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08-14 投稿


encephalic 发音

英:[?ens??f?l?k]  美:[?ens??f?l?k]

英:  美:

encephalic 中文意思翻译



encephalic 短语词组

1、encephalic vertigo ─── [医]脑眩晕

2、nedullo-encephalic ─── [医] 脑脊髓的

3、encephalic cyst ─── 颅内囊肿

4、encephalic region ─── [医]脑区

5、encephalic death ─── 脑死亡

6、encephalic dngioma ─── [医] 脑血管瘤

7、encephalic cells ─── 脑细胞

8、encephalic def ─── 脑def

9、encephalic babies ─── 脑炎婴儿

10、encephalic trunk ─── [医]脑干

11、encephalic vesicles ─── [医] 脑泡

12、encephalic asymmetry ─── [医] 脑不对称, 偏位脑

13、encephalic state ─── 脑性状态

14、myelo-encephalic ─── [医] 脑脊髓的

encephalic 相似词语短语

1、acephalic ─── 无晶状体的

2、encephaloid ─── adj.脑样的;n.髓样瘤

3、encephalin ─── n.脑髓苷

4、epencephalic ─── 脑炎

5、anencephalic ─── adj.无脑畸型的;无脑的

6、-cephalic ─── adj.[动]头的

7、encephaline ─── 乙脑

8、diencephalic ─── adj.间脑的

9、encephalitic ─── adj.[内科]脑炎的

encephalic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yesterday in the afternoon, doctor said that what phoenix orchis open skull bone fracture and the damage, the encephalic has the pneumatosis, now the condition is steady. ─── 昨日下午,医生说,何凤兰属开放性颅脑骨折和损伤,颅内有积气,现在病情平稳。

2、3.The increase in encephalic pressure will lead to illnesses which has direct bearing on astronauts' performance at key time and may lead to inadaptability when they readjust themselves. ─── 3.这种颅内压的增加导致运动病.该病直接影响太空宇航员在关键时刻的表现.也可能导致重新调整适应后的各种不适.

3、Clinical Research of Combination Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine on Patients with Encephalic Cysticercus Complicated Hydrocephalus ─── 中西医结合治疗脑囊尾蚴并发脑积水的临床研究

4、After operation, the encephalic pressure was stabilized and the catheter in hemutoma cavity was cared... ─── 术后加强血肿腔置管护理,维持颅内压稳定,有效进行康复训练。

5、encephalic vertigo ─── 脑眩晕

6、Methods clinical data of 25 cases of newborn encephalic bleeding retrospectively were analyzed, were complicated with hyponatremia. ─── 方法 回顾性25例颅内出血合并低钠血症新生儿的临床资料。

7、Clinical application of micro-hurt cranium bore for drainage in patients with traumatic encephalic haematoma ─── 微创钻颅引流在外伤性颅内血肿的临床应用

8、Objective:To study the encephalic protection mechanism of mild hypothermia. ─── 目的:探讨亚低温治疗的脑保护作用机制。

9、Encephalic tissues impedance is the main parameter of encephalic tissues electrical characteristics. ─── 颅内组织电特性主要参数是颅内组织电阻抗。

10、Objective To explore an easy,economic and easily learnt method to locate the encephalic hematoma. ─── 目的寻找一种简便、快捷、准确、经济、易掌握的颅内血肿立体定位方法。

11、Encephalic cysticercus ─── 脑囊尾蚴

12、The result shows the encephalic pathological tissues have effect on the scalp boundary nodes potential. ─── 结果表明颅内组织异变对头皮边界节点电位的影响明显。

13、To mend the traumatic liver breaks with the medical aural and encephalic glue ─── 医用耳脑型胶修补术治疗外伤性肝破裂应用探讨

14、encephalic dngioma ─── [医] 脑血管瘤

15、For 2D real head model, the scalp boundary nodes potential distribution has been studied when the encephalic pathological tissue changes its kind, area or position. ─── 2.对二维真实头模型,分析了大脑组织在异变的种类、大小、位置不同时头皮边界节点电位分布情况。

16、MRI Diagnosis of Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum Incorporate Encephalic Malformation ─── 胼胝体发育不全并颅内畸形的MRI诊断

17、Objective To discuss cochlear implantation and preoperative evaluation for prelinguistic deaf patients with encephalic disease. ─── 目的探讨伴有颅内疾患的聋儿人工耳蜗植入术候选者的手术和术前评估的问题。

