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08-14 投稿


fetishism 发音

英:['fi?t???z?m]  美:['f?t???z?m]

英:  美:

fetishism 中文意思翻译



fetishism 短语词组

1、Underwear fetishism ─── 内衣拜物教

2、fetishism of money ─── 金钱的拜物教

3、Pubic hair fetishism ─── 阴毛崇拜

fetishism 词性/词形变化,fetishism变形

名词: fetishist |形容词: fetishistic |副词: fetishistically |

fetishism 相似词语短语

1、fetichism ─── n.物神崇拜(等于fetishism);物恋

2、fetichist ─── n.拜物教徒;盲目崇拜者(等于fetishist)

3、fetishised ─── 迷恋

4、fetishize ─── vt.盲目迷恋;以…为偶像

5、fetishes ─── 盲目崇拜(fetish的复数)

6、fetishises ─── 恋物癖

7、fetishists ─── 拜物教徒

8、fetishist ─── n.恋物癖者,物神崇拜者

9、fetishise ─── vt.恋物;物化

fetishism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We are not here to judge one’s eating habits. However, we can not figure why one would want to broadcast to the world such a peculiar fetish. ─── 一般来说我们都不会注意别人要吃什么,但是很无奈有人竟然会这样大声的宣布这样一个奇特的食物习惯。 9.译者赠送一条:bigsb.com

2、Advertisement, Medium: the External Motive of Symbolic Fetishism ─── 广告、媒介:符号拜物教的外在动因

3、Research on the Fetish of Money in Our Socialism Market Economy ─── 我国社会主义市场经济条件下的货币拜物教及其扬弃

4、Consider the compensations Mr Cameron offered for thwarting the referendum fetish. ─── 想想因为阻挠公投狂热卡梅伦提出的补偿措施吧。

5、I have a fetish for flowers. ─── 我非常喜欢花儿。

6、Fetishism: Narrative Sentiment in Chinese Literature at the Turn of Century ─── 写物主义:世纪之交中国文学的叙事情感

7、Women's underclothes are a common fetish. ─── 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。

8、Digital Superstition is the main form of modern symbol fetishism . ─── 数字化迷信是现代符号拜物教的主导形式。

9、If there’s one fetish mankind can agree on, it’s the fetish for our feathered friends. ─── 如果有一个恋物癖人类能够同意的,它的这个恋物癖我们有羽毛的朋友。

10、She has a fetish about cleanliness. ─── 她有洁癖。

11、1. He makes a fetish of his new car. ─── 他把自己的新汽车奉若神明.

12、An African charm, fetish, or amulet. ─── 一种非洲咒语、物神或护身符

13、An object used as a fetish,a charm,or an amulet in West Africa. ─── 护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件。

14、Businesses should not make a fetish of size, particularly if this means diversifying into a lot of unrelated areas. ─── 商业不应盲目崇尚规模,尤其是不能光图规模而将业务拓展到许多不相关的领域。

15、It’s just like how Americans have a fetish with steroid body builders and breast implants. ─── 它很正直像美国人如何有一个物神由于类固醇身体建立者而且胸部深植。

16、Export fetishism seems fated to endure. ─── 对出口的盲目崇拜似乎注定要忍受。

17、Technology fetishism is so easy to quantify that it forces out the more complex creative analysis. ─── 技术物恋是那么容易的确定它外面强迫更复杂的有创造性的分析。

18、Fetish Recall - Fact or Fiction? ─── 事实还是虚构?

19、Marxists who make a fetish of formulas are simply playing the fool with Marxism and the Chinese revolution, and there is no room for them in the ranks of the Chinese revolution. ─── 公式的马克思主义者,只是对于马克思主义和中国革命开玩笑,在中国革命队伍中是没有他们的位置的。

20、Women's underclothes are a common fetish . ─── 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物.

