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08-14 投稿


mandibular 发音

英:[m?n?d?bj?l?r]  美:[m?n?d?bj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

mandibular 中文意思翻译



mandibular 短语词组

1、mandibular joint neuralgia ─── [医] 下颌关节神经痛

2、mandibular joint ─── [医]下颌关节; 牙关

3、mandibular gland ─── 下颌腺

4、mandibular disc ─── [医] 下颌关节 ─── [关节]盘

5、mandibular buccal frenum ─── [医] 下颌颊系带

6、mandibular arthritis ─── [医] 下颌关节炎

7、mandibular arch ─── [医] 下颌弓

8、mandibular joints ─── [医] 下颌关节

9、mandibular condyle ─── 下颌髁突

10、mandibular injection ─── [医] 下颌注射

11、mandibular cyst ─── [医] 下颌囊肿

12、mandibular glands ─── [医] 下颌 ─── [下]腺

13、mandibular fissures ─── [医] 下颌裂

14、mandibular fracture ─── [医] 下颌骨折

15、mandibular cartilage ─── [医] 第一鳃弓软骨, 美克耳氏软骨

16、mandibular bone ─── 下颌骨

17、mandibular dislocation ─── [医] 下颌关节脱位

18、mandibular denture ─── [医] 下托牙

19、mandibular fossa ─── 下颌窝; 承浆

mandibular 常用词组

mandibular bone ─── n. 下颌骨

mandibular 词性/词形变化,mandibular变形

形容词: mandibular |

mandibular 相似词语短语

1、submandibular ─── adj.下颌下的

2、premandibular ─── 下颌前

3、canicular ─── adj.酷暑期的;天狼星的

4、mandibles ─── n.下颌骨;上颚,嘴的上部

5、mandibulated ─── 下颌的

6、mandibulate ─── 咀嚼的;[昆]具颚的

7、matricular ─── 母系的

8、mandible ─── n.下颌骨;上颚,嘴的上部

9、manipular ─── adj.(古罗马步兵队的)支队的士兵;n.支队的士兵

mandibular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chondromas are extremely rare in the mandibular condyle and few cases have been reported in the literature. ─── 发生于下颌骨髁突的软骨瘤罕见,临床报道极少。

2、Clinical application of intermaxillary traction and fixed flat bite-plate could correct lingual inclination of mandibular molar effectively. ─── 交互牵引结合固定平面导板是矫治下颌第一磨牙舌倾的有效方法。

3、Mandibular widening by means of intraoral distraction osteogenesis is an easy, predictable and controlled method that creates new bone. ─── 下颌骨扩展应用内牵引成骨术是一种简单,可预测和控制的办法,发明了新骨。

4、Title: Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit. ─── 关键词:下颌骨;重建;牵张成骨;镍钛记忆合金;兔

5、Methods Eleven cases of prominent mandibular angle were involved in this study and all of them underwent the intraoral oblique mandibular osteotomies. ─── 方法对11例下颌角肥大患者,分别施行口内入路下颌骨斜行截骨术。

6、Mandibular prognathism is a fairly common dentoskeletal defect among the Asian population. ─── 摘要下颚骨前突在亚洲人非常普遍。

7、The first three largest number of resident teeth is as follows: mandibular cuspid, mandibular bicuspid and maxillary cuspid. ─── 19.51%的病例颌骨间无咬合接触关系,19.51%的病例修复时需咬合重建或咬合抬高;

8、After removal of the mandibular margin some patients even got improvement in the speed of swallowing as revealed by dynamic esophagogram. ─── 在移除下颌骨的边缘后,病患甚至得到在吞嚥速度方面的改进,这方面可以在动态的食道摄影中看出。

9、Establishment of an immortalized chondrocyte cell line with chondrocyte phenotype derived from rabbit mandibular condyle. ─── 具有软骨细胞表型特征的永生化兔髁突软骨细胞系的建立。

10、The mandibular body-ramus area is the favored location.Radiographically, the lesion is well circumscribed and radiopaque. ─── 好发于下颚骨之骨体及上行枝区,于射线影像呈现一周界清晰、内含一个或许多放射不透过性的小块。

11、The maximun binding changes of the acetylcholine receptor on rat lateral pterygoid muscle after the function mandibular advancement. ─── 功能矫形对大鼠翼外肌细胞膜乙酰胆碱受体最大结合容量影响的研究。

