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08-14 投稿


analyzable 发音

英:[??n??la?z?bl]  美:[??n??la?z?bl]

英:  美:

analyzable 中文意思翻译



analyzable 短语词组

1、analyzable is ─── 可分析的是

2、analyzable approach ─── 可分析方法

3、analyzable definition ─── 可分析定义

4、analyzable words ─── 可分析词

5、analyzable meaning ─── 可分析意义

6、analyzable synonym ─── 可分析同义词

7、analyzable thesaurus ─── 可分析词库

8、analyzable def ─── 可分析def

analyzable 相似词语短语

1、unanalyzable ─── adj.不能分析的(不可分解的)

2、enolizable ─── 可实现的

3、analysable ─── adj.可以分析的;可被分解的

4、unanalysable ─── adj.不能解释的;无法分析的

5、dialysable ─── 可透析的

6、analyze ─── vt.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse)

7、alkalizable ─── 可碱化

8、dialyzable ─── adj.可透析的

9、realizable ─── adj.[数]可实现的;可实行的;可感觉到的

analyzable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results All 10 CPT patients specimen after cell culture were analyzable. ─── 结果10例CPT患者的淋巴细胞培养均获得可分析标本。

2、And,we make use of a suit of software programed and the on-line conductivity meters,to record,calculate and analyz the fluxional process of the fluid validly in the tundish. ─── 论述研制轻质石油产品电导率仪检定系统的必要性,介绍各级检定标准装置的原理和检定方法。

3、Form and analyzable cause of fault on fabric of dyeing and finishing ─── 印染布常见疵病形态及原因分析

4、I just want to make concepts which itself is analyzable into more refined concepts. ─── 我只想提出一些概念,这些概念自身,还可以进一步分析,变得更加完善。

5、Objective:To analyz the correlation between the traditional Chinese medical pattern differentiation and pulmonary diffusion function in Interstitial Lung Disease(ILD). ─── 目的:比较145例间质性肺疾病(ILD)患者临床常见中医证候之间肺弥散功能的差异,试图寻找一些中医证候分类规律。

6、Therapeutic evaluation on 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy by analyz ing the quality of life involved in the analysis of prognostic factors in pancre atic cancer patients ─── 三维适形放射治疗对胰腺癌患者生活质量的影响与预后相关因素分析

7、This article introduces the res ea rch progres s in the Abstraction of active ingredient in garlic,and analyz es t he advantage and dis advantage of all thos e Abstraction methods. ─── 主要介绍了对大蒜有效成分的提取研究情况,并分析了各种提取方法的优缺点。

8、The comparable and analyzable experiment shows that this algorithm can make a minimize decision tree whose rules are true. ─── 通过应用实例比较分析,证明该算法能生成最小化决策树,并且决策树生成规则切合实际。

9、A kind of ground demonstration model of lenticular membrane antenna was designed in this paper, and nonlinear finite-element analyz model of inflatable structures is built. ─── 对一类充气可展开天线系统进行结构设计,并相应地建立了充气结构的有限元分析模型。

10、This means that the analyzable lower limit and the amount of sample used can be reduced by CSCS technique. ─── 因此,使用旋流雾室进样技术,可以降低分析下限和样品的取样量。

11、Keywords public project;analyzable of project;project internal governance;project external governance;agent construction system;evaluate index of governance level; ─── 公共项目;项目可分析性;项目内部治理;项目外部治理;代建制;治理水平评价指标;

12、thickness is analyzable until the bed thickness is vanishingly small. ─── 分析的薄层厚度可以无限小,直至消失。

13、the more analyzable an idiom is, the more easily the idiom is comprehended. ─── 习语的可分析程度越高,该习语越容易理解。

14、The comparable and analyzable experiment shows that this algorithm can make a minimize decision tree whose rules are true. ─── 通过应用实例比较分析,证明该算法能生成最小化决策树,并且决策树生成规则切合实际。

15、Database Warehouse Use in Sales Analyzable System ─── 数据仓库在销售分析系统中的应用

16、This meansthat the analyzable lower limit and the amount of sample used can be reduced by CSCS technique. ─── 因此,使用旋流雾室进样技术,可以降低分析下限和样品的取样量。

17、The last study, however, did not provide reliable analyzable results. ─── 最后的研究,但是,并没有提供可靠的可分析的结果。

18、The entropy theory is used to analyz P2P application,worm,natural mainframe,and extract axis attributes. ─── 利用熵理论分析P2P应用、蠕虫、正常主机的属性特征,得到轴属性。

19、The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost. ─── 结构主义者充分分析语言的梦想破灭了。

20、four user-defined categories and many other useful fields, fully analyzable, - ─── 四个用户定义类和其他许多有用的领域,全面系统分析,

21、Fundamentally Analyzable Simplified English ─── 基础可分析简化英语

22、Those investigation were analyz ed and tabled a proposal about how to use physical exe... ─── 分析原因,并提出了运用体育运动处方的方法进行积极性调节,以改善痛经对大学女生学习和生活的影响。

23、The total usable number of questionnaires returned is 384 with a rate of 71%, and the analyzable data reaches 67%. ─── 问卷共发出540份,回收384份,回收率71%,有效率67%。

24、The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost. ─── 结构主义者充分分析语言的梦想破灭了。

25、Objective: To analyz the correlation between the traditional Chinese medical pattern differentiation and pulmonary diffusion function in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). ─── 摘要目的:比较145例间质性肺疾病(ILD)患者临床常见中医证候之间肺弥散功能的差异,试图寻找一些中医证候分类规律。

26、Leveraging network structure: we concurrently develop both structures for network topology and protocols that take advantage of these structures to achieve dependable, simple, and analyzable networks. ─── 平衡网络结构:我们并行开发网络拓扑结构和协议,这种协议利用拓扑结构实现可靠的,简单的和可分解的网络。

27、The four motivations illustrated in this paper show that idioms are analyzable and decomposable, and the meanings of idioms can be deduced but not arbitrary. ─── 认知语言学经验主义观则认为,惯用语作为深藏在人们概念系统中的隐喻概念的表层现象,其意义是可分析的,可活用的。

28、four user-defined categories and many other useful fields, fully analyzable. ─── 四个用户定义类和其他许多有用的领域,全面系统分析。

29、Methods:103 cases of iatrogenic bileduct damage were reviewed and analyz ed in this paper. ─── 方法:对103例医源性胆管损伤病人进行回顾性分析。

30、The new mechanism could avoid nesting priority inversion, and make the behavior of the system analyzable and predictable. ─── 通过这种机制,既可以使系统避免多重优先级倒置现象的发生,又可以使系统的行为具有可分析性和可预测性。

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