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08-14 投稿


briskness 发音

英:[?br?skn?s]  美:[?br?skn?s]

英:  美:

briskness 中文意思翻译



briskness 网络释义

n. 活泼;轻快;敏捷

briskness 反义词

inactive |slack | sluggish | dull

briskness 词性/词形变化,briskness变形

名词: briskness |形容词比较级: brisker |副词: briskly |形容词最高级: briskest |

briskness 短语词组

1、briskness mean ─── 轻快意味着

2、briskness crossword ─── 快速填字游戏

3、briskness in tea ─── 茶的爽口

4、briskness define ─── 轻快定义

5、briskness meaning ─── 轻快的意思

6、briskness synonym ─── 轻快同义词

briskness 同义词

abrupt |energetic | snappy | refreshful | alert | curt | fresh | hurried | jolly | rattling | cool | chilly | lively | impatient | brisken | vigorous | spirited | summary | flushed | cold | bracing | zippy | no-nonsense | brisk up | active | breezy | spry | vivacious | brusque | tonic | dashing | alive | invigorating | quick | parky | rapid | spanking | merry | refreshing | fast | enterprising

briskness 相似词语短语

1、brininess ─── 咸味

2、briefness ─── n.简单;短促

3、riskiness ─── n.冒险的事;危险

4、briskest ─── 轻快的

5、brinkless ─── 无边的

6、crispness ─── n.易碎;清新;酥脆

7、briskets ─── n.胸部;胸肉

8、friskiness ─── 活泼;闹着玩

9、briskens ─── 布里肯人

briskness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Domestic consumption market became brisk while maintaining steady growth. ─── 其次,国内消费品市场稳中见活。

2、It was good to be under sail in the brisk wind and under the warm sun. ─── 在劲风与和煦的阳光下,扬帆前进甚为惬意。

3、He spices his narrative liberally with entertaining anecdotes, deft portraits and brisk judgments. ─── 他在记述中大量揉入了有趣的奇闻轶事、精巧的人物描写和尖酸刻薄的评说,读起来饶有意趣。

4、To make a brisk, sharp cracking sound; to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound. ─── 劈啪作响发出轻脆,响亮如同断裂的声音;喀嚓折断突然间折断,发出轻脆、响亮如同断裂的声音。

5、Bleeding may be chronic and insidious or brisk and lifethreatening. ─── 出血可以是慢性和隐袭的,或是活跃和危及生命的。

6、They moved at a brisk walk, threading the intricate lanes and drawing nearer to the shore. ─── 他们跨着迅速的步伐,穿越过错综的小路,渐渐地逼近海岸。

7、At a second conclave, in February in Ankara, they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join. ─── 今年2月在安卡拉举行的第二次会议上,他们提出了一份令人振奋的工作计划,并邀请其它国家加入。

8、He is a reasonable, intelligent, brisk, even affable fellow. ─── 他是一个有理性、有见识、生气勃勃甚至和蔼可亲的傢伙。

9、Under their own experience to understand the game, you play is a. No, a shooting machine, do your best, brisk scoring! ─── 不,是一架射门机器,尽你所能,爽快的进球吧!

10、A brisk memo from Father soon informed me that I could not afford to fly. ─── 不久爸爸送来一张尖刻的短柬,指出我负担不起飞行的费用。

11、Abroad, he was brisk and lively , and eager and impassioned enough. ─── 在外边,他朝气蓬勃,生龙活虎,也相当起劲,相当热情。

12、The briskness with which he went through the agenda reflected his strategy. ─── 他完成议程如此的匆匆显示了他的策略。

13、Overseas demand brisk lose no chemise make bid at suggest level. ─── 国外需求很旺盛,按所提供价格出价,勿失良机。

14、She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness. ─── 她是个娇

15、In contrast to the surroundings, she was young, pretty and brisk. ─── 她年轻,漂亮,动作轻快,同周围的一切恰成对照。

16、There's nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day! ─── 冷天出来快步走走,简直太舒服了。

17、Heavy : a thick , strong and darkly colored liquor with little " life " or briskness . ─── 沉重:一个厚厚的,强大和黑暗色酒很少“生命”或脆性。

18、A brisk woman's voice declared that she was Miss Young. ─── 一个女人清脆的声音说她是扬格小姐。

19、Angela danced with great briskness at the ball. ─── 在舞会上安琪拉非常轻快地跳舞。

20、He departed at a brisk gallop, but on the way met Gethings and Cutter returning. ─── 他轻快地飞跑而去,可是跑到半路上,就碰见葛星斯和克特在赶回来了。

