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08-14 投稿


interchanging 发音

英:[??nt?r?t?end?]  美:[??nt??t?e?nd???]

英:  美:

interchanging 中文意思翻译



interchanging 常用词组

data interchange ─── 数据交换

information interchange ─── 信息交换

electronic data interchange ─── 电子数据交换

interchanging 短语词组

1、interchanging press tool ─── 互换压具

2、interchanging data ─── 数据交换

3、interchanging tool ─── 互换工具

4、interchanging drainage pattern ─── 互换排水模式

interchanging 词性/词形变化,interchanging变形

动词现在分词: interchanging |动词过去分词: interchanged |名词: interchanger |动词过去式: interchanged |动词第三人称单数: interchanges |

interchanging 相似词语短语

1、interchaining ─── 立交桥

2、interchanged ─── v.(两人或两人以上)交换,互换(物品);(使)(两者)互换位置;(某物)可与……交换(interchange的过去式和过去分词)

3、interchanger ─── n.换热器;交换器

4、interchains ─── 链间

5、counterchanging ─── v.(使)色彩交错,(使)斑斓;颠倒分界线两边的色调;交换(位置、特性等);分割成……方块;n.反向变化;明暗交错的花纹

6、interchanges ─── (指两人等)[计]交换;[计][遗]互换(interchange的第三人称单数);[计][遗]互换;立体交叉道(interchange的复数)

7、interchange ─── n.(思想、信息等的)交换,互换;交错,更替;(进出高速公路的)互通式立交,立体交叉道;(铁路、汽车客运等)转车站,枢纽站;v.交换,互换(思想、信息等);将……交换;(使)互换位置

8、interchangers ─── n.换热器;交换器

9、interchain ─── 链间的

interchanging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As decorations, with their constantly interchanging colours ─── 市里圣诞节五彩缤纷的装饰, 颜色不断变幻

2、The interchanging characteristics and the microstructure of them have been investigated.Basing on the results a spherulitic model of PEEK has been given. ─── 对这两种球晶的相互转变规律及球晶的微观结构作了分析,提出了PEEK球晶结构的模型。

3、The Interchangeability and Interchanging Mode Between Morality and Belief ─── 道德信仰的互变本性及其律动模态

4、who can cooperate on interchanging and improving software. ─── 这些成员进行合作,替换和改善软件。

5、JSON reduces the HTTP traffic by introducing a new format for interchanging data between server and client applications. ─── JSON为服务器和客户端应用程序之间的数据交换引入一种新的格式,从而减少了HTTP流量。

6、The weather will consist of sun shine interchanging with periods of light rain. ─── 天气将是晴天和小雨相间。

7、The basketball team training is the course of people interchanging among a special group namely the interactive course of coach and athlete. ─── 篮球队的训练工作实际上是一个特殊的团体中人与人的交流过程,即教练员与运动员相互作用的过程。

8、cooperate on interchanging and improving software. ─── 合作,替换和改善软件。

9、A new taxi stand will also be erected inside the new loading and unloading area to facilitate ferry passengers interchanging with taxi services. ─── 在新上落客货区内亦设有的士站,方便渡轮乘客转乘的士。

10、During the conference, experts are friendly and interchanging with each other.They express their friendship to each other in different ways. ─── 会议期间,各位专家同仁热情友好,相互交流,大家都以不同的方式表达了彼此之间的友好之情。

11、Keywords Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC);System Integration (SI);Optimization Deployment;Measuring Model;Genetic Algorithms (GAs);Interchanging Virtual Instrument (IVI); ─── 电磁兼容;系统集成;优化配置;测量模型;遗传算法;可互换虚拟仪器;

12、The present invention relates to a grille interchanging method and apparatus. ─── 本发明涉及一种格栅换位方法和装置。

13、In some cases the boarding gates are remote from the central terminal (Stansted) or there is a need for interchanging passengers to move from one terminal to another (Heathrow, Frankfurt). ─── 有些时候登机门离中央站很远(如斯坦态德机场),或者需要将乘客从一个站点送到另一站点(如希思罗机场,法兰克福机场)。

14、In this note,several types of the formulas to interchanging order of integration for singular integrals of high order on real aris are given. ─── 给出实轴上几种类型高阶奇异积分的换序公式 .

