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08-14 投稿


inverse 发音

英:[??n?v??rs]  美:[??n?v??s]

英:  美:

inverse 中文意思翻译




inverse 网络释义

n. 相反;倒转adj. 相反的;倒转的vt. 使倒转;使颠倒

inverse 反义词


inverse 短语词组

1、inverse conversion ─── [计] 逆转换

2、inverse cosine ─── 反余弦

3、generalized inverse ─── [计] 广义逆

4、inverse channel ─── [计] 逆信道, 倒置信道

5、inverse chill ─── [机] 逆冷硬

6、inverse cam ─── [机] 反凸轮, 反动凸轮

7、inverse astigmatism ─── [医] 反规性散光

8、inverse association ─── [计] 逆关联

9、inverse current ─── [医] 倒流, 反向电流

10、generalized inverse matrix ─── [计] 广义逆矩阵

11、inverse cotangent ─── 反余切

12、inverse anaphylaxis ─── [医] 反常过敏性

13、in inverse order ─── [经] 按颠倒顺序, 从后向前的顺序

14、additive inverse ─── 加性逆元(素)

15、inverse code ─── [计] 逆代码

16、inverse cosecant ─── 反余割

17、initial inverse voltage ─── [电] 起始逆向电压

18、inverse checksum code ─── [计] 反检查和码

19、inverse assembler ─── [计] 逆汇编程序

inverse 常用词组

inverse problem ─── 反问题

inverse matrix ─── [计]矩阵求逆,逆矩阵,反矩阵

inverse proportion ─── n. 比例;反比例

inverse 同义词

retroverted | obverse | backward | inside | bottom up | antipode | to | reversed | head over heels | up | other | counter | upside down | bottom | back to front | over | diametrical | negative | front | out | transposed | down | antithesis | antipole | antipodal | heels | antithetical |opposite | converse | inverted | in | turned | inside out | counterpoint | outside in | contrary | flip side | back | reverse | upside | head | outside | topsy-turvy

inverse 词性/词形变化,inverse变形


inverse 相似词语短语

1、inversive ─── adj.反逆的

2、renverse ─── 反转

3、inversely ─── adv.相反地;倒转地

4、inversed ─── adj.[植]倒生的;v.使倒转;使颠倒(inverse的过去分词)

5、converse ─── v.交谈,谈话;认识;n.逆行,逆向;倒;相反的事物;逆命题;反面的事实;相反的说法;adj.相反的,逆向的;颠倒的;n.(Converse)(美、爱)康弗斯(人名)

6、inverter ─── n.换流器,反相器;倒转者

7、inverses ─── adj.相反的;倒转的;n.相反;倒转;反面;相反的事物;倒数;逆元素

8、invertase ─── n.[生化]转化酶;转化酵素

9、inverted ─── adj.倒转的,反向的;v.颠倒(invert的过去分词);使…反向

inverse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The method also permits inverse design with flaps, specification of geometric constraints (thickness, camber, etc.). ─── 办法还允许逆向设计皮瓣、几何约束规格(厚度、拱等).

2、The new algorithm is non-iterative, and it needs the FFT algorithm and the inverse of little-size matrices. ─── 不需要迭代,不需要预条件处理,计算过程中主要采用快速傅里叶变换及小矩阵求逆,计算效率高。

3、Neural Network Inverse Control of Two-motor Synchronous System P. ─── 中国科学技术大学中国科学技术大学两电机同步系统的神经网络逆控制。

4、the electromagnetic inverse scattering is one of most difficult problem due partly to its ill - posed , nonlinear and instability nature. ─── 由于逆散射问题的求解存在病态性、非唯一性以及不稳定性,这给它的求解带来很大困难。

5、The inverse of its slope is the speed of light. ─── 其倾斜的倒数是光速。

6、The Improvement of Inverse Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin(WKB) Method[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张长命,刘永智,张晓霞,甘小勇.