12、Mandibular arch of 11 dpc mouse embryo was dissected and cultured in 37 C culture base contained 950 mL/L air and 50 mL/L carbon dioxide, using serum-free BGJb culture medium. ─── 分离11dpc胎鼠的下颌弓,在含有950mL/L空气、50mL/L CO_2的37℃培养箱中用无血清BGJb培养液培养。

13、Methods: Occlusal casts were obtained from 23 asymptomatic volunteers and 130 TMD patients.And their chewing movement tracings were recorded by mandibular kinesiograph (MKG). ─── 方法:23名无症状大学生志愿者和130名TMD患者,取研究模,记录咀嚼运动(牙合)期轨迹。

14、Conclusion By means of titanium reticulum reinforcement, mandibular defect could be successfully restored. ─── 结论利用钛网加强的方法可以有效修复下颌骨节段性骨缺损。

15、The finite element analysis of the stress distribution in the periodontium of the mandibular incisors by use of multi-loop edgewise arch wire. ─── 多曲方丝对下颌中切牙牙周膜应力分布有限元分析。

16、Methods:A total of 962 patients with malocclusion were selected from owtpatients, among this patients,27 cases with the congenitel hypodontia of mandibular incisor. ─── 方法:从962名门诊正畸病人中选取下颌恒切牙缺失的病例27名,并测量下前牙牙冠的近远中径。

17、RE is an usually small short root with a hook, which gratly increase the difficulty of root canal treatment for mandibular first molars. ─── 充分认识和识别远舌根,对于提高下颌第一磨牙根管治疗的成功率有重要意义。

18、The coronal T1WI image was superior to coronal T2WI and gradient echo images in demonstrating the mandibular nerve. ─── 冠状面T1WI图像对下颌神经的显示优于冠状面T2WI及梯度回波序列图像。

19、With the insertion of relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint, the EMG parameters of TA and MM during ICP maximal clenching was dramatically reducded (P

20、The use of a neutral zone technique to fabricate a more stable complete mandibular denture for a maxillofacial patient is presented. ─── 使用中性区技术制造一个更稳定的下颌全口义齿的患者颌面部提出。

21、Methods Chiseling the mandibular canal and seeking retrorsely its host from the nerve branch by conventional autopsy equipment to make trigeminal nerve specimen. ─── 方法常规人体解剖器械凿开下领管,沿神经分支逆向寻找其主干制作三叉神经标本。

22、The chin occupied 2/3 of the entire mandibular height. ─── 上中下面高几乎各占全面高的1/3,上面高略大; 上唇与下颌高度比为1/2,下唇与下颌高度比略等于1/3,颏部与下颌高的比值略为2/3。

23、Methods We made a maxillary flat bite plate which was touched with mandibular cuspid teeth and elevated the posterior teeth. ─── 方法制作上颌平面导板,下颌两侧尖牙与其接触,后牙抬高。

24、Anteriorly, the maxillary incisors should erupt labial to the mandibular incisors; the mandibular incisors should erupt lingual to the maxillary incisors. ─── 前区部方面,上颚门齿应要萌发在(下颚门齿)侧向,而下颚门齿应要萌发在(上颚门齿)侧向。

25、The affection of esthetic on face after mandibulectomy was studied in 56 cases of mandibular tumors. ─── 对56例下颌骨肿瘤切除术后对面下部美观的影响进行了临床研究。其中下颌骨恶性肿瘤20例,良性肿瘤36例。

26、Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in growing rats anterior belly of digastric after functional mandibular protrusion department of orthodontics. ─── 功能性矫治器引导大鼠下颌前伸后二腹肌中金属蛋白酶的表达研究。

27、Restoration of the mandibular continuity and cosmetically acceptable appearance continue to present challenge to the plastic surgeon. ─── 下颔骨软骨肉瘤在广泛切除之后,不论是颜面外观或是功能上的改善都是整形外科极具挑战性的工作。

28、X-ray cephalometry showed some cases with light mandibular prognathism. ─── 均为替牙期功能性反牙合,X线头影测量显示部分病例为轻度下颌前突。

29、Angiogenesis during mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Rowe NM, Mehrara BJ, Luchs JS, et al. Ann Plast Surg,1999,42(5):470-475. ─── 在大白鼠下颌骨牵引成骨模型上,组织学检查显示,牵引早期有大量血管生成,其后数量逐渐减少,但结构更加成熟。

