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V 形线条、V 形图案或箭头交通标志表示左方或右方有急转弯的英文,英语,chevron是什么意思,chevron中文翻译,chevron怎么读、发音、用法及例句

08-14 投稿


chevron 发音

英:[??evr?n???evrɑ?n]  美:[??evr?n; ??evr?n]

英:  美:

chevron 中文意思翻译

常见释义:V 形线条、V 形图案或箭头交通标志表示左方或右方有急转弯



chevron 短语词组

1、chevron expander ─── [计] 人字形扩张器

2、chevron gear ─── 雪佛龙齿轮

3、chevron mark ─── 锯齿痕

4、chevron bracelet V ─── 形手镯

5、chevron drain ─── 人字形排水沟

6、Chevron spotted brown frog ─── 雪佛龙发现棕色青蛙

7、in chevron V ─── 字形

8、chevron pattern ─── 回纹状(表面)(外延生长表面不良的一种)

9、Chevron Corporation ─── 雪佛龙

10、chevron stock price today ─── 雪佛龙今日股价

11、chevron fold ─── 类顶褶皱[曲]

12、chevron bone ─── [医] V形骨(犬第3-5尾椎)

13、chevron tile V ─── 形瓷砖

14、chevron crack ( ─── 圆断面坯料拔长时形成的)中心裂纹

15、asymmetric chevron ─── [计] 不对称人字形

16、chevron logo scarf V ─── 形标志围巾

17、chevron logo V ─── 形标志

18、chevron structure ─── 人字形构造

19、chevron oems ─── 雪佛龙原始设备制造商

chevron 词性/词形变化,chevron变形


chevron 相似词语短语

1、cheer on ─── 鼓励,为某人打气

2、Acheron ─── n.地狱;阴间;冥河

3、cheiro- ─── 气味

4、chevres ─── n.山羊;吉夫干酪(山羊乳制)

5、chevronel ─── 雪佛龙

6、chevrons ─── n.V形线条、V形图案或箭头交通标志表示左方或右方有急转弯;(军人、警察制服上表示军衔或警衔的)V形标志;n.(Chevron)(法)谢弗龙(人名)

7、cheven ─── 方块字

8、chevre ─── 山羊奶酪

9、chevrony ─── 雪佛龙

chevron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、chevron ring ─── 人字密封圈

2、But many observers believe that courts are even less hesitant about discerning "unambiguous" mandates in regulatory laws than one would expect from a reading of the Chevron opinion. ─── 但许多观察家相信,较之人们会期望从"切弗伦"案的意见中能够理解的,法院甚至更痛快地在起管理作用的法律中辨别出"明确的"指令。

3、in chevron ─── (盾状徽内的)虚线山形

4、Last year a court-appointed expert, Ricardo Cabrera, filed a 4,000-page report arguing that Chevron was liable for no less than $27.3 billion in damages. ─── 去年,由法院指派的专家里卡多.卡布雷拉提交的4,000页的报告声称,雪佛龙对至少273亿美元损失具有赔偿责任。

5、Assorted cloisonne beads and other shape cloisonne could be found, glass beads like: lampwork beads, crow beads, cat's eye beads, chevron beads, art glass beads, dichroic beads etc, could be provided. ─── 各式精美的珠子和其他种形状可以发现,玻璃珠一样:拉丝珠,乌珠,猫眼的珠子,字形珠,艺术玻璃珠,珠色等,可提供。

6、chevron burn ─── 人字形烧除

7、Amoco Corp 、 Chevron Corp 、 Mobil Oil Corp 、 Star Enterprises 和 Shall Oil Co 。 ─── 6家公司的41家工厂回收硫的产量占美国的50%以上。

8、Chevron, which ultimately won the bid for Unocal, hasn't been able to match what Cnooc would have achieved. ─── 中美两国应该具有走出加州联合石油公司交易失败和上周中国拒绝可口可乐以24亿美元收购汇源果汁阴影的勇气和远见。