7、In a simple case such as the Employee class, defining this inverse operator is very simple. ─── 在像Employee类这样的简单情况下,定义这个逆运算符非常简单

8、Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition. ─── 减法是加法的逆运算。

9、Also known as inverse multiplexors. ─── 又称为反多路复用器。

10、Title: The Inverse Theorem of the Fundamental Sturcture Theorem for Finitely Generated Modules over a p.i.d. ─── 关键词:唯一分解整环;主理想整环;等价标准形;有限生成模

11、An inverse correlation was found between BMD and morbid course(P<0.01). ─── 冠心病患者随着病程增加骨密度降低,呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。

12、The nonlinear inverse bremsstrahlung absorption is a main mechanism in the plasma heating at laser-plasma interaction. ─── 当激光强度较高时,非线性逆轫致吸收是对等离子体的加热起重要作用的机制。

13、Create a matrix that expresses an inverse of the current view transformation. ─── 创建当前视图转换的逆矩阵。

14、Running in inverse sense to justice according to men. ─── 和人的正义是背道而驰的。

15、The thinning ratio of steel sheet located on radius was inverse proportional to the ratio of radius and thickness R/t. ─── 圆角处的减薄率基本上与相对圆角半径R/t成反比;

16、Is the inverse relationship.This could, for example, relate printed and electronic formats of a resource. ─── 与前者是逆关系。例如,这可以将资源的印刷格式和电子格式联系起来。

17、Sometimes inverse current impulse can be observed during the short circuit test of large power generators. ─── 大容量整流型发电机短路试验中有时能观察到电流反冲现象。

18、The asinh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. ─── 函数的作用是:返回至各指定数值所对应的反双曲正弦值。

19、The atanh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of an angle. ─── 函数的作用是:返回一个指定角度参数所对应的反双曲正切值。

20、The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration. ─── 与微分相反的运算叫做积分。

21、Since market power equals the negative inverse of PED, as elasticity increases the market power decreases. ─── 市场力与PED存在着消极的反作用力,当弹性增强时市场力就会减弱。

22、Are inverse requirements explicitly stated? ─── 反面的需求明确地规定了吗?

23、The common inverse relationship between AD and the efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) was not detected. ─── 幼虫对食物的转化率与近似消化率之间未表现出常见的反比关系;

24、An algorithm based on inverse matrix for mean variance portfolio selection model is proposed. ─── 介绍均值方差资产组合选择模型的一种以逆矩阵为基础的算法。

25、In this way, the dynamic inverse controller of one BTT missile has been designed successfully. ─── 从而,设计动态逆控制器。

26、The logarithmic function is defined as the inverse of the exponential function. ─── 对数函数是作为指数函数的反函数来定义的。

27、In NTRU public key cryptosystem,it is very important whether or not a polynomial has inverse. ─── 在NTRU公钥密码体制中,一个多项式是否有逆多项式是一个很重要的问题。

28、Probability of anything happening is inverse ratio to its desirability. ─── 一件事发生的可能怀与它受欢迎的程度成反比。

29、Direct and Inverse Problems in Engineering applications. ─── 工程应用中的正逆命题。

30、High PRF and inverse receiver are often used in radar missile guidance. ─── 在雷达导引头中经常采用高PRF倒置接收体制。

31、Other programs used inverse text mode to represent text that would be lowercase when printed. ─── 另一些软件则使用反转文字模式以显示打印出来会是小写的文字。

32、A model of inverse system is proposed and used to drive control laws for induction motors. ─── 利用得到的逆系统模型将感应电动机补偿为伪线性系统,而伪线性系统相当于两个解耦的线性子系统。

33、Recent investigation suggested that inverse agonist has potential clinical application. ─── 反向激动剂有良好的临床应用前景。

34、If impeller rotating counterclockwise, called inverse Tornado aircraft, "inverse" said. ─── 如叶轮逆时针旋转,称为逆旋风机,以"逆"表示.

35、Once you have everything outlined, select the inverse then clear out all the unwanted sections. ─── 当你有一切介绍,评选出明显的逆则全部废弃路段.

