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08-14 投稿


hostilities 发音

英:[h?s?t?l?tiz]  美:[hɑ?st?l?tiz]

英:  美:

hostilities 中文意思翻译

n.战争; 敌意(hostility的复数); 敌对状态; 战事


hostilities 同义词

enmity | intimidation | aggression | antagonism | resentment | hatred | animosity | anger | argumentativeness | ill will | offense | opposition | offensive

hostilities 短语词组

1、hostilities band ─── 敌对乐队

2、hostilities exist ─── 敌对行动存在

3、hostilities means ─── 敌对行动意味着

4、outbreak of hostilities ─── [法] 乱对行动的爆发

5、hostilities movie ─── 敌对电影

6、Wounded Due to Hostilities ─── 因敌对行动受伤

7、armed hostilities ─── [法] 武装敌对行为

8、hostilities film ─── 敌对行动影片

9、hostilities syn ─── 敌对行动

10、termination of hostilities ─── [法] 停止敌对行动

11、hostilities cast ─── 敌对行为

12、cessation of hostilities ─── [法] 休战, 停战

13、hostilities meaning ─── 敌对行为的含义

14、Somalia-Ethiopia Frontier Hostilities ─── 索马里-埃塞俄比亚边界敌对行动

hostilities 词性/词形变化,hostilities变形

名词复数: hostilities |

hostilities 反义词


hostilities 相似词语短语

1、humilities ─── n.谦卑,谦逊

2、futilities ─── n.无用;徒劳;无价值

3、gentilities ─── n.有教养,文雅;上流阶层

4、hostility ─── n.敌意;战争行动

5、bestialities ─── n.兽性;兽行;人兽性交

6、hospitalities ─── n.好客;殷勤

7、disutilities ─── n.无用,无效;[经]负效用

8、hostelries ─── n.客栈;旅店

9、hostiles ─── adj.敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的;n.敌对

hostilities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Convention of Peking in 1860 , which ended the hostilities, provided for its outright cession. ─── 一八六零年, 战争结束, 订立《北京条约》,九龙半岛正式割让予英国.

2、A year later, after pushing up the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) and threatening to assault Nanking (Nanjing), he brought the hostilities to an end by the Treaty of Nanking, signed on August 29, 1842. ─── 一年后,挥军溯长江而上,直逼南京,双方终于在一八四二年八月二十九日订立《南京条约》,战事始告平息。

3、He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities. ─── 他不会同意敌对状态的停止。

4、Despite Illidan's efforts to keep Outland's portals closed, the Horde and Alliance have anticipated Outland's role in renewed hostilities and ever more perilous threats. ─── 即使伊利丹竭尽全力保证所有传送门被关闭,部落和联盟早已预见到外域在双方日后的对抗和未来面对的威胁中将要扮演的角色。

5、Putting a formal end to hostilities and reaching a peace agreement is the common aspiration for peaceful cross-strait development and has already become an important principle of both sides. ─── 促进正式结束两岸敌对状态、达成和平协议,是“两岸和平发展共同愿景”提出的目标,已经成为两岸双方的重要主张。

6、Hostilities renewed between the two countries. ─── 两国之间战端又起。

7、During the hostilities, the lands and mountains between Aygehovit and an Azerbaijani village on the other side of the border were repeatedly mined. ─── 交战的军民于冲突期间在两国交界的山区与平原,密集布雷;

8、With the hostilities ended, Winston was brought back into the cabinet as Secretary of State for war. ─── 仇视结束后,温斯顿被任命为国家战争秘书,回到了内阁。

9、Their meeting led to an end of the hostilities. ─── 他们的会谈促成了双方停火。

10、He was aware of the hostilities that had cropped up between Breetai and Edwards over the issue of the Regent's arrival, and he knew precisely where the Zentraedi's loyalties lay. ─── 他知晓布里泰和爱德华兹之间在瑞金特来临的问题上显露的敌意,他也清楚地明白那些天顶星人会对谁忠诚。

11、launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities with,as in warfare ─── 发动进攻;在战争中持对立的态度

12、Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Indochina ─── 关于在印度支那停止敌对行动的协定

13、The ambassador did his utmost to prevent the outbreak of hostilities. ─── 这位大使竭尽全力防止战事的爆发.

