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08-14 投稿


efficiently 发音

英:[??f??(?)ntli]  美:[??f??(?)ntli]

英:  美:

efficiently 中文意思翻译



efficiently 网络释义

adv. 有效地;效率高地(efficient的副词形式)

efficiently 词性/词形变化,efficiently变形

副词: efficiently |

efficiently 短语词组

1、efficiently define ─── 高效地定义

2、efficiently ro ─── 高效反渗透

3、efficiently 5 ─── 高效5

4、efficiently synonym ─── 有效同义词

5、efficiently antonym ─── 反义词

6、more efficiently ─── 更有效地(efficiently的比较级)

7、efficiently definition ─── 有效定义

8、efficiently and well ─── 高效、良好

9、efficiently defined ─── 有效定义

efficiently 反义词


efficiently 同义词

professionally | capably | resourcefully | well |competently | ably | proficiently | expeditiously | economically

efficiently 相似词语短语

1、inefficiently ─── adv.无效率地;缺乏能力地

2、proficiently ─── adv.精通地

3、efficiency ─── n.效率;效能;功效

4、efficient ─── adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的

5、efferently ─── 柔弱地

6、-efficient ─── adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的

7、deficiently ─── adv.不充分地

8、sufficiently ─── adv.充分地;足够地

9、efficient way ─── 有效方式

efficiently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He will apply his knowledge efficiently. ─── 他会有效地利用知识

2、Being small may also have helped the microbe absorb nutrients more efficiently. ─── 体积微小同样可以帮助微生物更加有效地吸收养分。

3、Sounds are transmitted more efficiently through solid tissue than through tissue containing air. ─── 声音通过致密组织传播要比通过含气组织传播更为有效。

4、Using this information, you can manage the network efficiently, ensuring peak operation and performance. ─── 利用这些信息,你就能有效地管理网络,确保高峰时的运行和性能。

5、How to finish your job more efficiently. ─── 如何有效率的完成您的工作.

6、In order to efficiently manage such extensive quantity of data, the program offer another exciting new feature. ─── 为了高效地管理这么大量的数据,程序提供了另外一个令人激动的新特征。

7、He gets things done efficiently. ─── 他工作起来又好又快。

8、You should work more efficiently. ─── 你得工作得更有效率。

9、Its characteristics is a safety, efficiently, alleviate worker labor strength. ─── 其特点是安全、效、轻工人劳动强度。

10、She can express her idea in English, and efficiently. ─── 她能用英语表达思想,而且很清楚。

11、He efficiently completed the task I gave him. ─── 他三下五除二把我交给的任务完成了。

12、He did the job quite efficiently. ─── 他做那件事很有效率。

13、Is Exchange performing efficiently and reliably? ─── Exchange的工作是否高效而可靠?

14、Can you find a way to do something faster and more efficiently? ─── 你能找到一个新方式更快、更有效地做某件事吗?

15、The exodus would help those left behind to expand their land holdings and use them more efficiently. ─── 一部分农民离开土地将使留在农村的人增加土地持有量,从而更有效率的利用土地。

16、How to optimize them efficiently is still a question. ─── 如何有效地优化仍然还是一个问题。

17、As a teacher she works hard and efficiently. ─── 作为老师,她工作努力且效率颇高;

18、They allowed science to be done more efficiently. ─── 他们允许了科学被更有效率的做。

19、The zone of aeration may be treated more efficiently as a single moisture continuum. ─── 包气带可以更有效地作为一个单一的水分连续介质来看待。

20、Both methods result in tridiagonal systems of linear equations that can be solved efficiently. ─── 两种方法都形成了有效求解的三对角线的线性方程组。

21、And prevent efficiently for hair furcal. ─── 刀片多次利用后可更换,使用方便。

22、Thus heat loss is reduced efficiently. ─── 因而有效地减少了热量损失。

23、Both of their combine can build the BN model more efficiently. ─── 二者结合能更有效地生成BN模型。

24、How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently? ─── 你是如何激励人们努力而高效地工作的?