30、There is something wrong with the mandibular joint. ─── 你的下颌关节有点问题。

31、In functional mandibular reconstruction, distraction osteogenesis has special advantage over normal reconstruction. ─── 摘要牵引成骨在功能性颌骨重建中较常规重建方法具有独特优势。

32、In addition, the interdental space over the anterior region of the mandibular arch was closed. ─── 下颚则关闭因牙齿融合而产生的间隙。

33、Methods 25 cases with different kind of mandibular fracture by trauma were treated by open reduction and internal fixating using titanium minplate. ─── 方法对25例各种类型的下颌骨骨折采用微型钛板手术内固定。

34、The titanium mandibular reconstruction system with titanium condyle is a simple and effective method for reconstruction of osteoradionecrosis. ─── 带髁突钛下颌骨重建系统可作为下颌放射性骨坏死颌骨切除后重建修复的一种简便、安全和有效治疗方法。

35、Therefore, the analysis of maxillary to mandibular tooth-width ratios s one important diagnostic tool for predicting the outcome of orthodontic treatment. ─── 因此,上下颚间牙齿宽度大小比例的分析,是一项对于预测矫正治疗结果之重要诊断工具。

36、The concentrated areas of stress were in the condyle neck, the posterior surface of coronoid process and mandibular angle. ─── 应力集中区位于髁突颈部、冠突后侧、下颌角等部位。

37、The SNB angle and mandibular plane angle (SN-MP) have no change (P>0.05). ─── SNB及下颌平面角SN-MP无变化,P>0.05;

38、Conclusion: Increasing vertical dimension in deep overbite patients can improve the mandibular movement. ─── 咀嚼运动的各向运动幅度均有显著性增加。结论:深覆患者升高垂直距离能改善下颌运动功能。

39、Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit. ─── 内置自加载牵张器重建兔下颌支的实验研究。

40、The reported lesions were located in cheek masseter muscle, parotid gland, upper neck, upper gingiva and body of mandibular. ─── 具报告的损害位于.脸颊,肌肉、耳下腺腺、上面的脖子、上面的齿龈和身体的下颚骨。

41、The reconstruction and rehabilitation of mandibular defects contribute to the life quality of the patients. ─── 下颌骨缺损的修复重建对提高患者的生存质量具有重要意义。

42、Comparasive Study on Energy Relieving Effect of Using Artificial Plastic Teeth or Ceramic Teeth in Mandibular Implant-supported Overdenture. ─── 全下颌种植覆盖总义齿塑料牙与瓷牙能量缓冲作用的比较分析。

43、Objective To establish a mandibular complete dentures for the finite element research of complete dentures and supporting tissues. ─── 摘要目的制作可显影的下颌全口义齿,为建立下颌全口义齿有限元模型奠定基础。

44、Abstract: Objective: To evaluate our experience with prompt aut otra nsplantation of boliled tumorous mandibule for the treatment of mandibular tumor . ─── 文摘:目的:为总结煮沸自体下颌肿瘤骨立即再植的临床经验。

45、Application of internal rigid fication in the mandibular fracture. ─── 坚固内固定技术在下颌骨骨折中应用体会。

46、Method: Titanium mandibular reconstruction plates were used in treatment of 20 cases suffered from mandibular ameloblastoma and cyst. ─── 方法:对20例下颌骨肿瘤手术切除部分或全部下颌骨的病例行钛板或钛网的修复治疗。

47、Objective: To evaluate the effect ot flat bite plate (FBP) on the root resorption of mandibular incisors during orthodontic treatment. ─── 摘要目的:探讨平面导板配合直丝弓矫治对牙根吸收的影响。

48、bone density of the mandibular angle and coxofemoral region can be measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer. ─── 可以使用双能 X 射线吸收仪测量下颌角和股骨区的骨密度。

49、Impaction of the permanent maxillary central incisor is uncommon, and fusion of mandibular lateral incisors and canines is even more rarely seen. ─── 摘要上颚正中门齿的阻生是少见的,而下颚双侧恒牙的侧门齿与犬齿融合则更少见;