14、They say the two countries have proposed a call for an eventual cessation of hostilities. ─── 他们说这两个国家提出了一项最终结束敌对状态的建议。

15、Returning to Csilla, Thrawn was reprimanded for his hostilities. ─── 回到奇拉后,索龙为他的战争行为而受到谴责。

16、Hostilities alternated with negotiations until agreement was reached between Elliot and Qishan(Keshen), the Manchu Commissioner who had replaced Lin after the latter was exiled in disgrace over the preliminaries of a treaty. ─── 双方且谈且战,直至义律与琦善达成协议。林则徐在双方初步谈判失败后遭撤职,由琦善接任钦差大臣。

17、The absence of war or other hostilities. ─── 和平没有战争或其它敌视行为的状态

18、Agreements on the Cessation of Hostilities in Indo China ─── 印度支那停战协定

19、KRIEGER: First off, what do you think of the hostilities between Israel and Lebanon? ─── K问: 首先, 你如何看待目前在黎巴嫩和以色列之间的敌意?

20、Hostilities ended when the treaty was signed. ─── 条约签订后战争结束了.

21、Excerpts: KRIEGER: First off, what do you think of the hostilities between Israel and Lebanon? ─── K问: 你是否认为伊朗在其中扮演一个重要角色? 通过真主党来体现他们在本地区的影响力?

22、In reality, the "ceasefire" was a tempering of aggression on both sides rather than a cessation of hostilities. ─── 事实上,停火协议只是临时性的,而非双方实质上的停止冲突。

23、When hostilities broke out he returned to England and joined up. ─── 战事爆发之后,他回到英格兰参军了。

24、The salvo is then returned with interest, and Ka-Boom! Open hostilities are declared. ─── 一方的攻击会招致另一方的回击,然后“嘣”的一下,战斗正式开始了。

25、The decision by the Russian president, Dmitri Medvedev, to now cease hostilities was the right move by a responsible leader. ─── 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫立刻终止敌对状态的这个决定,是一个高效的领导人的正确的的决定。

26、But the two actions mark a big escalation of the traditional hostilities. ─── 但这两项行动标志着这由来已久的敌对再次升级。

27、They finally agreed to cease hostilities and return to the bargaining table. ─── 他们最终同意停止敌对状态,回到谈判桌上来。

28、A bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans. ─── 世仇尤指部落或家族间怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态

29、In 1945, General George C. Marshall was named special US envoy to China to try to end hostilities between the Nationalists and the Communists. ─── 1945年,乔治C马歇尔将军被任命为访华特使,以结束民族主义者和共产主义者之间的敌意。

30、Slowly, and quietly, Karrde's organization grew into one of the largest smuggling groups in the galaxy, without the messy hostilities or skullduggery that typified underworld growth. ─── 不知不觉地,卡尔德的组织发展为银河系最大的走私集团之一,而且在它的成长过程中,不存在其它黑社会组织所惯有的勾心斗角或尔虞我诈。

31、The act of initiating hostilities or invasion. ─── 侵犯;侵略;挑衅发动敌对行为或侵略举动

32、Hostilities resumed after the cease-fire. ─── 停火过後, 战事再度爆发.

33、Feud: nA bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans. ─── 世仇:尤指部落或家族间怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态。

34、For the coming of peace had not brought an end to the problems and hostilities which surrounded the British government. ─── 但是和平的到来并没有结束围绕在英国政府周围的问题和仇恨。

35、At the same time the bitterness of a decade was not to be stilled even by the end of hostilities. ─── 与此同时,甚至战争的结束都未能平息这十年的怨恨。

36、But I had a right to expect that my name should not have been mixed up in you hostilities. ─── 不过我有权希望你不要把我的名字跟你的反对行动搅和在一起。

37、Hostilities have broken out between the two countries. ─── 两国之间爆发了战争。

38、the noon deadline for the end of hostilities ─── 中午结束敌对状态这一最后期限

39、Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. ─── 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。

40、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides;an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;

