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conjugal 发音

英:['k?nd??g(?)l]  美:['kɑnd??ɡl]

英:  美:

conjugal 中文意思翻译



conjugal 网络释义

adj. 婚姻的;结婚的;夫妻之间的

conjugal 词性/词形变化,conjugal变形


conjugal 短语词组

1、conjugal laws ─── 婚姻法

2、conjugal ligament ─── 接合韧带

3、conjugal partner ─── 关于同居 ─── 关系

4、conjugal cancer ─── [医] 配偶癌

5、conjugal rights ─── 夫妻同居权

6、subtraction of conjugal right ─── [法] 放弃配偶权利

7、conjugal right ─── [法] 夫妻同居权

8、conjugal diabetes ─── [医] 配偶者糖尿病

9、conjugal prep ─── 婚姻准备

10、conjugal offence ─── [法] 婚姻上的违法行为

11、conjugal relation ─── [法] 夫妻关系

12、conjugal bliss ─── 琴瑟和鸣

13、conjugal visit ─── 夫妻探视

14、conjugal visitation right ─── [网络] 婚姻访问权

15、conjugal visits ─── 配偶探视

16、conjugal felicity ─── 美满姻缘

17、conjugal love ─── 夫妻恩爱

18、conjugal visitation ─── [网络] 婚姻访问

19、conjugal family ─── [法] 无子女的家庭

conjugal 相似词语短语

1、unconjugal ─── 非共轭的

2、conjugants ─── n.[遗]接合体

3、conjugated ─── adj.共轭的;成对的

4、conjugality ─── n.夫妇生活;夫妇

5、conjugately ─── 共轭的

6、conjugate ─── v.列举(动词的)词形变化;结合;使成对;使共轭;adj.共轭的;结合的;n.结合物;共轭物;偶联物

7、conjugable ─── 可喷

8、conjugant ─── n.[遗]接合体

9、conjugally ─── 巫术般的

conjugal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、conjugal life, bliss, rights ─── 婚姻的生活、 美满、 权利.

2、conjugal diabetes ─── [医] 配偶者糖尿病

3、conjugal propeity ─── 夫妻财产制

4、conjugal relation; bed and board; a marriage bed; marriage relationship ─── 夫妻关系

5、Just hang to marry in the northwest of the hall photograph, in representing this family, the husband still has conjugalconjugal love to the madam. ─── 在大厅的西北方挂一幅结婚照片,代表此家庭中,丈夫对太太依然有结婚的恩爱。

6、Conjugal felicity,connubial happiness ─── 夫妇好合

7、The factors affecting the stability of conjugal relations at present day and the countermeasures taken by women ─── 当前影响夫妻关系稳定的因素及女性的对策

8、Love, a hundred years of cultivation with the boat, spend the dependency, old age conjugal bliss. ─── 爱情,百年修得同船渡,相依相守,白头偕老。

9、1. Sitting on the edge of the brick-bed, her thoughts wandering, she savored her conjugal bliss and felt like a large red flower opening in the sun. ─── 她坐在炕头上,呆呆的,渺茫的,追想婚后的快乐;全身像一朵大的红花似的,香暖的在阳光下开开。

10、The conjugal family relations are the status promotion conjugal family are stable, are harmonious. ─── 婚姻家庭关系是身份促进婚姻家庭的稳定、和谐。。

11、and such things, good or bad, accentuate in the conjugal lives, not the concept of share and complementation as one might argue. ─── 诸如此类,不管好坏,强调于夫妻生活中,而不是一个人可以争辩的共享和互补的概念。

12、conjugal harmony ─── 夫妇关系融洽

13、conjugal conflict ─── 夫妇冲突

14、conjugal offence ─── 婚姻违法行为

15、She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday. ─── 她应该周二就来探监了。

16、Action for the restitution of the conjugal community ─── 恢复夫妻同居诉讼

17、I'm looking for my lover at all times.But looking back,I did not be given anything.I believe the true love is not far from me.At the same time,i wish everyone will get true love and live to old age in conjugal bliss. ─── 我一直都在寻找属于自己的爱情,但回首往事,我没有得到任何东西,我相信真爱已离我不远,同时,我也祝愿每个人都能得到真爱,并且与子偕老.

18、the conjugal [marriage, nuptial] rites ─── 婚礼

19、This was their conjugal bed, in a sense. ─── 在一定意义上,这是它们的夫妻床。

20、Isn't suitable for three kinds of conjugal women? ─── 不适合结婚的三种女人?

21、conjugal tie ─── 姻缘

22、In fact, they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours, whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week. ─── 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。

23、conjugal duty ─── 夫妇责任

24、Look for a sincere, love the heart of, the personality is bright, woulding like to serious conjugal of man!(Is not a sincere person, please do not bother, brush-off game! ─── 寻找一个真诚的,有爱心的,性格开朗,愿意陪伴我走完人生旅途的男人。(不是真诚的人,请不要打扰,拒绝游戏!