50、Objective: To comparatively analyze the complications of extraction of impacted mandibular third molars with air turbine handpiece or chisel. ─── 摘要目的:对比两种方法拔除下颌阻生的第三磨牙在术中或术后出现并发症的情况,分析其可能原因及预防方法。

51、Fig3-16 Incisal protrusion with tongue thrust forward and hooked over the mandibular incisors. ─── 图3-16因舌前推所致之门牙前突且呈倒钩住下颚门牙。

52、Methods 52 patients who had mandibular fractures were treated with titanium-miniplate,and teeth were retained on the fracture. ─── 方法:对52例下颌骨骨折的患者行切开复位术,使用小型钛板内固定,保留骨折线上的牙齿。

53、Methods We use the method of small injury diorthosis under endoscope to treat 20 patients of prominent mandibular angle. ─── 方法对20例下颌角骨性肥大的求美者,设计了内窥镜下经口内小切口入路微创下颌角整形术的方法。

54、Methods The mandibular angles were measured by 310 pairs of panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalometric radiographs. ─── 方法在310例一一对应的曲面断层片和头颅侧位片上进行下颌角的测量,比较两组测量值。

55、Infected mandibular, parotid and anterior cervical nodes usually cause subcutaneous induration and surface bulging. ─── 感染的下颌,耳下和颈前淋巴结,通常引起皮下硬结和表面突起。

56、Methods:26 patients with mandibular defects after tumor resection were recovered instantly by sternocleidomastoid flap and titanium plate. ─── 方法:对26例因口腔恶性肿瘤扩大切除术截除部分下颌骨的患者,采用胸锁乳突肌肌皮瓣配合重建钛板同期修复。

57、To improve on these methods, we investigated simultaneous mandibular and tooth reconstruction, using a Yucatan minipig model. ─── 我们利用犹加敦小型猪模型研究同时重建下颌骨和牙齿来改进这些方法。

58、Conclusion: The fibula free flap was an ideal selection for the reconstruction of mandibular defects. ─── 结论:游离腓骨肌(皮)瓣是修复下颌骨缺损的一种理想方法。

59、Method:40 curved mesial-buccal canals in mandibular molars were selected and divided into two groups randomly. ─── 方法:选取40个下颌磨牙近中颊侧弯曲根管,随机分为两组,每组20个根管。

60、The clinical assessment consisted of range of maximum mouth opening (MMO) and preauricular pain during mandibular function. ─── 临床评估包括最大开口度(MMO)和下颌运动时耳前区的疼痛。

61、The method of measuring bone density of mandibular angle with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is feasible and practical. ─── 下颌骨骨密度降低也可在一定程度上反映全身骨质疏松的状况;

62、Influence of inserting occlusal splints on the position of mandibular condyle. ─── 咬合板高度对下颌髁突位置的影响。

63、mandibular joints normally hold a significant amount of tension. ─── 下颌关节通常有明显的压力。

64、Objective: To summarize the experience of using fibula free flap for reconstruction of mandibular defects. ─── 摘要目的:总结应用腓骨肌(皮)瓣一期修复下颌骨缺损的经验。

65、Mandibular Advancement Improves the Laryngeal View during Direct Laryngoscopy Performed by Inexperienced Physicians Tamura M, et al. ─── 下颌前伸改善操作不熟练医生直接喉镜的视野观察。

66、Objective: To evaluate the application of free vascularized rib flap in the reconstruction of mandibular defects. ─── 摘要目的:总结分析血管化游离肋骨瓣在下颌骨缺损中的应用体会。

67、Deciduous caries were often examined on the 1st mandibular molar, the let maxillary incisor, and the 2nd mandibular molar. ─── 在牙位上,患龋好发牙位前三位为下颌第一乳磨牙、上颌第一乳前牙、下颌第二乳磨牙。

68、The most bizarre footnote to this tragedy, the king of shellfish and her mother while at the same hospital for mandibular surgery. ─── 这个悲剧最诡异的注脚是,王贝和她的妈妈同时在同一家医院做下颌骨手术。

69、PR has especial diagnosis value for mandibular fractures. ─── :PR优点是对下颌骨骨折诊断准确率高 ;

70、PURPOSE: Riomechanical analysis was performed on dual abutments with lag strews to explore the reasonable fixation method of mandibular prosthesis. ─── 摘要目的:对双延伸肩台拉力螺钉固位方式进行生物力学评价,探索合理的下颌骨假体固位方式。

