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Yorkshire 发音

英:['j?rk??]  美:['j?rk??]

英:  美:

Yorkshire 中文意思翻译



Yorkshire 网络释义

n. 约克郡(英格兰东北的一郡)

Yorkshire 短语词组

1、Yorkshire terrier ─── 约克郡犬

2、West Yorkshire ─── 西约克郡(位于英国英格兰北部)

3、South Yorkshire ─── 南约克郡(英国苏格兰北部一个郡)

4、yorkshire bank ─── 约克郡银行

5、Duke of York's Own East Yorkshire Regiment ─── 约克公爵的东 ─── 约克郡军团

6、yorkshire moors ─── 约克夏摩斯(地名)

7、Yorkshire Light Infantry ─── 约克郡轻步兵

8、yorkshire dale ─── 约克郡山谷

9、Yorkshire coach ─── 约克夏挽马

10、North Yorkshire ─── 北约克郡(英国一个地区)

11、yorkshire tea gold ─── 约克郡茶金

12、Yorkshire pudding n. ─── 约克郡布丁

13、yorkshire dales n. ─── 约克郡谷地

14、yorkshire museum ─── 约克郡博物馆

15、yorkshire marathon ─── 约克郡马拉松

16、Yorkshire fog ─── [网络] 绒毛草;绒毛草参考例句

17、Yorkshire side ─── 约克郡那边

18、yorkshire post ─── 约克郡邮报

19、yorkshire tea decaf co ─── 约克郡脱咖啡因茶公司

Yorkshire 相似词语短语

1、Yorkshire ─── n.约克郡(英格兰东北的一郡)

2、Ayrshire ─── n.埃尔郡(英国苏格兰西南部旧郡);苏格兰埃尔郡乳牛;adj.埃尔郡乳牛的

3、Berkshire ─── n.伯克郡(英格兰南部郡);黑白色的猪;巴克夏猪

4、to shire ─── 去夏尔

5、Dorsetshire ─── n.多塞特郡(位于英格兰南部)

6、Forfarshire ─── n.福弗尔郡

7、Berkshires ─── 伯克郡

8、yorkie ─── n.约克夏

9、for hire ─── 供出租

Yorkshire 习惯用语

1、come [put] Yorkshire over sb. (=put Yorkshire on sb.) ─── 欺骗某人, 叫某人上当

Yorkshire 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said that the family were upset and had asked for their privacy to be respected. ─── 南约克郡警署的一名发言人称其家人心情沉痛,并要求尊重他们的隐私。

2、'But I'll discover who it is soon! 'She was almost beginning to enjoy herself in Yorkshire. ─── “不过我会很快弄清楚是谁的!”她几乎开始喜欢在约克郡的生活了

3、In total, 827 pure-bred Canadian Yorkshire and Landrace pigs were imported from Canada and distributed amongst the three project sites in 1995 and 1996. ─── 在1995年和1996年,从加拿大引进了827头纯种约克夏猪和长白猪,分送给三个项目点。

4、Later in his life , James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire, England. ─── 在赫里奥特的晚年,他把在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写了许多。

5、Nearly everybody knows about roast beef and Yorkshire pudding but this is by no means the only dish that is cooked well. ─── 几乎人人知道红烧牛排与约克郡布丁,但这绝不是惟一烧得好的菜。

6、They're sort of like pancakes and kind of like Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge! ─── 它是一种类似于薄烤饼又类似于约克郡布丁的食品,很辣,油炸,内软外酥!

7、To stem the rising tide against him, he is to swing around the circle in Yorkshire tonight. ─── 为了挡住日益高涨的反对浪潮,他预定今晚在约克郡选区巡回,发表政见。

8、The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of pituitary specific transcription factor 1(PIT-1)gene was analyzed in Xiang pig, Shanghai White pig and Yorkshire pig. ─── 对香猪、上海白猪、大约克夏猪的垂体特异性转录因子(PIT-1)基因进行了单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分析。

9、Becks was best body in North-East England and Yorkshire, with 007 star Daniel Nol in Scotland. ─── 小贝在英国东北部和约克郡最受青睐,而丹尼尔则在苏格兰最有人气。

10、TrevNobody is perfect.But Being a Yorkshire man is as close as you can get. ─── 如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

11、Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen. ─── 约克郡布丁的制作方法是将面糊浇注在涂过油的烘培罐里,然后在高温下烘烤加热至其膨胀。

12、The kids are studying at boarding school in Yorkshire and this is their half term at the moment. ─── 一直都以为自己的中文蛮好,可是现在写中文的时候都觉得有点力不从心。

