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08-14 投稿


quicksilver 发音

英:['kw?ks?lv?]  美:['kw?k's?lv?]

英:  美:

quicksilver 中文意思翻译




quicksilver 网络释义

adj. 水银的;水银似的;多变的n. 水银;汞vt. 涂水银于;用水银处理

quicksilver 短语词组

1、quicksilver marvel ─── 水银奇迹

2、quicksilver messenger service quicksilver ─── 信使服务

3、quicksilver enchant ─── 水银附魔

4、quicksilver scenes ─── 水银场景

5、quicksilver x-men ─── 水银x战警

6、quicksilver audio quicksilver ─── 音频

7、quicksilver capital one ─── 水银大写一

8、quicksilver credit card ─── 水银信用卡

quicksilver 相似词语短语

1、coin silver ─── 铸银;货币银;[金融]银币合金

2、quicksilvering ─── n.水银,汞;变化莫测的事物;adj.瞬息万变的;v.用水银处理

3、quicker ─── adj.快些(quick的形容词比较级)

4、quicksilvery ─── adj.水银的;水银似的;多变的(quicksilver的变形)

5、quick sale ─── 快速销售

6、quacksalver ─── n.骗子;庸医

7、quicksilverish ─── 水银的,

8、quick shower ─── 快速淋浴

9、quickener ─── 加速器

quicksilver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next(bSven Birkerts) ─── 一个性情多变的人物,有时冷漠任性,而一会儿则变得很脆弱(b斯文 伯克斯)

2、It was like watching quicksilver in motion. ─── 感觉就像是看水银流动。”

3、Mirrors have a backingof quicksilver. ─── 镜子有水银作底。

4、Since Quicksilver Elemental can't be flipped, that part of ability effects in the copied ability won't do anything. ─── 我使用水银元素复制了植园武道家的异能,起动该异能并达到了倒转的条件,那水银元素会发生什麽事?

5、7 Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away. ─── 爱就像是握在手里的水银,把手指张开,它好好的呆在那里,要是你紧紧抓着,它反而溜走了。

6、One of the kidnapped mutants happens to be Magneto's son, Quicksilver. ─── 被绑架的突变体的当中一个偶然是磁电机的儿子, 水银。

7、Mercury is generally known as quicksilver. ─── 汞通称水银。

8、ELEMENTAL MERCURY: The "quicksilver" pictured here in a miner's hand is used to bond to gold in a slurry. ─── 汞元素:画面中矿工手上的“水银”放入泥浆中用来和金结合。

9、Her quicksilver nature had been a constant concern to her parents in the past. ─── 她好感情用事,这曾使她父母牵肠挂肚。

10、horn quicksilver ─── 汞膏

11、Beach Culture: A must for those into the Latest in beach clothing. Top surf street and fashion labels including Mambo, Stussy and Quicksilver, including children's sizes. ─── 市中心免税店:一定要店在市中心免税店购物,可以使您在香水,酒类,护肤品和香烟之类的物品上省一大笔。这是您过海关前最后的机会。

12、While the Eternal Guard, Glade Guard and Tree Kin form the backbone of the army, quicksilver Dryads, Wardancers and beast riders slip around the flanks, unleashing deadly and swift attacks upon the opposing army. ─── 永恒卫队、森林卫兵和树怪是军队的中坚力量,而易变的森林女神、战争舞女和各种骑士们则游离在侧翼,给敌人迅速而致命的打击。

13、a lotus leaf sheds muddy water as if it were quicksilver; ─── 荷叶能够如阻隔水银一般地阻隔泥水;

14、"Quicksilver" (the other name for mercury) is rapid in its response to conditions around it. ─── “亮且快的”(水银的另外一个名字)是因为它能迅速反映它周围的环境。

15、and put quicksilver in'em and set'em afloat, ─── 灌上水银,放在水面上浮着。

16、3、Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays, Clutch it, and it darts away. ─── 爱情就像手中的水银。松开手掌,它还留在那儿;我进了拳头想抓住他,它立刻消失得无影无踪。

17、He moves like quicksilver from one intriguing subject to the next, but you get the uncanny sense that he is speaking to what interests you. ─── 他就好比水银,刚从这件趣事中滑出,又滑进了另一个,但总是跟我们一种神秘感:他说的话永远都能让我们侧耳恭听。

18、Every step he took was absolutely precise and fluid at the same time. It was like watching quicksilver in motion. ─── 他的每一个舞步都是那么的准确流流畅,就如同倾泻的水银一般。

19、2. erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next. ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱。收藏指正

20、A politician is like quicksilver; if you try to put your finger on him, you will find nothing under it. ─── 政客好比水银; 当你要抓住他(的过错)的时候,你会发觉并未抓到什么东西。