25、To efficiently distribute workload across these resources, a resource manager was often used. ─── 为了有效地在这些资源上分配工作负载,通常可以使用资源管理器。

26、This tends to leave holes in the heap requiring more time to efficiently manage the free memory. ─── 这样会在堆中留下一些洞,需要花一些时间才能有效地管理空闲内存。

27、It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space. ─── 在这样狭小的空间里工作很难提高效率。

28、Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters, especially finances. ─── 不实用的不能有效处理实际事务的,特别是对财政事务

29、To apply calcium gluconate and valium can alleviate the tetany quickly and efficiently. ─── :应用葡萄糖酸钙和安定可迅速有效地缓解手足搐搦。

30、Hash joins can efficiently process large, unsorted, nonindexed inputs. ─── 哈希联接可以有效处理未排序的大型非索引输入。

31、She always carries out her responsibilities efficiently. ─── 她总是很有效率地完成她的责任。

32、If you organize all your things, you can work more efficiently. ─── 如果你有条有理地安排一下你的东西,工作起来效率会更高。

33、Nevertheless, refinery gas might be effective for shaft power if utilized efficiently. ─── 但是,如果使用得法,则炼厂气可以用来有效地输出轴功率。

34、Assist supervisor to run the station efficiently. ─── 协助上级有效开展工作。

35、The university extension specialists were able to customize their analysis for thousands of producers effectively and efficiently. ─── 大学的推广专家能够有力地和有效地为千千万万个生产者提供分析。

36、She observed his fingers moving efficiently, with no waste motion. ─── 她注意到他的手指活动十分利索,连一个多余的动作也没有。

37、Also learn to work smart and efficiently. ─── 同时也要学会聪明地工作和有效率地工作。

38、And it is efficiently used as it dissolves uniformly. ─── 因为能够均匀的溶入水中,因此电极的利用率很高。

39、HPLC-ESI-MS method can be efficiently used to study FA and FAI. ─── HPLC-ESI-MS法可用于枳壳和枳实的研究。

40、They slaughtered quickly and efficiently. ─── 他们杀得又迅速又在行。

41、The BII file is a binary file that is efficiently written and read into RADAN. ─── 在天地互连文件是一个二进制文件,有效地书写和阅读到RADAN 。

42、After the appearance of database and database related software, it had become a hot topic about how to obtain, distribute data efficiently. ─── 自从数据库和一系列与数据库编程相关的软件面世以后,如何高效的获得数据,发布数据就成为热门话题。

43、"Use space within the texture efficiently. ─── "有效地利用贴图的空间。

44、How to deploy efficiently sonobuoys is important in air ASW. ─── 在航空反潜战中,合理有效地布放被动浮标阵是提高探测概率的关键。

45、He's quick-witted and does things efficiently. ─── 他脑子快,做事效率高。

46、At the supermarket, computers can help us calculate the bills efficiently. ─── 在超级市场,电脑能有效的协助我们计算帐单。

47、If the turnover rate is high, the cache is not being used efficiently. ─── 如果流通率较高,则表示未能有效地使用缓存。

48、Employees work most efficiently in a happy atmosphere. ─── 员工在使人愉快的环境中工作最有效率。

49、The Electronic Publishing Systems make the production of map more efficiently. ─── 地图电子出版系统的推广使用, 缩短了地图生产的周期。

50、Did you efficiently and rapidly make it through your well-planned to-do list? ─── 你能够根据你的行动计划清单来高效而迅速地做好每件事吗?

51、The Taliban are good shots, conceal themselves well and evacuate their casualties efficiently. ─── 他们枪法甚好,很好隐藏了自己,就能迅速将伤员撤离。

52、Asia should use own all saving more efficiently and more productively. ─── 亚洲应该更加有效地、多产地使用所有的存款。”

53、The products with seriate altering designs can efficiently be realized. ─── 可高效地实现该类产品的系列化变体设计。

54、Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters,especially finances. ─── 不能有效处理实际事务的,特别是对财政事务。

55、She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently. ─── 她迅速有效地处理全部来往信件。

56、Rationality is ensured of designing-ecomomy and cost of building is efficiently controlled. ─── 从根本上保证设计的经济合理性,有效地控制工程造价。

57、She was too running easily, moving along efficiently at my speed. ─── 她也在轻快地跑着,竟能够以我的速度向前行进。

58、Services could be operated more efficiently and economically. ─── 可以更有效、更经济地提供服务。

