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08-14 投稿


trimmings 发音

英:[?tr?m??z]  美:[?tr?m??z]

英:  美:

trimmings 中文意思翻译



trimmings 网络释义

n. 香肠原料肉(trimming复数形式)

trimmings 同义词

cropped | shaved |cut | tidy | neat | clipped | cut back | pared

trimmings 词性/词形变化,trimmings变形

动词过去分词: trimmed |名词: trimness |动词第三人称单数: trims |副词: trimly |形容词最高级: trimmest |动词过去式: trimmed |形容词比较级: trimmer |动词现在分词: trimming |

trimmings 常用词组

trimming die ─── [机]冲模;整绿模

edge trimming ─── 切边

trimming machine ─── 缝边机;修整机;滚边机

trimmings 短语词组

1、fat trimmings ─── 脂肪切边

2、trimmings for sewing decorative ─── 装饰缝纫用饰件

3、trimmings fragrance spray trimmings ─── 香水喷雾

4、trimmings inc trimmings ─── 公司

5、trimmings of ─── 修剪

6、trimmings candle factory ─── 装饰蜡烛厂

7、with all the trimmings ─── 所有的装饰

8、trimmings of seasoned ─── 调味品辅料

9、trimmings room fragrance spray ─── 装饰室香水喷雾

trimmings 反义词


trimmings 相似词语短语

1、rimming ─── v.给……镶边;套上轮缘(rim的现在分词);n.(Rimming)(瑞典)里明(人名)

2、primming ─── n.上药水;v.弄整齐;摆出一本正经的样子(prim的ing形式)

3、trimmingly ─── 整洁地

4、trimming ─── n.整理;(尤指衣服上的)装饰;镶边饰物;失败;v.修剪;切除(不规则或不需要的部分);削减(开支费用等);(使)(身体某一部分)结实;修饰;调整(船帆)利用风力(trim的现在分词)

5、drummings ─── n.击鼓,鼓声;击鼓似的咚咚声

6、dimmings ─── n.调光;变暗;v.变暗(dim的现在分词)

7、brimming ─── adj.盈满的;满溢的;v.满溢;注满(brim的ing形式)

8、thrummings ─── n.帆布浸油植绒;v.指弹,敲打(thrum的ing形式)

9、primings ─── n.底料,装填物;起爆剂,引火药;底漆

trimmings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Install door waterdam and trim panel. ─── 安装车门挡水器和装饰板。

2、I'd just like a trim and don't make it too short. ─── 只需要修剪一下,不要修得太短。

3、He cut a circle out of a piece of paper and threw away the trimmings. ─── 他用一张纸剪出一个圆,然后把剩下的纸屑扔掉。

4、Install seat cushion outboard trim cover. ─── 安装座位衬垫外侧饰板盖。

5、Trim a way the excess fabric at the seamline. ─── 剪掉缝线处多余的面料。

6、He bought a Christmas tree and trimmings to decorate it. ─── 他买了棵圣诞树及一些饰物。

7、Shall I trim a little off your side burns? ─── 两边的鬓角要修一下吗?

8、Never try to trim your own bangs. ─── 千万不要试着自己修剪刘海。

9、A colored linen tape woven on a simple, narrow loom and used for trimmings. ─── 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰

10、She always looks neat and trim. ─── 她看上去总是整洁、俐落。

11、They have trim their staff to the absolute minimum. ─── 它们把员工人数削减到最低限度。

12、A colored linen tape woven on a simple, narrow loom and used for trimmings. ─── 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰

13、Trim a little more off the sides, please. ─── 两边请再修掉一些。

14、Keep hands clean and trim fingernails regularly. ─── 保持双手清洁,经常修剪指甲。

15、She wants to trim her dress with lace. ─── 她要给衣服饰花边。

16、Second class had cane seats and bronze trim. ─── 二等车厢有藤制座位和青铜饰条;

17、Why the Interior Trim is so Crucial? ─── 为什么内饰很关键?