9、On May 25th, MEND said it had blown up one of Chevron's biggest pipelines in retaliation for the army's offensive. ─── 5月25日,MEND放出消息说,为报复政府军的攻击,他们炸掉了雪佛龙公司一条最大的输油管道。

10、Chevron Texaco Energy Research and Technology Company, USAJ.M.Ellis HJW GeoSpatial, Inc., USA ─── 北京理工大学信息科学技术学院,北京,100081;中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海,200083

11、Late last week, a 120,000 barrel per day Chevron plant was closed after its pipelines were attacked. ─── 上周晚些时候,1个日产量12万桶的雪佛龙公司的工厂在其输油管道遭到破坏后关闭。

12、15“Brown Neoprene Pac,Steel Toe, Flex Mttarsal,Chevron,size 6 ─── 15“铜褐色氯丁橡胶派克靴,钢包头,跖骨保护,防滑纹,尺码6

13、The Unocal bid upset Chevron, which had submitted what now appears to be the winning bid for Unocal and which lobbied Congress heavily against the Cnooc bid. ─── 优尼科收购事件激怒了雪佛龙公司,它已经递交了如何成功收购优尼科的材料,而且力劝国会反对中海油收购优尼科。

14、Double-hooked chevron ─── 双钩波形板

15、Chevron operation ─── Chevron手术

16、"Both Chevron and Weyerhaeuser already have separate research partnerships under way to accelerate the development of cellulosic biofuels. ─── 两公司已经分别有研发合作单位以增进纤维素生质燃料的开发。

17、chevron rubber spring ─── 人字形弹簧

18、Fixed bed resid hydrodesulfurization technologies have been patented by chevron,Unocal, IFP, UOP and SIPM. ─── 关于固定床式渣油加氢脱硫技术,目前世界上雪夫隆、联合油、IFP、UOP和壳牌等5家公司有专利技术。

19、reflective chevron ─── 人字形反光布条

20、chevron bone ─── [医] V形骨(犬第3-5尾椎)

21、Shell in 2007 signed a “sales and purchase” agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG, while Chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. ─── 2007年,壳牌与中石油就高更项目液化天然气签署了“销售和采购”协议,同时雪佛龙与3家日本公用事业企业签署了协议。

22、Chevron, an oil firm, brands itself as a purveyor of "human energy" , though presumably it does not really want you to travel by rickshaw. ─── 石油公司雪佛龙在自己的商标上印上“‘人类能源’的供应商”的字样,尽管它大概并非真的希望你用人力车代步。

23、chevron spring ─── V形弹簧

24、chevron expander ─── 人字形扩展器

25、Chevron no longer has any assets in Ecuador. ─── 雪佛龙公司在厄瓜多尔已经没有资产。

26、chevron yard ─── 人字形车场

27、Junior sports car such as the Ford Mustang, Chevron to CAMARO, next to yaak Firebird, Mitsubishi ECLIPSE, Toyota CELICA. ─── 初级跑车如福特野马, 雪佛来CAMARO, 旁地亚克火鸟, 三菱ECLIPSE, 丰田CELICA。

28、chevron fold ─── [地质]类顶褶皱[曲]

29、It shows a shield with greyhounds rampant emblazoned with a chevron, 2 five-pointed stars and a short sword. ─── 上面画了一面配有V型章的盾牌,由两只后退直立的灰狗装饰,镶有两颗五角星和一把短剑。

30、The two men are leading a major legal case against the shave on Chevron oil company.It involves petroleum pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon between ninteen sixty-four and ninteen ninty. ─── 他们两人正承担这一项对抗雪佛龙石油公司的活动,其中包括1964-1999年厄瓜多尔亚马逊的石油污染问题。

31、Development of Localization of Chevron Springs on Shanghai Metro and the Application ─── 上海地铁人字弹簧的国产化研制及其应用

32、Chevron was guilty of environmental violations and paid $6.5 million in fines. ─── “雪佛龙”因破坏环境而被判有罪,罚款650万美元。

