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08-14 投稿


anthelmintic 发音

英:[[?nt'helm?nt?k]]  美:[[?nt'helm?nt?k]]

英:  美:

anthelmintic 中文意思翻译



anthelmintic 短语词组

1、anthelmintic vermicide ─── 驱虫剂

2、anthelmintic agent ─── 驱虫剂

3、anthelmintic treatment ─── [医] 驱肠虫疗法

4、anthelmintic action ─── [机] 驱虫作用, 打虫作用

5、anthelmintic enema ─── 驱虫灌肠

6、anthelmintic pill ─── 驱虫丸

7、anthelmintic drug ─── 驱虫药

8、anthelmintic crystoids ─── [医] 己基雷琐辛丸剂, 己基间苯二酚丸剂

9、anthelmintic drops ─── 驱虫滴剂

anthelmintic 词性/词形变化,anthelmintic变形

异体字: anthelminthic |

anthelmintic 相似词语短语

1、anthemic ─── adj.激发热情的;颂歌式的

2、aschelminth ─── n.袋虫;袋形动物

3、antiemetic ─── adj.止呕吐的;n.止吐剂,抗吐剂

4、anthelminthic ─── adj.驱肠虫的(等于anthelmintic);n.驱虫剂

5、antiromantic ─── 反浪

6、anthelmintics ─── n.打虫药;驱肠虫剂(anthelmintic的复数形式)

7、antihelminthic ─── adj.驱肠虫的

8、antisemitic ─── 反犹太主义的

9、anthracitic ─── adj.无烟煤的;似无烟煤的

anthelmintic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、anthelmintic activity ─── 活性部位

2、Development and production of new products and new dosage forms of antibiotic medical, anthelmintic, insecticide, anti-coccidiosis medicines used for animals ─── 兽用抗菌药、驱虫药、杀虫药、抗球虫药新产品及新剂型开发与生产

3、Research Advance on Anthelmintic Resistance of Gastrointestinal Nematodes and its PCR Detection ─── 牛羊线虫抗药性及其PCR检测技术研究进展

4、A colorless crystalline compound,C4H10N2,used as a hardener for epoxy resins,an antihistamine,and an anthelmintic. ─── 哌嗪,对二氮已环一种无色晶体化合物,C4H10N2,用作环氧树脂的硬化物、抗组(织)胺剂和驱虫剂

5、Grind one's teeth expresses to have ascarid, go buying anthelmintic. ─── 怎么样能治疗半夜磨牙了?

6、Rosickyite-Benzimidazole and novantisol were ideal anthelmintic. ─── 理想的驱虫药物有丙硫苯咪唑和左咪唑。

7、a tropical American plant yielding an oil used as an anthelmintic ─── 一种热带美洲植物,分泌油脂可作驱肠虫剂

8、anthelmintic action ─── 驱虫作用

9、anthelmintic treatment ─── 驱肠虫疗法

10、Anthelmintic imidazoles ─── 咪唑类驱虫药

11、Relationships Between Formal Potential, Anthelmintic Activity and Structural Parameters of Phenothiazine Derivatives ─── 吩噻嗪衍生物的式电位、驱虫活性与分子结构间关系

12、an anthelmintic used to treat hookworm and pinworm and roundworm infestations ─── 用来治疗十二指肠、蛲虫和蛔虫横行的杀虫剂

13、slender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic. ─── 纤细的开黄花的欧洲芥末常作为野草;曾作为驱肠虫剂。

14、A tropical American plant(Chenopodium ambrosioides) yielding an oil used as an anthelmintic. ─── 美洲土荆芥一种热带美洲植物(土荆芥藜属),分泌油脂可作驱肠虫剂

15、The drug that my kids took to call a bug did not see an insect, the doctor says present anthelmintic turned bug in abdomen, won't resemble giving eduction euqally before came, be true? ─── 我小孩子吃了打回虫的药没有见出虫子,医生说现在的打虫药在肚子里就把虫化了,不会像以前一样出排出一条一条的来了,是不是真的?

16、Causing expulsion of intestinal worms; anthelmintic. ─── 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的

17、Blaze grows on the face, eat anthelmintic to also be no good, do how? ─── 脸上长白斑,吃打虫药也不行,咋办?

18、slender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic. ─── 纤细的开黄花的欧洲芥末常作为野草;曾作为驱肠虫剂。

19、Causing expulsion of intestinal worms; anthelmintic. ─── 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的

20、Keywords DL-Tetramisole;anthelmintic;racemizationt;split; ─── 消旋四咪唑;驱虫药;消旋化作用;拆分;

21、anthelmintic efficacy ─── 药效

22、Relationships Between Formal Potential, Anthelmintic Activity and Structural Parameters of Phenothiazine Derivatives ─── 吩噻嗪衍生物的式电位、驱虫活性与分子结构间关系

23、bephenium hydroxynaphthoate(anthelmintic) ─── 羟基萘酸苄酚宁, 灭虫宁

24、Experiment on the efficacy for digestive canal nemalodes and fluck of dariy cows by deferrent anthelmintic ─── 不同驱虫药物对奶牛消化道线虫和吸虫驱除效果的试验

25、Physical property and chemical property of Phenothiazine and its application as polymeric inhibitor, antioxidation agent of lubricant, anthelmintic , crude material of dyestuff are also introduced. ─── 还介绍了吩噻嗪的物理性质和化学性质以及作为聚合抑制剂、润滑剂的抗氧剂、驱虫剂和杀虫剂、染料的原料等的应用情况。