21、Stargazers cannot take Fetish or Resources. ─── 不能有偶像或者资源。

22、Persons attracted to amputees in particular are said to be engaging in amputee fetishism. ─── 尤其被截肢者吸引的人据说都投身于截肢者崇拜主义了。

23、His fetish for style is unbelievable. ─── 他迷恋时尚简直到了叫人不敢相信的地步。

24、a charm,fetish,spell,or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo ─── 伏都崇拜物;一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

25、Technology fetishism is so easy to quantify that it forces out the more complex creative analysis. ─── 技术物恋是那么容易的确定它外面强迫更复杂的有创造性的分析。

26、Jean Baudrillard's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist's theory of consumer alienation. ─── 摘要鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。

27、His criticism on Signifier Fetishism thoroughly developed Debord's Spectacle Fetishism, and the way to liberate Signifier Fetishism is a kind of romantic Utopian at the primary level. ─── 他的能指拜物教批判是将德波景观拜物教批判的彻底化,其解放道路是一种草根浪漫主义的空想。

28、As wrong ideas, commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality. ─── 商品拜物教、货币拜物教是一种错误的观念,属认识水平问题,与道德无关。

29、the concept of commodity fetishism ─── 商品拜物教观念

30、You always did have something of a danger fetish. ─── 你总是过于求险冒进。

31、Although money worship and commodity fetishism, currency fetishism are the same in some respects, they are different form each other. ─── 拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。

32、The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration. ─── 中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。

33、Semantic Direction of the Good-bad Partially-directed Compound Word and Language Fetishism ─── 古汉语好恶偏义复词的语义指向与语言拜物教

34、His company's stock price promptly dropped from 20 to 5, so it's a good thing we didn't take the offer, but it's hard to pin that on the King David fetish. ─── 他的公司的股价迅速地从20跌到5元,所以我们不接受那个提议是一件好事,不过这并不能归咎于对大卫王的盲目崇拜。

35、Without the domestic resources of modernity, the pursuit of artistic modernization must lead to the "fetishism" that appeared in modem western art. ─── 在没有本土现代性资源的条件下追求艺术的现代化,必定出现西方现代艺术的“拜物教”。

36、He has this fetish and he is constantly eating my homework. ─── 他有怪癖而且他经常吃我的作业。

37、Demystification, autonomy and "novelty" fetishism are three core concepts of modem art. ─── 摘要去魅、自主性和“新”之崇拜是现代艺术的三个核心概念。

38、The Conditions for Contemporary Chinese Currency Fetishism to Come into Being and the Reasons to Exist ─── 当代中国货币拜物教产生的条件和存在的原因

39、She had a fetish for red hair. ─── 她对红发爱得入迷。

40、He makes a fetish of his work. ─── 他迷上了他的工作。

41、In his analysis of the commodity, money and capital fetishism, Marx points out the nature and the production condition of fetishism, and suggests the ways to get rid of fetishism. ─── 摘要在对商品、货币、资本三重拜物教的分析中,马克思指出了拜物教的实质与产生条件,提出了如何破除拜物教的思路。

42、Of man liberated from the clutches of an alienating social machinery, from a mythical hierarchy of values, formalized freedoms, from the dictatorship of property, the fetish and the might of money? ─── 什么是人从一种异化的社会机器的控制中解放出来,从虚构的价值等级,形式上的自由,从财产的专制及对金钱拜物教和强权中解放出来呢?

43、Fortunately, most often fetishism and sadomasochism appear in socially harmless, unthreatening forms. ─── 幸运的是,恋物癖和施虐受虐癖多数时候不会以危害和威胁社会的方式出现。

44、Under this strategy, sometimes called “export fetishism”, countries spur sales abroad, often by keeping their currencies cheap. ─── 在这种被称为“出口至上主义”的策略下,政府常以保持本国货币的廉价来激励跨国贸易。

45、The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish. ─── 恋物癖把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上