71、When an occlusal load is on the ipsilateral molars, there is a reversal result of the stress direction in the upper line of the mandibular angle. ─── 在不同咬合部位的比较中,在四组肌肉同时加载的条件下,前牙咬合加载时下颌角区域的应力值大于双侧后牙咬合加载;

72、Mandibular overdenture with 2 magnetic attachment has more value in clinic. ─── 2基牙磁性附着体制作下颌全口覆盖义齿具有良好的临床应用价值。

73、The measurement of retentive forces in mandibular complete overdenture with Magfit magnetic attachment[J].West China J Stomatol,2003,21 (5):366-368. ─── Magfit磁性附着体下颌全口覆盖义齿的固位力测定[J].华西口腔医学杂志,2003,21(5):366-368.

74、Abstract : Condylar neck is one of the most predilection sites of mandibular fractures. ─── 摘要 : 髁突颈部是下颌骨骨折的好发部位之一。

75、The epithelium of the mandibular arch changed from monolayer to polylayer with accumulation of keratose in some arches. ─── 下颌弓表面上皮由培养前的单层扁平上皮发育为为复层鳞状上皮,少部分下颌弓表面有角化物堆积。

76、The incidence of casting defect is higher in the clasp and minor connecter,mandibular than maxillary. ─── 义齿各部位出现铸造缺陷机率:卡环小连接体处较高,下颌高于上颌。

77、Distinct series on head region included the nasal, supraorbital, infraorbital, postorbital, oral, mandibular, gular, supraspiracular series and pair of dorsal line on the body. ─── 侧线分布主要包括:头部的鼻侧线、眶上线、眶下线、眶后线、口侧线、下颌线、咽侧线、鳃孔上线和身体上的背侧线。

78、Objective: To study the energy relieving effect of using artificial plastic or ceramic teeth in mandibular implant-supported overdenture. ─── 摘要目的:比较分析应用塑料牙与瓷牙对全下颌种植覆盖总义齿及其支持组织的能量缓冲作用。

79、Most of which happened in mesiobuccal canal of maxillary molar and mesial canal of mandibular molar, accounting for 70.7%. ─── 器械折断于上磨牙近颊根管和下磨牙近中根管者居多,占70.7%。

80、We describe a case which highlights a serious complication of the use of an air rotor for the removal of a right second mandibular molar. ─── 我们描述一个案件突出一个严重的并发症,使用空气转子清除有权下颌第二磨牙。

81、Condylar neck is one of the most predilection sites of mandibular fractures. ─── 髁突颈部是下颌骨骨折的好发部位之一。

82、Objective: To discuss the clinic features and treatments of mandibular condylar fracture in children. ─── 摘要目的:探讨青少年髁突骨折的临床特点及治疗方法。

83、Treatment of deep circumferential bony defects around the mandibular secondary molars is a great challenge to periodontist. ─── 摘要治疗下颚第二大臼齿远心侧的环绕型骨性破坏,是牙周病科医师的一大挑战。

84、Please consult our mandibular advancement device comparison table if you are unsure about suitability. ─── 如果您对其适用性仍心存疑虑,请参照我们的下颚前移装置对照表。

85、Mandibular angle ramus outermost part of bony plates called bone plate, which is equivalent to masseter muscle attachment surface. ─── 下颌角升支部分最外层骨板叫骨外板,相当于咬肌附着面。

86、In addition, the changes of width between second bicuspid and mandibular molars showed statistical significances. ─── 下牙弓变化中,第二双尖牙间和磨牙间宽度增加有显著性差异。

87、METHODS: Using a simple semi-fixed lingual arch combined with the edgewise technology to correct 8 cases with linguoclination or buccoclination of the mandibular molars. ─── 方法:对8例下颌磨牙颊向或舌向倾斜错位的患者,采用简易半固定舌弓配合方丝弓矫治技术在矫治初期进行矫治。

88、Methods:In clinic,the effect of forming cystitomy on 38 cases of mandibular and maxillary cyst was analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析38例颌骨囊肿,进行成形性囊肿切开术的临床资料。

89、Objective: To study the osteointegration of calcium silicate/calcium phosphate with different pore sizes in mandibular defect regeneration. ─── 摘要目的:探讨不同孔径新型复合材料硅/磷酸钙植入兔下颌骨缺损区的成骨能力。

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