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08-14 投稿


expounder 发音

英:[?ks?pa?nd?r]  美:[?k?spa?nd?(r)]

英:  美:

expounder 中文意思翻译



expounder 词性/词形变化,expounder变形

动词过去式: expounded |动词第三人称单数: expounds |名词: expounder |动词过去分词: expounded |动词现在分词: expounding |

expounder 短语词组

1、expounder of yoga ─── 瑜伽运动

2、expounder definition ─── 根据定义

3、expounder of the constitution ─── 根据宪法的规定

4、expounder meaning ─── 释义

5、expounder def EXPOUNDEF ─── 公司

expounder 相似词语短语

1、expander ─── n.[电子][声]扩展器;膨胀器;使身体健壮的强身器具;使增大者

2、tenpounder ─── 十磅鱼

3、pounder ─── n.捣具;一磅重的东西;杵;n.(Pounder)人名;(英、西)庞德尔

4、impounder ─── 阳痿

5、expounds ─── v.详述,阐述;说明,讲解;解释……的意思

6、-pounder ─── n.捣具;一磅重的东西;杵;n.(Pounder)人名;(英、西)庞德尔

7、expender ─── 消耗品

8、expound ─── v.详述,阐述;说明,讲解;解释……的意思

9、expounded ─── v.详述,阐述;说明,讲解;解释……的意思

expounder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can expound on the virtues of eating salt. ─── 对于掉在地上的食物,您会毫不考虑地把它拿起来吃.

2、This paper attempts to point out the typical errors in some model versions, then analyse, expound and prove these faults. ─── 文章遴选一些范例译文,并就具体语病加以分析、证。

3、Abstract: This paper recapitulative discuss the BECKHOFF Soft PLC,expound the application in the automatically three-dimensional storage and compiling thinking. ─── 摘要:本文概括性地论述了BECKHOFF软PLC,以及在自动化立体仓库应用中的设计和开发思路。

4、All you have to do is tune in to hear it, for those who like to expound on what you are afraid of will win if you stay in the dark with the others. ─── 所有你不得不做的是调准(自己)去倾听它,(倾听)那些喜欢解释你所恐惧的将会胜利,如果你和其他人呆在黑暗中的话。

5、But biologic textbook is not the technical bioscience after all and it can"t expound the content by the numbers. ─── 但是,生物学教材毕竟不是专门的生物科学史,它不能系统地阐述这些内容。

6、Secondly, we attempt to define and expound the concept of fuzzy metadata by using fuzzy theory as the theoretical model. ─── 接着,阐述模糊诠释资料,并以模糊理论模型解释其意涵。

7、He warm up as he expound his view. ─── 他一讲他的观点就兴奋起来。

8、Perhaps having a Chinese point out examples of Confucianism is like asking a fish to expound on water. ─── 也许让一个中国人指出儒学的例子就像让一条鱼说明水一样。

9、Analyze the infection of aseismatic capability and roundly expound it"s rule about different planted depth. ─── 分析不同植筋深度对其抗震性能的影响,对随植筋深度变化的规律作了较为系统的阐述。

10、Introduce the reasons of gas outburst,and expound the method of determining the relative parameters of coal and gas outburst. ─── 介绍了井下瓦斯突出的原因,详细阐述了瓦斯突出的有关参数的确定方法。

11、And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle. ─── 参孙对他们说,吃的从吃者出来。甜的从强者出来。他们三日不能猜出谜语的意思。

12、The writer makes an attempt to expound that "fei" is the loan character of "hui" from the angle of phonology and then gives his idea of the true origin of the place name "Hefei". ─── 并试图从音韵学角度阐述“肥”是“会”的假借字,进而提出“合肥”地名来源的一种说法。

13、In her essay, she drew an analogy to expound her opinion. ─── 在她的文章中,她打了个比方来阐述观点。

14、The use of hydrodynamics in mines is introduced,and expound the significance of hydrodynamics. ─── 叙述了流体力学在煤矿中的应用,阐述了流体力学的重要性。

15、Methods Expound the differences of channels and blood vessels from both systematization and analysis of literature and clinical experiences. ─── 方法:从文献的整理分析和临床实践的体会两个方面阐述经络与血脉的区别。

16、In the biographic circle in China, Guo Jiulin is an indispensable writer and theorist, on whose achievements the paper is to expound. ─── 摘要在当代传坛,郭久麟集传记文学作家和研究家于一身,是不可多得的双栖型传记文学家。文章论述了郭久麟的传记文学创作与理论研究。

17、He has an hour to expound his views to the public. ─── 他有一小时可以向大众阐述他的观点。

18、He stood on basic pragmatism position to expound self concept with behaviorism viewpoints. ─── 他站在实用主义的基本立场上,用行为主义的观点来阐述自我概念。

19、Take profile shifted gear for example,expound the application of measure technology in practice and the method.The result is fine. ─── 以变位齿轮、蜗杆、卡钳为例探讨测量技术在实践中的应用,并详细阐述了其测量方法,效果良好.