15、Interchanging of urgent dispatches ─── 羽檄交驰

16、interchanging of passengers ─── 旅客换机

17、This is done by selecting the initial set of rows, but interchanging the origin and destination. ─── 通过选择初始行集可以实现这一点,但要将原点和终点互换。

18、How to grow up in interchanging? ─── 如何在交流中成长?

19、If you don't mind interchanging the plane in Paris, you could fly to London tonight. ─── 只要你不介意在巴黎换机,你今晚就可以飞往伦敦。

20、attack with interchanging position ─── 交叉换位进攻

21、5.As well known, many problems are caused, if not wholly then partially, by lack of interchanging our ideas. ─── 5、众所周知,我们的许多问题至少部分地是由于没能交流思想而引起的。

22、The thing that's changed is simply the interchanging A That's introduced a new kind of disorder that didn't used to be present. ─── 发生变化的只是,和B分子的互换,of,A,and,B,molecules。,它引入了一种,过去没有的新的无序。

23、Some of our football was very good and there was some great interchanging in the last third of the field, particularly for the goal which Anderson created for Tevez which was absolutely sensational. ─── 我们最对方的危险区有相当好的配合,特别是安德森给特维斯的助攻太棒了。

24、the city's brightly-lit Christmas decorations, with their constantly interchanging colours ─── 市里圣诞节五彩缤纷的装饰, 颜色不断变幻.

25、This may not only let the goldfish fans flow across each other (details: Interchanging Goldfish) but also could get more guests. ─── 每天开店前应巡视鱼缸,若有病(死)鱼应即捞出另外处理,以免整缸感染。

26、mutual interaction; the activity of interchanging or reciprocating. ─── 相互的交流;交换的行为。

27、With interchanging of culture, changing of aetheics in the WeSt and aborbingof the West's aetheics in China, mass-line arrangement will be developing. ─── 但随西方审美观点的改变,中、西方文化的交流以及插花材料的交流,中国吸收了西方美学思想,混合式插花艺术将进一步得到发扬光大。

28、The interchanging tunnel mining method is suggested on bases of careful feasibility study in both technologically and economically.A new method is developed for recovering the large amount of o... ─── 并提出了进路间隔回采方案,从技术和经济两方面作了详尽的可行性分析,为我国大量残留矿资源的回收探索了一条新路。

29、A Method for Data Interchanging Between XML and Relational Database ─── 一种XML数据与关系数据库相互转换的解决方案

30、Interchanging the Characters of Teaching and Learning in Nurse Teaching ─── 教与学角色互换教学法在护理教学中的实施

31、Discussion of Mutual Interchanging Methods for Web Course System ─── 网络课件中的交互式方法探讨

32、Always interchanging, this is very important. ─── 经常换位思考,这是很重要的。

33、cadre interchanging ─── 干部交流

34、Keywords filling cemented tail;cementation solidifying technique;horizontal ore pillar;interchanging tunnel mining; ─── 尾胶充填体;注浆加固;水平矿柱;进路间隔回采;

35、The Orthodox Christian diet is unique in regularly interchanging from an omnivore to a vegetarian-type diet, and no study to date has focused on the impact of this on Fe status. ─── 基督徒的饮食习惯是有规律地从杂食到素食的呼唤,这已是众所周知。

36、It's only interchanging B with B that you need to correct for, and interchanging A with A. ─── 你只需要校正B与B的B的互换,和A与A的互换。

37、Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is used as a bridge of interchanging information between Internet and wireless communication networks, which includes several industry wide standards and specifications. ─── 无线应用协议 (WAP)用于从无线通信网访问国际互联网 ,并实现两者之间的信息交互 .

