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parochial 发音

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parochial 中文意思翻译



parochial 网络释义

adj. 教区的;狭小的;地方范围的

parochial 词性/词形变化,parochial变形

名词: parochialism |副词: parochially |

parochial 短语词组

1、parochial definition ─── 狭隘的定义

2、parochial interests means ─── 狭隘的利益意味着

3、parochial vicar ─── 教区牧师

4、parochial schools ─── 教区学校

5、parochial view ─── 狭隘的观点

6、parochial meaning ─── 狭义

7、parochial in a sentence ─── 狭隘的

8、parochial school ─── 教区附属学校( ─── 教会及宗 ─── 教团体经营的小学、初中、高中)

9、parochial vicar definition ─── 教区牧师定义

parochial 相似词语短语

1、parochialise ─── 腮腺炎

2、parochialism ─── n.偏狭,狭隘;教区制度;乡土观念;眼界狭小

3、parochins ─── 帕罗奇

4、parochially ─── 狭隘地;地方性地;教区地

5、paronychial ─── 甲沟炎

6、paroemial ─── 临终

7、parochin ─── 帕罗喹

8、eparchial ─── 电子档案

9、nonparochial ─── 非局部性

parochial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a parochial person, attitude, event ─── 心胸狭隘的人、 偏狭的态度、 地方事件

2、parochial education ─── 教会教育

3、and thus test our parochial or national allegiances, ─── 从而使我们狭隘的或值得称道的民族自豪感受到挑战。

4、Be confidence,be consistance,undertaking arduous and painful striving ....Don’t conplaining,don’t too parochial in your eyesight towards your future... ─── 恩!学会忍耐生活中应该有的寂寞,以及你为了以后不再寂寞而必须所做的此刻的努力...

5、85. He felt himself from disuse to be unfit for parochial duty. ─── 他觉得自己由于长期不工作,已经不适合做教区的职务了。

6、As for the insular, parochial Japanese, is there really not something that we Chinese can learn from them apart from their despicable quality and perception? ─── 也许这就是泱泱大陆中国人的性格,宽容、从容、坦然、懒散等等,但是狭小岛国的日本人的性格和意识我们除了骂,没有值得学习的吗?

7、Fortunes are spent refitting applications for international deployment after they have been originally developed with a parochial point of view. ─── 在最初以狭隘的地域观点开发了应用程序后,为了进行国际化部署,人们不得不投入大量财力来改写它们。

8、a member of the parochial church council ─── 教区教堂理事会成员

9、He is rather too parochial in his outlook ─── 他的眼界未免过於狭隘了

10、In the late 1950s, parents interested in Montessori were Catholic and were persuaded that the parochial education awaiting their children was monolithic. ─── 在1950年后期,许多对蒙台梭利教育有兴趣的家长都是天主教徒,而且他们被说服为他们孩子作准备的教会学校教育是容不下其他派别的。

11、Magnificently built churches are still the nucleus of parochial work. ─── 教区工作的核心依旧是建造宏伟的教堂。

12、In 1987, he built the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima at the second church and improved on the parochial and reconciliation halls at the old church. ─── 在1987年,他建立了神社的法蒂玛圣母在第二教会和改进对狭隘与和解会堂,在古老的教堂。

13、Parochial Science and Technology ─── 地方科技

14、It’s a sad commentary when normally parochial premiers are in front of the federal government in working on relations with China. ─── 在与中国关系方面,省长还走在联邦政府之前,真是令人难过。

15、The northern and southern fa?ades are symmetrical except in the building of parochial spaces, where on the northen face the steel skin curves to form the main access to the nave. ─── 北部和南部面墙是对称的除外,狭隘的空间建立在对北方钢铁皮肤面临的曲线形成的主要通道的中殿。

16、"What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow, " is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. ─── "小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论"并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。

17、International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Communities ─── 国际天主教教区青年团体联合会

18、China is continuing to step up efforts to internationalize its parochial currency, the yuan or renminbi. ─── 国在继续加大力度推进人民币的国际化。

19、And politicians tend to favor parochial interests over sound economic sense. ─── 政客们往往将狭隘的利益凌驾于可靠的经济意义之上。

20、89. He could bring out the universal element in the most parochial of issues. ─── 他能在最狭隘的问题中揭示出普遍的要素。