20、Moreover, pay more attention on ethical discussions after his radical conversion, because those are the points Sartre really wanted to expound as his neo-ethics. ─── 再有,注重萨特“根本转变”后的伦理学思想,因为那是萨特真正想要阐述的他的新伦理学思想。

21、To further our study of the Yuan Bai School, it is necessary to expound and illustrate this identification and judgment. ─── 出于元白诗派研究的需要,这一定位这一判断值得加以具体论证。

22、In this paper the author expound mainly the current status in the research of solar quiet corona, coronal holes and heating mechanism of corona. ─── 主要论述宁静日冕和冕洞,以及日冕加热问题的研究现状。

23、Secondly, I expound the trend and reason for the administration legislates. ─── 其次,阐述了行政立法的发展趋势及成因。

24、Deleuze uses such basic concepts as power and difference to expound Nietzsche's the Will to Power and to clarify some misunderstandings as well as its philosophical sources. ─── 德勒兹运用力和差异等基本概念,对权力意志学说进行了精辟的解释,澄清了许多关于权力意志的误解,并从以权力意志为核心的尼采哲学中挖掘出了大量发展其差异哲学的思想资源。

25、This article traces mordernity and post-mordernity in consumer society to expound the above view. ─── 文章致力于梳理消费社会中的现代性和后现代性以论证以上观点。

26、Karl Marx couldn't invent "human capital" theory, so it is inappropriate to expound Marx's economic theory of "human" with the logic of "human capital". ─── 摘要马克思不可能有“人力资本”理论,用“西方人力资本”的逻辑来解读马克思关于“人”的经济论述是不适当的。

27、Given the chance to expound on them, he has statesmanlike things to say about international affairs and thoughtful ones about the constitution. ─── 假设给布朗先生机会来对此说明的话,他就会颇具政治家风范地谈论一些国际事务与一些对国家体制问题的深刻见解。

28、He immediately proceeded to dogmatically expound his views and that of his two companions regarding the punishment of the wicked. ─── 他立即独断地解说自己和其他两个同伴,关于恶人要受惩罚的观点。

29、He went on to expound the Government's policy on reunification and on the creation of a Taiwan special administrative region. ─── 他还就两岸统一和设置台湾特别行政区问题,阐明了中国政府的政策。

30、Critics have expound and evaluated the contemporary phenomenon of literature, and intend to induct the direction of literature invent. ─── 在文学批评实践中,批评家通过这些命名活动有意识地来解释、评判当代文学现象,并试图以此来导引文学创作的方向。

31、The cameraman uses camera to expound life. ─── 摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。

32、They expound &glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, &disparage them. ─── 他们阐述、颂扬自己的教义,但是对于他人的教义,则贬低、辱骂、鄙视、毁谤。

33、The authors expound the challenge the University is faced with and the guidelines for the construction of the provincial base of liberal arts education. ─── 同时,阐述了对学校面临挑战,创建省级大学生文化素质教育基地的思考。

34、I would like you to expound. ─── 我希望你能发表见解。

35、Landino had taken upon him to expound the same opinion. ─── 兰迪诺已着手来阐明他同样的意见。

36、As the basic principle of materialist dialectics, universal relations are also the logical starting point to expound other philosophical categories. ─── 摘要普遍联系是唯物辩证法的基本原则,也是论证和阐述其它哲学范畴的逻辑起点。

37、Abstract: Objective: To expound the etiopathogenesis of cervical vertebra-associated dysarteriotony. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:阐述“颈椎性血压异常”的发病机理。

38、So to expound the different kinds and structures of threshing machinery, analyze the theory and application of threshing device thats core of thresher. ─── 为此,对脱粒机械的种类、构造进行了论述,并就其核心部分脱离装置的原理和应用进行了剖析。

39、At the same time the author combines the Chinese dictionary to expound the important significance of the same root words to the compilation of the dictionary. ─── 并结合大型词典,论述汉魏南北朝墓志同根词研究对语文辞书编纂的重要意义。

40、The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "Listen carefully, listen carefully and ponder deeply. I will expound for you the method of removing suffering. ─── 佛告阿难,及韦提希:“谛听谛听,善思念之,吾当为汝分别解说,除苦恼法;