18、Analysis of Treatment on Chronic and Subacute Encephalic Hematoma with Minimally Traumatic Puncture Needle ─── 用颅内血肿微创穿刺针治疗慢性、亚急性血肿疗效分析

19、Keywords Mentality intervention;Gamma knife treatment;Encephalic tumor;Negative emotion; ─── 关键词心理干预;伽玛刀治疗;颅内肿瘤;负性情绪;

20、The results showed that the plasma level of PGE2 in ataxic chicks were significantly higher than that of healthy ones. T he data suggest that immunological function of chicken with nutritional encephal omal- acia reduce. ─── 结果表明,脑软化雏鸡血浆中PGE2含量较健康对照组雏鸡显著增高(P

21、Specialize in nasopharynx cancer therapy in the field of Gamma, and all kinds of encephalic tumors and other functional diseases. ─── 在伽玛刀治疗方面专长于鼻咽癌,各种颅内肿瘤及功能性疾病。

22、caudex encephalic pontilis ─── 脑桥

23、Keywords acute encephalic hematoma;cleaning;sinus damage;repair; ─── 急性颅内血肿;清除;静脉窦损伤;修补;

24、encephalic region ─── 脑区

25、Materials and Methods:We collected 26 patients with encephalic sponginess angioma approved by postoperative pathology,all the patients were diagnosed by CT、MRI and DSA. ─── 材料和方法:收集了经手术病理证实的26例颅内海绵状血管瘤的CT、MRI和DSA的影像特点。

26、4.Results Orbit tumor of a 21 year old young lady extends the encephalic and endangers the olfactory nerve and optic chiasma, even cause olfaction and visual acuity to be declined. ─── 结果1例21岁女性患者,眼眶肿瘤侵入颅内损伤嗅神经及视交叉,引起嗅觉及视力下降。

27、In all 76 cases, 46 cases had the histories of head trauma, 14 cases had clinical features similar to encephalic infection, such as fever, headache and neck resistance. ─── 76例中46例有头部外伤史,14例有发热、头痛、颈抗等类似颅内感染的表现。

28、The nursing for patients of acute cerebral hemorrhage with encephalic hematoma mini wound eliminate operation ─── 急性脑出血床旁颅内血肿微创清除术的护理

29、Results: Abnormalities located mainly in cerebral cortices, nuclei basales and thalamus, the lesions presented as low density on CT scan, 1 case was finding in truncus encephalic... ─── 结论:本组病例符合乙型脑炎病理改变,CT作为一种无创伤性的检查方法,在乙型脑炎的临床诊断及鉴别诊断中发挥着极为重要的作用。

30、anesthesia by encephal needling ─── 头针麻醉

31、The invention relates to a skull surface exact orientation device, belonging to a medical appliance for exactly orientating the encephalic focus. ─── 一种颅表精确定位仪,属用于对颅内病灶准确定位的医疗器械。

32、Objective:To probe into the clinical characteristics and therapies for the encephalic hematoma of those patients with agedness. ─── 目的:探讨老年人颅内血肿患者的临床特点和治疗。

33、encephal fever ─── 脑砂

34、Objective To investigate nosocomial infection( NI) in patients with encephalic hemorrhage. ─── 目的探讨颅内出血后病人发生医院感染情况,为颅内出血后医院感染的预防寻找对策。

35、Objective To evaluate diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in thediagnosis of encephalic diseases. ─── 目的评价磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)在脑部病变诊断中的应用价值。

36、electric encephalic signal ─── 脑电

37、Diagnosis and treatment of encephalic trichinosis ─── 脑旋毛虫病的诊断与治疗

38、Conclusion The research confirm that NA can inhibit erythrocyte aggregation, and can improve blood circulation of vertebra BA,and can improve encephalic condition of ischemia and oxygen-poor. ─── 结论该研究证实颈复贴能抑制红细胞聚集,因而能改善椎基底动脉的血液循环,改善脑的缺血、缺氧状态。

39、Clinic reportes of 36 cases of opposite side bleeding of acute encephalic injuries during operation ─── 急性颅脑损伤病人术中对侧出血36例临床报告

40、Objective To discuss the cause and the intervention method of newborn encephalic bleeding complicated with hyponatremia. ─── 目的探讨新生儿颅内出血合并低钠血症的原因及干预。