21、Today we invite all schools and libraries to apply for this collection -- and that means public, private, parochial and charter schools, home school consortia, and community libraries. ─── 今天我们邀请所有学校和图书馆申请这汇集--和那个手段公众、私立,教区和宪章学校,家庭学校财团,和社区图书馆。

22、Off - al tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibility ─── 官吏出於狭隘的责任观念往往倾向於保密

23、Fortunately, old Mr. Whackbairn, who was the principal teacher of the little parochial establishment, was sincerely attached to butler ─── 幸亏这所小小的教区学校的主任教师惠克班恩老先生真心器重巴特尔。

24、I hope that this unfortunate little circumstance will not deprived me of my parochial office? ─── 我希望这一不幸的小节不至于导致我被革去在教区担任的的职务。

25、a parochial schoo ─── 教区附设学校

26、Good-to-great management teams consist of people who debate vigorously in search of the best answers, yet who unify behind decisions, regardless of parochial interests. ─── 从优秀到卓越的管理团队由这样的一些人组成,他们为寻找与获取最优方案进行激烈的争论,在决议形成后却团结一致,通力合作,而不考虑习俗和宗教的异同。

27、In the absence of a clear-cut direction, each agency developed its own options geared to its own more or less parochial concerns ─── 既然没有一个明确的指导,每个单位就各自拟定出或多或少局限自己眼光的选择方案。

28、His mother is a reading specialist at CORA Services, a nonprofit organization involved in remedial reading and math at Philadelphia area parochial schools. ─── 母亲在一家非营利性从事对费城地区教会学校阅读和数学计算有困难的学生进行治疗的CORA服务机构当阅读师。

29、parochial school ─── 教区学校

30、Their children attend a Jewish parochial school. ─── 他们的孩子在一所犹太教区学校上学。

31、She was a secretary on the local parochial church council. ─── 她是当地教区教堂理事会的秘书。

32、In the absence of a clear-cut direction, each agency developed its own options geared to its own more or less parochial concerns. ─── 既然没有一个明确的指导,每个单位就各自拟定出或多或少局限自己眼光的选择方案。

33、parochial attitudes. ─── 带地方观念的态度

34、a parochial school ─── 教区附属学校

35、He had a pretty low-wage job. He was supporting his wife and a child, and the child was going to parochial school. ─── 他有一份很低薪的工作,得养活妻子和一个孩子,孩子将要上教区学校。

36、Peter Pang who took over as parish priest in 1977, built a permanent altar shed in front of the old church and also the parochial and reconciliation halls at the old church compound. ─── 彭醒棠谁接手教区神父,在1977年,建起了永久性的神龛棚前的古老的教堂,也是狭隘和和解会堂,在古老的教堂大院。

37、A parochial person,attitude,event ─── 心胸狭隘的人、偏狭的态度、地方事件

38、A parochial life is not a bed of roses, Mrs Mann. (Ch. Dickens, Oliver Twist) ─── 吃教区饭可不清闲呀,曼太太。

39、And the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the use of vouchers in parochial schools in Milwaukee. ─── 威斯康星最高法院也赞同密尔沃基教区学校使用教育券。

40、Also, Judaism, as quite a parochial religion, are taken up only by the Jews themselves...How can this be a world religion? ─── 我不认为应当小看神道教,尤其考虑到日本对世界的经济和文化影响.

41、He is rather too parochial in his outlook. ─── 他的眼界未免过于狭隘了。

42、The Congress is both riven by ideology and dominated by parochial concerns. ─── 意识形态使得国会四分五裂,狭隘的关切主宰了整个国会。

43、Social Function and Effect of Parochial Hospital: Take Soochow Hospital as Example ─── 从苏州博习医院看教会医院的社会作用与影响

44、Two influential committees, appointed by the prime minister's office, have issued a package of structural reforms that serves as a rebuke to parochial bureaucrats and business leaders. ─── 日本首相府任命两位有影响力的委员会颁布了一揽子结构改革计划,旨在对保守性的管理制度和企业领导作出谴责。

45、Arbour warned delegates to the U. N. Human Rights Council against pursuing narrow parochial political agendas . ─── 阿尔布尔警告联合国人权理事会的代表们说,不要寻求狭隘的政治目标。

46、So personal, so subtle, so minute is everyone's parochial intelligence of their own computer's ecology, that any disturbance is alarming.A pebble dislodged, a blade of grass bent, a file moved. ─── 个人拥有的电脑生态的局域性智慧都如此私密,如此微妙,如此精确,任何干扰都是吓人的,无论是取出一块鹅卵石,折弯一片草叶,还是移动一份文件。