18、Trim a little off off the sideburns, please. ─── 两边鬓脚请修掉一些。

19、He had not become a trim, self-satisfied city man. ─── 他没有变成一个衣冠楚楚,神气十足的城里人。

20、To cover or trim with thrums; fringe. ─── 加穗于用了机回纱覆盖或点缀;装上穗饰

21、Cut about 1 cm all around and trim it, please. ─── 全部剪短一公分,然后修整齐。

22、Disengage power mirror connector from trim panel. ─── 从饰板上拆开电动视镜接头。

23、She went to the hairdresser's for a trim. ─── 她到理发店理发去了。

24、I think I understand what "all the trimmings" means now. ─── 我想我现在明白“全副武装”是什么意思了。

25、Color shading on trim to body fabric. ─── 副料和衫身有色差。

26、Trim a bit off the back, please. ─── 后背的头发请稍修掉些

27、D: No, just trim the two sides a little bit. ─── 不,只修修两边发脚就行了。

28、And the trim of the pendant is made from18k gold. ─── 垂坠边是18K金。

29、They had to trim the dictionary from 1 200 000 words to 1 000 000. ─── 他们不得不把该词典的字数从120万字压缩到100万字。

30、He keeps in trim by running every day. ─── 他每天跑步保持身体健康。

31、She's got a month to get into trim for the race. ─── 她参加径赛前有一个月的准备时间。

32、A: OK. Do you want me to trim your moustache? ─── 好的。要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?

33、He had his free arm around Elisa's trim waist. ─── 他用那只自由的胳膊搂着埃莉莎的细腰。

34、They trim there Christmas trees with strings of colored lights. ─── 他们用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。

35、To make trim or neat, especially in dress. ─── 使整洁或漂亮,尤指穿着

36、Install the liftgate opening upper trim. ─── 安装升降闸门开口上部饰板。

37、Remove the door module from the trim panel. ─── 从饰板上拆卸车门模组。

38、She keeps her trim by jogging every day. ─── 她每天慢跑以保持健康的身体。

39、They are expected to trim the workforce by 10%. ─── 他们预计要裁员10%。

40、He wore a trim suit and looked smart. ─── 他穿着一身笔挺的西装,样子很帅。

41、Install rear quarter trim panel. ─── 安装后三角饰板。

42、Couples should strive for love with all the trimmings. ─── 夫妻应该努力经营爱情。

43、It's a long time for her to get into trim. ─── 她花了很长时间才穿着就绪。

44、To cut down, trim, and haul timber. ─── 伐木将树木砍倒、修整、并拖走

45、Glistening trimmings were hung over the Xmas tree. ─── 圣诞树上上下下悬挂着亮晶晶的花彩。

46、The teamwork is good and the players are in excellent trim. ─── 他们配合默契,队员竞技状态好。

47、Can next wet trim nail to the child? ─── 下雨天可以给孩子剪指甲吗?

48、Only the repentance to make God to trim our revolt. ─── 唯有悔改才能让上帝修直我们的弯曲悖逆。

49、Fill the forepeak to decrease the stern trim. ─── 1向舷尖舱注水以减轻舰倾。

50、Separate lower B-pillar trim panel from B-pillar. ─── 从B-柱上拆开下部B-柱饰板。

51、Yes, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard? ─── 好的,先生。您想修剪一下胡须吗?

52、All the trimmings—it means all the extra things that traditionally come with something to make it more special. ─── 所有的点缀——是指所有额外的东西,那些传统上和某样东西一起并让它更特别的东西。

53、To trim(a photograph or picture, for example). ─── 剪修剪修(如照片或图画)

54、A fine transparent cloth , used for dresses or trimmings . ─── 绢网,薄纱:用于衣服或装饰的透明的高质量的布。

55、Two trim levels on offer are the EX and SX. ─── 两个车型上提供的前和SX。

56、She was about to alter the trimmings of the dress. ─── 她打算改动这件女服的装饰。

57、Are your eyebrows trim and neat? ─── 你的眉毛是否需要修剪?