41、Expound pump station operation adopting the rotational speed control the law more advantage than the valve control the law in energy-conservation. ─── 从而阐明了泵站运行采用转速控制法比阀门控制法在节能与操作控制上的明显优越性。

42、Assyria became the first power to expound the doctrine of blood and iron. ─── 亚述成了鼓吹血与铁的学说的第一个国家。

43、People inside and outside the Party and at home and abroad all expect us to expound and elucidate this issue and make some relevant generalizations. ─── 党内党外、国内国外都需要我们对这一问题加以论证,加以阐述,加以概括。

44、The confirmation of its limitation and inapplicability, we expound that immune response is initiated by “danger signal” instead of “antigen”. ─── 提出并论述了用免疫系统“识别危险信号”替代“识别抗原”,启动免疫应答这一观点的适用性、合理性。

45、The authors discuss the relations between microcosmic and macrocosmic flow in porous media and expound the importance of the studies on microcosmic flow. ─── 摘要论述了孔隙介质渗流宏微观研究之间的联系,以及微观渗流研究的重要意义。

46、And they expound general procedure and basic methods for university students to take part in scientific research. ─── 对大学生参加科研活动的一般程序和基本方法作了论述。

47、The paper tries to both expound the question from the unity of theory and practice. ─── 文章力求从理论和实践统一的层面说明这个问题。

48、They expound,prognose,probe ,and prick. ─── 他们喜欢做详细的解释,预测未来的事情,喜欢观察喜欢深究。

49、Ah to begin with, me, as the expounder of this teaching, I must tune my own motivation. ─── 从我自己开始,作为这次课程的讲授者,我必须调整自己的发心。

50、Analyze the status of logic of "Learning" in "The Analects" help to roundly expound immanent logic and modern value of "The Analects". ─── 分析“学”在《论语》中的逻辑地位有助于全面阐发《论语》的内在逻辑和现代价值。

51、The thesis attempts to expound the thought of new social history of Eric Hobsbawm, the contemporary British Marxist historian. ─── 整体社会史研究的理论属性与史学观念的价值取向是霍布斯鲍姆新社会史学思想的重要特征,构筑了史学思想体系的重要部分。

52、Expound petroleum asphalt is a non-carcinogen, can Burnout special liquid fuel, it has have obvious economic benefits to alternative diesel fuel and easy managed. ─── 摘要阐明了石油沥青是一种燃烧不产生致疮物质、能燃尽的特殊液体燃料,替代柴油作燃料经济效益明显,且管理方便。

53、The author of this paper tries to expound Rorty's motive for advocating the world government and the reason for his criticizing post-modernism as well as their relationship. ─── 什么是罗蒂鼓吹世界政府的动机呢?为什么他要批评后现代主义呢?本文将试图反思这两个问题,并力图找到它们之间的联系。

54、Authors expound plastic formwork technology for open waffle slab of clean room in IC workshop systematically,and discuss the key problems in construction and controlling method. ─── 塑料模壳适用于混凝土密肋楼盖的模板,对IC厂房无尘车间开孔密肋楼盖可拆式模壳技术进行系统阐述,并探讨施工要点及其控制方法。

55、Laboratory and industry experiment about adding limonite in sintering are introduce in the paper,expound reinforcing measures of limonite sintering. ─── 介绍了配加褐铁矿烧结的实验室试验、工业试验情况,提出了强化褐铁矿烧结的措施。

56、What he has tried to expound in this article bears on a key problem in our economic reform. ─── 他在这篇文章中力图阐明的与我们经济改革中的一个关键问题有关。

57、He even stops at one moment to expound on a business book that looks at the roles of Newtonian physics and chaos theory in corporations. ─── 他有时候甚至会停下来,对一本探讨牛顿物理学和混沌理论在企业中作用的商业书籍详加解释。

58、It is necessary to expound the spirit of law and to find the onientation of the legislation in order to run our country lawfully. ─── 探讨法的精神,寻求我国立法的内在价值取向,是依法治国的需要。

59、Why not get a diviner to expound my dream? ─── 为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?

