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08-14 投稿


peddler 发音

英:[?pedl?r]  美:[?pedl?(r)]

英:  美:

peddler 中文意思翻译



peddler 词性/词形变化,peddler变形


peddler 短语词组

1、unlicensed peddler ─── [法] 无证商贩, 无证小贩

2、peddler gin ─── 小贩杜松子酒

3、peddler aladdin ─── 小贩阿拉丁

4、stall peddler ─── [法] 摊贩

5、peddler license ─── 小贩执照

6、influence peddler ─── [美国英语](向商人)出卖手中权力者;以权谋私者(为商人获得同政府订合同的权利,或为别人从政府中获得好处而从中谋利的人)

7、drug peddler = peddler (1)

8、prune peddler ─── 食品店, ─── 食品店店员

9、peddler exercise ─── 小贩练习

10、peddler shop ─── 小贩店

11、peddler definition ─── 小贩定义

12、peddler machine ─── 小贩机

13、peddler paper ─── 小贩纸

peddler 相似词语短语

1、meddler ─── n.干涉者;爱管闲事的人

2、pedler ─── n.小贩(等于peddler)

3、peddlers ─── n.小贩(peddler的复数)

4、paddler ─── n.涉水者;明轮船桨手;乒乓球运动员

5、peddle ─── vt.叫卖;兜售;散播;vi.沿街叫卖;忙于琐事;n.(Peddle)人名;(英)佩德尔

6、pedaler ─── 脚踏板

7、peddled ─── vt.叫卖;兜售;散播;vi.沿街叫卖;忙于琐事;n.(Peddle)人名;(英)佩德尔

8、peddles ─── vt.叫卖;兜售;散播;vi.沿街叫卖;忙于琐事;n.(Peddle)人名;(英)佩德尔

9、peddlery ─── n.行商;叫卖货物;商贩

peddler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances. ─── 我宁可去做一个水管工或是小贩,盼望著在当前的环境里,可以找到些许独立自主的空间。

2、Therefore, we never look down on anyone, including the peddler and the underling. ─── 所以我们不敢轻视任何人,贩夫走卒、市井小民都不例外。

3、While working at the pushcart, I realize that my past failures as a lacklustre festive greeting cards peddler or an under performing telemarketer actually helped in improving my sales instinct! ─── 在用手推车叫卖的时候,我意识到我过去作为一个平庸节日问候卡商贩和表现欠佳的电话销售员的失败经历确实帮主我提高了我的销售本能!

4、On my way to the school, I saw a candyfloss peddler. ─── 今天的客人有的是巨富有的也不是。

5、In summer, the ice-lolly peddler hawking, ─── 夏天里哟,那个卖冰棒的叫卖声,

6、When I passed by a peddler‘s stall one day, I found a pink mosquito net priced at 16 Yuan. ─── 白天经过一个小摊,我注意到一个粉色蚊帐的标签:16元。

7、It’s the computer age, but we’re still up there doing pieces about Peking Opera and peddler’s cries. ─── 现在是电脑时代,但是我们还是一直表演京剧和小商小贩的打闹。

8、As the peddler sniffed5 the "broth6" and licked his lips in anticipation, hunger began to overcome their skepticism. ─── 小贩忘情地闻着“肉汤”散发的香味,满怀期盼地舔着嘴唇,这副模样让饥肠辘辘的村民们打消了疑虑。

9、The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box. ─── 游击队员扮小贩通过敌人的岗亭。

10、Its flaming redness was a joyous sight, but I cried for the strange old candy peddler who had been so fond of me. ─── 它那红得透亮的色泽,依然给人一种喜盈盈的感觉。 可是我却哭了。 哭那陌生的,但却疼爱我的卖灶糖的老汉。

11、I would rather choose to be aplumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence stillavailable under present circumstances. ─── 我宁可去做一个水管工或是小贩,盼望着在当前的环境里,可以找到些许独立自主的空间。

12、The peddler hawked his wares from door to door. ─── 小贩挨户叫卖货物。

13、I wish I were a peddler, make a living on the street, calling, “Bracelet, sparkling bracelet!” ─── 我愿意我是一个小贩,在街上过日子,叫着:“镯子呀,亮晶晶的镯子!”

14、"Right here, in this urn," the peddler replied, so Lu rolled up his sleeve and stuck his arm into the urn to choose a plump eel. ─── “有,在这个缸里。”小贩回答。于是陆生卷起了袖子,伸手到缸里去挑那些肥鳝鱼。

15、"Right here, in this urn," the peddler replied, so Lu rolled up his sleeve and stuck his arm into the urn to choose a plump eel. ─── "有,在这个缸里,"小贩回答,于是陆卷起了袖子,伸手到缸里去挑一些肥鳝鱼。

16、A peddler on Hanzheng Street ─── 汉正街小贩


18、The peddler often takes advantage of children. ─── 沿街叫卖的小贩经常欺骗儿童。

19、The peddler tried to fob off a worthless article on little Tom ─── 小贩企图把一件不值钱的东西卖给小汤姆。

20、Once an old peddler drifted in, selling wretched, ill-made nameplate signs ─── 有一次,一个年老的小贩溜了进来,他卖的是不值钱的做得很粗糙的姓名牌子。

21、A peddler called, "Want to buy fish? Fresh fish, live and fat, right here!" ─── 一个小贩喊道,"要鱼吗?新鲜的鱼,又肥又新鲜,快来买啊!"