21、Take a brisk shower, not a leisurely bath, to save water. ─── 以快速的淋浴而非慢悠悠的盆浴来节约用水。

22、Since the train was snaking along at a brisk clip, the diner swayed from side to side. ─── 列车开始弯弯曲曲地急速前行之后,餐车便开始左右摇晃起来。

23、Offtake from other Asian and Japanese consumers has also been brisk. ─── 亚洲其他国家与日本的铝需求量也活跃起来。

24、He is a the most brisk young man in this group. ─── 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。

25、She was very brisk and alert. ─── 她完全是一副干脆利落、精神抖擞的神情。

26、She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness. ─── 她是个娇小、丰满的漂亮女子,两眼清澈明亮,带着一付不寻常的利索敏捷的样子。

27、With sustained briskness of retail market, foreign retail magnates are quickening their business expansion. ─── 随着零售市场的持续活跃,国外零售巨头加快了扩张的步伐。

28、Angela danced with great briskness at the ball. ─── 在舞会上安琪拉非常轻快地跳舞。

29、A flavorful cup of tea has a quality known as "Briskness, " and a distinct but subtle aroma. ─── 一杯有香味的茶具有一种所谓"清新感"的品质,并且有明显而微妙的香气。

30、Supplier scare japanese bid brisk but shipper quoting 20c levels. ─── 供应商少,然日方出价刻薄,货主报价在20美分的水准。

31、He was brisk in manner and impatient. ─── 他的行动举止生气勃勃,可没有耐性。

32、Manners are back, up to a point, and etiquette schools do a brisk trade in educating young savages in the niceties of proper behaviour, American-style. ─── 人们又开始有些重视礼貌了,礼节学校靠教这些小野人高雅适当的美国式举止而非常兴旺。

33、The brisk business of L/C swindling causes L/C swindling exception principles to come into being. ─── 信用证欺诈“生意”的繁荣又导致信用证欺诈例外原则的产生。

34、At thirty-five he was already putting on rolls of fat at neck and waistline, but his movements were brisk and boyish. ─── 他三十五岁,脖子和腰身便围上了圈圈肥肉,然而一举一动,却依然活泼幼稚。

35、And Dr Livesey shook hands with me through the stockade, nodded to Silver, and set off at a brisk pace into the wood. ─── 利维塞大夫隔着栅栏和我握了握手,又朝希尔弗点了点头,然后便迅速向树林走去。

36、Only with high-quality goods and services can a shop maintain a brisk trade. ─── 只有讲究优质商品,优质服务,才能让商店生意兴隆。

37、After a brisk morning wind dissipater the clouds, the sky was clear all day. ─── 一阵凛冽的晨风吹散了这些云,一天的天气都很好。

38、He had a brisk walk in the park. ─── 他在公园里轻快的漫步。

39、May not indicate briskness but denotes a round, smooth mouth feel. ─── 可能并不表明脆性,但指的是一种全面,顺利口感。

40、Business has been brisk since his new shop opened. ─── 他的新店开张后,一直是生意昌隆。

41、All the same, there was a briskness about Terry that had not been present when they had lunch at the Savoy. ─── 不知怎的,特里的身上洋溢着一种那天在舍吾怡餐馆午餐时所没有的轻快气氛。

42、He usually works off his frowsiness by taking a brisk walk. ─── 他经常以轻快的散步来消除瞌睡。

43、She was a woman with a normally brisk manner and alert, penetrating eyes. ─── 她是一个举止轻快,两眼炯炯有神的妇女。

44、Well, this is the off-season, so business is not particularly brisk just now. ─── 唔,现在是淡季,生意不是特别好。

45、His movements were brisk and boyish. ─── 他的动作仍很敏捷,孩子气。

46、Summers are warm, not hot, and winters are brisk rather than freezing. ─── 夏天暖而不热,冬天则凉爽而不寒冷。

47、The heart-stirring language of revolution has given way to brisk business talks. ─── 令人心激动的革命话语,正由诉不尽的生意经所取代。

48、His tone became brisk and businesslike. ─── 他的语气变得自信干练而务实。

49、He left the room at a brisk pace. ─── 他步履轻盈地离开了房间。

50、Traffic in stolen goods was brisk. ─── 交易赃物是危险的。

51、To become brisk; increase in strength. Used of the wind. ─── 增强变的有劲; 增长力量。用于风

52、In Beijing, pride jostles with insecurity;studied diffidence sits alongside brisk self-confidence. ─── 在北京,自豪感与不安全感交织在一起,刻意的谨慎与强烈的自信同时存在。