47、Its unreasonableness lies in a weak international monetary system, the parochial financial hegemony, and unrestricted flows of international financial capital. ─── 其不合理性主要表现在脆弱的国际货币制度、狭隘的国际金融霸权和国际金融资本无序流动等三个方面。

48、The Taiwanese media are a free-wheeling and parochial lot.They thrive on juicy news and speculation. ─── 台湾的媒体毫不受约束,却也目光狭窄,它们靠八卦新闻及猜测推断而蓬勃发展。

49、The parochial nationalism had a fairly great discourse right in the press from the Revolution of 1898 to the May 4th Period. ─── 摘要戊戍变法前后至五四前后偏狭的民族主义在报刊上有着相当大的话语权。

50、To non-Bostonian Americans, the Brathmins have seemed both snobbish and parochial, too pleased with themselves ─── 对于非波士顿的美国人来说,绅士派文人不仅势利眼,而且心地偏狭,过于沾沾自喜。

51、For all, it still showed some unique parochial idiosyncrasy. ─── 就民居建筑个体而言,荆门地区地处华中腹地,人口迁徙频繁,因此在建筑形态上也明显受到各地区不同风格的影响,同时也有某些独特的地域特征。

52、The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator. ─── 国家似乎是自由的最佳孵化器,虽然他非常清楚其狭隘和排外的局限。

53、"It's fairly dramatic -- he's trying to change the face of global philanthropy, but it started in a fairly parochial way. " ─── “这相当富有戏剧性——他在试着改变全球的慈善面貌,虽然一开始是以一种相当狭隘的方式。”

54、From age eight to eleven, I attended a small parochial school in Bath, England. ─── 从8岁到11岁,我在英格兰巴思的一个教会小学上学。

55、Study on the development of parochial science and technology ─── 区域科技发展研究

56、How did she know I had not done my homework,had been smoking (and in my parochial school uniform,too),or had lied about where I had been and with whom? ─── 她是如何知道我没有做家庭作业的?我抽烟(而且是身穿教区校服)她是如何知道的?我骗她我去过哪里、跟谁在一起,她又是怎么知道的?

57、He left behind the petty, parochial, medieval world of the conventionally religious; ─── 他把传统宗教里的小鼻小眼以及中世纪观点给抛在后头;

58、He can speak the language of the parochial Deutsche Bank stick-in-the-muds and the kick-ass Anglo-Saxons. ─── 他既能适应重乡守土的德意志银行那种大牛难翻身的习性,又懂得应付追赶跑跳的英国银行家勇猛向前冲的作风。

59、No one lives in isolationist, parochial times. ─── 孤立的教区时代已经过去了。”

60、In any human society, he said, parochial cartels and lobbies tend to accumulate over time, until they begin to sap a country's economic vitality. ─── 在书中他称,任何人类社会中,随着时间的流逝,小型卡特尔和游说集团有积聚增多的趋势,直到它们开始使一国的经济活力丧失殆尽为止。

61、So personal, so subtle, so minute is everyone's parochial intelligence of their own computer's ecology, that any disturbance is alarming. ─── 个人拥有的电脑生态的局域性智慧都如此私密,如此微妙,如此精确,任何干扰都是吓人的。

62、The old parochial outlook has become a world view. ─── 昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。

63、I felt my way in the new position , to be responsible for my work;I was energic in creation and surmounted the personalist the parochial self-interest to maximize the whole interest; ─── 在新的工作岗位上我谨慎行事,对自己的行动负责,积极创造,超越狭义个人利益,追求整体利益最大化;

64、The tendency of kids to split up spontaneously into subgroups also explains the uneven success rate of programs that put children from disadvantaged homes into private or parochial schools. ─── 孩子有自发地分裂形成小团体的趋势,这也说明了将贫穷家庭孩子放入私人或教会学校的计划为什么成功率参差不齐。

65、To non-Bostonian Americans, the Brathmins have seemed both snobbish and parochial, too pleased with themselves. ─── 对于非波士顿的美国人来说,绅士派文人不仅势力眼,而且心地偏狭,过于沾沾自喜。

66、I hope that this unfortunate little circumstance will not deprived me of my parochial office? ─── 我希望这一不幸的小节不至于导致我被革去在教区担任的的职务。