22、We sell the vehicle hour not to increase price, he inquired the vehicle rental fee, possibly was the second-hand peddler buys the add-on price from here. ─── 我们卖车时没有加价,他打听到的车价,可能是二手贩子从我们这里买去后加了价。”

23、One day, a peddler appeared in the palace, bringing with him a wide variety of womanish small things. ─── 有一天,一位小贩来到宫中,出售各种妇人用的小玩意儿。

24、Kamila, now the bread-earner of the family, began to work as a peddler on the impoverished streets of South End Boston. ─── 当时在美国的大多数叙利亚移民的主要收入来源是推销商品。

25、tainan "peddler" noodle ;rice noodle ─── 台南担仔面;担仔米粉

26、The tin-mine where he had worked was now in ruins and he had become a peddler ─── 他原先在一个锡矿上干活,后来锡矿倒闭了,他沦落成了一个货郎。

27、The peddler bawled about apples and pears. ─── 小贩叫卖苹果和梨。

28、The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm ─── 小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

29、The leader of the patrol was satisfied with Stephen's story of being a peddler hurrying home to his family. ─── 斯蒂芬说他是个小商贩,正急于回去和家人团聚,巡逻队长相信了他的话。

30、The peddler sold his wares cheap ─── 小贩廉价出售货物。

31、He rigged himself out as a peddler. ─── 他装扮成一个小贩。

32、A peddler of cheap merchandise. ─── 卖便宜货的小贩

33、sock peddler ─── [美]拳击选手

34、Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place. ─── 强力能够劈开一块盾牌,甚至毁灭生命,但是只有爱才具有无与伦比的力量,使人们敞开心扉。在掌握了爱的艺术之前,我只算商场上的无名小卒。

35、Again came thenis the peddler center, as soon as arrived dines the time, there thensea of people, quarrelled the mixed sound also continuously. ─── 再来便是小贩中心了,一到用餐时间,那里便人山人海,吵杂声也连绵不断。

36、How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America ─── 一个出售廉价衬衣和钓鱼竿的商店是如何成为美国实力最强的公司的?

37、The peddler was held up on his way home, and all the day's money was gone. ─── 小贩在回家的路上被抢劫了,一天赚来的钱都没了。

38、The peddler fobbed off pieces of glass as diamonds on some people. ─── 小贩以玻璃充当钻石卖给别人。

39、His wife applied at the local police station for a peddler's certificate. ─── 他的妻子在当地公安局申请办理了一个小贩执照。

40、unlicensed peddler ─── [法] 无证商贩, 无证小贩

41、My family was hard up, with Father a peddler, Mother a housewife. ─── 我家里生活苦,父亲做小买卖,母亲是家庭妇女。

42、6.archaic term for an itinerant peddler. ─── 对原来巡回的小贩的称呼。

43、Change my queenly raiment to a peddler’s cloak. ─── 现在,把我的美貌变丑陋。

44、In the street below a peddler was crying his wares ─── 楼下的街上有一小贩正在叫卖。

45、The peddler tried to fob off a worthless article on little Tom. ─── 小贩企图把件废品卖给小汤姆。

46、Slowly he stood up and made his way to a peddler selling dumpling soup from a portable stove. ─── 极慢的立起来,找到了个馄饨挑儿。

47、A Peddler of Selling Earthen Basins ─── 卖瓦盆的小贩

48、A peddler of devotional literature. ─── 书贩贩卖宗教书籍的小贩

49、People laughed at the peddler's extravagant praiseof his goods. ─── 人们嘲笑这个小贩过度吹嘘他的商品。

50、A peddler or dealer of cheap goods ─── 小贩卖廉价货的小贩或商人

51、Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank. ─── 姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。

52、The scout came to the village under the disguise of a peddler. ─── 侦察兵化装成小贩来到了那个村子。

53、I've been a carpenter, electrician, peddler , shoemaker, tailor, auto mechanic; ─── 我当过木匠、电工、货郎、修鞋匠、裁缝、汽车修理工;

54、(2) comes on with sexual peddler much bureau be confined to rises first the place such as perineal, alvine, anal, inguinal, breast, sow all over next medicinal powder. ─── (2)以性传播者发病初起多局限于会阴、小腹、肛门、腹股沟、乳房等处,然后全身播散。