33、(3) As Chevron noted, an agency has ties to the incumbent administration, and thus is politically accountable for its choices in a way that a court cannot be. ─── 3)如“切弗伦”案所指出的,行政机关与义不容辞的管理有联系,因此在政治上对其选择负有责任,而法院则不可能做到这一点;

34、Th structure and layout parameters of chevron conveyor belt were introduced in this paper. ─── 主要对人字形花纹输送带的结构及布局参数作了具体的介绍;

35、The two men are leading a major legal case against the Chevron oil company. ─── 他们正与雪佛龙石油公司打一场官司,

36、chevron structure ─── 人字形构造

37、A final complication in the Chevron doctrine is that courts appear to regard some administrative interpretations as worthy of more deference than others. ─── "切弗伦"案理论的最后一个复杂情况是法院看起来好像视某些行政解释较之其他的行政解释值得给予更多的敬意。

38、At the same time, the 12th New York was once the international crude oil futures prices climbed to above 60 U.S. dollars a barrel, by the influence of Exxon Mobil and Chevron led energy shares higher. ─── 同时,12日纽约市场国际原油期货价格一度攀升至每桶60美元上方,受此影响,埃克森美孚和雪佛龙公司带领能源股走高。

39、chevron drain ─── 人字形排水沟

40、chevron actuator array ─── V型梁阵列

41、chevron pattern ─── 回纹状(表面)(外延生长表面不良之一种)

42、In fairness, peers such as Total, BP, Shell and Chevron divvied up cash in much the same way as Conoco, but none put the money to quite such poor use. ─── 公正地说,道达尔(Total)、英国石油(BP)、壳牌(Shell)和雪佛龙(Chevron)等同行的现金分配情况和康菲石油差不多,但没有一家公司的资金使用效率像它那样糟糕。

43、Meanwhile, Chevron anounced that discovery of up to 15 billion barrels oil, more than 2 kilometers beneath the Gulf of Mexico. ─── 其间,C宣称已经发现了大概150亿桶的石油,这比墨西哥海湾2公里底下的石油还多。

44、On Mar. 6, 2002, just months after inheriting control of NiMH batteries, Chevron's subsidiary filed suit against Toyota, Panasonic, their PEVE joint venture, Sanyo et al. ─── 几个月后,2002年3月6日,在继承镍氢电池的控制权后,雪佛龙公司的子公司起诉丰田,松下,他们的PE-VE合资公司,三洋等。

45、Development of Chevron Conveyor Belt ─── 人字形花纹输送带的研制

46、At the heart of Chevron's legal predicament is a massive case of buyer's remorse. ─── 雪佛龙的法律困境的关键是一个买家自责的群体诉讼案件。

47、A court in Ecuador named a new judge to hear a case in which $27 billion in damages is being sought against Chevron, an American oil company, for alleged pollution by Texaco, which it bought in 2001. ─── 厄瓜多尔一法院委任另一名法官审理美国石油公司雪佛龙的案件。该公司2001年兼并的德士古公司被指控严重污染环境,造成高达270亿美元的损失。

48、George Kirkland of Chevron says if Saudi Arabia is all about oil, "Australia is all about gas. " ─── 雪佛龙公司的乔治·柯克兰说如果沙特阿拉伯各处都是石油,“澳大利亚就各处都是天然气”。

49、A device or token especially of membership in a society or group chevron: badge:: caisson: cart badger vt. ─── 半自动防空警戒管制组织,徽章,标记。

50、The book features new chapters from Chevron, Mobil, Shell, Exxon, UOP, and Texaco which define technology, pollution-control, and economic aspects of 60 petroleum refining processes. ─── 书以新章从确定技术的雪佛龙,美孚石油公司,壳牌公司,埃克森,UOP,和德士古那里为特色,污染控制, 以及60石油精炼过程的经济方面。

