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fain 发音

英:[fe?n]  美:[fe?n]

英:  美:

fain 中文意思翻译





fain 网络释义

adj. 不得不的;乐意的adv. 乐意地,欣然地n. (Fain)人名;(俄、罗、匈、葡)法因;(法、英)费恩

fain 反义词


fain 短语词组

1、fain cuppett landscape architects llc fain cuppett ─── 景观建筑师有限责任公司

2、donet fain ─── 女人会的

3、fain rv park charleston sc ─── 南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿fain rv公园

4、fain definition fain ─── 定义

5、re fain ─── 很不错的。

6、fain hicks ─── 费恩·希克斯

fain 同义词

insolvency | seizure | bomb | catastrophe | fizzle | fiasco | misadventure |bankruptcy | crash | nonstarter | disappointment | stoppage | ruin | malfunction | breakdown | delinquency | downfall | defection | letdown | closure | collapse | loser

fain 相似词语短语

1、Jain ─── n.印度耆那教徒;adj.耆那教徒的;耆那教的;n.(印、美、英、加、澳)然(人名)

2、Cain ─── n.凶手;杀兄弟者;该隐(亚当之子)

3、Main ─── adj.主要的,最大的,最重要的;n.(输送水、煤气等的)总管道,主管道;(themains)(水、电等的)供应,供应系统;电源插座;海洋,公海;主帆(mailsail的简称);(掷骰子游戏中)叫数;斗鸡比赛;n.(Main)(美)梅因(人名)

4、ain ─── adj.自己的;n.(Ain)(马、美、英)艾因(人名)

5、fagin ─── n.教唆犯;老坏蛋

6、Wain ─── n.运货马车;北斗七星;n.(Wain)人名;(英)韦恩

7、fains ─── 法因斯

8、faint ─── adj.模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;[医]衰弱的;vi.昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力;n.[中医]昏厥,昏倒

9、faik ─── n.(Faik)人名;(土、塞、哈萨、乌兹、吉尔、塔吉、阿塞、土库、阿拉伯)法伊克

fain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would fain fly, but he wants feathers. ─── 没土打不成墙。

2、I would fain improve every opportunity to wonder and worship,as a sunflower welcomes the light(Henry David Thoreau) ─── 我将像向日葵迎接太阳那样乐意在每一个机会赞美和崇拜(它)(亨利·戴维·索罗)

3、However, when the tide was out, I got most of the pieces of cable ashore, and some of the iron, tho' with infinite labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the water, a work which fatigu'd me very much. ─── 不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。

4、Two kinds of machine tools are analyst andthe methods of learning dais actwsihon fain experiment, espeiallytemperature measurement and the choice of the number oftemperature sensors are discussed. ─── 两种数控机床被用来研究分析热变形,通过测量实验获取学习数据,特别是温度测量和传感器数目的选取。

5、Reel tunes made my foot go faster, tunes of my own south country made me fain to be home from my adventures ─── “黑尔舞”的调子使我的脚步走得更快了,我的南方家乡的调子使我只想回到家乡去,不愿再进行这种历险。

6、In that very hour there came certain Pharisees, saying to him, Get thee out, and go hence: for Herod would fain kill thee. ─── 就在那时候,有几个法利赛人来见耶稣,对他说:“你得离开这里到别的地方去,因为希律想要杀你。”

7、The second thing I would fain have had, was a tobacco-pipe; but it was impossible to me to make one, however, I found a contrivance for that too at last. ─── 其次,我需要一个烟斗,但一下子无法做出来。不过后来我还是想出办法做了一个。

8、Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realise (it) not! ─── 他们想欺瞒真主和信士,其实,他们只是自欺,却不觉悟。

9、This is a "Japanese style" of writing technique which is abstracted from modem fain and effects of writing. ─── 泉镜花是这一艺术形式的开创者,而川端则赋予了其川端式的表现内涵。

10、Even when the sky and earth sleep I travel, and I fain would have been remembered as a beginning. Know therefore, that from the greater joy I shall return. ─── 在大地和天空沉睡的时候,我在前行,请把我以一个起始者的形象留在你的记忆中吧,所以,你会知道,我将在更大的喜悦中回归.