21、Soon the quicksilver turned to gold; it was all true. ─── 不久,水银变成了黄金,千真万确,原文是这么写来着。

22、However, given a full return of his quicksilver skills, the forced downtime might turn out to be a blessing. ─── 然而,祝福他流畅华丽的技术能尽快恢复。

23、have quicksilver in one's veins ─── 具有活跃好动的性格

24、Bookmarks are searchable in Delicious, my blog posts are searchable in WordPress, files are searchable on the desktop (on the Mac, Quicksilver and Spotlight both work very well; ─── 拥有更多自由的工作者会拥有更多的快乐和工作热情。他们享受与其他优秀人才共同协作,工作不再是枯燥无味。

25、By heaven, they ought to be worked in quicksilver mines. ─── 但愿苍天有眼,让他们到水银矿上去作苦工。

26、quicksilver vermilion ─── 水银朱红

27、Quicksilver,though a metal, is a liquid . ─── 水银虽是金属,但它是一种液体。

28、7Love is like quicksilver inthe hand.Leave the fingers open and it stays.Clutch it,and it darts away. ─── 爱就象是握在手里的水银:把手张开,它好好的待在那里;用力握紧,它反而溜之大吉

29、At the very least, a skilled craftsman could use the shimmering quicksilver to augment an existing weapon. ─── 这发光的水银至少可以让一位技巧高超的匠人用来强化一把武器。

30、erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character,cool and willful at one moment,utterly fragile the next ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱

31、In the Diet he comes across as dour.In private his quicksilver manner can charm colleagues or just as quickly destroy them. ─── 在国会里,人们觉得他严肃冷酷,私下他多变的性情要么使同事们着迷要么就迅速摧毁他们。

32、"Mercury (quicksilver): Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Hg, atomic number 80." ─── 汞(亦称水银):金属化学元素,化学符号hg,原子序数80。

33、a quicksilver temper ─── 变幻莫测的脾气

34、a quicksilver character ─── 一个性情多变的人物

35、quicksilver ability ─── 无孔不入的穿插能力

36、Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open, and it stays; clutch it, and it darts away. ─── 爱像手中的水银。张开手时它在那里,握紧手时它却飞快地溜走了。

37、Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away. ─── 爱就像是握在手里的水银,把手指张开,它好好的呆在那里,要是你紧紧抓着,它反而溜走了

38、Like spilt quicksilver, hoarse growls rolled over the lurid weeds like thunders, ─── 低沉嘶哑的吼声像散落的水银滚过红色的草,

39、A politician is like quicksilver; ─── 政客好比水银;

40、What I hope for the language is the quicksilver quality that looks transparent but essentially still and elusive. ─── 这正如水银看似透明静止实则隐晦,变动不居。

41、For tips on cleaning up a broken CFL, see "Concerned About Quicksilver." ─── 关于清理破碎节能灯泡的小贴士,请参见“关于水银的知识”。

42、According to historical documents, in He Ls tomb the casket was protected by a triplicate outer coffin of bronze and the vault was filled with quicksilver and ornamented with gem-inlaid golden images of birds ─── 据记载,阖闾墓“铜椁三重,倾水银为池,黄金珍玉为凫雁”。

43、The river runs like quicksilver between the porcelain of its banks. ─── 小河好似陶瓷夹岸,急速流淌。

44、Love is like quicksilver in the hand . ─── 爱情就像手中的水银。

45、" Mercury (quicksilver): Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Hg, atomic number 80." ─── 汞(亦称水银):金属化学元素,化学符号Hg,原子序数80。

46、Mirrors have a backing of quicksilver ─── 镜子以水银作底。

47、A politician is like quicksilver; if you try to put your finger on him,you will find nothing under it. ─── 政客好比水银,当你要抓住他(的过错)的时候,你会发觉并未抓到什么东西。

48、The statistic analysis of measurement results of quicksilver blood- pressure meters in hospital ─── 我院水银式血压计计量结果的统计分析

49、as quicksilver to change, he was mercurial in nature and therefore unreliable. ─── 像水银那样快,他天性善变,因此不可靠。

50、Yes, and they take loaves of bread and put quicksilver in 'em and set 'em afloat, and wherever there's anybody that's drownded, they'll float right there and stop. ─── 无论什么地方有人落人,面包就会径直漂过去,停在出事的地方。”

51、Conjures a quicksilver ring that increases intelligence, wisdom, and grants 25% refresh haste and movement. ─── 召唤一个水银戒指,增加智力智慧,并减少25%的施法间隔和获得25%的移动加速.

