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08-14 投稿


effulgence 发音


英:  美:

effulgence 中文意思翻译



effulgence 网络释义

n. 灿烂;光辉

effulgence 短语词组

1、effulgence ygo ─── 光华ygo

2、effulgence part ─── 发光部分

3、effulgence clue ─── 光辉线索

4、effulgence erased ─── 擦除的光辉

5、effulgence definition ─── 光辉定义

6、effulgence 7 ─── 光辉7

7、effulgence define ─── 光辉定义

effulgence 相似词语短语

1、effulgently ─── 热情洋溢

2、affluence ─── n.富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚

3、refulgence ─── n.辉煌;光辉;灿烂

4、emulgence ─── 动情

5、effluence ─── n.流出;流出物;发射物

6、effluences ─── n.流出;流出物;发射物

7、efference ─── n.离心;输出

8、divulgence ─── n.透露

9、effulgent ─── adj.光辉灿烂的

effulgence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、12) If the effulgence of a thousand suns simultaneously were to blaze forth in the firmament;then that might be comparable with the effulgence of the Ultimate Personalities universal form. ─── 假如天空中有一千个太阳同时放射光芒,或许才可以和至尊人格神宇宙形象的辉煌灿烂相媲美。

2、4. Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. ─── 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于“我”,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于“我”。收藏指正

3、A lifelong effulgence you are by my side, ─── 你是我身边一束束灿烂,

4、The effulgence of algorithm will shine the dark future brightly!!! ─── 这句不知道翻译的好不好,我的原意是:算法之光辉将照亮黑暗前路!

5、"O Tabitha!"cried he, with tremulous rapture, "how shall I endure the effulgence?The gold!--the bright, bright gold! ─── 塔比莎从炉边烟熏火燎的凳子上起身,将酒瓶搁在彼得跟前,紧挨着那盏古老的铜灯,这玩意儿也是他大闹旧宅的战利品。

6、“God’s Son, the effulgence of His glory, and the very image of His substance” (Heb. i. 3) was to become a Son of man, in whom God’s plan would be carried out, His image revealed in human form. ─── “他(神的儿子)是神荣耀所发的光辉,是神本体的真像”(来一:3)。

7、of life, is always between the effulgence and the leisureliness. ─── 生命的回旋,总是在灿烂和悠远之间。那一抹流蓝就是你的语言。

8、Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. ─── 红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。

9、A remarkable specimen of floral effulgence entered into competition at the recent All-Tarant Flower Show &Garden Exposition has roused much comment among visitors. ─── 在近来的全塔伦特花卉园艺展览会上,比赛中一种非比寻常的花卉样品激起来访者众多评论。

10、Flowers are goodliness and nobleness, elegance and sweetness.Even if they are wild flowers blooming in rural , They still can show refreshing fragrance and effulgence .This is merely apprearance. ─── 花美丽高贵,优雅馨香,即使是绽放在山间的野花,也能呈现它沁人心脾的温馨与灿烂,这仅是花的外表。

11、Return of life, is always between the effulgence and the leisureliness. ─── 生命的回旋,总是在灿烂和悠远之间。那一抹流蓝就是你的语言。

12、effulgence you are by my side. ─── 你是我身边一束束灿烂。

13、And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered &quivered &quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas. ─── 此十千宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。

14、With that word "death" the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence . ─── 随着这个“死”字,暑热仿佛越来越厉害,热得逼人。环礁湖也以令人目眩的灿烂袭击着他们。

15、Brahman, Joy of the whole universe, Supreme Effulgence; ─── 梵天,整个宇宙的喜悦,无上的光辉;

16、Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. ─── 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于“我”,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于“我”。

17、As he does so, an effulgence illuminates everywhere in the ten quarters and innumerable Buddha-lands shake in six ways. ─── 剃除须发。端坐树下。勤苦六年。行如所应。

18、2.If the effulgence of a thousand suns simultaneously were to blaze forth in the firmament; ─── 千臂的主啊,我想看您像从前一样,头戴盔甲,手持法杖、法蝶、法螺、及莲花的形象。

19、Return of life, is always between the effulgence and the leisureliness.The blueness would just be your language. ─── 希望所有的惆怅也不过是仅供把玩的语言,真的没有残留在我的心底,把往日的痛点燃。

20、As one of the folk arts in Anhui Province, Flower Drum Lantern is giving off splendid effulgence across the whole province. ─── 花鼓灯作为安徽省民间艺术之一,在江淮这片土地上散发着奇特的光辉。

21、Brahman, Joy of the whole universe, Supreme Effulgence; ─── 梵天,整个宇宙的喜悦,无上的光辉;

22、Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. Welcome to Top Red Art. ─── 红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。红鼎艺术欢迎您的光临。

23、The flower ever imitote your smilig face.But it cammot rod the effulgence onny face.I would like you stay with me only. ─── “妈妈,我要建一座糖果屋,和我心爱的人永远住在糖果屋里!”

24、He was four-armed,he was dressed in yellow cloth,and his bodily effulgence lit up all directions. ─── 他有四臂,穿着黄色的衣服,躯体的光璨照耀四周。

25、And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered &quivered &quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the deities. ─── 一万个世界系一再地摇动、震动、颤动,并且有广大无边、超越诸天威神的殊胜光明现起。

26、Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. ─── 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于“我”,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于“我”。

27、while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the deities. ─── 有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。

28、His spiritual body had the effulgence of many suns,and demigods and sages surrounded Him and sang His praises. ─── 他灵性躯体的光璨好比许多太阳,而半神人和圣哲们则围着他唱颂他的荣耀。

29、Fuelled by morbid energy, a Great Unclean One pays careful attention to all of his followers, delighting in the smallest boil, reveling in the variety and effulgence of their poxes. ─── 充斥于病疫的活力之中,大不净者关注着所有他手下的方方面面,从最小的疮疖中获得了欣喜,又陶醉于他们多种多样闪着光辉的脓包之中。

30、And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered& quivered& quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas. ─── 这十千个宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。

31、A lifelong effulgence you are by my side. ─── 你是我身边一束束灿烂。

32、And the flowers are to set free their effulgence and eminence at the last moment, even though what waits for it is to fade and to perish. ─── 等待它的也是一同枯萎,一起凋谢。

33、while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the deities. ─── 有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。

34、Morrow night, when the moon was as usual, her gentle effulgence and enlightening everything as well, i proudly considered this as my contribution. ─── 次日晚上,看见月亮还是好好地挂职在天上,她温柔的光辉依旧照耀着一切,我心中便暗暗得意,以为是我留下它来的。

35、Work together, We'll be effulgence in the future path of cooperation. ─── 在未来携手合作的事业道路上,我们一定风光无限、灿烂辉煌!

36、An effulgence flame is made by millions of sparks, and you are one of them.Your life style is always optimism and leisureliness. ─── 灿烂燃烧的篝火是由无数火苗融合而成的,而您就如同其中的一簇,经过星星之火而快乐跳跃的火苗。

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