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08-14 投稿


appealable 发音

英:[[?'pi:le?bl]]  美:[[?'pi:le?bl]]

英:  美:

appealable 中文意思翻译



appealable 同义词

appealable 反义词


appealable 短语词组

1、appealable mspb ─── 可上诉的mspb

2、interlocutory or appealable ─── 中间的或可上诉的

3、appealable judgement ─── [法] 可上诉的判决

4、appealable def ─── 可上诉定义

5、appealable ban ─── 可上诉禁令

appealable 相似词语短语

1、appeasable ─── adj.缓和得了的;劝解得了的;平息得了的

2、appraisable ─── adj.可评价的,可评估的;可估价的

3、unappeasable ─── adj.满足不了的;无法平息的

4、repealable ─── 废止的;撤消的

5、inappellable ─── adj.不允许申诉的

6、unappealably ─── 不吸引人的

7、unappealable ─── adj.不可上诉的

8、inappeasable ─── adj.难满足的;难平息的

9、applaudable ─── 值得鼓掌的;值得称赞的

appealable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do these paintings appeal to you? ─── 你对这些画感兴趣吗?

2、The Appeal Court decided in their favour. ─── 上诉法院作出了有利于他们的裁定。

3、But his image never entirely lost its incendiary appeal. ─── 但他的音容笑貌留下了不可磨灭的印象。

4、He plans to appeal against his conviction. ─── 他不服判决,准备上诉。

5、His appeal for forgiveness was not answered. ─── 他请求宽恕,但没有得到回应。

6、The only amendment is to appeal to lawing. ─── 你的唯一补救办法就是诉诸法律。

7、The appeal court quash the verdict. ─── 上诉法院撤消了裁决。

8、Southland park families appeal dismissal. ─── 南方公园家属的上诉被不予考虑。

9、They have their sentence quash by the appeal court judge. ─── 上诉法院的法官撤销了对他们的判决。

10、Business visitors do not attract a right of appeal. ─── 商务访问者申请无权上诉。

11、The appeal is adjourned for affidavit to be obtained. ─── 为获得宣誓书,上诉被推迟。

12、The appeal court uphold the sentence. ─── 上诉法庭维持了判决。

13、Does his film appeal to you? ─── 你喜欢他的电影吗?

14、There is no right of appeal against the decision. ─── 关于这项判决,没有上诉权。

15、The appeal for peace reached throughout the world. ─── 和平的呼声遍及世界。

16、the civil procedure of many countries and districts, appealable interest is an essential requisite to raise appeal procedure. ─── 许多国家和地区的民事诉讼中,上诉利益是上诉的诉讼要件或有效要件之一。

17、The appeal from the court order or the appeal against the plan decision will be heard next month. ─── 出于法院命令原因的上诉或针对计划决策的上诉将于下月审理。

18、Do something that will appeal to you more. ─── 做些更能投合你心意的工作。

19、They needed to appeal to his sense of justice. ─── 他们需要激发他的正义感。

20、Of or relating to an appeal; appellate. ─── 上诉的有关上诉的;受理上诉的

21、He lose his appeal for damages against the company. ─── 他要求公司赔偿损害的上诉未能成功。

22、Found guilty, he shall have the right of appeal. ─── 任何人被判有罪,都有上诉权。

23、The appeal court override the decision of the lower court. ─── 上诉法院推翻了下级法院的裁决。

24、They made an emotional appeal for help. ─── 他们情绪激动地恳求救助。

25、The arbitrator's award is set aside on appeal. ─── 上诉时仲裁人的裁决被罪于一边或变为无效。

26、Does this picture appeal to you? ─── 你对这幅画有兴趣吗?

27、Against the Company's claims the Client may only set off or lay a lien on claims that are undisputed or non-appealable. ─── 对公司的赔偿要求,顾客也许只能抵销或对无异议的或不可上诉的赔偿实施留置权。

28、United States Courts of Appeal for the Circuit. ─── 又叫巡回上诉法院或联邦中级法院。

29、But there is no need to appeal to imitation. ─── 但是,我认为无需求助于模仿。

30、He received a reduce sentence on appeal. ─── 因上诉他的服刑期被减少。

31、Does jazz hold any appeal for you? ─── 你对爵士乐有兴趣吗?

32、The appeal court reject the appeal on a technicality. ─── 上诉法院驳回了对法律条文特别解释问题的上诉。

33、His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court. ─── 他的律师决定向高一级法院上诉。

34、How can you appeal to them without alienating the mainstream crowd? ─── 你是怎么在不疏忽主流玩家的情况下吸引住他们呢?

35、Do you think a cleaning job appeal to you? ─── 你看清洁工你喜欢干吗?

