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08-14 投稿


veer 发音

英:[v??]  美:[v?r]

英:  美:

veer 中文意思翻译





veer 同义词

change course |turn | go around | slew | go round | trend | heel | cut | swing | change | bend | sheer | deflect | curve | deviate | shift | swerve | slue

veer 反义词


veer 短语词组

1、veer off course/crossword ─── 偏离航道/填字游戏

2、veer from ─── 改变

3、veer synonym ─── 四个同义词

4、veer round ─── 韦尔圆

5、veer makeup ─── 转向妆

6、veer cruiser ─── 转向巡洋舰

7、veer zara ─── 四颗红心

8、veer out ─── 放松

9、veer zaara songs ─── 春之歌

10、veer off ( ─── 方向、位置的)改变;(从…)突然改变 ─── 方向,猛然转向;(谈话、行为或思想)离开主题(或常轨等)

11、veer definition ─── 转向定义

12、veer towers ─── 四座塔楼

veer 词性/词形变化,veer变形

动词过去式: veered |动词第三人称单数: veers |动词过去分词: veered |动词现在分词: veering |

veer 习惯用语

1、veer and haul ─── 【航海】(把绳索)一放一收

2、veer round [around] ─── (风)改变方向; (人)改变主意; (谈话等)转向...

veer 相似词语短语

1、heer ─── n.陆军,德国国防军陆军

2、veery ─── n.画眉鸟之一种

3、jeer ─── v.嘲笑;戏弄;奚落;n.嘲笑;戏弄;揶揄的言语;奚落人的话

4、feer ─── 远东经济评论(FarEasternEconomicReview);均衡汇率(FundamentalEquilibriumExchangeRate);划分耕作区(苏格兰方言)

5、deer ─── n.鹿;n.(Deer)人名;(英)迪尔

6、veers ─── n.方向的改变(veer的复数);v.转向(veer的第三人称单数)

7、vexer ─── 使恼火

8、-eer ─── adv.曾经;无论何时;abbr.相等错误率(equalerrorrate);能量效率比(energyefficiencyratio);n.(Eer)(南、美)埃尔(人名)

9、beer ─── n.啤酒;vi.喝啤酒;n.(Beer)人名;(法、德、俄、罗、捷、瑞典)贝尔;(英、西、南非)[纺]比尔

veer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But until now, HES cell cultures had a tendency to spontaneously differentiate, that is, to veer off without warning into a developmental pathway. ─── 但目前为止,培养中的HES细胞有自发分化的倾向,也就是说,会出其不意地转向某条发育的岔道。

2、veer around ─── 改变方向

3、Now every time I veer toward a rotten mood, I try to remember I can 'pick happy. ─── 现如今每当我情绪要变糟,我都会尽力记住我也能‘选择高兴’。”

4、During rush hour, he saw a car veer off the road and slam into a fire hydrant. ─── 在交通高峰时,他看到一辆车在马路上转弯,撞到消防栓。

5、spacial veer reflecting prism ─── 空间转向反射棱镜

6、She will not veer from her brave new intentions ─── 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。

7、veer round to ─── adj. 改变(转变)

8、Utilizing the characteristic of reflection prism in automatic polarization compensation in this test system, which realizes spacial veer transmission of polarization-light. ─── 在该测试系统中利用全反射棱镜的偏振自补偿特性,实现了偏振光的空间转向传输。

9、A pair of coevolutionary creatures chasing each other in an escalating arms race can only seem to veer out of control. ─── 一对共同进化的生物之间互相算计,其不断升级的军备竞赛看来似乎只能滑向失控的结局。

10、Passing strangers in the street, you may look at the approaching strangers until they are about eight feet away, then your glances must veer away as they pass. ─── 在街上遇到陌生人你可以看着渐渐走近的陌生人直到他们离你约有8英尺(约合2.5米)远。 在他们经过你时,你必须将目光转离他们。

11、Actually as a good, general rule, unless you're super confident, it tends to be better to veer towards more ordinary fonts. ─── 实际上一个有效总体原则就是除非你自信满满,否则还是选择一些更为普通的字体。

12、As you attempt to make small talk with an interviewer, don't cross the line into inappropriate chitchat.Avoid topics that are controversial or that veer too much from work. ─── 当你试图想与面试官聊一些小的私人话题时,请不要超越一个界限而去聊一些无相关的话题,得避免使话题具有争议或偏离工作太远。

13、(cause a vehicle to)move sideways;veer or steer(sth) ─── (使机动车)打斜;使(某物)转向;操纵(某物)

14、veer from ─── v. 改变

15、I love you more than you'll veer know.We were meant to be together! ─── 我比你想象中的更爱你,我们注定要在一起的!

