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08-14 投稿


propeller 发音

英:[pr??pel?r]  美:[pr??pel?(r)]

英:  美:

propeller 中文意思翻译



propeller 常用词组

propeller shaft ─── n. 传动轴;螺旋轴

propeller blade ─── 螺旋桨叶片

screw propeller ─── n. 螺旋桨

propeller 词性/词形变化,propeller变形


propeller 短语词组

1、propeller blade angle ─── [机] 螺桨叶角

2、jet propeller ─── [机] 喷射推进装置, 喷射推进器

3、mixer with propeller ─── [化] 螺桨式搅拌机

4、propeller (type)stirrer ─── [化] 螺旋桨(式)搅拌机; 螺旋桨(式)搅拌器

5、adjustable pitch-propeller ─── [机] 可调整螺距桨

6、propeller drive shaft ─── [化] 搅拌器驱动轴

7、adjustable blade propeller pump ─── [机] 调节叶片螺浆泵

8、airplane propeller ─── [网络] 飞机螺旋桨

9、propeller blade ─── [化] 螺旋桨叶

10、mixing propeller ─── [化] 搅拌桨

11、propeller agitater ─── [化] 螺旋桨搅拌机; 螺旋桨搅拌器

12、anti'propeller ─── [机] 螺旋桨防冰器

13、aerial propeller ─── [机] 航空螺旋桨

14、propeller arc ─── [机] 螺旋桨效应电弧

15、propeller agitator ─── [化] 螺旋桨式搅拌器 ─── [医] 推进式搅拌器

16、double-propeller plane ─── [网络] 双螺旋桨飞机

17、jet propeller aeroplane ─── [机] 螺旋浆喷气飞机

18、mixed-flow propeller pump ─── [化] 混流式旋浆泵

19、propeller advance ─── [机] 螺旋浆进程

propeller 相似词语短语

1、troweller ─── 抹子。

2、propellents ─── n.推动者;推进物;推进燃料;adj.推进的;有推动力的

3、propelled ─── adj.推进的;v.推动;驱使(propel的过去分词)

4、propellant ─── n.推进物;推进燃料;发射火药;adj.推进的

5、groveller ─── 格罗夫勒

6、proller ─── 普洛勒

7、repeller ─── n.反射极;退回器

8、propellers ─── n.[航][船]螺旋桨;[印刷]螺旋辊(propeller的复数)

9、propellent ─── n.推动者;推进物;推进燃料;adj.推进的;有推动力的

propeller 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、State, foreign and private capital are now working side by side to propel economic development. ─── 国资、外资、民资共同促进经济发展的格局初步形成。

2、In case of damage, a simple blade exchange is possible instead of changing the complete propeller. ─── 如果桨叶损坏,可以简单更换桨叶,不需要更换整个螺旋桨。

3、Place the propeller on press. ─── 在榨汁机上放推进器。

4、Chief officer,would you please turn the rudder? We are going to dismantle the propeller cone. ─── 大副,您现在可以转一下舵角吗?我们要拆螺旋桨将军帽。

5、The two-section propeller is supported by a center bearing and coupled together by universal joints. ─── 两段传动轴之间有一个中间支承轴承,并由万向节连接。

6、Can you free the propeller from the weeds? ─── 你能把螺旋桨上的草除掉吗?

7、To strike, propel, arouse, or stimulate. ─── 促进,推动,唤起,刺激

8、The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. ─── 风力推动固定在转轴上两三个像推进器一样的叶片。

9、Reindex propeller shaft 180° and evaluate. ─── 将传动轴翻转180°,并测试。

10、It is our long-term central task to push forward the modernization drive and propel economic progress. ─── 搞好现代化建设,推动经济发展,是我们长期的中心任务。

11、To propel with or as if with oars or an oar. ─── 划:用桨推动。

12、This accommodates any effective change of length of the propeller shaft as the rear axles move toward or away from the car frame. ─── 当后桥在车架上向前或向上运动时,这种结构足以调整传动轴长度的任何变化。

13、Mathematical model of podded-propeller was developed to calculate the performance of pod POD and propeller. ─── 建立数学模型,螺旋桨及吊舱均采用面元法计算分析。

14、Mark the propeller shaft and pinion yoke, or pinion flange, for installation reference. ─── 在传动轴和传动轴轴轭、或小齿轮轴轭上作标记,作安装的参考标志。

15、The other propeller, placed at the rear of the craft, steers it. ─── 另一个安装在船后部的螺旋桨是用来驾驶船的。

16、An air straightener should be placed down stream from propeller to counteract circular air motion in the tube. ─── 一种气体直线流动器应该使气流从推进器的反作用中使气体的活动在管内循环。

17、Because succeeds the joyfulness is the powerful propeller, it can urge the human to advance boldly. ─── 因为成功的愉悦是有力的推进器,它能催人奋进。

18、To propel, eject , or insert with or as if with a pump. ─── 城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐出大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。

19、Deicer: a device used on an aircraft to keep the wings and propeller free from ice or to remove ice after it has formed. ─── 防冰装置,去冰器:飞机上的一种装置,用来防止机翼和推进器上结冰,或者在结冰后除冰。