13、In contrast to the "bleak cold colours" of the Yorkshire moors outside, "the room looked the perfection of warmth, snugness and comfort, crimson predominating in the furniture". ─── 于此产生强烈对比的是外面是暗淡的冷色调的约克郡荒原。她还这样形容道:“绯红色调的家具让整个房间看上去非常的暖和,干净,舒服。”


15、Smith looks set to be one of the first departures from Elland Road as the financially-troubled Yorkshire club downsize their squad in preparation for Division One football next season. ─── 史密斯已明确表示:如果转会,他也不会去英超其他球队,而是去西甲或意甲。史密斯说:“我从没想过离开,我一直认为我将在这里度过整个职业生涯。

16、Two Yorkshire terriers Billy (R) and Jully (L), sit on the bed at a pet motel in Sao Paulo August 26, 2005. ─── 2005年8月26日,两条约克郡犬比利(右)和朱莉(左)坐在圣保罗的一家宠物旅馆。

17、If one talk with the teachers at Yorkshire, however, it quickly becomes clear that an impressive mummer of very capable and creative teachers work here. ─── 如果一个人和约克夏的教师交谈,他会马上意识到,在这里工作的为数不少的教师都非常有能力、极具创造性。

18、The days to 100 kg shortened 45 85days,12 33days and 9 48 in days in phenotype and 0 46 days,0 29 days and 4 79 days in genetics for Landrace,Yorkshire and Duroc,respectively. ─── 体重达 1 0 0kg的日龄 ,长白、约克夏和杜洛克从表型上分别下降了 45 85天、1 2 33天和 9 48天 ,遗传上分别下降了 0 46天、0 2 9天和4 79天 ;

19、Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in May 2006 in Clifton West Yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting. ─── 吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。

20、File photo dated 26/01/2007 of Blue tits feeding in a country garden in North Yorkshire. ─── 分说明:2007年1月26日,英国北约克郡一个花园里,两只蓝雀在喂鸟器旁进食。

21、The video message left behind by their leader, Mohammad Sidique Khan, declaimed the grievances of Muslims in a broad Yorkshire accent. ─── 他们的领导者MohammadSidiqueKhan在所留下的视像中,慷慨激昂的用约克郡口音陈述着穆斯林的不满。

22、For example, it is observed that many folks born in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, have Moon in Venus and Jupiter signs like Taurus, Libra, sag and Pisces. ─── 举例来说,它是指出,许多乡亲出生在约克郡,林肯郡和诺丁汉, 有月亮在金星和木星的迹象一样,金牛座,天秤座,凹陷和双鱼座。

23、Yorkshire residents are the most frugal, with half claiming their pay lasts until the end of the month. ─── 住在约克郡的人是最节俭的,那里一半的人表示他们的薪水可以用到最后一天。

24、You think Yorkshire is the best cricket side?My foot! ─── 你以为约克郡队是最好的队吗?算了吧!

25、It was autumn, 1541.Following the uncovering of a plot against his throne in Yorkshire, King Henry VIII has set out on a spectacular Progress to the North to overawe his rebellious subjects there. ─── 1541年的秋天,随着在约克郡图反王权阴谋的暴露,国王亨利八世发起了声势浩大的御驾亲征,前往北方镇压叛党。

26、The genetic trends of reproduction traits and production traits were favorable. The genetic trends of TNB, NBA, LBW for Yorkshire, Landrace and Duroc were 0.0038, 0.0583, 0.0677, 0.0024, 0.0359, 0.0235, 0.0032, 0.0421, 0.0187, respectively. ─── 各性状的遗传趋势:繁殖性状TNB、NBA、LBW的遗传趋势大约克、长白、杜洛克分别为0.0038、0.0583、0.0677,0.0024、0.0359、0.0235,0.0032、0.0421、0.0187,遗传趋势是有利的。

27、Associate lectureship at Batley School of Art, West Yorkshire from 1981 to 2000. ─── 1981年到2000年在西约克郡的巴特雷艺术学院担任助理讲师。

28、The north-south property divide continued, with the North seeing the biggest price rises at 4.5%, compared with 2.2% and in Yorkshire and 1.8% in Humberside. ─── 北南财富分界持续着。北方的最大房价涨幅达到4.5%,相比较而言,约克郡为2.2%,亨伯赛德郡为1.8%。

29、Duffin, 36, told the Yorkshire Evening Post newspaper that Parton's hits were often belted out from her home, but that her 15-year-old son Josh was a bigger fan. ─── 36岁的杜芬告诉约克夏晚报,她家的确经常传出桃莉.芭顿畅销曲的乐声,不过,她15岁的儿子贾许甚至比她更迷桃莉.芭顿。