46、Once again, one has to keep in mind that fetishism is a matter of degree, and that much depends on the circumstances whether it becomes a problem. ─── 再一次提醒大家,我们必须谨记,恋物癖是一个程度的问题,而且更大程度上依赖于是否把它当作一个问题看待的环境条件而定。

47、Fetish: something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, thatAROUSES sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. ─── 呵呵,中文解释为“恋物情结”,好像简单了点。好了,大家来讨论讨论吧。呵呵。

48、Keywords Commodity Fetishism;Commercialization;Mass Culture/Popular Culture; ─── 商品拜物教;商品化;大众文化;

49、a magazine specializing in rubber fetishism ─── 专登橡胶恋物的杂志

50、the development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism. ─── 上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。

51、The beloved is the ultimate fetish. ─── 我爱的人是我最后的偶像。

52、Meanwhile, there exist the conditions that breed fetishism. ─── 同时,从理论上讲,我国也客观存在着产生拜物教的条件。

53、In modern context, the ideology problem had been devoiced from popular circumstance, and the consumption culture and fetishism would be the criteria of daily life for common people. ─── 在当下语境中,意识形态的问题已经脱离民间的语境,消费文化和物欲追求成为人们的真实依归。

54、For the older people, the fetish of Leifeng was a virtue, a kind of exellence. ─── 对于上了年纪的人来说,对于雷锋的狂热似乎是一种品德,一种完美的追求。

55、the importance of animal fetishism in the history of Egypt ─── 埃及史上崇拜动物的重要性

56、Is there fetish of money in our socialism market economy? ─── 我国目前的社会主义市场经济中是否也存在货币拜物教?

57、I have a foot fetish,@ says Enrique, who hates his own. ─── “我有恋足癖,”他说,同时他恨自己的双脚。

58、Joseph Stiglitz, the group's chairman and one of the laureates, said the 292-page report was a call to abandon "GDP fetishism" . ─── 这个团队的主席同时身为摘得桂冠的一员,约瑟夫·施蒂格利兹说,这份292页的报道是废除“GDP崇拜”的信号。

59、He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife. ─── 他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。

60、PART 4 (FOOT FETISH )-舔脚,闻袜,舔鞋,foot,worship,dirty,s... 2008-9-15 3570 ─── 提问:你补袜子的时候有没有闻一闻袜子?-[易索论坛]2008-9-152517次

61、Slavoj Zizek discloses the non-integrality of ideology via Marx's analyses of "commodity fetishism". ─── 摘要齐泽克从马克思对“商品拜物教”的分析出发,揭露了意识形态的不完整性。

62、Without the domestic resources of modernity, the pursuit of artistic modernization must lead to the "fetishism" that appeared in modern western art. ─── 在没有本土现代性资源的条件下追求艺术的现代化,必定出现西方现代艺术的“拜物教”。

63、Fetishism is the seduction of death, including the death of the rule in perversion . ─── 拜物主义是死亡的诱惑,包括规则的死亡在反常行为。

64、From fringing to laces to buckles and straps;exotic to fetish to architectural;these are the elements that define the trends. ─── 从流苏到蕾丝、从铆钉到系带,从异国情调到充满结构感,没错,这些元素都将是绝对潮流之选。

65、In the context of the consumptive society, the ancient mythology and faith has gradually given their place to commodity fetishism. ─── 在消费社会的语境下,古老的神话和信仰逐渐让位于商品拜物教。

66、worship sb. or sth.; make a fetish of sth. ─── 奉若神明

67、A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo ─── 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

68、And therefore, Marxist theory of fetishism is of practical significance in guiding us to take effective measures to lessen the bad influence of fetishism. ─── 因此,马克思的拜物教理论对于我们在拜物教存在情况下采取有效措施克服其消极影响有着重要的现实参考意义。

69、People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish. ─── 人们可能会认为你有一个可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖。

70、Maybe it was more like a fetish room or something kinky like that,except it didn't feel that way. ─── 或许它更接近敬拜室或是和那差不多的古怪场所吧,除了氛围不像。