53、They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. ─── 它们有启发性、使人耳目一新是因为它们用简明的常识洗刷去了幻觉和旧的观点。

54、He was very curt and very brisk. ─── 他汇报得非常简短、非常干脆。

55、Bleeding may be chronic and insidious or brisk and life threatening. ─── 出血可以是慢性和隐袭的,或是活跃和危及生命的。

56、Farmer Tom went to the town in a brisk September day. He got some bills to pay. ─── 农民汤姆在九月一个清新的天气里想进城去,有一些账单需要付清。

57、She spoke in a brisk tone of voice. ─── 她用尖刻的语调说话。

58、Father open the window to let in the briskness of the morning air. ─── 父亲打开窗户让早晨的清新空气进来。

59、Do the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your Sunday paper and take a brisk walk. ─── 做一些猜谜?

60、She adopted a brisk businesslike tone. ─── 她学会了公务口吻,说话干脆利落。

61、She walked at a brisk pace towards the park. ─── 她迈着轻快的步伐走向公园。

62、The tone of the letter needs to be polite but brisk. ─── 信函的语气应礼貌而积极乐观。

63、He meets the dawn with a brisk exclamation of relief, and pursues his investigations with the utmost good humour. ─── 他以欢呼迎接黎明,如释重负,然后兴高采烈地继续勘查。

64、The briskness with which he went through the agenda reflected his strategy. ─── 他谈议程时那种匆匆忙忙的样子表明他在耍手腕。

65、Ice-cream vendors were doing a brisk trade(= selling a lot of ice cream). ─── 冰淇淋小贩的生意很红火。

66、His brisk manner branded him a Yankee. ─── 他举止麻利,一看就是个北方佬。

67、A child who was flying a kite sensed it in terms of briskness. ─── 一个孩子在放风筝时猛然感到的飞腾,

68、Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday. ─── 今日证券交易所交投活跃。

69、His brisk walking aroused our curiosity. ─── 他轻快的步伐引起了我们的好奇。

70、May also denote lack of briskness. ─── 也可能意味着缺乏脆性。

71、He was a vigorous, brisk person. ─── 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。

72、The Brisk Business depends on the good quality of goods and the excellent service. ─── 买卖兴隆,靠商品优质,服务优良。

73、Only after you make sure of the demand in the market, can both purchasing and marketing be brisk. ─── 只有摸清市场需求,才能做到购销两旺。

74、He usually works off his drowsiness by taking a brisk walk. ─── 他经常用轻快的散步来消除瞌睡。

75、The doctor advised me to go for a brisk walk for thirty minutes a day. ─── 医生建议我每天快步走三十分钟’。

76、All the same, there was a briskness about Terry that had not been present when they had lunch at the Savoy. ─── 不知怎的,特里的身上洋溢着一种那天在舍吾怡餐馆午餐时所没有的轻快气氛。

77、"What's his goods, father?" asked the brisk Young Jerry. ─── “经营什么,爸爸?”敏锐的小杰瑞问。

78、Bidding was brisk, ie Many offers were made one after the other. ─── 出价很踊跃(一个接一个地竞相喊价).

79、"Tom Birch is as brisk as a bee in conversation" (Samuel Johnson). ─── “汤姆·布切在会话中象蜜蜂一样轻快” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。

80、Her daughter, Jenny, was a brisk girl. ─── 她的女儿,珍妮是一个生气勃勃的姑娘。

81、A brisk wind swelled the sails. ─── 一阵疾风使船帆鼓起。

82、The weather had undergone a brisk change. ─── 天气早已经过一番突然的变化了。

83、Trading in commodities was brisk. ─── 商品交易兴旺。

84、A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating. ─── 在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。

85、Business is always brisk before Christmas. ─── 圣诞节前生意总是很兴隆。

86、He waved his hand slightly, his voice brisk and impersonal. ─── 他的口气尖厉,不带一点感情,说着还轻轻用手一招。

87、May not indicate briskness but denotes a round , smooth mouth feel . ─── 可能并不表明脆性,但指的是一种全面,顺利口感。

88、He is doing a brisk trade in cosmetics. ─── 他正在做的化妆品生意很兴隆。

89、Pleasantly zestful: a brisk tea. ─── (酒等)起泡的;

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