41、Any serious violation of the armistice by one of the parties gives the other party the right of denouncing it, and even, in cases of urgency, of recommencing hostilities immediately. (HR, art. 40. ─── 个人或少部分团体严重违反休战协议时,对方有权废止休战协议,而在紧急状况下,战斗得立即重新开始(海牙公约第40条)。

42、When hostilities broke out he joined up. ─── 战争爆发后,他参了军。

43、Lusaka Protocol for the Cessation of Hostilities and the Resolution of Outstanding Military Issues; ─── 关于停止敌对行动和解决未决军事问题的卢萨卡议定书;

44、All the old hostilities resurfaced when they met again. ─── 他们再次碰面时,过去的种种敌意又都冒了出来。

45、Hostilities (ie Fighting) between the two sides ceased at midnight. ─── 双方在午夜停止敌对行动(战斗).

46、All the old hostilities resurfaced when they met again. ─── 他们再次碰面时,过去的种种敌意又都冒了出来。

47、The events in the Gulf mark a major escalation of hostilities between the United States and Iranl.Wayne Corry, VOA news, the Defense Department. (St. ─── 因此坚持收听也是解决代词理解问题的有效方法之一。

48、Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities. ─── 双方都还有足够的礼貌,总算暂时停止了进一步的敌对行为.

49、the cessation of hostilities [armed conflict] ─── 休战,停战

50、Is he really considering a renewal of hostilities at this stage? ─── 他真的在考虑在这个阶段恢复敌对状态吗?

51、First contact with the Klingon pire. The incident is a disaster,leading to nearly a century of hostilities between the Klingons and the Federation. ─── 与克林贡帝国第一次接触,这个事件是一个大灾难,造成克林贡帝 国与联邦长达一世纪处于交战状态。

52、He's already declared hostilities against you. ─── 他已经向你宣战了。

53、JPAU21MAR03SW01 Pic By: PMC Caption: HMAS ANZAC firing the 5in Gun after a call for fire support from the ground during hostilities with IRAQ. ─── 21澳大利亚护卫舰‘安扎克’接到伊拉克陆上要求火力支援的呼叫后...

54、Both governments are refusing to suspend hostilities. ─── 两国政府都拒绝停止敌对行动。

55、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战

56、Hostilities have broken out between the two countries. ─── 两国之间爆发了战争.

57、Kellenberger says it is vitally important that this distinction be made because a growing number of civilians are being deliberately targeted due to their supposed involvement in hostilities. ─── 克伦贝格尔说,区分出战士和平民是非常重要的,由于他们被认为参与恶意斗争,平民越来越多的被列为战争目标。

58、cessation of arms [ hostilities ] ─── 停战[停止敌对行动]

59、Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty. ─── 和平条约签定以後,战事随之结束。

60、Secretary Rice and diplomats from other countries are developing United Nations resolutions to bring about a cessation of hostilities and establish a foundation for lasting peace. ─── 国务卿莱斯和别的国家的外交官们促使联合国下决心致力于终止敌对,建立永久的和平。

61、Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty. ─── 和平条约签定以后,战事随之结束.

62、Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities. ─── 冲突双方同意暂时停火.

63、An armistice (or truce, as it is sometimes called) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents. ─── 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。

64、Russia's stockmarket was already trending downwards before the short war with Georgia in August 2008, but the outbreak of hostilities accelerated the sell-off. ─── 在2008年8月与格鲁吉亚的短暂战争前,俄股市就已呈下跌趋势,但战争爆发加速其股价大跌。

65、Hostilities ( ie Fighting ) between the two sides ceased at midnight. ─── 双方在午夜停止敌对行动 ( 战斗 ).

66、Elliot's successor, Sir Henry Pottinger, arrived in August 1841 and conducted hostilities with determination. ─── 一八四一年八月,砵甸乍爵士抵达香港,决心以武力解决问题。

67、Escalated the hostilities in the Persian Gulf. ─── 使波斯湾的战争升高

68、"But we did not get access to all the areas and mostly not to those who were the hardest hit by the hostilities ... ─── 不过,我们无法进入所有地区,尤其是去不了那些战斗最激烈的地区。

69、He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities. ─── 他不会同意结束敌对状态。

70、The mother sub was cruising near Wake Island on December 2 when we heard hostilities were to begin December 7. ─── 十二月二日我们的母艇正在威克岛附近巡航,这时我们听说战争要在十二月七日打起来。

71、He needs an outlet for his frustration and hostilities. ─── 他需要把心中的沮丧和怨恨发泄出来。

72、On Dec. 31, 1946, President Truman declared an end to the period of World War II hostilities. ─── 1946年12月31日,杜鲁门总统宣告二战敌对状态的结束。

73、Hostilities resumed after the cease - fire . ─── 停火 过后,战事再度爆发.

