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08-14 投稿


equinox 发音

英:[?ekw?nɑ?ks??i?kw?nɑ?ks]  美:[?ekw?n?ks; ?i?kw?n?ks]

英:  美:

equinox 中文意思翻译



equinox 短语词组

1、vernal equinox uranus ─── 春分天王星

2、vernal equinox day ─── 春分日

3、March equinox un. ─── 春分 [网络] ─── 春分点;三月 ─── 春分;三月分点

4、the autumnal equinox n. ─── 秋分

5、chevy equinox ─── 雪佛兰春分

6、diurnal equinox ─── 昼夜分点

7、vernal equinox ─── 春分

8、equinox crate equinox ─── 板条箱

9、September equinox un. ─── 秋分 [网络] 九月 ─── 秋分; ─── 秋分点;九月分点

10、Equinox (celestial coordinates) ─── 赤道(天坐标)

11、equinox flower ─── 彼岸花

12、fall equinox un. ─── 秋分 [网络] 昼夜平分点; ─── 秋分点

13、autumnal equinox 2014 2014 ─── 年秋分

14、equinox flowerbana ─── 秋分花斑

15、spring equinox n. ─── 春分

16、autumnal equinox ─── 秋分

equinox 常用词组

autumnal equinox ─── 秋分

vernal equinox ─── n. 春分;春分点(约在3月20日)

spring equinox ─── n. 春分

equinox 词性/词形变化,equinox变形


equinox 相似词语短语

1、equinoxes ─── n.春秋分;二分点

2、equinity ─── 马科动物的本性

3、quinoa ─── n.藜麦;奎奴亚藜(原产于安第斯山脉地区);印第安麦

4、quino- ─── n.(Quino)人名;(葡)基诺

5、Aquino ─── 阿基诺(人名)

6、equinia ─── n.马鼻疽,马皮疽

7、equine ─── adj.马的;象马的;n.马

8、equinely ─── 马蹄形

9、quinol ─── n.对苯二酚;[有化]醌醇

equinox 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Equinox Trainer Mania provides a new look at the most popular footwear in the modern world - the science that created them, and the future research tat will improve them. ─── 《波鞋狂热》会展示一系列最新设计的波鞋款式与及它们的科学设计,另外还会了解未来波鞋的设计趋势。

2、The variety of electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, cardiac rate in the spring e-quinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox, winter solstice in rats is observed. ─── 以大白鼠作为实验动物,在春分、夏至、秋分、冬至四节气中,分别观察了脑电图、心电图和心率的变化。

3、relating to an equinox (when the lengths or night and day are equal). ─── 与春分或秋分(昼夜长短一致)有关。

4、The cycle is closed in the equinox of spring (North hemisphere) of year 2013, and therefore we needed to begin as soon as possible. ─── 2013年(北半球)在春分春季周期是关闭并且因此我们需要尽快开始。

5、Early estimates suggest the 2010 Chevrolet Equinox would achieve an EPA rating of 30 mpg highway, but GM's newest crossover has shattered all expectations. ─── 早期的估计显示,2010年雪佛兰春分将实现环保局评价30英里的公路,但通用汽车公司的最新交叉已经打破了所有预期.

6、In the past, eggs for different peoples were a symbol of life, and also in Latvian spring equinox traditions they were given a special place. ─── 在过去,不同的民族都把鸡蛋作为一种生命的标志,在拉脱维亚的春分传统里,鸡蛋也被赋予特殊地位。

7、the autumnal equinox ─── n. 秋分

8、Known as the equinox, the geocentric astronomical event marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the south. ─── 今天就是春分,这个地球上的天文事件标志着北半球春天的开始,南半球秋天的来临。

9、RAP is a AJAX framework with a server-side focus and a strong tie into OSGi, Equinox and the Eclipse Platform. ─── RAP是一个专注于服务器端的AJAX框架并与OSGi,Equinox和Eclipse平台有着紧密的关系。

10、spring equinox ─── n. 〈气〉春分

11、"These four kinds of stamens must be dried in the sun on the following vernal equinox, then mixed well with the powder." ─── "将这四样花蕊,于次年春分这日晒干,和在药末子一处,一齐研好."

