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annalistic 发音

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annalistic 中文意思翻译



annalistic 短语词组

1、annalistic means ─── 年鉴法

2、annalistic definition ─── 年鉴定义

3、annalistic tradition ─── 编年史传统

4、annalistic engineering ─── 年鉴工程

5、annalistic method ─── 年鉴法

6、annalistic accounts ─── 年鉴帐目

annalistic 相似词语短语

1、anomalistic ─── adj.不规则的;异常的;近点的

2、animalistic ─── adj.兽性说的,肉欲的

3、vandalistic ─── 肆意破坏公物的

4、cannibalistic ─── adj.同类相食的,自相残杀的;食人肉的

5、atonalistic ─── adj.不成调的;无调性的

6、annalist ─── n.编年史作者;纪年表编者

7、finalistic ─── adj.终极因论的

8、annaliste ─── 编年史

9、annalists ─── n.编年史作者;纪年表编者

annalistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An Annalistic Investigation to Zhang Jian's Articles and Speeches on Education ─── 张謇教育论著系年考订

2、Historiography works of Buddhism were in large quantity,various styles. The Buddhism history of annalistic style,biographical style and the Tripitaka catalogues with explanations were created. ─── 佛教史学著作数量丰富,各体兼备,并创造出纪传体、编年体教史和藏经解题目录等新体例。

3、By the methods of literature, theory annalist, investigation ,statistic mathematis, logic and so on.Regard 25 higher vocational colleges in Fujian Province as the research objects. ─── 采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑法等研究方法,以福建省25所高职院校为研究对象。

4、On "The Annalistic Proof of LI Shang-yin's Works ─── 评《李商隐文编年校注》

5、historiography of annalistic style ─── 编年体史学

6、An Annalistic Investigation to Zhang Jian's Articles and Speeches on Education ─── 张謇教育论著系年考订

7、Mumbai-based film trader annalist trade analyst, Komal Nahata, says Reliance's partnership with DreamWorks will give global exposure to Inidan the Indian entertainment industry. ─── 想象信实公司的名字出现在斯皮尔伯格电影的感谢栏中,这意味重大。”

8、annalistic history ─── ph. 编年史, 编年史

9、Through annalistic GIS technique of subassembly and comparison to MO and VB, we decide to adopt VB and MO based on geographical information system of the school that was projected for second times. ─── 通过对组件式GIS技术的分析,还比较了MO和VB等技术,我们决定选用VB和MO进行开发学校基础地理信息系统。

10、By the methods of literature, theory annalist ,investigation , statistic mathematis, logic and so on.Regard middle school students of FuJian Province and key sports teachers as the research objects. ─── 本文采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑法等研究方法,以福建省中学生和中学体育骨干教师为研究对象。

11、(said of history) annalistic style; chronological style ─── 编年体

12、On the So-called Consecrat Lama in the Yuan Dynasty of Mongolia on the Mongolia's Annalistic Historical Book in 17 century ─── 论17世纪蒙古编年史书所杜撰的所谓蒙元时期供养喇嘛

13、annalistic present ─── 历史现在时编年史中的现在时

14、annalistic history of archaeology ─── 商史编年

15、of Spring and Autumn Annals marked the formation of a style of compiling history, that is, historiography of annalistic style. ─── 春秋》的问世标志着中国至迟在这一时期形成了一门关于史书编纂的专门学问:编年体史学。

16、an annalistic opera history ─── 编年体戏曲史

17、Narrate Superiority and Influence of the Biography Written by Zuo's Annalistic Style ─── 《左传》编年体结构的叙事优势及其影响

18、This play by the annalistic style form, narrated this year after year to the husbands and wives 50 year rough marriage road. ─── 本剧以编年体的形式,一年又一年地讲述了这对夫妻五十年坎坷婚姻路。

19、The paper tries to achieve mastery of strategic annalistic and theory through the study on a realistic case. ─── 本文通过具有现实意义的个案研究达到对战略管理分析方法和思想的融汇贯通。

20、And the strictly annalistic and use of constructivism to the geometric structure, especially the crisscross structure fully fascinated the Japanese designing community. ─── 构成主义设计对于几何结构,特别是纵横结构的严格分析和运用,使日本设计界非常入迷。

21、Hong Hyun-ik, an annalist analyst at The the Sejong Institute, says he thinks the 2 women will be released " for sure. ─── 洪元凯,世宗研究机构的分析师认为两个女人将被释放是必然的。

22、The paper tries to achieve mastery of strategic annalistic and theory through the study on a realistic c ase. ─── 本文通过具有现实意义的个案研究达到对战略管理分析方法和思想的融汇贯通。

23、Which annalistic style book in ancient China leaving the earliest record about Halley's Comet? ─── 在中国古代哪本编年史书中留下了关于哈雷彗星最早的记载?

24、This article summarizes Annalistic Bibliotheca Poem, and the content which has four sections as follow: In the first section, the life of Ye has been introduced in brief. ─── 本文对叶昌炽的《藏书纪事诗》一书进行了系统的研究与总结,全文共分四大部分:第一部分介绍了叶昌炽的生平。

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