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08-14 投稿


grotesquely 发音

英:[[ɡr??'teskl?]]  美:[[ɡro?'teskl?]]

英:  美:

grotesquely 中文意思翻译



grotesquely 短语词组

1、grotesquely meaning ─── 离奇的意义

2、grotesquely def ─── 怪诞的定义

3、grotesquely optimistic ─── 异常乐观

4、grotesquely bright ─── 光怪陆离

5、grotesquely antonym ─── 怪诞的反义词

6、grotesquely unfair ─── 极不公平

grotesquely 词性/词形变化,grotesquely变形

名词: grotesqueness |副词: grotesquely |

grotesquely 相似词语短语

1、protensively ─── 保护性

2、humoresquely ─── 幽默地

3、grotesque ─── adj.怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的;丑陋奇异的,奇形怪状的;n.(尤指书画中的)奇形怪状的人(或物);奇异风格;(印刷)畸形字体

4、grotesquery ─── n.怪异;怪物

5、grotesqueries ─── n.怪异;怪物

6、arabesquely ─── 荒诞地

7、grotesquerie ─── n.怪异图案;滑稽可笑

8、grotesques ─── adj.怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的;丑陋奇异的,奇形怪状的;n.(尤指书画中的)奇形怪状的人(或物);奇异风格;(印刷)畸形字体

9、grotesqueness ─── n.丑怪;可笑;怪诞

grotesquely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、he cried, and Peter screamed, twitching grotesquely on the forest floor.He lifted the curse and Peter collapsed into a broken heap."CRUCIO!"Sirius cried again. ─── 我也很想知道 地址:这是哈崇被黑前的精华帖...我从哪给你们找来地址?

2、They lay there grotesquely naked. ─── 它们躺在地上,模样古怪。

3、This grotesquely large mutation of man serves as a birthing/feeding agent for small demons and is mounted on a surgical slab. ─── 这是个病态般肥硕的男人,在冰冷的手术台上把他那令人称奇的躯体奉献给那些小恶魔们享用!

4、Farm protectionism is not new and international markets are grotesquely distorted by tariffs and subsidies. ─── 农业保护主义不是什么新事物,关税与补贴早已严重扭曲了国际市场。

5、It is to be filmed, on national television, grotesquely exposing a grieving family's most private and sensitive moments to millions of greedy, curious eyes. ─── 国家电视台要将葬礼拍成纪录片,将悲痛中的家人的私密情感放大给成千上万双好奇贪婪的眼睛。

6、8.They wore grotesquely ill-fitting European clothes, and even in the dim, veiled light the hostility that filled their eyes were plain. ─── 他们穿着非常不合身的欧洲款式的衣服,即使是在阴暗的灯光下你仍然可以清楚地看到他们眼里的敌意.

7、a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal ─── 一个人或者动物的奇异外形雕刻

8、Then we spend years looking for our "lost" passion in the sand of a grotesquely overpopulated place I call the "Isle of Yeah-but. ─── 然后,我们去花漫长的时间,在我称之为“是啊-但是”的过度拥挤的岛上沙滩上寻找所谓”失去”的激情。

9、Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. ─── 随之,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉浮升,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。

10、Such characters represent a grotesquely blown - up aspect of an ideal man if not realizable , capable of being ideated . ─── 这些人物代表了一个过分夸张中的理想人类的形象,虽然不可能实现,但却可以想像得到。

11、He called it the most grotesquely tragic experience he's ever had. ─── 他称之为他所经历的最荒诞不经的悲惨经历。

12、The truth is I knew I was grotesquely thin, yet I would stand in front of the mirror and see a fat person staring back. ─── 事实是我知道自己已经瘦得不正常,但每次站在镜子前,我仍然看见一个胖子在盯着我。

13、The blotched and sagging face twisted grotesquely into the grimace of extreme grief. ─── 那肮脏松弛的脸奇异地扭曲了、变做了极端凄惨的怪笑。