12、They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox. ─── 人们认为他们是出自于庆祝春分的来临。

13、How about a tasty meal?The Obamas have enjoyed white-tablecloth dining at Equinox, Bobby Van's Steakhouse, B. ─── “他们不希望把自己的生活仅仅局限于白宫之内,渴望成为华盛顿特区活跃城市生活的组成部分。”

14、82. During a tropical year the sun moves from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox. ─── 在一个回归年内,太阳从春分点转回到春分点。

15、Around the Vernal Equinox, Cymbidiums pull out floral axis from their roots.There are white membrane bud leaves on the floral axis, and a flower living on the peak. ─── 在春分前后,根际抽花茎,在花茎上有白色的膜质苞叶,顶端着生一花。

16、The average length of day and night that day, while half of the spring of ninety days, it referred to as the "Vernal Equinox. " ─── 这天昼夜长短平均,正当春季九十日之半,故称“春分”。

17、Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equinox? ─── 为什么是春分后一天太阳正好从东方升起?

18、The Vue shares many of its components with the upcoming Chevrolet Equinox, GMC Terrain and Cadillac SRX, so any of those vehicles would seem like a safe bet. ─── 我们将其插入,“汤姆斯蒂芬斯,通用汽车公司副董事长兼全球产品开发,向汽车新闻。

19、Cassini and curious Earthlings await the coming Saturnian equinox this summer when the ring plane will point directly at the Sun. ─── 卡西尼以及好奇的人们正在等待土星春分的到来,在这个夏天光环盘面将正对着太阳。

20、that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs next after the vernal equinox, ─── 复活节是春分后或满月后第一个星期天,

21、The former, occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox ─── 前者是太阳在春分时所在的位置,通称为春分点。

22、Yeah, we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and have a day off. ─── 对,因为我们会过春分节,放一天假。

23、as it corresponds to the solar equinox when the days begin to lengthen and the nights begin to wane. ─── 它刚好是在春分的时候,从这时起白天开始变长,夜晚开始变短。

24、As Saturn nears equinox, its rings increasingly show only their thin edge to the Earth and Sun. ─── 当土星接近春分时,光环将慢慢倾斜,直接将稀薄的边缘对准地球和太阳。

25、This is the Spring Equinox. ─── 这就是所谓的春分点。

26、In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month. ─── 在中国历法中,春分总是出现在二月份。

27、Easter must be on a Sunday;this Sunday must follow the 14th day of the paschal moon;the paschal moon is that of which the 14th day (full moon) falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox; ─── 复活节是西方传统的节日,公元325年尼西亚宗教会议规定,每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天为复活节。

28、Time and the calendar begin on the equinox of3/21. ─── 时间和历法开始于3月21日的春分点上。

29、double equinox ─── 二分

30、When the Vernal Equinox dawned on me, I immediately knew it was right. ─── 当春分到来对我来说,我立刻知道这是正确的。

31、The tropical year is the interval between two transits of the mean Sun through the mean equinox ─── 回归年是平太阳两次通过平春分点的时间间隔。

32、Friday's spring equinox will bring the Sun into Aries and a lively social life to your doorstep. ─── 周五的春分点将把太阳带入白羊座并且把真实的社会生活带到你的门槛。

33、an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox ─── 从春分点沿天赤道向东测量所得的角度

34、When the sun being, to us, in its autumnal equinox, was almost just over my head, for I reckon'd my self, by observation, to be in the latitude of 9 degrees 22 minutes north of the line. ─── 当时刚入秋分,太阳差不多正在我头顶上。所以,据我观察,我在北纬九度二十二分的地方。

35、At the spring equinox, Yama-warau return to the rivers to live as Garappa. ─── 到了春分,山童就会回到河里,重拾河童身份。

36、The maximum outage of 3 hours will occur at or near the equinox. ─── 3个小时的最大停机时间会在春秋分时或者附近发生。

37、Reduce eaves width to42-43 percent of H to extend the heating season past the equinox. ─── 把屋檐的宽度降低到高度的42%43%来延长春分和秋分之外的取暖季节。

38、Devout Jews around the globe observe the special outdoor prayers just once every 28 years during the spring equinox. ─── 全世界虔诚的犹太人都会遵守这个每28年一次的春分期间的特殊户外祈祷。

39、The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox. ─── 十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。

40、The usually coldest season of the year, occurring between autumn and spring, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox, and popularly considered to be constituted by December, January, and February. ─── 冬,冬季通常是一年中最冷的季节,介于秋天和春天之间,在北半球从冬至到春分,通常来讲包括十二月、一月和二月

