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metropolis 发音

英:[m??trɑ?p?l?s]  美:[m??tr?p?l?s]

英:  美:

metropolis 中文意思翻译




metropolis 网络释义

n. 大都市;首府;重要中心n. (Metropolis)人名;(英)梅特罗波利斯

metropolis 词性/词形变化,metropolis变形


metropolis 短语词组

1、metropolis method ─── 大都会方法

2、metropolis metropolitan ─── 大都市

3、metropolis studio ─── 大都会工作室

4、metropolis weather ─── 大都市天气

5、new metropolis hotel ─── 新大都会酒店

6、urban metropolis ─── 城市大都市

7、the metropolis ─── 大都市

8、thriving metropolis ─── 繁华都市

9、aeon metropolis ─── 海恩

10、ice for the metropolis ─── 大都市的冰

11、metropolis book club ─── 大都会图书俱乐部

12、ice for metropolis ─── 大都市ice

13、metropolis records ─── 大都会记录

14、metropolis fairy ─── 都市仙子

15、metropolis comics ─── 都市漫画

16、metropolis trump ─── 大都会特朗普

17、metropolis rx ─── 大都会rx

18、new metropolis ─── 新大都会

19、metropolis mansion ─── 大都会 ─── 大厦

metropolis 相似词语短语

1、Petrópolis ─── n.彼得罗波利斯(地名)

2、metropolises ─── 大城市

3、tetrapolis ─── n.特崔波里斯,四城之都

4、necropolis ─── n.大墓地;史前时期的坟场

5、menopolis ─── n.城市中单身男子聚居区

6、metropolitan ─── adj.大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的;n.大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民

7、metropolitans ─── adj.大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的;n.大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民

8、micropolis ─── n.小型城市;城市式小区(有各种城市设施的)

9、megalopolis ─── n.特大都市;人口稠密地带

metropolis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shenzhen Metropolis Daily: " the word says well " hurry off to Venice, did not carry a copy, 2 reaction how? ─── 深圳都市报:《有话好好说》奔赴威尼斯,没带拷贝,二位的反应如何?

2、How because regardless of loves dearly the metropolis becomes the joke. ─── 因为无论怎样的心疼都会成笑话。

3、Never mind, carapace of whose metropolis exuviate is grown, everybody has the past, disappointed over- , reasonable reach tacit understanding to go. ─── 不要紧,谁都会蜕壳长大,谁都有过去,都失望过,合理及默契便行。

4、Belem, a sprawling metropolis of 1.3 million at the mouth of the Amazon delta, is one of the hubs of the trade. ─── 亚马逊三角洲河口处的大城市贝伦有130万人口,是动物走私贸易的中心之一。

5、Our international metropolis is looking forward to the Asian Games. ─── 国际化大都市盼望亚运。

6、Yet such nightspots can hardly epitomize the variegated nightlife that would lend vigor and charm to a modern metropolis. ─── 但"红灯区"并不能代表夜生活的丰富,我感觉这里缺少一种现代国际都市的活泼与浪漫。

7、His breathing became wheezy, but amid the roar of the metropolis neither Fu-fang nor Huei-fang nor Ah-hsuan could hear it. ─── 呼卢呼卢的声音从吴老太爷的喉间发出来,但是都市的骚音太大了,二小姐,四小姐和阿萱都没有听到。

8、The hard-working Milanese run their busy metropolis with efficiency and aplomb. ─── 勤劳的米兰人平静、高效地奔走在繁忙的都市。

9、Beijing is a metropolis in China. ─── 北京是中国的大都市。

10、It is easier that later period makes money, but easy when metropolis afflux goes to everybody, become not easy. ─── 另外一家是我们正在做的鞋子,星期六鞋业,可能不会受到特别的影响,因为总体的业绩还是很不错的。

11、Major Cities: Bangkok Metropolis, Songkhla, Chon Bari, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Chiang Mai. ─── 主要城市:曼谷、宋卡、春武里、洛坤、清迈。

12、Shanghai is indeed located in the southern Chinese metropolis of the world. ─── 上海不愧是坐落在中国南部的世界大都市。

13、A friend said to get stone, does calculous metropolis grow the where in human body? Is stone a serious illness or ailment? ─── 一个朋友说得了结石,结石都会长在人体的什么地方啊?结石是大病还是小病啊?