59、Speaker Identification Based on Efficiently Combining Manifold Features. ─── 基于多特征有效组合的说话人识别。

60、The advanced disks protect the safety of equipment and worker more efficiently. ─── 从而更有效地保护了设备和人员的安全。

61、Surf more efficiently with Related Links for each page. ─── 冲浪更有效的与相关链接为每一页。

62、Work a little more quickly and efficiently. ─── 做事要快一些有效率一些。

63、She programmed the computer efficiently. ─── 她把这台计算机调整得非常高效。

64、Algorithm tests show that this algorithm can improve the speed of convergence efficiently and is good at global searching in solution space. ─── 算法测试表明:改进后的人工鱼群算法提高了收敛速度,增强了全局搜索能力。

65、Pleasant appearance and personality, open-minded, outgoing. Work efficiently. ─── 品貌端正、亲切有礼、举止优雅、口齿清晰、性格开朗主动,工作效率高。

66、In order to work efficiently, the SOC model requires engineers to recycle many of the older design models. ─── 为高效率地工作,SOC模型要求工程师重复利用许多以前的设计模型。

67、The waitress serve the 250 diner very efficiently. ─── 女服务员们高效地为250个进餐者服务。

68、In general European courts and certainly the courts in Holland, work very efficiently and speedily. ─── 一般来说,欧洲的法庭,当然也包括荷兰法庭,工作效率很高,速度也很快。

69、The cashier paid the money out efficiently. ─── 出纳员极为利索地付钱。

70、Promote stomach to wriggle , improve constipation condition efficiently. ─── 促进肠胃蠕动,有效改善便秘情况。

71、How to efficiently repatriate your profits from China investment out of China? ─── 如何将在中国投资所获得的利润有效的汇出中国?

72、The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently. ─── 这个计划旨在促使员工更加卓有成效地工作。

73、Only if we study these well will we be able to carry out socialist modernization rapidly and efficiently. ─── 学习好,才可能领导好高速度、高水平的社会主义现代化建设。

74、"MPV will allow us to achieve all of these objectives quickly and efficiently. ─── “MPV将使我们能够快速而有效地实现这些目标。”

75、The fear that you might be harmed if you did not work quickly and efficiently would be very stressful. ─── 如果你没有快速有效率的工作,这种恐惧会使你受到伤害,这将是件很有压力的事。

76、Good POD documentation means that users can access help for your program quickly and efficiently. ─── 好的POD文档意味着用户可以快速和有效地访问程序的帮助。

77、They rigged up the ship efficiently. ─── 他们手脚利索地安装好了船上的帆缆和索具。

78、Asia should use all saving more efficiently and more productively. ─── 亚洲应该更有效和更具生产力地使用所有的储蓄。

79、In the long run, at least, higher prices should trigger supply increases, and see scarce resources used more efficiently. ─── 至少从长期而言,价格上涨应会导致供应增加,同时稀缺资源得到更为有效的利用。

80、Indoor air quality can be improved efficiently. ─── 可以有效提高室内空气品质。

81、Which fuel burns most efficiently? ─── 哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳?

82、But how to develop logistics industry quickly and efficiently is a knotty problem China faces. ─── 但是如何既快又好地经营物流是摆在我们面前的一个棘手的课题。

83、Effective measures will be taken to channel merchandise more efficiently into the rural market. ─── 为此,我们将采取有力措施,使商品尽快通畅地进入农村。

84、How can you assign a number of database connections to a larger number of threads efficiently? ─── 你要怎样才能够有效地将这些固定数目的数据库连接分配给大量的线程?

85、And it will work very efficiently and quickly and also let teachers break away from onerous work! ─── 在各类考试中发挥高效、便捷的作用,能把老师从繁重的工作中解脱出来!

86、Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently. ─── 地方政府必须学会有效地分配资源。

87、POP3 front-end servers require almost no memory to operate efficiently. ─── POP3前端服务器的高效运行几乎不需要任何内存。

88、Geoscientists and engineers are expected to understand and be able to efficiently and accurately generate many types of subsurface maps. ─── 要求地球科学工作者理解并能有效而准确地绘制出多种类型的地质图。

89、The key to HTC is to efficiently harness the use of all available resources. ─── HTC的关键在于有效利用所有的可用资源。

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