74、Suspension of active hostilities; a truce. ─── 停火暂停敌对行为;停战

75、But the commemoration ceremony - attended by many members of Israel's current Olympic squad - comes just days after such hostilities came to the surface at the Games. ─── 但是,这次纪念仪式是在本届奥运会上出现这种敌意短短几天后举行的,很多参加本次奥运会的以色列运动员出席了这次仪式。

76、"They urged in this context, all Sudanese parties to observe the cease-fire, refrain from any hostilities and respect the norms of international humanitarian law. ─── 他们敦促在这种情况下苏丹所有有关各方遵守停火,避免任何敌对行动,尊重国际人道法的准则。”

77、Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities. ─── 冲突双方同意暂时停火。

78、Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities. ─── 双方都还有足够的礼貌,总算暂时停止了进一步的敌对行为。

79、In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. ─── 为求持续获得各方的信任,红十字运动于任何敌对情形中,不得采取支持其中一方之立场,亦不得在任何时候涉入具有政治、种族、宗教或意识型态本质之争端。

80、LESS HELP: As hostilities hinder trade, investment, and foreign students'ability to study abroad, living standards could plummet ─── 于己无益:随着反对力量阻止贸易、投资和外国的学生出国学习,他们的生活水平可能会一落千丈

81、Hostilities (ie Fighting) between the two sides ceasedat midnight. ─── 双方在午夜停止敌对行动(战斗)。

82、Israeli defense authorities said during the eight days of hostilities, Haifa has been hit by at least eight rockets. ─── 以色列军方表示,双方交火第八天,海法至少遭到真主党八枚火箭攻击。

83、He said the pause in hostilities must be used to evacuate Tamil civilians out of the war-affected areas to secure locations where proper rehabilitation was possible. ─── 他说必须摒弃敌意并将坦米尔平民撤出战争地区,迁至可以进行适当的恢复的安全地区。

84、Convention Relative to the Opening of Hostilities ─── 关于战争开始的公约

85、The Convention of Peking in 1860, which ended the hostilities, provided for its outright cession. ─── 一八六零年,战争结束,订立《北京条约》,九龙半岛正式割让予英国。

86、To suspend hostilities, to spare himself, Iraq's dictator accepted a series of commitments. ─── 为了停战,为了活命,伊拉克独裁者接受一系列义务条款。

87、An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities. ─── 和约结束敌对行为的协议或条约

88、"feud:a bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans." ─── 世仇:尤指部落或家族间怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态.

89、Day of Landing or Commencement of Hostilities ─── D日

90、His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities. ─── 他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。

91、the start/outbreak of hostilities between the two sides ─── 双方之间敌对行为的爆发

92、Hostilities followed between Mecca and Medina which ended at last in a treaty. ─── 于是麦加与麦地那之间进入战争状态,最后只好以签订条约了结此事。

93、The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out. ─── 当局已敦促人们储存燃料,以防战事爆发。

94、Outside Europe, the most important powers in 1939 were undoubtedly Japan and the United States. Japan was at the time already deeply involved in hostilities with China. ─── 1939年除了欧洲,最强权的国家无疑要数日本和美国了,而且日本此时已经陷入同中国极端的敌对当中。

95、The planning for these exercises clearly predates the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Georgia. ─── 俄国与格鲁吉亚爆发冲突之后,这次演习的时机明显被提前了。

96、Only thus can internal peace be truly consolidated, internal armed hostilities ended and internal unity strengthened, enabling the whole nation to unite and resist the foreign foe. ─── 只有这样做,才能真正地巩固国内和平,停止国内的武装敌对,增强国内的团结,以便举国一致抗御外敌。

97、Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty ─── 和平条约签定以後, 战事随之结束.

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