14、Shanghai, is not merely a modern metropolis, but a city with traditional Chinese and local culture. ─── 上海,一座极具现代化,而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。

15、The capital, Chang An city, was the political, economic, cultural center of the Tang Dynasty. It was an international metropolis. ─── 首都长安是唐朝的政治、经济、文化中心,是国际性的大都市。

16、Today, Bangkok is a modern and developed metropolis, ready for both domestic and international economic growth. ─── 今天,曼谷是一座现代化的发达都市,已经为国内和国际经济成长做好了准备。

17、Accordingly, like a defeated general, sad and sulky , he led back his discomfited forces to the metropolis. ─── 于是,象一个吃了败仗的将军,他又难过,又生气,把这些残兵败将带回城里。

18、The metropolis is a cold place socially, and Carrie soon found that a little money brought her nothing. ─── 从社交方面看,大都市是个冷酷的地方,嘉莉很快就发现有一点钱并没有带给她任何东西。

19、Otherwise, all growth is final metropolis and possessory have nothing to do. ─── 否则,一切的增长最终都会与所有者无关。

20、His matter metropolis that all mankind can do. ─── 一切人类会做的事情他都会。

21、Generally speaking, advisory firm metropolis assistance is dealt with. ─── 一般来说,顾问公司都会协助办理。

22、However, since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo Metropolis, various issues arose. ─── 但是,因为区依然被看作东京都的内部组织,出现了各种各样的问题。

23、Shanghai is a bustling metropolis, highly cosmopolitan. ─── 上海是个包罗万象的大都市。

24、Wuhan, is a metropolis situated in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River, is the political, economic and cultural centre of Hubei Province. ─── 原文:武汉是长江中游地区的大城市,是湖北省的政治、经济和文化中心。

25、The perfect combination of the metropolis prosperity and the countryside tranquility makes it a wonderful choice for your residence. ─── 兼都市繁华和乡村宁静于一身,非常适合居住。

26、Why to do long and bow when washing the dress, metropolis waist aches? ─── 为什么做久了和弯腰洗衣服的时候都会腰疼啊?

27、How will metropolis elites of the modern society stick in the mud and be willing to live unromantic living? ─── 作为现代社会中坚力量的都市精英岂能墨守陈规、甘于平淡的生活?

28、Initially to the metropolis, dragonet everything feels fresh curious, has made many jokes. ─── 初到大都市中,小龙事事感到新鲜好奇,闹了不少笑话。

29、The main metropolis has east side Greece Luo river and west side Korner. ─── 主要都市有东侧的希洛与西侧的科纳市。

30、But no other metropolis comes close to matching its efficiency, drive and spirit. ─── 但没有其他大都市的接近匹配其效率,驱动器和精神。

31、In metropolis, the quickest way to go anywhere is taking subways. ─── 在国际化大都市最快捷的交通工具是地铁。

32、Then the method is applied on Miyun county-the waterhead of Beijing Metropolis. ─── 土地作为人类生存的基础 ,其利用的持续与否具重大意义。

33、The Giant Ferris Wheel is open year round and is one of the most frequented attractions in the Danube metropolis. ─── “有一点肯定的是,你乘坐摩天轮完全可以看到真实维也纳。”

34、Today, Santiago is a vibrant metropolis with impressive modern architecture and shopping. ─── 今天,圣地亚哥已成为活力四射的现代都市,其现代建筑风格和购物环境令人难忘。

35、As you ransack the metropolis, stronger and stronger NPCs spawn that eventually force you out. ─── 在你洗劫大都市的时候,会出现越来越强的NPC并且最终将你赶出去。

36、In his memory, Western Hunan is beautified.The beautified Western Hunan makes the modern metropolis appear ugly. ─── 在回忆中,湘西被美化了,而美化了的湘西更映衬出现代都市文明的丑陋。

37、Orchid is orchid, any pretending to be amorous metropolis hampers we are opposite the understanding of the thing. ─── 兰花就是兰花,任何故作多情都会妨碍我们对事物的熟悉。

38、Either vitals had a problem the metropolis is lack of power. ─── 任一重要器官有了问题都会乏力的.

39、An open metropolis should practice cultural pluralism. There, people with different culture backgrounds coexist peacefully and develop together. ─── 一个开放的国际大都市应当实行文化多元主义。在那里,拥有不同文化背景的人们和平相处,共同发展。

40、Why does chaos of the metropolis when the lowermost cereal in the mood consider the person? ─── 为什么人在情绪的最低谷时都会乱想呢?