20、High quality fiberglass frame and aluminum propeller which is molded in one body, provide maintenance for life. ─── 优质玻璃纤维结构的外框,一体成型的铝铸风叶提供终身保修;

21、Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones. ─── 一种Y形的小木棍,上边两丫之间有一条橡皮筋;常用来射出小石块(以攻击别人)。

22、Different nacelle with deeper ross-section and intake over propeller shaft. ─── 发动机舱、螺旋桨轴处的进气口有一些不同。

23、The propeller blade has been mounted. ─── 推进器的叶片已经安装好了。

24、The propeller shaft to be turned clockwise viewed from afterward of M/E when running ahead. ─── 当主机正车时,从主机后面看螺旋桨轴为顺时针旋转。

25、To propel through the air with a motion of the hand or arm. ─── 以手掷物用手部或臂部的移动(将某物)在空中推进。

26、You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back. ─── 拍自己的背是没法把自己推向前的。

27、Underneath the rear fuselage a large air scoop aspirated the second unit, which powered a three-bladed propeller mounted behind a cruciform tail. ─── 在机身后部下设置有大型进气口用来吸收十字尾翼后面的三叶螺旋桨气流。

28、Success ducting VIS system's being doubtless will become a company development emollient propeller. ─── 成功导入VIS系统无疑会成为公司发展有力的推进器。

29、The propeller blades were fouled with many threads of fishing nets. ─── 如:该轮遇到海上漂流物,鱼网把螺旋桨缠住。

30、Moving the platform sideways involves applying differing amounts of power to each propeller. ─── 使平台侧向移动,则需要给螺旋推进器添加不等的能量。

31、Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching. ─── 下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接后校中。

32、The D9B can be equipped with a power take-off designed for propeller shaft operation or direct-mounted hydraulic pumps. ─── D9B可提供适用于驱动轴运转或直接安装式液压泵的动力输出。

33、A hub, especially of a propeller. ─── 冲头冲头,尤指推进器冲头

34、Given that our survey work was close to complete I decided for the group to leave two days early on the shoddy propeller. ─── 为了让我们的调研工作有个完美的结局,我决定靠这个假冒的推进器早两天离开。

35、It is said that the pilot saw the propeller as alternating segments of white and blue, hence the logo. ─── 据说飞行员看到的螺旋桨是不断交替的蓝白片段,后来的标志就是据此设计的。

36、As long as that's the case, this will continue to propel gold higher. ─── 倘若如此,这些因素都将继续推动金价走高。

37、The propeller doesn't work well. ─── 推进器运转不灵。

38、The engine reciprocates the propeller. ─── 引擎往复推动螺旋桨。

39、The circular BMW logo was a representation of the spinning propeller of a Bavarian Luftwaffe. ─── 圆形的宝马标志代表了巴伐利亚空军飞机上旋转的螺旋桨。

40、A man had bolted a go-cart engine and a propeller to the back of a hang glider, and there he was, running off flat ground and cruising into the sky just like a bird. ─── 一个人预先将轻便车发动机和螺旋桨捆到悬挂式滑翔机的后部,他准备就绪,接着在乎地上迅速奔跑,然后像鸟一样盘旋上天。

41、Jet planes have displaced propeller ones. ─── 喷气式飞机取代了螺旋桨飞机。

42、Switch on the ignition, close the choke and suck gas into the intake of the carburetor by flipping the propeller over counter-clockwise. ─── 打开点火系统电源,关闭阻气阀逆时针拨动螺旋桨让油进入化油器。

43、The sound of vomiting was heard aBove the drone of the propeller. ─── 呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的声音还要响。

44、A rope jammed the boat's propeller. ─── 一条绳子卡住了船的推进器。

45、To propel a boat or raft with a pole. ─── 以竿撑船用一根杆或篙推动小船或筏子

46、This paper presents a propeller lifting surface method with the inclusion of the effect due to the boss. ─── 为此,本文提供了一个计及桨毂影响的升力面方法。

47、To travel in or propel a canoe. ─── 乘坐木舟,划独木舟

48、Install the straps and bolts to hold the propeller shaft to the yoke. ─── 安装扣夹和螺栓,将传动轴固定到轴轭上。

49、We should energetically promote IT application and use IT to propel and accelerate industrialization. ─── 大力推进信息化,用信息化带动工业化,加快工业化进程。

50、The distance that a propeller would travel in an ideal medium during one complete revolution, measured parallel to the shaft of the propeller. ─── 推进器转一圈的距离飞机螺旋桨旋转一次的前移距离,以其与螺旋桨相平行的距离衡量

51、We must first calculate the horse-power needed to propel the ship. ─── 我们必须首先计算出驱动这艘船需要多大马力。

52、They use oars to propel boats . ─── 他们用浆推进船只。

53、"The propeller shaft may be solid or hollow, protected by an outer tube or exposed. ─── 传动轴可以是实心的或空心的,由套管加以保护或裸露在外。

54、They are proved to be correct by using Matlab simulation,which have some referrence value for transverse force of propeller. ─── 实验证明,提出的计算方法是正确的,对研究螺旋桨横向力有一定的参考价值.