11、A clump of scrubby trees, such as alone grew on the peninsula, did not so much conceal the cottage from view, as seem to denote that here was some object which would fain have been, or at least ought to be, concealed. ─── 半岛上只长着一丛孤零零的矮树,非但没有遮住茅屋,反倒像是在指示出这里有一个目标,而那个目标原本不情愿或至少是应该被挡得看不见的。

12、PETRUCHIO. O, pardon me, Signior Gremio! I would fain be doing. ─── 彼特鲁乔:啊,对不起,葛莱米奥先生,我也巴不得把事情早点讲妥呢。

13、"I would fain improve every opportunity to wonder and worship, as a sunflower welcomes the light" (Henry David Thoreau) ─── “我将像向日葵迎接太阳那样乐意在每一个机会赞美和崇拜(它)”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)

14、Fain, Agathon-Jean-Francois, Baron ─── 凡男爵

15、And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart;yet Iwould not have you lose your hearts in the singing. ─── 我愿你们全心全意了歌唱它,不愿你们在歌唱时迷失自己的心。

16、Fools are fain of flitting. ─── 傻瓜见异思迁。

17、I would fain say something, not so much concerning the Chinese and Sandwich Islanders (1) as you who read these pages, who are said to live in New England; ─── 我很乐意述说一些事情,但不是关于中国人或夏威夷人的,因为这本书的读者,大多居住在新英格兰。


19、Is not remorse the justice which is administered by that very law which you would fain serve? ─── 悔恨,是否已成为你们乐于奉行的法律所保障的公理?

20、He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. He dwells far from neighbors that is fain to praise himself. ─── 不愿吃苦的人,不配享乐;爱炫耀自己的人,没有人愿与他为邻。

21、Fain would I take with me all that is here, But how shall I ? ─── 倘若能将这一切带走,我该会多么高兴。然而,我怎么能够?

22、I'd Fain go fishing careless of slanting wind and fine rain. ─── 斜风细雨不须归。

23、The suffix "Ba", one of the important suffixes in Shandong dialects, can be annexed to noun, verbal and adjective roots to fain nouns, verbs and adjectives. ─── 摘要“巴”缀是明清山东方言文献中重要的后缀之一。

24、I would fain improve every opportunity to wonder and worship, as a sunflower welcomes the light(Henry David Thoreau) ─── 我将像向日葵迎接太阳那样乐意在每一个机会赞美和崇拜(它)(亨利 戴维 索罗)

25、I also heard the whooping of the ice in the pond, my great bed-fellow in that part of Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; ─── 我还听到湖上的冰块的咳嗽声,湖是在康科德这个地方和我同床共寝的那个大家伙,好像他在床上不耐烦,要想翻一个身,有一些肠胃气胀,而且做了恶梦;

26、I saw abundance of parrots, and faIn I would have caught one, If possIble to have kept It to be tame, and taught It to speak to me. ─── 我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。

27、pleasure is a freedom song. And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart; ─── 哦,的确,快乐是首自由的歌。我愿你们全心全意地歌唱它,

28、His message perplexed his mind to that degree that he was fain, several times, to take off his hat to scratch his head. ─── 他带回的信息使他很为迷惘,好几次都想脱下帽子搔一搔头皮。他的头顶已秃,只剩下几根乱发。

29、Can I remain friendly to those who thus maimed me and would fain have taken my life also? ─── 他们这样残害我,恨不得要我的命,我还能和他们友好吗?

30、Jeanie would fain have asked more circumstances relating to her sister's departure , but the tone of her father's prohibition was positive . ─── 珍妮很想再问问她妹妹出走的情况,可是她父亲不许再谈这个问题,语气很坚决。

31、I would fain help you ─── 我乐意帮助你。

32、For government is an expedient by which men would fain succeed in letting one another alone;and, as has been said, when it is most expedient, the governed are most let alone by it. ─── 政府是一种手段,人民愿通过它实现彼此的自由,如前所述,在最理想的状态下,被管理者将最大限度地不受政府掌控。

33、and here without are a brace of Cyprus gallants that would fain have a measure to the health of black Othello. ─── 外面有两个塞浦路斯的军官,要想为黑将军祝饮一杯。

34、One of Horne's numbers was "You're So Indifferent" written by Sammy Fain and Mitchell Parish a song she would keep in her repertoire. ─── 霍恩的数字之一是:“你如此漠不关心,”萨米费恩和米切尔教区,一首歌曲,她将继续在她的剧目。

35、I also heard the whooping of the ice in the pond, my great bed-fellow in that part of Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; ─── 在我周围,林肯的群山矗立在一个茫茫雪原的四极,我以前仿佛并未到过这个平原;