52、The speed, mobility, the large number of exposures per loading, and, above all, the unobtrusiveness of the little camera perfectly fitted his shy, quicksilver personality. ─── 快门速度,机动性,数量众多的每次装载暴光,以及最首要的小型照相机的不突出都非常符合他的内敛,水银一样的个性。

53、When the gold appears dissolved in the quicksilver, shake well, add a little gum, one grain for example, and letting it stand, write in letters of gold. ─── 当黄金看来在水银里溶解时候,摇均匀,加入少量树胶,颗粒样,而让它保持不变,书写黄金信件。

54、Now the jackals came into their own, for male lions, possibly through sheer laziness, are usually very tolerant towards these quicksilver scavengers. ─── 这时那些豺走了过去,可能因为是非常非常懒惰,雄狮往往对那些快速敏捷的食腐动物非常宽容。

55、Mercurius as quicksilver is an eminently suitable symbol for the " fluid, " i. e. , mobile, intellect. ─── 摩丘锐斯作为水银,很明显是「液体」,例如流动的知性的适当象徵。

56、Mercury is your planet, Gemini, the guy with the wings on his head and his feet, symbolizing his quicksilver abilities when it comes to mental and physical speed. ─── 双子:水星是双子座的守护星。传说中这个双子男孩的头和脚上各有一对翅膀,这便暗示了无论在思维方式还是在身体素质上,双子座人都渴望快速多变。

57、erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next. ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱。

58、Well, then I happened to think how they always put quicksilver in loaves of bread and float them off, because they always go right to the drownded carcass and stop there. ─── 嗯,我突然想起,人们往往把水银灌到面包圈里,然后让它们在水面上漂,因为它们往往对准了沉在下面的尸体漂去,一到那里便停下来不动了。

59、The alchemist filled a crucible with quicksilver, added a pinch of his secret powder and set it to fire. ─── 布拉伽迪尼这位炼金砖家将水银注入熔炉,加了一小撮他极为机密的药粉,接着就点火炼金。

60、Elemental mercury, or quicksilver, is a shiny, silvery liquid metal found in thermometers, thermostats, light bulbs, barometers and LCD screens. ─── 汞,俗称水银,一种有银色光泽的液态金属,多用于体温计、自动调温器、灯泡、气压计和LCD屏幕。

61、How did you hear of Quicksilver Cruises ─── 你是如何得知

62、"Quicksilver" (the other name for mercury) is rapid in its response to conditions around it.If there is one thing that Mercury does well, it is to react - instantly. ─── "亮且快的"(水银的另外一个名字)是因为它能迅速反映它周围的环境.如果水星其中一样是对的,那么它会立刻反应.

63、Yes, and they take loaves of bread and put quicksilver in 'em and set 'em afloat, and wherever there's anybody that's drownded, they'll float right there and stop." ─── 对,他们还用大块面包,灌上水银,放在水面上浮着。 无论什么地方有人落人,面包就会径直漂过去,停在出事的地方。”

64、He is made of steel. Both steel and quicksilver. ─── 没错,是铁打的。不单是铁,也是水银。

65、"a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next" (Sven Birkerts) ─── “一个性情多变的人物,有时冷漠任性,而一会儿则变得很脆弱”(斯文·伯克斯)

66、Theirs was the only boat afloat on this endless expanse of water like rippling quicksilver. ─── 这风从南面吹过来,从稻秧上苇尖吹过来,水面没有一只船,水像无边的跳荡的水银。

67、To write in letters of gold - take quicksilver, pour it into a suitable vase and add gold leaf. ─── 用黄金写信-拿来水银,将水银倒入一个合适的瓶子里,加入金叶。

68、It was odd that he of all people should appear in this light, for he was as unstable as quicksilver and as perverse as a demon fresh from the pit. ─── 他黑得很厉害呢。"该死的家伙!她们真该死。等到我有很多钱了,我一定要往她们脸上啐唾沫。

69、His movement has been described as "quicksilver", permitting him to make abrupt turns, springing starts and sudden stops required of the sheepherding dog. ─── 他的动作可以被形容为 "流动",能够突然转弯、弹跳起步、突然停止,完全满足一个牧羊犬的要求。

70、Mercurius: The Refinement of Quicksilver, or Pyros. Practitioners are called Ophidians or Serpents. ─── 汞炼(墨丘利):汞之精炼,又称圣火精炼。其施行者被称为蛇士或海龙。

71、Her quicksilver nature had been a constant concern to her parents in the past. ─── 她好感情用事,这曾使她父母牵肠挂肚。更详细。

72、One of the kidnapped mutants happens to be Magneto 's son, Quicksilver. ─── 被绑架的突变体的当中一个偶然是磁电机的儿子,水银。

73、It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs; ─── 这一面明镜,石子敲不碎它,它的水银永远擦不掉,它的外表的装饰,大自然经常地在那里弥补;

74、his quicksilver temperament ─── 他那喜怒无常的性情

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