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08-14 投稿


extirpate 发音


英:  美:

extirpate 中文意思翻译



extirpate 词性/词形变化,extirpate变形

动词第三人称单数: extirpates |形容词: extirpative |动词过去式: extirpated |名词: extirpation |动词过去分词: extirpated |动词现在分词: extirpating |

extirpate 短语词组

1、extirpate mtg ─── 根除mtg

2、extirpate defined ─── 根除定义

3、extirpate means ─── 消灭手段

4、extirpate species ─── 灭绝物种

5、extirpate meaning ─── 根除意义

6、extirpate define ─── 根除定义

7、extirpate crossword clue ─── 消除纵横字谜线索

8、extirpate definition ─── 根除定义

9、extirpate the species ─── 灭绝物种

extirpate 相似词语短语

1、extirpating ─── v.根除;彻底毁坏

2、extirpated ─── v.彻底消灭,根除(extirpate的过去式和过去分词)

3、to extirpate ─── 消灭

4、extirpatory ─── 根除的

5、extirpator ─── n.扑灭者;摘除器

6、extirpates ─── v.根除;彻底毁坏

7、extirpable ─── 可根除的

8、extirpation ─── n.消灭,根除;毁灭

9、extirpative ─── 根除的;除尽的;灭绝的

extirpate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2.This change is remarkable, in light of extensive government efforts during that same time-period to extirpate veneration of Marian images, and to direct Christian worship to the written word. ─── 这个转变是值得注意的,就是在那个时期,根据政府的广大努力,消灭了玛丽亚肖像的崇拜,直接向耶稣祷告写入了法令。

2、extirpate dissent, opposition, etc ─── 清除异端、 对立面等.

3、To get rid of by destroying completely; extirpate. ─── 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除

4、Exterminate: to get rid of by destroying completely; extirpate ─── 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除

5、To get rid of by destroying completely;extirpate. ─── 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除

6、Conclusion: The exact orientation of intraocular eyewinker is a introductive worthy to extirpate eyewinker befo. . . ─── 结论:术前眼球异物的准确定位对及时摘除异物有重要的指导价值。

7、Keywords Middle school students;Health education of extirpate drug;Teaching methods; ─── 中学生;禁毒健康教育;方法探讨;

8、I had not indented to love him: the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate him from my soul the germs of love there detected; ─── 我并不想去爱他,读者知道,我曾竭力把出现在我心中的爱苗连根拔掉。

9、extirpate social evils ─── 根除社会弊端

10、to extirpate the smoking habit ─── 戒除吸烟习惯

11、to extirpate disease and poverty ─── 根除疾病和贫穷

12、Extirpate dissent,opposition,etc ─── 清除异端、对立面等.

13、extirpate their wives depends on God. ─── 消灭朋友老婆,要靠上帝。

14、Since then I have lived to see state after state extirpate its wolves. ─── 自此之后,我看到各州不断地扑灭狼;

15、To extirpate weeds is not only to destroy their visible parts but also to pull them out by the roots. ─── 除草不光要弄掉它们可以看见的部分并且要把它们的根拔起。

16、extirpate weeds ─── 根除杂草

17、Postoperative Nursing of Tonsil Extirpate ─── 扁桃体摘除术后的护理

18、1.In at least one instance, a researcher predicts that global warming will extirpate one species from an entire region within 15 years. ─── 至少有一例,是研究者预测全球暖化在未来15年内将把某一物种完全铲除。

19、3.Objective: To explore the role of radioheating hemostasia after tonsil extirpate. ─── 摘要目的:探讨扁桃体摘除术后射频止血方法的有效性。

20、extirpate organized crime ─── 根除有组织的犯罪

21、To extirpate enemies depends on friends; to extirpate friends depends on their wives; and to extirpate their wives depends on God. ─── 消灭敌人,要靠朋友;消灭朋友,要靠朋友老婆;消灭朋友老婆,要靠上帝。

22、to extirpate a tumour ─── 摘除肿瘤

23、extirpate weeds [ evils ] ─── 根除杂草[弊端]

24、Postoperative Nursing of Tonsil Extirpate ─── 扁桃体摘除术后的护理

25、and the amount of penal infliction which modern feeling would probably tolerate, even against the most obnoxious opinions, is not sufficient to extirpate them. ─── 现代舆情所能容忍的对于即使是最有毒害的意见的惩罚,其程度也不足以根据那些意见。

26、the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; ─── 大家应该知道,我一直在努力的从我的灵魂深处根除刚刚崭露头角的爱情;

27、The police arrested dealers in an attempt to extirpate drug aBuse . ─── 在禁毒运动中警察逮捕了很多毒品交易者。

28、In at least one instance, a researcher predicts that global warming will extirpate one species from an entire region within 15 years. ─── 至少有一例,是研究者预测全球暖化在未来15年内将把某一物种完全铲除。

29、To extirpate weeds is not only to destroy their visible parts but also to pull them out by the roots. ─── 要彻底锄草不仅仅要把表面的那部分除去还要把它的根挖出来。

30、to extirpate an unwanted hair ─── 拔除不要的毛发

31、I had not intended to love him;the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; ─── 想要这句话“我曾竭力的想要把在我心灵深处觉察到的爱情之苗连根拔掉。

32、To surround and extirpate Brigands ─── 兜剿土匪

33、The way to extirpate dog's ovary ─── 犬卵巢摘除法

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