36、the orator and the actor are fain to be judged by style. "It is most true", says the author of The Anatomy of Melancholy, " stylus virum arguit, our style betrays us." ─── 演说家与演员也都渴望得到风格方面的鉴赏。“再真实不过的就是”,正如《悲哀的解剖》的作者所写到的,“stylus Virum arguit,我们的风格暴露了我们自己”。

37、We are always doing something for posterity, but I would fain see posterity do something for us. ─── 我们经常以为后代做些事情,但我真想看看后代又为我们做些什么。

38、In a word, I brought away all the sails first and last, only that I was fain to cut them in pieces, and bring as much at a time as I could; for they were no more useful to be sails, but as mere canvass only. ─── 一句话,我把船上的帆都拿了下来,不过我都把它们裁成一块块的,每次能拿多少就拿多少,因为现在,我需要的不是帆,而是帆布。

39、I am so weary of this place; and I would be fain at home ─── 我在这里无聊极了;我真想回家。

40、Fain would I take with me all that is here. But how shall I? ─── 我将带走我的一切.但我该如何去做?

41、Men and birds are fain of climbing high. ─── 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。

42、I'd fain have done so, to try and show him we had both been too hasty ─── 我很想见到他,对他表示我们两人当时都太卤莽了。

43、I am so weary of this place; and I would fain be at home. ─── 我在这里无聊极了;我真想回家。

44、And when a woman tells me that my face she'll soon forget Before we part I'll wage a croun she's fain to follow it yet. ─── 在我和一个女人分别之前,她告诉我她会很快忘记我的面容.

45、I would fain go with you. ─── 我乐意和你一起去。

46、The soldiers were fain to eat horseflesh ─── 士兵们只好吃马肉。

47、3D pearl gloss effect,make lips reflect shining golss,with fain candy taste,it makes the body and mind delighted. ─── 3D立体珠光效果,让双唇反射出灿烂的光泽,还有淡淡的糖果味,令人身心愉悦。

48、And such a throng I fain would see,----- ─── 我愿意看见这样熙熙攘攘的人群,

49、I would fain know if I am destined for so glorious a career," cried the Tree, rejoicing. ─── 也许某一天我也注定要做一件这样光荣的事情!”枞树高兴地叫道。

50、The lamp looked pale and ashamed; the carvings on the walls, like chained dreams, stared meaningless in the light as they fain hide themselves. ─── 灯火显得苍白而羞愧;墙上的刻画像是被锁住的梦,无意义地瞪视着,仿佛要躲藏起来。

51、men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem. ─── 在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而去,走在新耶路撤冷的黄金铺路上的。

52、He fain would go. ─── 他乐意去。

53、Conona Borealis can e found between these two stars, but you will need a dark sky to see the fain semi-circle of stars composing this constellation. ─── 在漆黑的夜中,可以通它们来找寻那散发着微弱光辉的半圆状星座。

54、"We are always do something for posterity, but I will fain see posterity do something for us." ─── 我们经常在为后代做些事情,但我真想看看后代又为我们做些什么。

55、Could I exchange my nature with any other creature, I fain would be such a happy little lark! ─── 如果我变成其他动物,我愿意做一只快乐的小云雀!

56、"Could they be other than the insidious whispers of the bad angel, who would fain have persuaded the struggling woman, as yet only half his victim," ─── 如若不是那个邪恶的天使的阴险的挑动,难道还能是别的吗?他一心想说服这个目前还只是他的半个牺牲品的、劳苦挣扎着的女人:

57、But when spring goes and winter blows, my love, then you'll be fain For all your pride to follow me across the raging main. ─── 暖春过去,寒风凛冽,亲爱的,你会乐意陪我度过这些艰难.

58、When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and the purity of its heart. ─── 当全国都在声嘶力竭地高嚷爱国主义时,我却喜欢研究一下这个国家手是不是干净,心是不是纯洁。

59、The security issue in wireless sensor networks is greedy different fain other conventional networks due to node characteristics and specific scanty requirements. ─── 摘要由于传感节点的特性和特殊的安全需求,传感网络的安全问题与传统网络相比,有很大的不同。

60、"If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once more upon them The cooling splash of rain." ─── 假若满天都是阳光,我们的面庞便会情愿 在它们上面再感受到 雨水清凉的泼溅。

61、I would fain stay at home. ─── 我真乐意呆在家里。

62、O, Thou Rock of Defense, Thou Refuge of Love, Fain to Thy Rest would I flee; Help me to know that sweet peace that comes, Only by dwelling in Thee. ─── 喔!祢护卫之盘石,爱之避难地,我愿欣然逃入祢安息,助我认识那甜蜜的平安,其惟有居于祢内方来临。