58、In general, Jarrett's bunkhouse vacation would not satisfy patrons expecting the trimmings of a fancy dude ranch. ─── 通常,Jarrett的农舍之旅并不能满足那些期待得到象高档度假牧场那样待遇的顾客。

59、Just a little trim around the sides. ─── 只要在两侧附近稍微修剪一下。

60、For garnishes, trimmings and dressings to stay fresh longer, should not be cooked completely soft but should be glazed with aspic. ─── 为了长时间保持点缀菜、装饰品和调味汁的新鲜,应该不要完全地煮软,但是应该用肉冻来上胶。

61、A colored linen tape woven on a simple,narrow loom and used for trimmings. ─── 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰。

62、If include fabric and trimmings, the scope is more wide. ─── 如果包括原材料和辅料就更多了。

63、He go to the barber's for a trim. ─── 他去理发店剪发。

64、Every thing was in good trim. ─── 一切都井井有条。

65、Trim the roasted seaweed into long strips. ─── 修剪寿司紫菜成长条。

66、No, just trim the two sides a little bit. ─── 不,只修一修两边发脚就行了。

67、BHAT: Beijing Han Il Automotive Trim Co. ─── lmt 北京韩一汽车饰件有限公司。

68、To trim(an artificial fishing fly) with a hackle. ─── 为钓鱼用蝇钩装上颈羽

69、She has a trim figure that belies her fifrty-eight years. ─── 她身材苗条,看不出已是五十八岁了。

70、He keeps trim by jogging every day. ─── 他每天慢跑以保持健康的身体。

71、The pages were not yet trim size. ─── 书页还未经过最后修切。

72、I adore Sunday lunch with all the trimmings: roast meat, along with lots of vegetables and sauces and other traditional accompaniments. ─── 我喜欢周日的午餐,里面有各种各样的佐料:烤肉,还有很多蔬菜、酱汁和其他传统的佐料。

73、The trimmings generated when paper is cut into various shapes and sizes. ─── 中义纸张裁成不同的形状和尺寸后所产生的废料。

74、Separate trim panel from roof panel . ─── 从车顶板分离装饰板。

75、Trimmings can also be used to describe ornaments. ─── 也可以当作装饰品的意思;

76、Their team is out of trim for the match. ─── 他们队对这场比赛准备不足。

77、The silk kerchief,as a kind of trimmings,there is important function. ─── 丝巾作为服饰整体搭配的配饰之一,起着举足轻重的作用。

78、Do not change the style, just trim it. ─── 发型不改,只要修齐就好了。

79、The two maids were trim and comely. ─── 两个侍女干净利落。

80、My hair is so dry. I really need a trim! ─── 事实上,我通常是中分;麻烦也帮我把头发吹乾。

81、The trimmings are soon forgotten in a hand-to-hand encounter for life or death. ─── 在徒手生死格斗中,细枝末节很快就会被忘掉。

82、He has been jogging regularly to trim down the194 pounds on his six-foot-one-inch frame. ─── 他经常慢慢跑以减轻6英尺1寸身躯上的194磅的体重。

83、Trim mushrooms and rinse. Finely chop garlic. ─── 修剪本菇,略冲水;剁碎蒜头。

84、Regular trimmings to your hair and good conditioner should help to prevent this unsightly picture of a split end of a human hair. ─── 经常修剪和良好的护理,可有助于防止像这张图片上出现发梢分叉的现象。

85、Trim a little off the sideburns, please. ─── 两边请再修掉上些。

86、They sit in two and three on the trim barber lawn. ─── 他们三三两两地坐在修剪平整的草坪上。

87、He (dwelled )on the need to trim the budget. ─── 他详细说明修正预算的必要性。

88、Trim a little off the side burns, please. ─── 两边鬓角修掉一些。

89、OK. Do you want me to trim your moustache? ─── 好的,你想我帮你剃胡子吗?

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