51、Once a court has identified the "precise question at issue," it must decide how much significance the agency's view should carry pursuant to Chevron. ─── 一俟法院认定了"有争议的确切问题",就要决定行政机关的看法若按照"切弗伦"案的标准,具有多少重要性。

52、But the court refused to compel the release of the names, strengthening Chevron's suspicions that the survey had been rigged. ─── 但法院拒绝强迫释放的名称,加强雪佛龙公司说,调查已被怀疑作弊。

53、The cap was based on Bericap standard design SK40/24 PV with customized knurl finish and embossment with CA star or Chevron logo on top of the cap. ─── 上限是根据百利盖标准设计SK40/24光伏定制隆起完成和浮雕与CA明星或雪佛龙标志上方帽。

54、chevron bones ─── 人字骨

55、Yet Chevron shows no sign of contrition. ─── 然而,雪佛龙公司没有任何忏悔之意。

56、per chevron ─── (盾状徽内的)黑山形

57、Brazil's energy minister has said Chevron will be severely punished if it's found to have failed in its environmental responsibilities. ─── 巴西能源部长称,如果雪佛龙不能承担环境责任,将被处以严重处罚。

58、Executives at CNOOC and Chevron said the discussions over Gorgon, a vast field off the coast of West Australia coast, had stalled over pricing but had not been abandoned. ─── 中海油和雪佛龙的管理人员表示,围绕高更项目的谈判因价格原因而停滞不前,但双方并未放弃。高更是澳大利亚西部沿海一个大型天然气田。

59、Nevertheless, the courts do show significant deference to administrative constructions, as the Supreme Court emphasized in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837 (1984). ─── 但法院又确实对行政的解释表示出很大的尊重,正像最高法院在“切弗伦公司诉全国劳资关系委员会”案[《美国最高法院判例汇编》第467卷,第837页(1984)]中所强调的那样。

60、chevron packing ─── 人字形轴封

61、Mathematical modeling of Chevron type stockpile and determination of technical data in circular blending stockyard of scraper stacker and reclaimer ─── 圆形料场刮板混匀堆取料机单人字形料堆数学模型及工艺参数的确定

62、chevron propagation element ─── 人字形传输元件 -磁泡用

63、The attorney-general charged seven former senior officials who had signed the agreement with fraud, as well as two Ecuadorean lawyers for Chevron. ─── 司法部长对先前的七位参与签订该协议的高级官员和两位厄瓜多尔的雪佛龙辩方律师以欺诈罪提起诉讼。

64、The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right. ─── V形或箭头交通标志表示左方或右方有急转弯。

65、asymmetric chevron ─── 不对称人字形

66、In 1974 the Peugeot Group acquired control of Citroen. The acquisition of the chevron brand was completed in 1976, giving birth to an automobile group with two distinct makes. ─── 1974年,标志集团控股东风雪铁龙集团.雪弗龙品牌的收购已于1976年,诞生了由两个完全不同的制造风格组成的汽车集团。

67、Belonging to Chevron Group which ranks in the top 500 world companies, Caltex is now engaging in the business of lubricants sales and services in mainland China. ─── 加德士公司是全球五百强中位居第前列的雪佛龙集团旗下的一家企业,在中国目前以润滑油产品的营销与服务为主。

68、Carry out international grit blasting, bottom plate repairing and repainting work for aboveground oil tank no. 8 in Chevron Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006. ─── 2006年于雪佛龙青衣油库进行8号油缸缸内打沙、修补缸式底及喷油工作。

69、chevron patten ─── 人字花纹

70、The bids could pitch the Chinese into competition with western oil groups, including Shell, Chevron, Total and ExxonMobil, which partially or wholly control and operate the 23 blocks under discussion. ─── 上述投标将使中方与西方石油集团展开竞争,其中包括壳牌(Shell)、雪佛龙(Chevron)、道达尔(Total)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),这些公司拥有23个相关区块的部分或全部控制权及经营权。