71、Klaive): A fetish dagger or sword, usually of great spiritual potency and nearly always made of silver. ─── 圣刀:带有传奇色彩的匕首或者宝剑。通常为银制而且被注入精神力量。

72、However, fetishism of art is mistaken, too. ─── 然而,对艺术的盲目崇拜也是错误的。

73、make a fetish of somebody or something ─── 奉若(如)神明

74、In fact, all the players in those SIM has never been suffered from real poverty. In majority cases, they are more fetishism than most other players. ─── 事实上,这些贫民窟城市的玩家从未真正经历过贫穷。并且,大多数情况下,这些贫民窟城市的玩家往往更具有物质崇拜的特征。

75、In gaming, design and creativity often wither on the vine because of the industry's technology fetishism. ─── 在游戏,因为工业的技术物恋,设计和创造性经常在藤上凋谢。

76、In our economic practice of socialist market, the practice of fetishism exists objectively in our economic life, and manifests itself in the various ways. ─── 在我国的社会主义市场经济实践中,经济生活中的拜物教现象客观地存在着,并以复杂的方式表现出来。

77、This is the fetishism of art. ─── 这就是对艺术的盲目崇拜。

78、Ignoring Hirschfeld's groundbreaking research, they argued that transvestism was a male phenomenon often associated with fetishism. ─── 他们无视Hirschfeld医生的开拓性科研成果,他们认为:变装常常与恋物癖相联系,是一种男人变态现象。

79、Digital symbol Fetishism manifests itself in digital crime, digital virus, digital hacker, and digital indulgence, etc. ─── 数字化符号拜物教的表现形式主要有数字化犯罪、数字化病毒、数字化黑客、数字化沉溺等。

80、When human body accepts electromagnetism radiate, fuel factor can pose the functional obstacle of central nervous and system of establish fetish classics, main show is dazed, insomnia, forgetful etc. ─── 当人体接受电磁辐射时,热效应会引起中枢神经和植物神经系统的功能障碍,主要表现为头昏、失眠、健忘等。

81、It is therefore also clear that even “serious” sexual fetishism is not necessarily problematic. ─── 所以,同样再清楚不过的是,甚至“严重的”性恋物癖也并不必定就值得去质疑。

82、Rapid reading, or “speed reading”, as some people call it, has become almost a fetish. ─── 快速阅读,或一些人所称的“速读”,几乎已成为人们热衷于追求的技能。

83、The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel's Master-Slave dialectics. ─── 商品拜物教世界是黑格尔主人-奴隶辩证法所探测到的现代社会的边界。

84、A 23-year-old with a foot fetish has admitted he tried to kiss, fondle and lick the legs and toes of more than 70 women on the New York subway over the last three years, prosecutors said yesterday. ─── 一名有恋足癖的23岁男子坦承,过去3年间他在纽约地铁内,曾试图亲吻、爱抚及舌舔70多名妇女的小腿与脚指,检察官昨天表示。

85、Director Stephan Elliott, best known for The Adventures of Priscilla-- Queen of the Desert, seems to have a fetish[4] for snow globes, as he zooms in and out[5] of the globes that The Eye collects from each city he visits. ─── 导演史戴芬·艾略特最著名的作品是《风尘三绝》,他似乎特别迷恋于雪景玻璃球,他的镜头总是摇移于《守护者》在各个城市收集得来的雪景玻璃球中,不断地推进、拉远。

86、What I undertand is that being ready to help others is only a superficial part of the spirit, whose main proportion is the fetish of revolution. ─── 我所认为的帮助他人其实只是雷锋精神表面的一部分,而真正的主要思想事实上是对于革命的狂热。

87、The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret. ─── 商品的拜物教性质及其秘密〉。

88、Be that as it may, many forms of foot and shoe fetishism have also been known in the Western world. ─── 尽管是这样, 在西方社会,许多类型的恋鞋癖和恋足癖也是众所周知的。

89、An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa. ─── 护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件

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