41、As an international metropolis, Shanghai's rapid economic growth in the industry as a whole situation will go upwards. ─── 作为一座国际化大都市,上海的经济突飞猛进,整个产业行情仍将往上走。

42、From Pan Gu epoch-making to modern metropolis, humanity's destiny is always relying on environment. ─── 从盘古开天辟地到现代的大都市,人类的命运是永远离不开环境问题的。

43、Wel Bioer locates internationalization metropolis Shanghai City that industry and business industry prosper. ─── 公司位于工商业发达的国际化大都市上海市。

44、While the essay gives a compartmentalization of suburb and some proposals on the promotion of Recreational Belt around Metropolis. ─── 同时对武汉市近郊、远郊的范围进行创新性划分并提出环城游憩地开发的创新措施。

45、"The bar culture" the bar, quietly, actually ismore and more many appears in a 90's China metropolis each one quoin. ─── “酒吧文化”酒吧,悄悄地,却是越来越多地出现在90年代中国大都市的一个个角落。

46、In the process of urbanization there are two patterns of development: small town development and Metropolis development. ─── 在城市化进程中,存在着小城镇发展理论和大城市优先发展两种模式。

47、It has grown into a metropolis, but I still cannot quite get used to the climate here. ─── 它已经成为一个大都市,但是我还是不能适应这里的气候。

48、Because season alternates, titus person in bosom, back coxal even metropolis appears a lot of small red blain. ─── 因为季节变换,提多人在胸部、背部甚至臀部都会出现许多的小红痘痘。

49、Shanghai is a world-renowned commercial metropolis. ─── 上海是一座闻名全世界的商业之都。

50、They want to gallop enthusiastically in the modern metropolis with real livingness and elegance. ─── 他们要以真正的活力和优雅,在现代都市里激情驰骋。

51、Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, dynamism and variety. ─── 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、满活力、姿多彩的国际化大都市。

52、Can you spell the word" metropolis"? ─── 你会拼写“metropolis”这个词吗?

53、They contribute to add more (luster) to Shanghai, a robust and charming metropolis (cosmopolis). ─── 不久的将来,上海还将建造更多的过江设施,把浦江两岸更紧密地连结在一起。

54、They are metropolis elites, the main force impelling the social economy development and the humanity progresses. ─── 他们是推动社会经济发展和人类进步的主力,是都市中的精英。

55、The effort expended in the name wars would be better spent on smartening up what was once a wonderfully grand provincial metropolis. ─── 将力气耗费在姓名大战中总比用在争辩那座城曾是宏大的一省之都要强多了。

56、BF, Century Metropolis Upper East Apartments, 128 Hongqiao Rd/Wending Rd. ─── 上海虹桥路128号世纪都市东部高级俱乐部会所.

57、In Shanghai, such a booming metropolis, schoolgirls prefer to call at some delicate boutiques rather than go to the department stores. ─── 在上海这个迅速发展的大都市,学校女生更喜欢光顾一些精致的个性小店买衣服,而不是去百货商店。

58、Producing haematoma of tumour, head is caused when childbirth, do not require any treatment, heal of metropolis proper motion. ─── 产瘤、头颅血肿都是分娩时造成的,不需任何治疗,都会自行痊愈。

59、First-time visitors to Shanghai will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolise the metropolis' wealth and glamour. ─── 初访者对这座城市的第一个深刻印象必然离不开那些象征了一个城市的财力和气魄的高楼大厦。

60、But it also has naughty and wilful one side , and one small sphere metropolis lets it give rise to dense interest . ─── 但它也有调皮和任性的一面,一个小球都会让它产生浓厚的兴趣。

61、Always yearned for in the peace and quiet of a prosperous life After another long lived in the bustling metropolis does not like the quiet rural life. ─── 人在清净的时候总是向往繁华的生活,在喧哗的大都市住过以后又向往宁静的与世无争的田园生活。

62、DINK family phenomenon has been widespread throughout metropolis in china. ─── “丁克”家庭这种现象在中国的大都市已经相当普遍。

63、However, since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo Metropolis, various issues arose. ─── 但是,因为区依然被看作东京都的内部组织,出现了各种各样的问题。


65、Shanghai fascinating oriental metropolis will be growing with the world. ─── 上海--这个迷人的东方大都市将和世界一起成长。

66、The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is the fundamental decision-making body of Tokyo Metropolis. ─── 东京都议会是东京都的一个基本决策机关。