41、encephalic malaria ─── 脑型疟疾

42、encephalic asymmetry ─── 脑不对称

43、CT Measurement of Encephalic Histic Density and Ventricles of Brain in Normal Neonatel ─── 正常新生儿脑质密度及脑室的CT测量

44、The head Gamma knife center, depending on its strong technological power on neurosurgery and introduction of world leading OUR revolving Gamma knife in 1997, is an encephalic therapy institution. ─── 头部伽玛刀是依托该院神经外科雄厚的技术力量,于1997年引进世界领先水平的OUR旋转式伽玛刀而成立的颅脑疾病治疗研究机构。

45、Methods The clinical data of 25 cases of newborn encephalic bleeding retrospectively were analyzed,which were complicated with hyponatremia. ─── 方法 回顾性分析25例颅内出血合并低钠血症新生儿的临床资料。

46、Title: Clinical Research of Combination Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine on Patients with Encephalic Cysticercus Complicated Hydrocephalus. ─── 关键词:脑囊尾蚴;脑积水;中西医结合脑梗死;血脂

47、A new technique of measuring the encephalic microvcssel pressure in vivo is presented. ─── 本文论述了测量活体脑微血管中压力的新方法。

48、Objective To discuss cochlear implantation and preoperative evaluation for prelinguistic deaf patients with encephalic disease. ─── 目的探讨伴有颅内疾患的聋儿人工耳蜗植入术候选者的手术和术前评估的问题。

49、encephalic vesicles ─── [医] 脑泡

50、Eastern equine enceph atiis virus ─── 东方马脑脊髓炎病毒

51、veins of encephalic trunk ─── 脑干静脉

52、There were no encephalic hemorrhage case and bleeding symptom in 407 newborns. ─── 407例新生儿(20例为双胎)无颅内出血及其他出血症状,无围产儿死亡发生。

53、encephalic neuromere ─── 脑原节

54、Keywords neuron-specific enolase;encephalic infections;serum;CSF; ─── 神经元特异性烯醇化酶;颅内感染;血清;脑脊液;

55、It might be one of encephalic protection mechanisms to inhibit PAF content in brain after resuscitation by mild hypothermia. ─── 结论:PAF在缺血及再灌注脑损害中起重要作用,亚低温抑制复苏后脑组织中PAF含量的异常增加可能是其脑保护作用机制之一。

56、Objective: To probe into the clinical characteristics and therapies for the encephalic hematoma of those patients with agedness. ─── 目的:探讨老年人颅内血肿患者的临床特点和治疗。

57、Objective To report treatment of 21 cases of encephalic infection by perfusing Fu Daxin into ventricles of brain. ─── 目的报告应用脑室内灌注复达欣治疗严重颅内感染21例。

58、encephalic poliomyelitis ─── 脑型脊髓灰质炎

59、encephalic cysticercosis ─── 脑囊虫病

60、Conclusion:Meningeal melanocytoma is one of infrequent encephalic carcinoid.Completely resected is the first and best method for meningeal melanocytoma,radiotherapy is been very helpful for the ... ─── 结论:脑膜黑色素细胞瘤是颅内少见良性肿瘤,手术全切是治疗本病的首选方法,术后放疗对不能全切患者的预后有所改善。

61、2.The main EEG character is after-discharge high-amplitude pike wave or multi-pike wave epileptiform encephalic electrical activity which appears after the ending of stimulating. ─── 其中后放电即电刺激中止后出现的高幅棘波或多棘波痫样脑电活动,是其脑电特征。

62、Conclusion Bunaozhengwei Capsule had the effect of alleviating encephaledema and cerebral index,bringing down penetration of encephalic blood vessel,delaying the formation of thrombus. ─── 结果:补脑振痿胶囊能减轻大鼠双侧颈总动脉结扎形成的急性实验性不完全性脑缺血所引起的脑水肿,明显降低脑缺血后脑血管的通透性;

63、encephalic trunk ─── 脑干

64、Results: The main causes of encephalic infarction in the youngster were hypertensive cerebral arteriosclerosis, cranium trauma, cerebral arteritis and drinking. ─── 结果:青年脑梗塞的主要病因为高血压脑动脉硬化、头颅外伤、脑动脉炎及饮酒。

65、The exact orientation of mini-invasive treatment of the encephalic haematoma is not a standard method yet. ─── 而颅内血肿微创治疗的精确定位一直没有一个比较规范的方法。