71、On its face, Chevron did not impose an extremely strong level of deference: the Court acknowledged that "the judiciary is the final authority on issues of statutory construction." ─── 从表面上看,"切弗伦"案并未要求绝对高水准的尊重态度:法院承认"司法机构是解释法律方面问题的最后权威"。

72、At issue is waste dumped by Texaco (bought by Chevron in 2001) as long ago as the 1960s in the region around Lago Agrio in the Ecuadorean jungle. ─── 争论的焦点是德士古公司(2001年被雪佛龙公司收购)于早在20世纪60年代在厄瓜多尔“丛林城市”拉戈阿格里奥附近的雨林中倾倒石油废弃物。

73、Using compressed air as working medium,heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of compressed air in mixed Chevron bellow s plate heat exchanger were tested. ─── 以现场的压缩空气为实验工质,对压缩空气在人字形波纹板式换热器的传热与流阻性能进行实验研究。

74、chevron gear ─── 人字齿轮

75、Chevron involved a challenge to the EPA's "bubble" policy, a new method of measuring discharges of industrial pollution. ─── “切弗伦”案涉及对环境保护署的“气泡”政策的质疑。 该政策是一种新的测量工业污染排放的方法。

76、Because of this ambivalence, courts have striven to avoid carrying the principle of deference represented by Chevron too far. ─── 出于这一矛盾心理,法院一直努力避免过于深入地贯彻执行“切弗伦”案所代表的尊重原则。

77、Chevron said it had stopped the seepage within four days and had complied with the terms of its licence. ─── 雪佛龙公司称其在四天内终止了漏油并称其遵守了许可证上的条款。

78、Chevron of divergence ─── 分流式山形条纹

79、At the same time, author gain the model about chevrons blockage in the different traffic conditions, it can validate the chevron’s setting spacing for the certain traffic condition and linetype. ─── 同时文中还得出了在不同交通状况下诱导标遮挡情况的计算模型,可以对具体的交通状况和道路线形下的诱导标设置间距进行验证。

80、Therefore, the world's largest oil company Exxon Mobil and the United States's second-largest oil company Chevron led energy plate. ─── 因此,全球第一大石油公司埃克森美孚和美国第二大石油公司雪佛龙领涨能源板块。

81、Tokyo Gas, Japan's largest natural-gas distributor, and Osaka Gas will buy 1 percent and 1.25 percent respectively from Chevron in the Gorgon project. ─── 东京燃气公司是日本最大的天然气国内经销商,东京燃气和大阪燃气两家公司将分别向雪佛龙购买其在高庚油气田项目里的1%和1.25%的权益份额。


83、chevron marking ─── 人字形标记

84、Today, Socony Mobil (ExxonMobil), ChevronTexaco, Shell (ConcocoPhilips and Chevron) are some of the companies whose roots go back to the breakup of the Standard Oil. ─── 今天的埃克森美孚,康菲以及雪佛龙正是从当时的标准石油中拆分出来的。

85、Thursday, by the public promotion of commodity futures prices, the U.S. stock market closed higher, Alcoa (AA) and Chevron (CVX), such as leading or. ─── 周四,受到大众商品期货价格上涨推动,美国股市收高,美国铝业(AA)与雪佛龙(CVX)等涨幅领先。

86、Chevron was awarded the largest exploration contract in the block thought to be most productive.But it has found that the oil is scattered in pockets and hard to extract. ─── 他们在众人眼中产量最为可观的土地上得到了最为丰厚的开采合同,却发现石油零零星星地分布在矿囊中,开采绝非易事。

87、5 July afternoon, the long-awaited City Kai community tennis event held in the warm sand tennis courts, a total City Kai flag Chevron 18, and five flats Ligangnanwan owners enthusiastic participation. ─── 5月7日下午,期待已久的城启社区网球初赛在沙面网球场热烈举行,共有城启旗下伊顿18、荔港南湾等5个楼盘的业主热情参与。

88、Species Under Threat by WCMC, WWF and Chevron ─── 受威胁物种数据库

89、chevron cross-bedding ─── 人字形交错层理

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