38、In the 21st century,science and technology are developing at a high speed,and the whole world becomes open,interchanging and cooperating in all aspects. ─── 在科技高速发展、国际交流与合作频繁的21世纪,大学生应具备良好的综合素质。

39、interchanging method ─── 轮换法

40、Renovating Technology of Wear Parts and Interchanging Technology of Assembly Parts in Mine Equipment ─── 矿山设备的备件修复与零部件互换技术

41、Slope Calculation of Crossing Point for Alternative Interchang Ramp ─── 浅谈高速公路互通式立交匝道各交叉点坡度计算

42、developing all kinds of interchanging techniques and providing various means of interchanging; ─── 积极开发网上的多种交互技术,提供多种交互手段和交互方式;

43、The game started at a quick pace with a lot of interchanging of passes. ─── 比赛一开始速度就非常快,传接球配合频繁。

44、Primary Discussion on Interchanging Responsibility of Providing Evidence in Medical Tangle ─── 浅谈医疗纠纷举证责任倒置

45、Results A model based on the social environment improvement with their prestige, invitations and finance interchanging is constructed. ─── 结果构建了基于综合环境持续改善基础上的以名气、人气和财气相互转化的旅游资源型城镇持续发展模式。

46、XFML can’t solve all the metadata’s needs.It focuses on interchanging faceted classification and indexing data. ─── XFML并不解决所有元数据的需求,它只关注分面分类与标引数据的互换。

47、Comparative breeding ecology of barn swallow and red-rumped swallow in Nanchong and an experiment of interchanging their eggs and nestlings ─── 南充金腰燕、家燕繁殖生态比较及易卵易雏实验

48、XML-Based Method of Information Interchanging between Relative Database and Object-Oriented Database ─── 基于XML文档的关系数据库与面向对象数据库之间的信息交互

49、The high-voltage distribution network is optimized by the method of branch interchanging. ─── 引入了饱和负荷的概念;

50、a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix ─── 转置矩阵,通过使一个给定的矩阵的行和列互换而形成的矩阵

51、(2)increasign the heat interchanging area of radiant tubes; ─── 增加辐射管的换热面积;

52、Microbiological Investigation of Interchanging Containers for Nosocomial Aseptic Materials ─── 医院无菌物品兑换容器的微生物学调查

53、A matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix. ─── 转置矩阵通过使一个给定的矩阵的行和列互换而形成的矩阵

54、With the data comparison method and the component interchanging method,reasons for engine stalling when starting of CEDRIC A33car are analyzed. ─── 采用数据比较和零件互换的方法,分析了风度A33轿车发动机起动时易熄火故障产生的原因。

55、Marxist philosophy can only brighten its own vitality by communicating and interchanging with thoughts of other schools. ─── 马克思主义哲学只有在同其它流派的思想进行对话、撞击中,才能增强自身的生命力。

56、The main feature in the fields of society, culture and thought on this time is that Eastern learning and Western learning, the ancient ideas and the modern ideas were colliding and interchanging. ─── 而晚清诗论又诞生在大变革,大动荡的时代,中西学,古今观念的碰撞,交流,杂糅在一起是当时思想文化界的主要特色。

57、The interchanging of knowledge and experience about teaching and producing haptic picture was not enough, and research in this field was not enough, either. ─── 5.目前图像资讯的制作仍缺乏交流互动,且未就图像的呈现方式进行研发与讨论,导致国内在视障图像的推行成效十分地缓慢。

58、Now it is an era of global.Everything is now exchanging, especially culture interchanging couldn't be ignored. ─── 现在是地球村的时代,在任何事都彼此交流的同时,文化的交流也是不可忽视的。

59、Economical credit relation is a special social ethics and its core is interchanging justice between right and obligation. ─── 经济信用关系是特定社会伦理关系的特殊表达,其核心是权利-义务平等交换之交换正义。

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