25、conjugal family ─── 夫妇式家庭

26、conjugal relation ─── 夫妇关系

27、Walk out of the child that come from family of parental conjugal love, each other valued, they are gentle to family beloved, self-effacing also to alien civilized. ─── 从父母恩爱、彼此尊重的家庭里走出来的孩子,他们对家人温和亲爱,对外人也谦让有礼。

28、On protection of the ownership of conjugal estates by the entirety ─── 如何保护夫妻共同财产所有权

29、conjugal love/rights ─── 夫妻之间的恩爱/同房权

30、The influence of polarization on the phase conjug ate light is analyzed.The gen eration ways of wavelength-shift and wavelength-shift-free phase conjugate li ght are summarized. ─── 偏振态对共轭光的影响及解决方法及产生有频移和无频移的相位共轭光的方式;

31、The intimate sphere of the conjugal family ─── 及其与"夫妻家庭的私人领域

32、restitution of conjugal right ─── 恢复夫妻同居权

33、couple conjugal love ─── 夫妻恩爱

34、The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love- affinity, and she looked forward some day to emerging, without shock or friction, into that same quiet sweetness of existence with a loved one. ─── 她父母的婚姻之爱是她理想的爱情境界。她希望有一天会跟一个如意郎君过同样甜蜜的日子,用不着经历震荡或磨擦。

35、conjugal right ─── [法] 夫妻同居权

36、If he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. ─── 出21:10若另娶一个、女子的吃食、服、好合的事、不可减少。

37、It was as if they had leapt over the arduous calvary of conjugal life and gone straight to the heart of love. ─── 那颇象一下越过了夫妻生活中必不可少的艰苦磨难,未经任河曲折,而直接奔向了爱巢。

38、Or else, where conjugal love has grown cold, the child may be taken as a substitute for the love object which has ceased to attract. ─── 或者,假如结婚的爱已经冷淡,则孩子即可被视为失去了吸引力的爱人的替身了。

39、Most wives love to brag about their husbands when talking to other women.A wonderful example of this conjugal happiness occurred when Sally was discussing her husband with others. ─── 大部份的妻子在同其他女人聊天时都喜欢夸耀自己的丈夫. 于是, 当莎丽在和他人谈论她的丈夫时, 就爆出了这样一个关于婚姻幸福的绝妙笑料.

40、O hero, kindly distribute to us the nectar of Your lips, which enhances conjugal pleasure and vanquishes grief. ─── 噢英雄,请仁慈地给我们分发祢唇上的甘露,这种甘露增加爱人的快乐和克服忧伤。

41、conjugal system ─── 共居制度

42、Put crudely, she had chosen the son's conjugal partner, not her son. ─── 简单的说,是她选择了儿子的婚配对象而不是她的儿子。

43、I never observed that the women of America consider conjugal authority as a fortunate usurpation of their rights, or that they thought themselves degraded by submitting to it. ─── 我从来没有见到美国妇女认为丈夫行使他的权利就是侵夺她们的权利,更没有见到美国妇女认为这是使她们屈辱服从。

44、Research on Power Pattern and Conjugal Relation of Urban Senior Couples ─── 城市老年人夫妻权力模式与夫妻关系研究

45、conjugal laws ─── 婚姻法

46、conjugal union ─── 完婚

47、One of lecturers says excitedly: " Alcohol can break down conjugal relation, even cause your wife to leave you . . . " ─── 一个演讲者动情地说:“酒精可以破坏夫妻关系,甚至导致妻子离开自己的丈夫……”

48、You praise a pair of husband and wife how conjugal love, still tell them as simple ground " have look of husband and wife very much " , because this is blacker, more mysterious. ─── 你表扬一对夫妻如何恩爱,还不如简单地告诉他们“很有夫妻相”,因为这更玄,更神秘。女性天生对命运之说抱有强烈兴趣,自然,她也更相信它的神圣了。

49、conjugal status ─── 婚姻地位

50、The Folk Foundation for the Changes of the Ethics of Conjugal Relation in the Modern Times ─── 家庭夫妇伦理近代变迁的民间基础

51、It was a sweet emblem of conjugal affection, as they toiled up the difficult ascent, gathering strength from the mutual aid which they afforded ─── 他俩互相帮助,彼此鼓舞,艰苦困苦地爬着山,真可以成为夫唱妇随的楷模。

52、They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins. ─── 她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。

53、A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged. ─── 婚姻是缘分。

54、Relating to marriage or the married state;conjugal. ─── 婚姻的与婚姻或婚姻状况有关的;