26、Anthelmintic packaging, mainly in white with other light-colored appropriately. ─── 驱虫药包拆,以不白色为主不合配上其他不浓色。

27、to take anthelmintic to scour the parasite ─── 吃驱虫药打虫

28、Observation of the anthelmintic effect on soil-transmitted helmninth infection ─── 驱虫治疗土源性线虫病效果观察

29、The medicine residue in livestock products include antibiotics, sulfanilamide, funan, anticoccidiosis medicine, hormone and anthelmintic. ─── 摘要畜产品中药物残留主要包括抗生素类、磺胺药类、呋喃药类、抗球虫类、激素药类和驱虫药类药物。

30、The Flagyl(main material - Metronidazole)250 mg tablet is available in the drugstore, this is human anthelmintic, and strongly recommended for killing internal worms especially for whipworm. ─── 台湾产品成分、日期通常标示不清,较毒杀虫效果较好,不注重副作用和环保,进口产品好像标示好一点!

31、Effect of anthelmintic in common use to Hymenolepis nana eggs ─── 常用驱绦药物对微小膜壳绦虫卵的作用

32、A colorless crystalline compound, C4H10N2, used as a hardener for epoxy resins, an antihistamine, and an anthelmintic. ─── 哌嗪,对二氮已环一种无色晶体化合物,c4h10n2,用作环氧树脂的硬化物、抗组(织)胺剂和驱虫剂

33、The dipole moments were the common factors of formal potential and anthelmintic activity of phenothiazines. ─── 偶极矩不仅影响吩噻嗪的式电位而且影响其驱虫活性,是两者的共同因子。

34、Anthelmintic efficacies of albendazole, acedist (bromphonphos), levamizole hydrochloride, and rintal were tested against naturallly acquired infeetions of parasites in 22 Black Bears. ─── 针对黑熊消化道寄生虫病,我们选用了丙硫苯咪唑、蛭得净、盐酸左旋咪唑、“灵特”对22只黑熊进行了驱虫试验。

35、A revaluation of EEG and MRI in anthelmintic imidazoles induced demyelinating encephalopathy ─── 咪唑类驱虫药所致脱髓鞘性脑病的脑电图及MRI评价


37、Poisoning by anthelmintic ─── 抗蠕虫剂中毒

38、Keywords phenothiazine derivatives;formal poential;anthelmintic activity;structural parameter; ─── 吩噻嗪衍生物;式电位;驱虫活性;分子结构参数;

39、green crystal used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment. ─── 绿色晶体,用作染料、着色剂、杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂或用于烧伤处理。

40、Anthelmintic resistance ─── 抗药性


42、venenous anthelmintic ─── 毒性驱蠕虫药

43、The three cases here reported were all misdiagnosed and had not receiced anthelmintic treatment hence fatality ensued. ─── 结果与结论3例广州管圆线虫病患儿均为临床上误诊、误治和延误救治时机而死亡。

44、The son sleeps in the evening grind one's teeth is particularly fierce, ate anthelmintic affectation to use not big also, how to do? ─── 儿子晚上睡觉磨牙特别厉害,吃了驱虫药做作用也不大,怎么办?

45、Preparative Studies on Anthelmintic Avermectin Fast Dissolving Tablets ─── 阿维菌素驱虫速溶片剂的研制

46、multipurpose anthelmintic ─── 多极神经细胞

47、an anthelmintic used to treat hookworm and pinworm and roundworm infestations. ─── 用来治疗十二指肠、蛲虫和蛔虫横行的杀虫。

48、Objective To study the clinical features of demyelinating encephalopathy induced by anthelmintic imidazoles( DEIAI). ─── 讨咪唑类驱虫药致脱髓鞘脑病的临床特点。

49、Preparative studies on anthelmintic praziquantel fast dissovling tablets ─── 吡喹酮驱虫速溶片剂的研制

50、The manufacturing process and application of highly efficient anthelmintic DETA are introduced in this paper. Its social and economical effect and development prospect are also pointed out. ─── 本文介绍了高效驱避剂DETA的生产工艺和在日用化工产品中的应用及生产现状,并对该项目的社会和经济效益及发展前景进行了简单分析。

51、abstract: Objective To investigate the serum pharmacochemistry of Vernohia anthelmintic. ─── 目的研究驱虫斑鸠菊的血清药物化学。

52、Its market was broad and occupied the premier place in the area of application of anthelmintic imidazoles. ─── 结论:左旋咪唑临床应用非常广泛。

53、anthelmintic crystoids ─── [医] 己基雷琐辛丸剂, 己基间苯二酚丸剂

54、To study the anthelmintic effect of albendazole composite (containing 7 mg of albendazole and 8 mg base of pyrantel pamoate per tablet). ─── 观察复方阿苯达唑(每片含阿苯达唑7mg和噻嘧啶8.mg基质)的驱虫效果。

55、anthelmintic agent ─── 驱肠虫药

56、any of several other plants used as an anthelmintic ─── 任一种可作为驱虫药的其他植物

57、a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment. ─── 绿色晶体(在水中呈紫色),用作染料、着色剂、杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂或用于烧伤处理。

58、intestinal anthelmintic ─── 驱肠蠕虫药, 抗肠蠕虫的

59、Research Advance on Anthelmintic Resistance of Gastrointestinal Nematodes and its PCR Detection ─── 牛羊线虫抗药性及其PCR检测技术研究进展

60、a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment ─── 绿色晶体(在水中呈紫色),用作染料、着色剂、杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂或用于烧伤处理

61、The experiment on clinical effect of anthelmintic cake which liced animal ─── 畜用驱虫药饼舔食剂临床效果试验

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