67、There would be no violation of decency in their paying a visit-the little party of three-to the sights of the metropolis. ─── 他们这三人小组在首都参观访问期间,不会有什么越轨的行为。

68、The harmony of man and nature, the blend of the ancient and the iron-and-cement-made metropolis need planer and designer to endow them with spirit. ─── 人与自然的和谐,历史与现代的交融,钢筋水泥的现代都市需要规划设计者赋予其灵魂。

69、Not a stone's throw from Whitehall, there stands, amidst all the hum and bustle of the great metropolis, an old decaying pile. ─── 在白厅附近,一座陈旧、塌坏的高大建筑耸立于这个熙熙攘攘的城市中心。

70、Indeed over the last three years our population has been growing at two per cent per annum, higher than any metropolis in the world. ─── 事实上,在过去三年,我们的人口每年增长百分之二,比各地大都会的增长为高。

71、Conghua is a magical place, the South China metropolis of Guangzhou is the beautiful "back garden. ─── 从化是一个神奇的地方,是南中国大都市广州美丽的“后花园”。

72、The journey from our town to the metropolis was a journey of about five hours. ─── 从我们镇上到京城,大概是五小时旅程。

73、For what did his unsophisticated eyes see around him in Calcutta, at that time the metropolis of India and the centre of modern culture and learning? ─── 他单纯的双眼是如何看待印度首都加尔各答,这个现代文化和学术中心呢?

74、New Orleans is the metropolis of the American South. ─── 新奥尔良是美国南部的大都会。

75、The local magazines Metropolis is taken as a case for its admirable history, effective management and strong wish for breakthrough. ─── 在为数不多的本土男性时尚杂志中,《大都市·男士》创办历史较长,有效尝试了本土独立办刊的做法,但目前经营中遭遇瓶颈,因而被选作分析的样本。

76、The diverse varieties of conferences and exhibitions from all parts of the world have added the feature of an international metropolis to Hong Kong. ─── 五彩斑斓的“会海”,更加重了香港的国际都会特色;香港以更加开放的姿态,欢迎五洲四海的展会和宾朋。

77、Dressed in their traditional costumes, the castellers seem to epitomize an easier time, before Barcelona became a world metropolis and the Mediterranean's most dynamic city. ─── 在巴塞罗那成为世界大都市和地中海最具活力的城市之前,身着传统服装的叠人塔似乎是一个更安逸的时代的缩影。

78、Shanghai's achievement on shortening the time difference of hardwire between international metropolis also embodies on the hight of city skyline. ─── 上海在缩短与国际大都市硬件上的时差的成绩还体现在城市天际线的高度上。

79、He came to Shanghai, the flourishing metropolis, to search for a developing opportunity. ─── 他来到上海,这个繁华的大都市,来寻找发展的机会。

80、Goldberger, Paul. "Disconnected Urbanism." Metropolis Magazine, November 2003. ─── 不连接的都市主义〉《大都会杂志》,2003年11月.

81、Today, that underwater metropolis encompasses roughly 13 acres, at depths ranging from a few inches to 40 feet. ─── 今天,这一水下大都市包括约为13亩,在水深范围从几英寸到40英尺。

82、Shanghai short history, but it is an international metropolis. ─── 上海的历史很短,但却是一个国际大都市。

83、During the XVIII century, England tried to force its colonies to sell the distilled production only to the metropolis. ─── 十八世纪,英国曾命令它的殖民地只许在大城市里销售蒸馏酒。

84、Less than a mile to the west lay the ruins of Ur of the Chaldees,the world's first great metropolis and the city where Abraham lived. ─── 向西走不到英里,便是迦勒底的乌尔遗址,世界上第一个大都市,也是亚伯拉罕居住的城市。

85、Shanghai is an international financial metropolis with Big commerce, Big circulation and Big market. ─── 上海是一个大商业,大流通,大市场的国际金融都市。

86、Their metropolis helps you very warmheartedly! ─── 他们都会很热心地帮助你!

87、An important study of how Chicago became the "metropolis" of the West. ─── 一部关于芝加哥如何成为西部大都市的重要研究。

88、Clearly, much planning and central control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis. ─── 显然,这座伟大都市的扩张和秩序都经过了精心的规划和集中管控。

89、He oversaw clean-up operations in the shattered metropolis, though he longed to get back behind the controls of a starship. ─── 他监督在残破首都的扫荡行动,应此魏奇渴望再次指挥船舰。

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