63、I would fain do as you ask. ─── 听候你的吩咐。

64、I saw abundance of parrots, and fain I would have caught one, if possible to have kept it to be tame, and taught it to speak to me. ─── 我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。

65、And I fain would have you remember me as a beginning. ─── 我愿你们记得我有如一个开端。

66、He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily, that even the ambassador was fain to burst out ─── 他狼狈而可笑地从马上滚翻下来,甚至使得大使也不由得放声大笑。

67、On alcohol, Thoreau wrote: "I would fain keep sober always... ─── 在不同时期,梭罗靠教书与务工过活。

68、He would fain stay. ─── 他乐意留下。

69、As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of light around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect. ─── 而当我在铁路堤道上行走的时候,我常常惊奇地看到我的影子周围,有一个光轮,不免自以为也是一个上帝的选民了。

70、And saintly men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem." ─── 在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而去,走在新耶路撤冷的黄金铺路上的。”

71、He would fain fly, but he wwants feathers. ─── 想飞翔,却双没翅膀。

72、He is so good to those that be good, that I would fain be among them and feel myself full of thankfulness every day. ─── 因祂是这样的好,那些行事正直的人,在上帝面前,可以时时充满感恩的心。

73、The foe is confounding Thy land, and is fain to rise up against all the earth and lay it waste. ─── 敌人在骚扰你的土地,并企图毁灭世界,敌人在与我们作战;

74、I too would fain be a track-repairer somewhere in the orbit of the earth. ─── 我极愿意做那地球轨道上的某一段路轨的养路工。

75、He was fain to see his old friend. ─── 他很愿见他的老友

76、He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour He dwells far from neighbours that is fain to praise himself ─── 不愿吃苦的人,不配享乐;爱炫耀自己的人,没有人愿与他为邻

77、If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once More upon them The cooling splash of rain. ─── 假若满天都是阳光,我们的面庞便会情愿在它们上面再感受到雨水清凉的泼溅。

78、He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. He dwells far from neighbours that is fain to praise himself. ─── 不愿吃苦的人,不配享乐;爱炫耀自己的人,没有人愿与他为邻。

79、For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand. ─── 22神要向他射箭,并不留情。他恨不得逃脱神的手。

80、"I would fain have been loved, not feared," murmured Beatrice, sinking down upon the ground. ─── “比阿特丽丝,”他突然发问,“这棵树从哪儿来的?”“我父亲创造的。”

81、"Gazing at Pearl, Hester Prynne often dropped her work upon her knees, and cried out with an agony which she would fain have hidden, but which made utterance for itself, betwixt speech and a groan, " ─── 海丝特·白兰眼望着珠儿,常常把手里的活计放到膝上,由于强忍不下的痛苦而哭出声来,那泪泪涌出的声音,半似说话,半似鸣咽:

82、So it is with opportunity.Unless we are vigilant, it's easy to fain to recognize an opportunity when it is in hand and it's just as easy to throw it away. ─── 机会亦是如此,如果我们不保持警惕,那么总有一天到手的机会也会被我们随手扔掉。

83、He would fain have gazed upon his gold, and yet he had not strength enough ─── 他本来很想老盯着他的金子,但他的精力支持不住了。

84、Because weare only accepting of pleasure in our lives,animmense amount of fear is created as wespend our lives dodging fain. ─── 因为我们只接受快乐,所以在我们闪避痛苦时,就产生无限的恐惧。

85、' There was something else which she would fain have said, and she stabbed with her finger into the air in the direction of the doctor's room, but a fresh convulsion seized her and choked her words. ─── ’她原本还想说其他话,她的手指在空中向着医生房间的方向,但是又一阵抽搐使她哽住了。

86、He was fain to submit. ─── 他只好服从。

87、And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart; yet I would not have you lose your hearts in the singing. ─── 我祈愿你全心去唱它;然而却不愿你们在歌唱之中迷失了灵魂。

88、I would fain know by whom an American is represented here. ─── 我很想知道谁在这里代表亚美利加人?

89、He would fain have continued, but his knees trembled, and his heart beat so violently, and his sight became so dim, that he was forced to pause. This feeling lasted but for a moment. ─── 他很想继续干下去,但他的两条腿直发抖,他的心也跳得很厉害,他的眼睛也有些模糊了,因此他不得不暂时停下来,这种感觉只停留了一会儿。

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