36、The Inverse Theorem of the Fundamental Sturcture Theorem for Finitely Generated Modules over a p. I. D. ─── 主理想整环上有限生成模的结构定理的逆定理。

37、The inverse acoustic scattering problem is a typical Math-matical Physics inverse problem. ─── 声波反散射问题是一个典型的数学物理反问题。

38、The inverse of good is evil. ─── 善的相反是恶。

39、Different form antagonist that blocks the effect of agonist, inverse agonist produces opposite effect to that of agonist. ─── 与阻断激动剂效应的拮抗剂不同,反向激动剂产生的效应与激动剂相反。

40、When you define certain operators, Visual Basic requires that you also define the operator for the inverse operation. ─── 当定义某些特定的运算符时,Visual Basic还要求定义该运算符的逆运算。

41、When you define IsTrue, Visual Basic requires you to also define its inverse operator, IsFalse. ─── 当定义IsTrue时,Visual Basic还要求定义它的逆运算符IsFalse。

42、In the meantime, it is proved that each orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal can be constructed in this way. ─── 同时证明了每个具有逆断面的纯正半群都可以如此构造。

43、The density to which matter must be squeezed scales as the inverse square of the mass. ─── 物质必须被挤压达到的密度,和它的质量平方成反比。

44、The inverse Zimmerman wing shows a better longitudinal stability and flow-field stability. ─── 与矩形翼相比,反齐默曼机翼有较好的稳定性.

45、It diffracts the diffracted beam which effectively means that it generates an inverse transform. ─── 它对衍射光束再发生衍射,这实际上意味着它产生了一个逆变换。

46、Semi-transparent LCD illuminates the characters in inverse video when backlit. ─── 半透明液晶照亮人物逆录像时,背光.

47、The performance of shares lately appears to have an inverse correlation to the number of eights in the tickers. ─── 你可以认为投资者作弊是获取财富的最不道德的方式。

48、Of or relating to an inverse or an inverse function. ─── 反的属于或关于反数或反函数的

49、Her social value will continue to deflate while yours will continue to rise - an inverse relationship of social value. ─── 她的社交价值会继续降低,你的会持续升高---一个关于社交价值反方向的关系。

50、In quantum electrodynamics two electrons obeyed Coulomb's inverse square law. ─── 在量子电动力学两个电子听从库仑反平方定律。

51、The least-square solutions to the inverse problem are established and their general form is given. ─── 建立了双中心矩阵反问题的最小二乘解,得到了解的具体表达式。

52、In 6% of cases, an inverse distribution may occur, with rash mostly on the extremities. ─── 在6%的病例中,可能出现相反的分布,皮疹主要发生在四肢。

53、Presently we shall see that the planets are illuminated in inverse proportion to their distance from the sun. ─── 现在,我们已经知道,行星的光照强度与离开太阳的距离的平方成反比。

54、The acosh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. ─── 函数的作用是:返回一个数值对应的反双曲余弦。

55、Coluomb's discovery of the inverse square law forms the basis of the science of electrostatics. ─── 库伦发现的平方反比定律构成为静电学的科学基

56、In general, the indexes mentioned above are to some extent in inverse proportion. ─── 一般而言,上述各指数之间存在一定的反比例关系。

57、Amazingly, his enthusiasm for a job seems to be in inverse relation to the amount he gets paid for it! ─── 令人惊奇的是,他对工作的热情似乎与他所得到的报酬总额成反比!

58、The Inverse Theorem of the Fundamental Sturcture Theorem for Finitely Generated Modules over a p.i.d. ─── 与相似的文献。

59、This paper presents the design principle of inverse Galileo doorslope. ─── 介绍逆向伽俐略式门镜的光学设计原理。

60、So it can be concluded that the inverse method of dam parameters based on AESA is workable and reliable. ─── 同时加入不同水平的噪音对该算法的数值稳定性进行了研究,结果表明算法稳定性良好。

61、A very important point to note is the inverse relationship between yield (deno-minator) and price. ─── 利率与价格之间的反比关系是值得注意的一点。

62、The inverse and direct kinematics, force analysis was presented and the kinematic workspace was discussed. ─── 对该机构进行了位置正解、反解分析和力学分析,并讨论了运动学工作空间。

63、Inverse design, as later discussed, is its strength; analysis is not - it has none. ─── 反设计,后来谈,是其实力;分析不是-它没有.