41、the paschal moon falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox; ─── “教会月亮”指满月落下或春分以后;

42、All coordinates refer to equinox 2000.0. ─── 星图的所有坐标皆以/(2000.0)为参考。

43、spring/vernal equinox ─── 春分

44、The autumnal equinox is the point in the opposite direction of the vernal equinox. ─── 与春分点相隔180°的另一点, 就是秋分点。

45、a violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox ─── 在春分或秋分的时候发生的猛烈的风暴

46、On the equinox, the Sun enters Libra, giving you a sense of the balance of your life. ─── 秋分那天,太阳进入天秤座,这将会让你在生活中找到一点平衡感。

47、mean equinox ─── 平春分点平均两分点

48、precession of the equinox ─── 岁差分点岁差

49、According to historical record, more than 2000 guests, 500 cooks, 500 kabuki were invited to that grand Youyan, people ate from Vernal Equinox to Summer Solstice, sang and danced from day to midnight. ─── 据史料记载,这场盛大的游宴共邀请了2000余名食客、500名厨师、500歌舞伎,人们从春分吃到夏至,从白昼歌舞到深夜。

50、catalogue equinox ─── 星表分点

51、Equinox Fitness Centre -- most comprehensive fitness centre and gymnasium in Bangi ─── 健身中心:万宜最齐全的健身设施

52、Starting up front, the 2010 Equinox wears the modern Chevrolet cross bar grill that was introduced back with the new Malibu. ─── 启动前,2010年春分穿着现代雪佛兰横栏烧烤的是,推出新的马里布回来。

53、People raise their hands toward the sun during a celebration of the spring equinox on top of the Pyramid of the Sun at the Teotihuacan archeological site in Mexico. ─── 墨西哥的春分庆典中。民众在特奥蒂瓦的太阳金字塔遗址上面向太阳,高举双手。(照片:法新社

54、In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring). ─── 大约在公元前2000年,巴比伦的新年随着春分(春天的第一天)之后的第一个新月(实际上第一个看得见的新月)开始了。

55、Reduce eaves width to 42-43 percent of H to extend the heating season past the equinox. ─── 把屋檐的宽度降低到高度的42%-43%,来延长春分和秋分之外的取暖季节。

56、the usually coldest season of the year,occurring between autumn and spring,extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox,and popularly considered to be constituted by December,January,and February ─── 冬,冬季,通常是一年中最冷的季节,介于秋天和春天之间,在北半球从冬至到春分,通常来讲包括十二月、一月和二月

57、relating to an equinox (when the lengths or night and day are equal) ─── 与春分或秋分(昼夜长短一致)有关

58、Spring Equinox celebrates the renewed life of the Earth that comes with the spring. ─── 在春份来临时一起庆祝春天与地球恢复新的生命。

59、dynamical equinox ─── 力学分点

60、Either of the two times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are approximately equal; the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox. ─── 二分时刻一天中太阳通过天赤道的两个时刻中的任一时刻,此时昼夜长短几乎相等;春分或秋分

61、On March 20 or 21 of each year, the Northern Hemisphere is reaching the vernal equinox and enjoying the signs of spring. ─── 在每年的三月二十或者二十一日,北半球到达春分时节并欣喜地迎接春天到来的迹象。

62、a violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox. ─── 在春分或秋分的时候发生的猛烈的风暴。

63、Although the new year has been celebrated since prehistoric times, it was celebrated on the vernal equinox rather than what we now consider the first of the year. ─── 尽管元旦的历史可以追溯到史前时期,但当初人们是在春分,而非一年的第一天,庆祝节日。

64、For the northern region, the cotton plant, wheat growth is the most worrying farm work, and for many regions of the South, the spring equinox is busy planting rice, Sheung Shui season. ─── 对于北方地区而言,棉花种植、小麦生长是最令人担心的农事,而对于南方许多地区而言,春分正是忙着水稻插秧、上水的时节。

65、Paramilitary troops jump into action, druids welcome the spring equinox, the Berlin Zoo welcomes a new arrival and more. ─── 大概内容:武汉武警部队参与反恐行动,德鲁伊欢迎春分到来,柏林动物园欢迎新成员(小象)加盟...