67、He is very interested in parochial affairs. ─── 他对教区的事务非常感兴趣。

68、A snowstorm like this is bad enough to make people parochial and aggrieved, but not disastrous enough to make them generous and heroic. ─── 像这样的暴风雪天气只能让人们恼怒,却不足以使他们因灾难来临而富有慷慨救助之气。

69、However, Sun Chuanfang, as a feudal warlord, he is conservative and parochial, selfish and narrow, and lack of military foresight and strategy. ─── 但作为封建军阀,孙传芳思想保守僵化,自私狭隘,又缺乏军事远见和谋略,故难免出现联军内部矛盾重重、分崩离析的局面,更难抵挡北伐军锐利的攻势。

70、Makeup of Experiment Teaching Quality System for Parochial University ─── 地方性大学实验教学质量体系的构建

71、Origin from a religionary system in the late Roman Empire, the parochial system gradually embed into the western society and conduct social management function in the long time. ─── 作为罗马帝国末期的一项宗教制度,教区制度在漫长的中世纪中逐渐嵌入到社会肌体且具有了社会管理的职能。

72、I have seen some good and necessary global agendas stalled by parochial national politics. ─── 我看到过一些很好很有必要的全球议程,由于狭隘的国家政治而陷入僵局。

73、As a tong term complex topic, the parochial understanding of the regionality had cause a lot of confusion on the regional architecture research. ─── 摘要地域性研究是一项复杂而久远的课题,对地域性的狭隘理解导致了许多困惑。

74、Locals there are understandably parochial. ─── 当地人自然比较狭隘。

75、EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy; ─── 大藏省次长,日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。

76、Many home schoolers are located in areas with no viable private or parochial school alternatives. ─── 很多居家自学学生所在的地段没有合适的私人或教会学校可供选择。

77、Study on the Development of Parochial Science and Technology--of the Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Plan of China ─── 地方科技发展研究--国家中长期科技发展规划的启示

78、Official tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibility. ─── 官吏出於狭隘的责任观念往往倾向於保密。

79、" What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow, " is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. ─── “小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论”并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。

80、I was about to die, have a thing you must know, actually I am not your true father, I am your Mom, your true father is the parochial adjoining that Abba!!!! ─── 我快要死了,有件事你一定要知道,其实我不是你真正的爸爸,我是你妈,你真正的爸爸就是隔壁教区的那个神父!!”

81、In a somewhat parochial time, furthermore, she was an internationalist. ─── 她还是一位国际主义者,只是时间不长。

82、How did she know I had not done my homework, had been smoking (and in my parochial school uniform, too), or had lied about where I had been and with whom? ─── 她是如何知道我没有做家庭作业的? 我抽烟(而且是身穿教区校服)她是如何知道的? 我骗她我去过哪里、跟谁在一起,她又是怎么知道的?

83、Because about half of the global steel market is still parochial and fragmented, size brings many advantages. ─── 因全球一半的钢铁市场仍然狭小而且分散,规模变大会带来许多好处。

84、What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow, is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. ─── 小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。

85、As parochial lobbies form, he said, each gains, then fiercely defends, some benefit for its members, usually with government help. ─── 他认为,随着小型游说团体得以组建,其中的每个人都将获益,而之后所有人就会竭尽全力地维护自己的既得利益,其中一些在通常得到政府帮助的情况下,因为其成员众多而获益。

86、In fact, failures of many enterprises result from the parochial viewpoint of regarding an enterprise as a money-making machine and maximum profit as the only goal. ─── 事实表明,许多企业失败,是源于把企业只做为赚钱的机器,认为追求利润最大化是其唯一目标的狭隘理念。

87、So, no narrow, extremist, or parochial stand or ideology is able to monopolize our society. ─── 因此,短视、极端、或狭隘的立场和观念,都无法垄断我们的社会;

88、IFCJ; International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Communities; ─── 国际天主教教区青年团体联合会;

89、little sympathy with parochial mentality; insular attitudes toward foreigners ─── 思想狭隘、很少有同情心;对外国人的保守态度


是Association Promotion Country Music| 的縮写,中文意思:───协会促进乡村音乐

是Areas Permitted for Coal Mining的縮写, 中文意思:───允许煤炭开采领域。

是Annual Parochial Church Meetings的縮写,中文意思:───教区教堂年度会议。



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