64、In two symmetry fractional Fourier domains with two inverse rota... ─── 实测数据表明本算法有效。

65、There is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool and how easy it is to use. ─── 工具的功能越强大,操作起来往往越费事。

66、In usual materials, one finds an inverse relation between the two properties, whereas for many practical applications simultaneous presence of both properties is desirable. ─── 在通常的材料中,人们会发现这两种性质之间的反比关系,而在许多实际应用中,同时存在这两种性质是可取的。

67、For high speed operation the tenter is equipped with inver selysn driver system. The tenter also can equipped with AC servo motor driver and PLC controland touth panel operation. ─── 为适应定形机的高速运行,本机采用了变频控制同步传动系统。如果客户需要,本机还可以配备最先进的AC伺服电机传动系统,PLC程序及触摸屏操作。

68、The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity. ─── 任何人能够无动于衷地忍受的噪音的量,与他的心智能力成反比。

69、Using the method of microelement with the skill of back analysis, we can realize the inverse desi... ─── 在细观元方法的基础上引入反分析技术,就能实现具有复杂结构材料件在细观层次上单参数反演与识别。

70、An inverse relationship between the quantity demanded of a good per period of time and its price. ─── 在每时间段内一种物品的需求量与其价格间的反比例关系。

71、The seismic wavelets in well location were interpolated according to the inverse distance in the first method. ─── 其中反距离内插法是直接按照距离内插井旁子波;

72、Someone who brings you inspiration. No inverse. ─── 为你带来灵感、妙计的人;不可逆。

73、The inverse hyperbolic tangent is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is number, so ATANH(TANH(number)) equals number. ─── 反双曲正切值的双曲正切即为该函数的number参数值,因此ATANH(TANH(number))等于number。

74、Recovered signal vhztt is simulated by inverse FFT of the product of the two spectrums Vzss*Hss. ─── 将多次重覆试验讯号随机变化之波形及频谱重叠,即可观察滤波前后讯号之随机变异程度,比较滤波及讯号还原之效果。

75、The wake method must be a direct inverse of the sleep method. ─── 唤醒方法必须与睡眠方法刚好相反。

76、At the same time, this algorithm overcomes the defect of great computation of inverse convolver. ─── 同时本算法克服了原有盲均衡算法反卷积计算量大的缺点。

77、The inverse hyperbolic cosine is the value whose hyperbolic cosine is number, so ACOSH(COSH(number)) equals number. ─── 反双曲余弦值是指双曲余弦值为number的值,因此ACOSH(COSH(number))等于number。

78、Yet the strength of people's conviction is often in inverse proportion to the amount of robust factual evidence they have. ─── 然而人们的坚信程度,却往往和他们拥有的事实证据成反比。

79、Effect of dispersion agent on the properties of water-absorption Resin in inverse suspension polymerization. ─── 分散剂对反相悬浮聚合吸水树脂性状的影响。

80、The piezo actuator uses the inverse piezo effect. ─── 压电致动器使用反压电效应。

81、The result, shown in the chart, is a strong inverse correlation between the deployment of Prozac and the suicide rate. ─── 图表结果显示Prozac的使用度与自杀率成强负相关性。

82、The CreateFromLdml method is the inverse of Save, and loads from this XML file. ─── CreateFromLdml方法是Save的逆方法,可从此XML文件加载。

83、The surface physicochemical properties of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene(HTPB)were studied by means of inverse gas chromatography(IGC). ─── 采用气相反相色谱技术(IGC)研究了端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)粘合剂的表面物理化学性质。

84、In contrast, other studies have found an inverse correlation between neutrophilia and the extent of disease. ─── 与之相反的,其他研究发现中性粒细胞增多症与疾病的程度曾负相关关系。

85、The inverse problem of finding the displacement field from a strain field is not so simple. ─── 反过来,如果从变应场来寻找位移场,那么问题就没有这么简单。

86、Teams picked in inverse order of their records in the second round in all succeeding rounds. ─── 在第一轮选秀过后,选秀将根据各球队的战绩来进行,依然是战绩差排位靠前。

87、Parsing is the inverse operation of formatting. ─── 分析是格式化的反向操作。

88、Various people have solved the inverse Galois problem for selected non-abelian simple groups. ─── 但在数论和代数几何中经常出现特征非0的情况。

89、Evil is the inverse of good. ─── 恶是善的反面。




adj. 相反的;[数学] 倒转的,倒置的

n. 相反(的事物);[数学] 倒数;逆元素;倒置,颠倒


vt. 使…颠倒,使…倒置;[音乐](通过改变音高变换方向)修改(乐句),转回;[音乐] 转位;[数学] 求逆,求反

n. 仰拱,倒拱;(下水道或排水沟的)下凹面,内底;[集邮] 图案颠倒的邮票;无脊椎动物 (invertebrate的简称)










The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration.



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