to enter into a contract voluntarily under the law, and no entity or individual may unlawfully interfere with such right. ─── 当事人依法享有自愿订立合同的权利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预。

55、No individual or organization may unlawfully hold any document, material or other articles classified as State secrets. ─── 第二十条任何个人和组织都不得非法持有属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品。

56、unlawfully violating the rights of others. ─── 不合法地侵害他人的权利的。

57、“We will investigate the responsibilities of judges that adjudicated cases in an unlaw manner or wrongly, and investigate and rectify every case according to the law whenever it is discovered. ─── “对违法办案和办错案的法官,实行责任追究,发现一起,查处一起,依法纠正一起.

58、Have you ever violated the terms of a U.S. Visa, or been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States? ─── 您是否曾经违反过美国签证的有关规定?是否曾非法进入美国或曾被美国递解出境?

59、Defendant Microsoft Corporation (" Microsoft ") is found to have unlawfully infringed U.S. patent No. 5,787,449 (the "' 449 patent"). ─── 被告微软公司非法侵犯美国专利号5,787,449(以下简称“449号专利”)。

60、Corresponds with it, took the procedure fair should have righteousness criminal unlawfully obtained evidence exclusionary rule to be congenitally deficient naturally. ─── 与之相对应,作为程序公正中应有之义的刑事非法证据的排除规则自然先天不足。

61、Article 102 Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of honour. It shall be prohibited to unlawfully divest citizens and legal persons of their honorary titles. ─── 第一百零二条公民、法人享有荣誉权,禁止非法剥夺公民、法人的荣誉称号。

62、The reason why they are not allowed to accept zakah is, as you said, that it is a mix of lawfully and unlawfully earned money and therefore there is a doubt regarding it. ─── 你也许会觉得这不公平,让我作以解释。这是一项于万事中寻求完美的高层次(的事),我们所有人都公开鼓励效仿这一做法,根本无需接纳天课。

63、Today's decision helps protect fair competition by ensuring that competitors do not unlawfully copy our winning consumer solutions. ─── 今天的决议使得竞争者不能恣意地剽窃我们拥有的先进的消费者解决方案,是对于公平竞争的保证。

64、if the relevant securities have been issued, a fine of 1% up to 5% of the illegal proceeds as unlawfully raised shall be imposed. ─── 已经发行证券的,处以非法所募资金金额百分之一以上百分之五以下的罚款。

65、it strictly forbids the police to unlawfully deprive citizens of or curtail their freedom of person; ─── 严禁警察非法剥夺、限制公民的人身自由;

66、Estimate the capital value of (a company) at an unreasonably or unlawfully high level. ─── 不合理地或不恰当地过高地估计了(一个公司)的实际的资本价值。

67、No organization or individual may appropriate,buy,sell or lease land,or unlawfully transfer land in other ways. ─── 任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖、出租或者以其他形式非法转让土地。

68、Article 117 A stock exchange shall deposit its risk fund into a special account of its opening bank and may not unlawfully misuse it. ─── 第一百一十七条证券交易所应当将收存的风险基金存入开户银行专门账户,不得擅自使用。

69、If employee is unlawfully terminated, remedy is reinstatement, back payment of wages, and penalty. ─── 若雇员遭到非法解雇,法律救济是责令企业让雇员恢复原职、付清所欠工资和缴纳罚金。

70、A coroner's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed.That's because of the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997. ─── 英国陪审团做出裁决,认定由于司机疏忽驾驶和狗仔队追逐的不计后果的行为造成戴安娜王妃和她的男友多迪被“非法杀害”。

71、To dispossess unlawfully of real property; oust. ─── 强占,逐出对不动产的非法占有;逐出

72、A stock exchange shall deposit its risk fund into a special account of its opening bank and shall not unlawfully use it. ─── 第一百一十七条证券交易所应当将收存的风险基金存入开户银行专门账户,不得擅自使用。

73、The reviewing court has the authority to compel any agency action unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed, or to set aside any agency action ─── 审查法院有权强制停止任何不合法的机构行为,推迟不合理的机构行为及废止任何机构行为。

74、Some students claimed the tutor had unlawfully obtained the papers and used them for commercial gain. ─── 有学生声称,该补习导师从不当途径取得有关试题作商业得益。

75、Party B cannot make goods overstocked and charge consignees unlawfully by any reasons.Otherwise Party B will be responsible for all consequences. ─── 乙方不得以任何理由积压货物并以此向收货人收取不正当费用,由此引起的一切后果由乙方承担。

76、Chauzy says a law passed last month requires that all squatters vacate houses they unlawfully occupy in Baghdad or face prosecution. ─── 乔兹说,上个月通过的一项法律规定,在巴格达所有非法占用住房的人都要搬出去,否则将受到起诉。

77、To take(the property of another) unlawfully; steal. ─── 偷窃不合法地拿走(另一个人的财产);偷窃

78、Right to Enter into Contract Voluntarily A party is entitled to enter into a contract voluntarily under the law, and no entity or individual may unlawfully interfere with such right. ─── 当事人依法享有自愿订立合同的权利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预。

79、2.The public security organs will impose punishment in accordance with law on those foreigners or responsible persons who unlawfully reside or stay in China or break law in China,. ─── 2.对在中国非法居(停)留或具有其它违法行为的外国人或责任人,公安机关将依法予以处罚。

80、If the circumstances are serious, the certificate of qualification of the inspection institution which has unlawfully collected inspection fees shall be revoked. ─── 对违法收取检验费用情节严重的药品检验机构,撤销其检验资格。

81、Assize of Felling Trees with Stumps unlawfully and Indiscriminately ─── 盗伐、滥伐林木现场根据伐根作相应林木材积测定

82、Pay back what one takes; return and compensate; return what one has unlawfully taken or pay compensation for it ─── 向原主退还或赔偿非法取得的财物等

83、In the countries where banks are found to be acting unlawfully they must be prosecuted through the courts. ─── 在发现银行违法的国家,必须通过法庭对银行提起诉讼。

84、(1) a unit or individual that unlawfully issues to the community public meteorological forecast or severe weather warning ─── (一)非法向社会发布公众气象预报、灾害性天气警报的;

85、To some extent, such a system would also hinder debtors from unlawfully removing and transferring property. ─── 在某种程度上,这样系统也将妨害从不合法地去除的和转移的物产的债家。

86、In May this year, the SEC had a Credit Suisse employee prosecuted for unlawfully disclosing information on nine transactions to Pakistani investors. ─── 今年5月,美国SEC还起诉一名瑞士信贷集团的人员,在总共9宗交易案中,向巴基斯坦的投资者非法透露资讯。

87、A licensee shall not alter, resell, lease or lend its Electric Power Business License or unlawfully transfer its Electric Power Business License by any other means. ─── 被许可人不得涂改、倒卖、出租、出借电力业务许可证,或者以其他形式非法转让电力业务许可。

88、To take unlawfully or without permission; steal. ─── 偷盗非法或未经许可地拿取;偷盗

89、On theoretical base of the Exclusionary Rule of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence ─── 论非法证据排除规则的理论基础

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