55、juice peddler ─── [美口]电力公司

56、But I didst note the flower peddler nearby, that she showed not vacant curiosity but a more intent concern. ─── 但是我注意到一个卖花的小贩,除了更多的关心她没有表现出茫然。

57、The villagers offered the peddler a great deal of money for the magic stone, but he refused to sell and traveled on the next day. ─── 村民们于是掏出一大笔钱想买下这块神奇的石头,但小贩并没答应且在次日离开了村庄。

58、stall peddler ─── [法] 摊贩

59、Beware of that peddler, for he is slippery as an eel. ─── 当心那个小贩,他油滑得很。

60、An old peddler drifted in ─── 一个年老的小贩溜了进来。

61、"The old peddler woman was really the wicked queen," said the dwarfs to Snow White. ─── 小矮人们对白雪公主说:“那叫卖的老太婆其实就是那邪恶的皇后。

62、Hoping to find water, he walked towards the image, only to find a little old peddler sitting at a card table with a bunch of neckties laid out. ─── 希望能找到水,他朝着那个影像走去,只见到一个小老商贩坐在一个摆满领带的牌桌旁。

63、Peddler beside the site were as busy as the workers.Some of the passersby stopped to buy some vegetables which were cheap and fresh. ─── 工地旁的小贩们和工人们一样忙碌,路人往往停下来,买一些比较便宜有新鲜的蔬菜。

64、She was finally dragged out of harm's way after seven minutes by an elderly scrap peddler who went searching for her parents. ─── 七分钟过后,终于有一位拾垃圾的老者将她带离危险地带,并寻找她的父母。

65、It is done equally to the good, the evil, the noble, the mean, the learned, the ignorant, peddler, underling, official and robber. ─── 好人、坏人、道德高尚的、道德低下的、有学问的、没学问的、贩夫走卒、官兵强盗,祂都一律平等的布施供应。

66、peddler's wool ─── 劣等羊毛

67、The peddler was crying up his wares ─── 小贩在竭力夸耀自己的货物。

68、Another peddler has told me," The more expensive the flowers are, the sooner they will wither away. ─── 有一位花贩告诉我:"愈是昂贵的花愈容易凋谢。

69、What betrayed the peddler who claimed to sell real diamonds? He tried to assure me that he wouldn't lie just for one dollar's sake. ─── 声称卖真钻石的小贩是怎样露馅的?他保证说他不会为了一美元的缘故撒谎。

70、The peddler bawled his wares in the street. ─── 小贩在街上叫卖货物。

71、2.A peddler called, "Want to buy fish? Fresh fish, live and fat, right here!" ─── 一个小贩喊道,"要鱼吗?新鲜的鱼,又肥又新鲜,快来买啊!"

72、He became very proud of his skill. But among the crowd an old oil peddler only nodded his head indifferently. ─── 他对自己的技术非常自豪,但是在人群中有一位卖油的老翁却漠然地摇了摇头。

73、Next, may promote peddler industry the bank to carry on the reasonable property disposition property on own initiative, courses the bank credit the fluidity. ─── 其次,可促进行商业银行主动进行合理的资产配置资产,将流动性引向银行信贷。

74、Peddler often go in and out of school ─── 商贩出入学校

75、one who sells wares or provisions in the street; a peddler or hawker ─── 小贩在街上卖商品或食物的人;货郎或叫卖的小贩

76、Investigation of the Hygienic Situation in the Peddler Food Industry in Datong City ─── 大同市沿街食品行业卫生状况调查

77、influence peddler ─── 权力贩子

78、a peddler in disguise stood near the railway station.a man disguised as a peddler stood near the railway station. ─── 一个伪装起来的小贩站在火车站附近。一个伪装成小贩的人站在火车站附近。

79、I bought that book from a moving peddler. ─── 我从流动小贩那里买到了那本书。

80、A peddler in a fair hawks ─── 沿街叫卖,鹰

81、whose father is a vegetable peddler. ─── 他的父亲是个蔬菜商贩。

82、Romance of a Fruit Peddler ─── 劳工之爱情

83、"Everybody is peddler " , common netizen had network speech right easily, release through the network be opposite even about social general affairs the opinion of government, official and proposal. ─── “人人都是传播者”,普通网民轻松拥有了网络话语权,通过网络发布关于社会事务甚至对政府、官员的意见和建议。

84、The peddler tried to foist a worthless article on little Tom ─── 小贩企图把一件无价值的东西卖给小汤姆。

85、Tainan "peddler" wider ice noodle;rice stick noodle ─── 台南担仔面;担仔米苔目

86、The peddler was crying up his wares. ─── 小贩极力夸耀自己的货物。

87、Paul the Peddler ─── n. 《小贩保罗》,贺拉旭·阿尔杰(Horatio Alger)著

88、The peddler bawled his wares. ─── 小贩叫卖他的商品。

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