16、Passing strangers in the street,you may look at the approaching strangers until they are about eight feet away,then your glances must veer away as they pass. ─── 在街上遇到陌生人你可以看着渐渐走近的陌生人直到他们离你约有8英尺(约合2.5米)远。在他们经过你时,你必须将目光转离他们。

17、Veer from its current policies ─── 改变现行的政策

18、Electrical machinery stator automated test system Test project: The pressure resistance, the insulation, DC resistance, Circle, Veer ─── 电机定子自动测试系统测试项目:耐压、绝缘、直流电阻、匝间、转向

19、To supply a better solution, a possible future veer of institution analysis is presented. ─── 而为了更好地解决这一核心问题,本文指出了制度演化分析所需要的一种可能转向。

20、But Mr van der Veer has now conceded that varying pay levels would not have affected his own performance. ─── 但范德伟现在已承认,改变薪酬水平不会影响他自己的业绩。

21、Unlike some smartphones that offer both a physical keyboard and a virtual keyboard, the Veer only works with a physical keyboard. ─── 与一些既有实体键盘也有虚拟键盘的智慧手机不同,Veer只配备有实体键盘。

22、One thing that went overlooked about Lush was their ability to veer from violent and edgy noise breaks to pop effervescence. ─── 更重要的是每个独立唱片公司都有一个个性强烈的音乐指向/氛围,即其旗下的乐队/个人都有一个大概统一的音乐风格范畴;

23、veer out ─── v. 放出

24、The result indicates that the new veer auto-control system gives one choice to the veer system design of construction machiner with wheels. ─── 结论表明:基于模糊控制的工程机械四轮转向自动控制系统给传统工程机械的转向系统设计提供了一个选择。

25、I remember nobody's veer enter the castle. ─── 我记得没有人进过这座城堡。

26、The agreement was signed in Moscow by Rosneft President Sergey Bogdanchikov and Shell Chief Executive Jeroen van der Veer. ─── 在本网论坛上发表言论者,文责自负,本网有权在网站内转载或引用,论坛的言论不代表本网观点。

27、LM: But the performance element would obviously come very naturally to you anyway if you were to veer towards a musical or something like that? ─── 不管怎么说,这样的演出的举行会是顺理成章的,尤其是你把它作为一个音乐剧或者类似的演出,不是吗?

28、But you had to veer, to alter your bearing suddenly when the rocks ahead became visible. ─── 但是你还是得随时调整方向,尤其是当前方突然出现山崖的时候。

29、The Insignia wagon will have Opel's new front camera system that can read and memorize road signs and alert drivers if they unintentionally veer off the road. ─── 旅行车的徽章将有欧宝新战线摄像系统,可以阅读和背诵路标和警示司机如果他们无意偏离了道路。

30、To turn about; veer. ─── 绕道;转航

31、Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi . ─── 以下是沙尔曼汗的推广活动,为他即将上映的电影韦埃尔运动的T腰外套,一托皮联合衬衫。

32、6 Wu M, Zhao JK, Hu XS, Wang PH, Qin Y, Lu YC, Yang J, Liu AM, Wu DL, Zhang ZF, Frans KJ, van 't Veer P. Association ─── 中国103个地区吸烟与食管癌风险研究:死因调查中的病例对照方法学研究.中华医学杂志2006;86:380-385

33、Veer out! ─── 松出!

34、The global slump saddled political leaders with much pressure, demanding them to veer to protectionism in trade and finance. ─── 全球经济衰退令政治领导人承受压力,要求他们在贸易和金融领域采取保护主义措施。

35、“These results show that when a student is thinking about their size, the use of ads to encourage them to eat healthier or be more active has a significant effect,” said Mr Veer. ─── Veer说:“上述结果说明当一个学生重视自己体形时,鼓励他们更健康饮食、更有活力的广告起到了重要作用。”

36、If the plane is landing and one wheel touches down first, the plane has a tendency to veer off in the direction of that wheel. ─── 如果着陆时起落架只有一只主轮前触地,这时,飞机有向此轮子一边转弯倾向。

37、If the plane is landing and one wheel touches down first, the plane has a tendency to veer off in the direction of that wheel. ─── 如果着陆时起落架只有一只主轮前触地,这时,飞机有向此轮子一边转弯倾向。