55、How did the supply and marketing cooperative propel sysytem innovation? ─── 供销社如何有效推进体制创新?

56、The front wheels did the steering, while a propeller could be retracted by an electric motor. ─── 当推进器被电动机牵引缩回之时,它可以依靠前轮进行转向。

57、The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation. ─── 心气是推动血液循行的原动力。

58、Change into a skateboard, broom, mallet, cannon, flyswatter, propeller beanie and a cloud. ─── 可以使用各种不同的渐变工具,变成溜冰板,扫帚,槌棒,苍蝇拍,或则云朵。

59、To propel a watercraft with paddles or a paddle. ─── 以浆划动用桨推动船只

60、To transport or propel by rowing. ─── 以划桨推进通过划桨运输或推进

61、Keep the propeller(s) clear. ─── 保持螺旋桨清爽。

62、We can accomplish humanism management through various means and propel enterprise's innovation forward. ─── 可以通过多种途径实现企业内的人本管理,以此推动企业创新。

63、In reality, Qantas has had eight crashes, all prior to the making of the film, but they were all propeller-driven planes, not jets. ─── 事实上,在拍摄电影之前,澳洲航空已经发生过8次事件了,飞机都是螺旋桨驱动的,不是喷气式的。

64、They try to propel the watercrafts with paddles. ─── 他们试着用桨推动船只。

65、To improve the basic theory of propeller and agitator, the surface panel method is applied to numerical computation in this thesis. ─── 将面元法应用于轴流叶轮和轴流式搅拌器方面的研究必将促进桨叶和搅拌器的基础理论的发展,具有较高的学术研究和应用价值。

66、In a turboprop engine, the main thrust comes from the propeller and only a small proportion from the jet exhaust. ─── 在涡桨发动机中,主要的推力来自螺旋桨,只有一小部分来自喷出的尾气。

67、Open the throttle to the idle position and turn the propeller over 10 times by hand to pressurize the tank. ─── 打开节流阀到低速位置,用手拨动螺桨超过10次将油箱加压。

68、The rope fouled the propeller. ─── 绳索缠住了螺旋桨。

69、Since then, Tokyo has grown into a world city that is helping to propel the progress of the Asian region. ─── 从那时候起,东京已经成长为帮助推进亚洲地区发展的主要城市。

70、Propel while in the air and before touching the ground,as of a ball in a game. ─── 凌空使推进,如在比赛中的球。

71、It showed using stirrer with propeller and diversion tube can obviously improve the temperature distribution of CHP decomposition reactor. ─── 工业应用表明,采用"螺旋桨+导流筒"型式的搅拌后,能明显改善CHP分解反应器的温度分布。

72、To take responsibility will propel you forward and onward to your greater good. ─── 承担责任能推动你不断前进,创造更美好的前程。

73、Remove the rear propeller shaft. ─── 拆卸后传动轴。

74、The reason the propeller shaft shortens as the angle increases is that the rear axle and differential move in a shorter arc than the propeller shaft. ─── 当角度增加时,传动轴变短的原因是后桥和差速器运动的弧度小于传动轴运动的弧度。

75、With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate. ─── 随着低沉的隆隆声,螺旋桨开始旋转起来。

76、A backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft. ─── 喷气流向后流动的空气,如由飞机的螺旋浆引起

77、The system of transforming data and generating process data of propeller was introduced. ─── 介绍了桨叶测量数据传输和工艺数据辅助生成系统。

78、To propel something, especially a ball, in a high arc. ─── 将(球)高击将某物,尤指球,推入高弧线

79、Propel will continue to be available in powder form as well. ─── 推进将继续提供粉末形式以及。

80、Vehicle of Flight Propel yourself higher! ─── 尽量进入大转盘的内部,碰运气可以上到上一层。

81、"The Digital Age is helping propel me," Rain said. ─── “数字信息时代正帮助推进我”,雨说。

82、A piece of string has twisted round the propeller. ─── 一根绳子缠在螺旋桨上了。

83、You will need some skills to propel you up that ladder of success. ─── 你需要掌握一些促使自己往上爬升的技能。

84、"The propeller shaft is a drive shaft to carry the power from the transmission to the rear-wheel axles. ─── 传动轴是将动力从变速器传送到后桥的驱动轴上。

85、Nowdays, it's immediacyto propel the transfer of agricultural leftover labors positively, overall and activity. ─── 当前,积极、全面、主动推动农业剩余劳动力转移已经刻不容缓。

86、Align previously made marks on yoke and propeller shaft and install propeller shaft. ─── 将定位轭架上的预制标记对准传动轴并安装传动轴。

87、He used a paddle to propel the boat. ─── 他用船桨将船推进。

88、How do you install the propeller? ─── 怎样安装螺旋桨?

89、Align the installation reference marks on the propeller shaft and yoke and install the propeller shaft. ─── 对准传动轴和轭上安装参考标记,安装传递轴。

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