55、ST: I saw you coming out of the conjugal room. ─── 我看到你从夫妻房间走出来的。

56、conjugal relations ─── 夫妻关系模式

57、division of household labor;women's employment;conjugal resources;social change;gender norms ─── 关键词:家务分工;妇女就业;夫妻资源;社会变迁;性别规范

58、They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins ─── 她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。

59、On Conjugal Relation in the Rural Urbanization ─── 农村城市化中的夫妻关系

60、conjugal life ─── 婚姻生活

61、conjugal cancer ─── [医] 配偶癌

62、conjugal understanding ─── 婚约

63、Ll visit you in jail, conjugal. ─── 我会去监狱看你的,亲爱的。

64、Conjugal life,bliss,rights ─── 婚姻的生活、美满、权利.

65、intergeneric conjugal transfer ─── 属间接合转移

66、Keywords lucky-time choice, wedding ceremony, marriage destiny, conjugal relation, collision, wrangle, auspicious yijing ─── 关键词择日;婚礼庆典;婚姻命运;夫妻关系;冲突;吵架;吉祥易经

67、Property Regulation in Conjugal Relation -- A Reflection on Several Cases ─── 夫妻财产制若干疑难案例的法律思考

68、Today, go mad for money simultaneously when whole the Chinese nation, chose conjugal nature to also make activity of a sort. ─── 今天,当整个中华民族一齐为金钱发疯,挑选配偶自然也就成为了一个排序活动。

69、The conjugal tubers of multiflower knotweed in the shape of human beings. ─── 一个小女孩稳坐在武汉植物园内的巨型王莲上。

70、restitution of conjugal rights ─── 夫妇同居权的恢复

71、The following facts speak against the notion of integrative suppression: (1) The frequency of conjugal transfer of chromosome markers was

72、In Athens the law exacted from the man not only marriage but also the performance of a minimum of so-called conjugal duties. ─── 在雅典,法律不仅规定必须结婚,而且规定丈夫必须履行一定的最低限度的所谓夫妇义务。

73、Probe into the Separate Undertaking of the Conjugal External Debts ─── 夫妻个人对外债务承担探讨

74、Sitting on the edge of the brick-bed, her thoughts wandering, she savored her conjugal bliss and felt like a large red flower opening in the sun. ─── 她坐在炕头上,呆呆的,渺茫的,追想婚后的快乐; 全身像一朵大的红花似的,香暖的在阳光下开开。

75、The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love-affinity ─── 她父亲和母亲的伉俪之情就是她心目中理想的恋爱关系。

76、It is later under coincidence, she made a boy friend, two people special conjugal love, but her boy friend also discovered her body odor, want to part company with her. ─── 后来在巧合之下,她交了一个男朋友,两人非常恩爱,可是她男朋友也发现了她的狐臭,要和她分手。

77、The foundation for peace is common faith in God and practice of true parental, conjugal and familial love.Hence the value of True Parents, and the messianic power of their words and works. ─── 和平的基台应该建立在人类对神的共同信仰上,实践真实的父母、夫妇和家庭之爱,进而真父母的价值,及弥赛亚般力量的圣言和事工。

78、Moral Base of Conjugal Property System and Its Future Tendency ─── 夫妻财产制的道德基础与未来走势

79、Osmond made more of a point even than usual of referring to the conjugal harmony prevailing at palazzo Roccanera ─── 奥斯蒙德甚至比平时更加强调,罗卡内拉宫的这一对夫妇过着非常和睦的家庭生活。

80、Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal. ─── 婚姻的与婚姻或婚姻状况有关的;夫妻间的

81、conjugal rights ─── 夫妻同居权

82、Conjugal Contractual Property System ─── 夫妻约定财产制

83、conjugal debt ─── 夫妻债务

84、Does conjugal love know each other well what degree? ─── 恩爱相知到什么程度?

85、Connubial:Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal. ─── 婚姻的:与婚姻或婚姻状况有关的;夫妻间的.

86、He should be sincere, humor of, like confabulation, like to read and appreciate of character.He has to consider conjugal of ─── 他应该是真诚的,幽默的,喜欢交谈的,喜欢阅读和欣赏的个性。他必须考虑结婚的人。

87、time for your conjugal. Your wife is here. ─── 是你的‘夫妻团聚’时间,你老婆来了。

88、Sexuality Worship and Conjugal Engagement ─── 两性崇拜与木石前盟

89、Marta Alvarez v.Colombia (Inter-Am.HR Comm., 1999): petition filed in 1999 re denial of equal treatment when Colombian prison authorities denied conjugal visits with her female partner; ─── 哥伦比亚(美洲各国间人权委员会,1999):1999年递交的关于平等对待的请愿书又一次被否定了,那时,哥伦比亚监狱当局不允许配偶和女方一起探望;

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