60、He expound his view on education to me at great length. ─── 他向我详细讲述了他的教育观点。

61、In the special column of interview of overseas studios, we introduce Bing Thom Architects in Canada and their works, and expound its design philosophy in light of its works. ─── 在境外事务所专访栏目里介绍了加拿大谭秉荣建筑师事务所及其作品,并结合其作品阐述其设计哲学。

62、They must speak out, expound the proofs, set forth clear arguments, draw irrefutable conclusions establishing the truth of the manifestation of the Sun of Reality. ─── 他们必须大声宣说,详陈证据,提出明确的论点,为确立真理之阳所显示的真理给出无可辩驳的结论。”

63、Expound the role of the legumes-root nodule bacteria nitrogen fixing system in large development of west area of China, and put forward a constructive suggestion. ─── 摘要对豆科植物-根瘤菌共生固氮体系在西部大开发中的作用进行了论述,并提出建设性意见。

64、They havetheir skinny little acts together .They expound,prognose ,probe,andprick. ─── 他们行为琐碎繁多,好辩论,好预测未来,好追根究底,还好攻击别人。

65、It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act. ─── 司法机关是执行而不是解释基本法,管辖所及也仅限于毫无疑问的违宪行为。

66、Then, expound the possibility and necessity in the modern enterprise to practice the network-based DNC system from different angle and ways. ─── 文章首先介绍了网络制造的基本含义及其特点、DNC系统的概念及其发展状况,阐明了现阶段企业实施网络DNC系统的可能性和必要性。

67、Mainly expound the applications, working theory, installation, debugging and some problems which are likely to appear of this instrument. ─── 主要阐述了该监测仪的应用状况、工作原理、安装调试以及可能出现的一些问题。

68、Moreover expound story fabrication should not substantial evidence Factuality and history run that denaturation feature and the story fabrication reader rec... ─── 并且论述了小说虚构性的不可实证性、真实性和历史流变性的特征及小说虚构性的读者接受。

69、Expound all the disadvantages of the Stalin mode, such as theoretical origin and background of extreme centralization of power, bureaucracy and individual adoration. ─── 斯大林模式存在种种弊端,如权力过分集中、僚主义、人崇拜等理论来源以及时代背景。

70、Adam Smith and Marx expound respectively the issue of primitive accumulation from different angles. ─── 摘要亚当?斯密和马克思从不同的角度对原始积累问题做了代表性的论述。

71、begin with, me, as the expounder of this teaching, I must tune my own motivation. ─── 我自己开始,作为这次课程的讲授者,我必须调整自己的发心。

72、They have their skinny little acts together.They expound, prognose, probe, and prick. ─── 他们充分调动其瘦人的行为,去阐述、预测、探索和寻觅。

73、Inthis paper,We shall expound several geometric means comparative signifcat test method-ank test. ─── 在此基础上,今又提出多组几何均数比较的顺序检验。

74、This paper aims to expound on the relationship between status variation and style evolution from three aspects. ─── 文章从记者型与作家型写作主体对文体的影响、一日式”:大众型写作的模式、旅身份写作主体的意味等三个方面对此作出阐述。

75、An example of the small-arms mechanism type selection is given to expound the method mentioned in the paper. ─── 以自动武器方案设计中机构类型选择为例说明了这种方法的全过程。

76、Thus, the dissertation centers on the question of death and that of the end of history to expound the content of Bloch's utopian thought and to display its relevance to us. ─── 因此,本文围绕着乌托邦与死亡和历史的终结的关系来揭示布洛赫的乌托邦思想的深刻内涵,阐明其对于今天的我们的重要意义。

77、I shall expound on these seriatim. ─── 我会向大家逐一讲解。

78、This paper expound the quality control of piles in Hangzhou bay bridge in the aspects of piles boring, emplacing of steel cage, typecasting concrete. ─── 文章从桩基钻孔、钢筋笼安放、混凝土浇注三个主要方面阐述大桥成桩的质量控制。

79、Hart expound the uniqueness of legal language from context principle, diversified principle, open texture and performative uses of language four respect of legal language. ─── 哈特从语境原则、多样性原则、语言的开放结构及语言的施事效用四个方面论述了法律语言的独特性。

80、Getting him to expound on his masterful performance in the Yankees' 7-2 rout of the Blue Jays at the Stadium last night? Nearly impossible. ─── 如果请他来说明他是如何主宰昨晚这场让洋基以7比2打败蓝鸟的比赛呢?这几乎是不可能的事。

81、Aim To expound the distribution and basical geology feature of main sand-stone type uranium deposit in the world. ─── 摘要目的阐明世界主要国家砂岩型铀矿的分布、基本地质特征及产铀盆地模式。

82、Introduce the application of gas floatation technology in coal pressure gasification waste water at Harbin Gasification Plant,and expound its process principle and scheme. ─── 介绍了气化技术在哈尔滨气化厂煤加压气化废水中的应用,并详细阐述了其工艺原理及工艺流程。

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