66、A violent storm of wind and rain occurring at or near the time of the equinox. ─── 二分点风暴春分或秋分或前后出现的暴风雨

67、"In my humble opinion, there is no danger this winter and if she gets through the spring equinox we may expect a cure." ─── "依小弟看来,今年一冬是不相干的.总是过了春分,就可望全愈了"

68、Why do you celebrate the Autumnal Equinox? ─── 你们为什么要过秋分节呢?

69、crosses the equator southward at the autumnal equinox, Sept. 22. ─── 在秋分点往南方超过赤道.

70、the full moon nearest the September equinox. ─── 指月日或日秋分后的满月。

71、The equinox flower just a joke, stand on this side at the shore, with the station on the other side to see what difference? ─── 彼岸花只是佛祖开的一个玩笑,站在此岸看彼岸,跟站在彼岸看此岸又有什么区别呢?

72、The 2011 equinox will manifest with a flood of information that will change the world as you know it to be. ─── 2011年春秋分时刻会彰显信息洪流,改变你所知道的世界。

73、And every spring and autumn, exactly at the equinox, the sun rises behind his temple, and perfectly bathes her temple with his shadow. ─── 到了下午落日之时,他妻子的神庙的影子也会完全遮罩在提卡尔神庙上。

74、Due to the precession of the equinoxes, on average every 2,160 years the Sun appears against the stars of a new constellation at vernal equinox. ─── 因为岁差运动,每隔2,160年左右,太阳出现的春分点上会有新的星座。

75、vernal equinox ─── n. 春分

76、"The moment at which the sun passes through the autumnal equinox, about September 23, marking the beginning of autumn." ─── 指太阳通过秋分点的时刻,大约为9月23日,标志着秋季的开始。

77、As the saying goes, "Vernal Equinox up wheat, fertilizer to keep up. ─── 俗话说“春分麦起身,肥水要紧跟”。

78、Additional new GM models with direct-injection include the 2010 Buick LaCrosse, the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro, the redesigned 2010 Cadillac SRX and the 2010 Chevrolet Equinox crossover. ─── 增加新的通用模型直接喷射包括2010年的别克LaCrosse,2010年的雪佛兰Camaro,重新设计的2010年卡迪拉克SRX和2010年雪佛兰春分交叉。

79、If your sky is clear, you might celebrate this equinox by going outside after sunset and glimpsing the waxing crescent moon to the west (or right) of the star Antares. ─── 如果你所处的地区天气晴朗,你可以在太阳落山后在西方(或者心大星的右侧)看到一轮打蜡新月。

80、Code-named GMT172, the new Equinox also has strong family ties to the Malibu, which was the first model to feature Chevrolet's new signature grille design. ─── 代号为GMT172,新春分也具有很强的家庭纽带的马利布,这是第一种模式,以功能雪佛兰新的签名格栅设计。

81、In the United States, the spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, comes in the month of March. ─── 在美国,春分是在三月来临,又被叫做弗纳尔分点。

82、The engine makes 182 hp and 172 lb-ft of torque and also is found in the Chevy Equinox and GMC Terrain. ─── 引擎使182马力和172磅英尺的扭矩,也被发现在该雪佛兰春分和GMC地形。

83、Although, during an equinox, every place on Earth experiences an equal length day and night (12 hours each), this fact has no practical effect on egg stability. ─── 尽管春秋分的时候地球上每一处的昼夜时长相等(都是12小时),但对鸡蛋能不能立得稳是没有实际效果的。

84、Saturn is overexposed in this image because the camera's long exposure time was set to show the rings which are dimly lit at equinox. ─── 在这幅图像如土星是由于相机的长期暴露时间设置来显示了,在春分黯淡。

85、but in the winter equinox, it was to be feared that it would burst upon them with great violence ─── 但是,如果在冬末和春分的时候一刮起来,它那凶猛的威力就会非常可怕了。

86、The autumn equinox on Tuesday can elevate your reputation over the next month or so and encourage you to pursue your professional goals. ─── 周二的秋分将提升你在下个月的声誉,激励你追求自己的职业目标。

87、Equinox Studios - A rural based music recording facility in Herriard, south of Basingstoke. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

88、an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox. ─── 从春分点沿天赤道向东测量所得的角度。

89、This Spring Equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of Earth. ─── 今年春分在地球提升中是一个快乐的时刻。

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