66、Puncture Drainage of Encephalic Hemorrhage Under CT Control and Its Observation of Therapeutic Effect ─── CT监视下进行脑出血穿刺引流术及其疗效观察

67、The exact orientation of mini-invasive treatment of the encephalic haematoma is not a standard method yet. ─── 而颅内血肿微创治疗的精确定位一直没有一个比较规范的方法。

68、Results All of the cases were chronic cerebral schistosomiasis in which there were 5 in epilepti-forms,5,encephloma-forms and 1,apoplecti-form.5 in enceph loma-forms were misdiagnosed as glioma. ─── 结果所有病例均为慢性脑血吸虫病,其中癫痫型5例,脑瘤型5例,脑卒中型1例,5例脑瘤型曾误诊为“胶质瘤”;

69、Methods We reviewed the diagnosis and treatment of 3 prelinguistic deaf patients with encephalic disease, all the patients had been received a cochlear implant. ─── 方法总结在我院发现的3例伴有颅内疾病的语前聋病人,3例都已经实施了人工耳蜗植入术。

70、A preliminary study of fuzzy C-means clustering method in the pathological grading of human encephalic astrocytoma ─── 基于模糊C均值聚类的人脑星形细胞肿瘤病理分级方法初探

71、Objective:Report diagnosis,treatment and operation method of 15 cases of acute encephalic hematoma with sinus damage. ─── 目的探讨急性颅内血肿并静脉窦损伤诊断、治疗、手术方法。

72、Medical aural and encephalic glue ─── 医用EC耳脑胶

73、Keywords Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome;encephalic infarction;encephalorrhagia; ─── 妊娠高血压综合征;脑梗塞;脑出血;

74、The results show that congenital abnormity and menses injury contribute to most wean epilepsies,which are followed by encephalic infection and wean trauma. ─── 可见在小儿癫痫病因中,先天异常及卫生期损害是其最常见病因之一,其次是小儿外伤及颅内感染。

75、During the meeting, attendees actively aired their opinions and discussed clinic adaptability of Gamma knife curing encephalic diseases, and fully confirmed the superiority and importance of Gamma knife therapy. ─── 会议期间,大家踊跃发言,共同讨论了伽玛刀治疗颅内疾病的临床适应症,充分肯定了伽玛刀在治疗颅内疾病的优越性和重要性。

76、Keywords Vascular dementia ( VD );electric encephalic toposcopy;cerebral circulatory dynamics;"Brain-Strengthening Mixture; ─── 关键词血管性痴呆(VD);脑电地形图;脑循环动力学;健脑合剂;

77、encephalic electrical field stimulation ─── 脑电场刺激

78、There was no significant difference in the BACE positive neurons in every observational encephalic region and the contents of estrogen between E2 group and control group(P>0.05). ─── E2组与对照组比较,两组之间各观察部位BACE表达阳性细胞数和血液雌激素含量无显著差异(P均>0.05)。

79、Treatment of Encephalic Infection by Perfusing Fu Daxin into Ventricles of Brain ─── 脑室内复达欣灌注治疗颅内感染

80、acute encephalic hematoma ─── 急性颅内血肿

81、Observation of Early Clinical Signs of Traumatic Tardive Encephalic Haematoma in the Aged ─── 老年人外伤性迟发性颅内血肿早期临床征象的观察

82、Keywords X-knife;edema;characteristics of encephalic lesions; ─── 关键词X-刀;脑水肿;脑部病变性质;

83、The result shows the encephalic pathological tissues have effect on the scalp boundary nodes potential. ─── 结果表明颅内组织异变对头皮边界节点电位的影响明显。

84、Objective To summarize and analyze a new treatment technic of malignant encephalic glioma and its clinic curative effect. ─── 目的总结和分析恶性脑胶质细胞瘤局部治疗新技术及临床疗效。

85、On preventing secondary enteron bleeding of encephalic bleeding by using omeprazole: 30 cases ─── 奥美拉唑预防小儿颅内出血继发消化道出血的探讨:附30例分析

86、Encephalic and extracranial collateral circulation was established. ─── 颅内外侧支循环广泛形成。

87、Methods:The findings of 35 cases of hyperacute encephalic infarctions were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析35例超急性脑梗塞CT改变;

88、Objective:To inquire into the feature and diagnosis value of CT scanning in hyperacute encephalic infarction. ─── 目的:探讨CT检查在超急性脑梗塞中诊断价值;

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