38、Under this social change, there comes forth a new historical veer in contemplating fortune making, which brings about a great conflict between the traditional Confucian ethic and the current spirit of the businessmen. ─── 在这种社会变动的背景下 ,关于致富的思考也出现了新的历史转向 ,传统的儒家伦理与商人精神之间产生了很大的冲突。

39、"I veer towards the eart.y art.of India, Indonesia and Malaysia." ─── 印度、印尼和马来西亚的朴实的艺术作品深深吸引我。

40、I love you more than you'll veer know. ─── 我比你想象中的更爱你。

41、A tan Toyota and a dark Honda that is apparently chasing it veer across the center line, and Torres is struck by the Honda. ─── 甚至连张维迎老师都曾经激动得语带哽咽地尊称王益为“我们敬爱的王益老师”。

42、Verifying Automatic Polarization Compensation of Spacial Veer Reflecting Prism in LCD Testing System Using Matlab ─── 用Matlab验证液晶参数综合测试系统中反射棱镜的偏振自补偿特性

43、An angry China can veer into xenophobia, but not all the nationalist left’s causes are so dangerous: one is for the better public services and social-safety net the country sorely needs. ─── 但这也是一个机会,中国可以显示它可以行使负责任的新的影响力。

44、veer off ─── 偏离航向

45、veer and haul ─── 一放一收

46、Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors. ─── 那些池塘将会满足恒河著名保护者之一的维尔·巴赫达·米斯拉(VeerBhadraMishra)28年来的执著倡议。

47、So official versions of history tend to veer away from the truth, not towards it. ─── 因此官方版本的历史往往倾向于回避真相,而非接近史实。

48、The analysis also shows that the Ekman characteristic that the wind directions veer with height is very remarkable. ─── 大气低层风向随高度顺时针转动的Ekman螺线效应显著。

49、“It is regrettable that any of our supporters on both sides, because we’ve both had that experience, say things that kind of veer off into the personal. ─── "这是令人遗憾的是,我们的任何支持者,对双方的,因为我们都有过这种经验,说事情种转向小康存入个人" 。

50、Made with care, circuits perform dependably and reasonably, and then suddenly, by their own drumbeat, they veer off without notice. ─── 精心制作的线路可靠而合理地履行着自己的职责,然后,它们突然遵循自己的鼓点毫无预兆地转向。

51、spatial veer ─── 空间转向

52、Earlier this year its then chief executive, Jeroen van der Veer, said of wind, solar and hydrogen, “I don't expect them to grow much at Shell from here. ─── 今年早些时候时任公司首席执行官JeroenvanderVeer谈到风能,太阳能和氢时表示:“我不希望这些业务在壳牌大幅增长。”

53、The Research and Development of Car Four-wheel Veer Operating Stability ─── 汽车四轮转向操纵稳定性的研究及发展

54、Their prows veer slowly,But the winecups pass quickly; ─── 于是妖童媛女,荡舟心许;

55、If you fall asleep while driving, you'll probably veer off the road. ─── 假如你开车时打瞌睡,可能会驶离道路。

56、Actually as a good, general rule, unless you're super confident, it tends to be better to veer towards more ordinary fonts. ─── 换句话说,除非你知道你在做的事,就要远离真正奇怪寻找字体,例如:一些看起来非常前卫。

57、Research on Industry Gathering under Various Angle Veer of Economical Geography ─── 经济地理学多角度转向背景下的产业集群研究

58、easily changeable; shift and veer; play fast and loose; Blow hot and cold ─── 朝三暮四

59、An angry China can veer into xenophobia, but not all the nationalist left's causes are so dangerous: one is for the better public services and social-safety net the country sorely needs. ─── 一个愤怒的中国可能转向仇外心理,但并非所有的民族主义左翼事业都是如此危险,例如呼吁增强国家迫切需要的公共服务和社会保障网络的事业。

60、The admission on pay by Mr van der Veer prompted a sceptical response from VEB, the Dutch shareholders' association. ─── 对范德伟在薪酬方面的让步表态,荷兰股东协会VEB表示怀疑。

61、You may look at the approaching strangers until they are about eight feet away, then your glances must veer away as they pass. ─── 在英国,如果你路遇陌生人,你要做到既不盯着对方打量,也不完全忽视对方。这个尺度该怎么拿捏呢?