14、that the financial system was grotesquely undercapitalised; ─── 金融体系的资本不足令人匪夷所思;

15、Housing was grotesquely(荒唐地) overpriced;prices are slumping;in time they will reach a level at which poorer young Britons can buy themselves a home. ─── 房价被非理性高估,现在价格急剧下跌,总有一天会降到英国刚起步的年轻人也能买得起的水平。

16、To subsidise the banking system as a whole to persuade it to undertake what is but a small part of its activity is grotesquely inefficient. ─── 要补贴整个银行体系,说服它开展自身业务的一小部分,是极其没有效率的。

17、Though bits of Russia are booming, inequality is grotesquely wide, and even in glitzy Moscow many Russians rely on cheap market stalls for their daily needs. ─── 虽然俄罗斯有些地方发展迅猛,可奇怪的是贫富差距却越拉越大,就算是在富丽堂皇的莫斯科,许多俄罗斯人也喜欢到廉价市场货摊上购买日常用品。

18、Two faces grotesquely disfigured in nylon stocking masks looked through the window. ─── 2张戴尼龙长袜面罩的怪脸望着窗外。

19、Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame.Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. ─── 突然,山头自己也似乎燃起火焰,一会儿,一轮又大又红的月亮从树林中慢慢现出身来,夏天空气中弥漫的灰尘与湿气令它显得异常怪异。

20、Suddenly,the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame:then,the rising moon,huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere,loomed up out of the woods. ─── 突然,山脊也像在火焰中燃烧:尔后,升起来的月亮,又大又红,夏天的灰尘和汗气把月亮弄成了怪诞的畸形,从树林中慢慢地出现了。

21、So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did. ─── 因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。

22、a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal. ─── 一个人或者动物的奇异外形雕刻。

23、2. a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal. ─── 刻有奇异荒诞的人或怪兽花纹的滴水嘴。

24、Her arched eyebrows and grotesquely powdered face were at once seductive and grimly overbearing. ─── 眉棱棱着,在一脸的怪粉上显出妖媚而霸道。

25、So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did. ─── 因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。

26、Phoebe: No, no, I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime, and their, their corpses grotesquely dressed in like tinsel and twinkly lights. ─── 这样把无辜的树砍下,又把乱七八糟的东西挂在人家的尸体上--你昨晚还睡得安稳吗?

27、The man watched him go, limping grotesquely and lurching forward with stammering gait up the slow slope toward the soft sky-line of the low-lying hill. ─── 这个坚强的人看着他离去,古怪地摇晃着,跌跌撞撞地前进,蹒跚着爬上一个缓坡,朝着矮山上柔和的天际走去。

28、"Oh!" Sabrina exclaimed, clapping her hands to her pert derriere. The holograph dissolved, the blue-dressed girl distorting grotesquely before she vanished. "I'm on fire!" ─── “噢!”萨布莱娜尖叫一声,双手拍打她漂亮的臀部。全息造像魔法消失了,身着蓝裙的少女在消失前扭曲成滑稽可笑的样子,“我着火了!”

29、a fetus or an infant that is grotesquely abnormal and usually not viable ─── 畸胎畸形的且通常不能成活的胎儿或婴儿

30、Her right arm swelled grotesquely. ─── 她的右臂肿得奇形怪状。

31、Her voice quavered grotesquely. ─── 她的声音异样地颤抖着。

32、But John’s strangeness is grotesquely mirrored in that of his four sisters who roam the dark, mazy Essex country house under the strict gaze of eighty-year-old Mrs Cosway. ─── 朱天文便是。住在桂花树盛开的深巷里,一栋老宅,两代同堂,书房里每一样物事都被书籍报章覆盖,如同远古代旺盛雨林。

33、Where the solution splashed, people's arms, noses, eyes, etc. were enlarged grotesquely. ─── 药水飞溅之处,人们的胳膊、鼻子、眼睛等等都怪异地肿大起来。其解药是消肿剂。