36、Appeal to the Court:For Dignity! ─── 上告,为了尊严!(英文)

37、If we see our peers giving a lot of attention to one person, then that person might become more appealable in our eyes. ─── 假如我们看到自己的同辈对一个人很关注,那么我们看这个人也可能更顺眼。

38、You should not appeal to force. ─── 你们不应该诉诸武力。

39、The appeal fund has reached its target of 10000. ─── 吁请捐助的款项已达到10000英镑这一预定目标.

40、The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court. ─── 上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。

41、This use case generates an appealable monetary document, which is mailed to the claimant; fall away or copy goes to UI staff. ─── 此用例产生可用于上诉的货币文件,并传送给原告;向用户界面职员复制。

42、She looked at me in mute appeal. ─── 她以恳求的目光默默地望着我。

43、"I know it, and appeal to your penetration. ─── “是的,我知道的,所以来请求你的判断。

44、He have appeal to the supreme court. ─── 他向最高法院上诉。

45、Her appeal has terminated favorably. ─── 她的上诉胜诉了。

46、case (a) a non-appealable judgment; ─── 如果(a) 有不可上诉的判决;

47、There is no processing fee for an appeal. ─── 上诉无需支付审理费。

48、His appeal to a higher court was set aside. ─── 他的上诉被驳回。

49、This use case sends an appealable determination to interested parties. ─── 用例向感兴趣的部分发送可上诉性决定。

50、Their hearts vibrated to the speaker's stirring appeal. ─── 他们听了演讲人激动人心的呼吁心潮起伏。

51、The Court of Appeal reversed the decision. ─── 上诉法庭撤销了这项裁决。

52、He appeal to our emotions rather to our reasons. ─── 他诉诸于我们的情感,并非我们的理智。

53、Does a typist's job appeal to you? ─── 你喜欢打字员的工作吗?

54、How does the idea of going camping appeal to you? ─── 你觉得去露营这主意怎么样?

55、The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies. ─── 代理商通过电台紧急呼吁要求药品供应

56、The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution. ─── 个人可向上级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。

57、The appeal board was set up in October. ─── 上诉委员会已于一九九九年十月成立。

58、It is his legal right to appeal. ─── 上诉是他的正当权利。

59、Antique shops appeal to a great many people. ─── 古玩店很吸引人。

60、The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Count. ─── 上诉法庭驳回了那个裁决。

61、Their appeal for help went unheeded. ─── 他们求助的呼吁未受到注意。

62、The appeal court set aside the earlier judgment. ─── 上诉法院将早些时候所作的判决放在一边。

63、Letters and postcards poured into the newspaper office in answer to the appeal for suggestions. ─── 信函和明信片大量涌向报社办公室,以响应征求建议的要求。

64、This judgment finally disposes of all claims and all parties and is appealable. ─── 本判决最终解决所有诉讼请求及当事人,允许上述。

65、Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you? ─── 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?

66、He tried to appeal against the decision. ─── 他不服判决而尝试上诉。

67、He couldn't help the note of appeal in his voice. ─── 他不由自主的话的口音里带着恳求的腔调。

68、He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him. ─── 他最後一次恳求父亲宽恕他。

69、The appeal is made by a guerilla radio station. ─── 上诉是由游击队电台提出的。

70、His paintings had tactile appeal. ─── 他的绘画具有质感美。

71、His sentence was overturned by the appeal court. ─── 上诉法庭撤销了对他的判决。

72、Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal. ─── 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。

73、The response of the people to the famine appeal is immediate. ─── 人们对救济饥荒的吁求立刻作出了回应。

74、A statement of the grounds of appeal. ─── 上诉理由陈述书一份。

75、He took a rapid decision to appeal for England aid. ─── 他当机立断,马上向英格兰求援。

76、Leaders of many faiths responded to that appeal. ─── 不少宗教领袖都对此呼吁做出了积极的反应。

77、Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? ─── 你对去国外工作感兴趣吗?

78、What design do you think will appeal to your wife? ─── 你认为什么样的图案你妻子会喜欢?

79、The court of appeal ordered a retrial. ─── 上诉法院命令重审。

80、They were collecting signatures for an appeal. ─── 他们在为一项呼吁征集签名。

81、They quickly responded to the appeal. ─── 他们迅速响应了这个呼吁。

82、He decided to appeal to the supreme court. ─── 他决定向最高法院上诉。

83、Resistant to persuasion or appeal;obdurate. ─── 倔强的,冷酷无情的对信念或呼吁进行抵抗的;冷酷无情的

84、He allowed that I had the right to appeal. ─── 他同意我有权上诉。

85、She made the last appeal to her father to forgive her. ─── 她最后一次请求她父亲原谅他。

86、He will never appeal to them for mercy. ─── 他决不会向他们乞求怜悯。

87、The appeal is rejected by the house of lord. ─── 上诉被上院拒绝。

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