62、various angle veer ─── 多角度转向

63、Application of hydraulic veer system with donkey pump for loader ─── 有辅助泵的转向液压系统在装载机上的应用

64、The lane ropes will quickly make it apparent in which direction you naturally veer. ─── 分道线可以很容易的帮助你辨别自己向哪边偏。

65、Worries about exchange rates, he argues, cause central banks to veer off course. ─── 他还认为,对汇率的担忧是中央银行偏离其最优政策的罪魁祸首。

66、Make a right at the house, and then the road is going to veer kind of toward 11 o'clock. That's where our house is. ─── 在房子那儿右转,然后路就朝11点的方向转了。那就是我们家。

67、Knives stand on edge; the plates veer slightly off center. ─── 刀竖立着,盘子稍微偏离中心。

68、Taiwan's voters have perennially shown their preference to continue with the status quo and not veer towards independence. ─── 台湾选民一直安于现状/想维持现状,不想搞台独。

69、But the ECB is unlikely to veer from its mission for long. ─── 可是,欧洲央行不太可能偏离其基本使命太远。

70、“This new environment is not all doom and gloom,” said Mr. van der Veer, of Shell. ─── 壳牌公司得范得维尔先生说:“新的环境并不意味着绝对得繁荣或衰退,它也会提供一些机会。

71、Chinese pride and boosterism veer dangerously close to nationalism.Healthy criticism is seen as unpatriotic. ─── 中国人骄傲的积极支持危险的民族主义倾向,健康的批评被看作不爱国的表现。

72、For hours, in fall days, I watched the ducks cunningly tack and veer and hold the middle of the pond, far from the sportsman; ─── 秋天里,我常常一连几个小时观望野鸭如何狡猾地游来游去,始终在湖中央,远离开那些猎人;

73、On the contrary, some have seized on his rhetoric about promoting the rule of law and free media as a sign that Russia may yet veer back toward liberalism. ─── 相反有些人利用他对宣扬法治和自由传媒的言辞,视为俄罗斯还没转向自由主义的一个信号。

74、In 20th century, the west philosophy and aesthetics had an important veer, which is language veer. ─── 20世纪西方哲学与美学发生了一次重大的转向,那就是语言论的转向。

75、Veer right and you'll see subway entrance on your right. ─── 然后右转,就会看见地铁站入口在你的右边。

76、Mean reversion traders make bets that markets stay in tight ranges and that if they veer out of the range, they typically revert to the average or mean. ─── 均值回归交易者赌市场在一定的范围内波动,如果它们的价格跳出了一定的范围,它们会回到均值。

77、, he is about to veer a potential Arsenal obtain a UCL winner. ─── 他正要改变方向一个潜在的兵工厂获得一个 UCL 胜利者。

78、One side or the other would have to veer away from collision. ─── 双方必须有一方改变方向才能避免冲撞。

79、More generally, Mr Sarkozy will veer between Atlanticism and more Gaullist reflexes, as France marks the 70th anniversary of de Gaulle's London appeal for wartime resistance. ─── 大体上,萨科奇将转向大西洋主义与戴高乐主义的折中派,法国还将庆祝戴高乐在伦敦从事抵抗运动70周年。

80、Their prows veer slowly, But the winecups pass quickly; ─── 鹢首徐回,兼传羽杯;

81、He is unlikely to veer from his boss's strongly held views. ─── 他是不大可能在他的上司强烈坚持的观点上改变立场的。

82、A Analysis and Numeration on Theory of Different Velocity Wheel for Exchanging Veer ─── 换向用差速轮的传动原理与分析计算

83、to veer to leeward from a former course; fall off ─── 从以前的航向转向下风处;偏向下风

84、The islands consist of oyster reefs covered with a thin veer of black mud. ─── 由牡蛎礁构成的小岛上覆盖着一层薄薄的黑色软泥。

85、to have a tendency to veer in the direction of the wind ─── 易于转为迎风

86、I tended to veer slightly away from the edge of the roadway and the drop-off beyond. ─── 我极力想把车开向里侧一些,躲开那可能滑下陡坡的边沿。

87、Right-brain-focused people veer toward the humanities, language, and the arts. An advertising agency or a freewheeling startup might be a better fit. ─── 偏重右脑的人们倾向于人文、语言和艺术。广告代理或自主创业也许是更好的选择。

88、People whose thinking has become rigid tend to veer with the wind. ─── 思想一僵化,随风倒的现象就多起来了。

89、Feedback control of veer on double-drum vibratory road roller ─── 双钢轮振动压路机闭环转向控制

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