34、So the revelry among Labour MPs over Mr Cameron's predicament this week was grotesquely hypocritical. ─── 所以本周看到卡梅伦陷入困境,工党议员载歌载舞的样子实在是伪善得可怕。

35、She could see herself in the reflecting lenses, which had grotesquely foreshortened her. ─── 她可以在反射镜头中看到自己被怪异地缩短了。

36、3. The man watched him go,limping grotesquely and lurching forward with stammering gait up the slow slope toward the soft sky-line of the low-lying hill. ─── 这个坚强的人看着他离去,古怪地摇晃着,跌跌撞撞地前进,蹒跚着爬上一个缓坡,朝着矮山上柔和的天际走去。收藏指正

37、The Relationship Between Jingchu Culture and the Grotesquely Styled Poems by Han Yu ─── 论荆楚文化与韩愈险怪诗风的关系

38、Not grotesquely ogre-like ugly, but definitely not what anyone would describe as handsome. ─── 虽不像怪物那般奇丑,但也绝对不是人人所说的那种英俊。

39、Shenzhen's winter, evening or comes the comparison early, the day doesnot have at night to come, the light already exaggerated the dim lightof night grotesquely and gaudily. ─── 深圳的冬天,傍晚还是来得比较早,天还没有黑下来,灯光已经把夜色渲染得光怪陆离。

40、This black horse has a grotesquely demonic appearance. ─── 这匹黑马有着一副古怪的恶魔造型。

41、“I was shocked at what I saw,” he said.“The medial side of my leg was grotesquely streaked in purple-black from the bottom of my calf to my ankle, including the top of my foot. ─── “我看到自己的伤时都呆了,”他说,“我的腿内侧都是奇怪的死黑色条纹,从小腿一直延伸到脚踝,连脚背上都是。”

42、Housing was grotesquely overpriced; prices are slumping; in time they will reach a level at which poorer young Britons can buy themselves a home. ─── 房市的价格更是被高估的离谱,所以价钱狂跌,到时候价格水平会使英国并不富足的年轻一代给自己置办一套房产。

43、Under the direction of Tim Burton, this has become yet another grotesquely dark, yet ever-so entertaining blockbuster. ─── 他们是我踏入社会第一群同事。

44、Irish bank assets became grotesquely out of line with the nation's economy during the property bubble. ─── 在房地产泡沫时期,爱尔兰银行的资产规模严重背离了国家经济状况。

45、The ridge of the mountain.Whit its grotesquely shaped. Jagged rocks. ─── 该山体石峰嶙峋,山脊呈锯状。

46、He discovered that in his invisible state he was compelled to fast for all unassimilated food or drink was grotesquely visible.A ─── 他发现在他隐身的情况下不得不禁食,因为所有的食物或饮料都无法使之同样隐形,他吃下的食物或喝下的饮料会看得见的,而且看起来很古怪。

47、An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts. ─── 虚构怪物由奇形怪状的、不相干的部分组成的一种虚构的怪物

48、Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. ─── 随之,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉浮升,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。

49、behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies. ─── 房间的后墙凭空放着两个怪异的裸体模特,可以看出塑造他们的形体时的审慎的刀痕。

50、Comparison with China has become a distorting mirror in which Indians see their country's shortcomings grotesquely magnified ─── 与中国的比较已经成为印度人民荒诞般放大自己国家缺点的一面哈哈镜。

51、an imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts ─── 由奇形怪状的、不相干的部分组成的一种虚构的怪物

52、The problem is not the Chinese, nor the British people, nor the Yanks. It's the grotesquely rich and their free trade mantra. ─── 引起问题的不是中国人,不是英国人,也不是美国佬。而是这些荒唐的富人和他们的自由贸易口号。

53、in time exports will respond (perhaps quite a long time, as Britain's main export market is sluggish Europe).Housing was grotesquely overpriced;prices are slumping; ─── 而出口则会如期的作出反应,英国的主要出口目标是迟钝的欧洲,所以反应的时间也许会很长。

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