30、A deletion of adenosine (A), at -241 (relative to initiation codon ATG), designated as Del(A) allele, was found in Laiwu compared with Yorkshire (GenBank accession number DQ463321-22). ─── 克隆了猪DGAT1 5’调控区的部分序列(737 bp),在-241bp(相对于起始密码子ATG)发现一处由单个腺嘌呤(A)缺失产生的新SNP位点(定义为等位基因Del(A) ) (GenBank收录号:DQ463321-22);

31、In pub cuisine, Yorkshire puddings may be offered with a multitude of fillings, with the pudding acting as a bowl. ─── 在有些酒吧里,约克郡布丁一般会被做成碗状,里面填满多种不同的食物。

32、The visitor to Yorkshire, for instance, may look forward to receiving generous helpings at meal times. ─── 例如,去约克郡的外国人就餐时可享受到丰盛的饭菜。

33、In the bleak month of February, the school packed us students off to the Yorkshire moors in the north of England, telling us that we had one week to paint what we saw. ─── 在那阴冷的2月天,校方把我们满车的学生载往英格兰北部约克郡的荒野,告诉我们有一整个礼拜的时光可以画下所看到的东西。

34、For four years he stalked the streets of South Yorkshire, carrying stockings and tights to use as a mask and to tie up his victims. ─── 在四年中,劳埃德在南约克郡的大街小巷里尾随妇女,随身携带长筒袜和紧身袜裤用于蒙面伪装和捆绑受害者。

35、Eccleston will link up with Lee Clark's Terriers once the paperwork is finalised and could now be in line to make his debut for the West Yorkshire outfit against Yeovil at Huish Park on Saturday. ─── 埃斯克林顿将转会到哈德斯菲尔德将尘埃落定,现在他可能在周六休斯公园代表西部约克郡对阵耶奥维尔的比赛中上演他的处子秀。

36、But of the British banks that had to be rescued, three out of four were headquartered in Yorkshire, Newcastle and Edinburgh. ─── 但不得不接受纾困的英国银行中,有四分之三总部位于约克郡、纽卡斯尔和爱丁堡。

37、Det Insp Angie Wright, of South Yorkshire Police, said after the hearing: "He was a pillar of society in terms of his occupation and his home. ─── 南约克郡的高级警官安吉?赖特在预审会后说:“就其职业和家庭而言劳埃德都是社会栋梁。

38、Many have argued that, within a currency union, current account deficits do not matter any more than between Yorkshire and Lancashire. ─── 许多人曾主张,在一个货币联盟内部,国家间的经常账户赤字并不比约克郡和兰开夏郡间的赤字更重要。

39、Paul McGuinness' side will now face Sheffield United in the final of the prestigious youth tournament on Friday after the Yorkshire club beat FC Porto on penalties in the other semi-final. ─── 保罗.麦吉尼斯的球队将在周五晚上的决赛中对垒谢联,这家约克郡球队在点球大战中击败了波尔图。

40、File photo dated 27/06/2007 of Firefighters towing a woman and her dog to safety as flood waters rise in Toll Bar near Doncaster, South Yorkshire. ─── 分说明:2007年6月27日,英国唐克斯特,消防员将一名女子和她的狗从洪水中救起,拖往安全地带。

41、In Yorkshire, East Midlands and the South West, trusts were promised an increase of over 20% in capital funds last year from their SHAs. ─── 在约克夏、中英格兰东和西南,基金会保证会从他们的SHA中拿出更多资金用于资本基金,比去年增长20%强。

42、Later in his life, James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire, England. He wrote ten books, all about animals. ─── 在晚年,詹姆斯·赫里奥特写了许多他在英格兰约克郡做乡村兽医的经历。他写了十本书,都和动物有关。

43、According to the population genetic structure the RYR gene of n - allele frequencies were higher in Duroc and Yorkshire ,but was completely absent in Landrace. ─── 从群体遗传结构分析表明:在约克夏,杜洛克猪群中,有n基因存在;

44、"A disease can go through the whole field within 48 hours," says Kevin Littleboy, who farms mainly wheat and potatoes in North Yorkshire. ─── “疾病可以在48小时内蔓延到整块地里,’在北约克郡以种植小麦和马铃薯为主的凯文说。

45、Holland and Sherry has spun its special vicuna worsted from llamas in Peru and Bolivia. It is then brought back to the company's factory in Yorkshire. ─── 制衣厂在秘鲁和玻利维亚收集到这些绒毛,然后运送到英国约克郡的纺织厂织成面料。

46、And in England, long famous for its kingdom of Danish Vikings at York, it's been reported recently that a certain old Yorkshire family has ancient West African DNA which even they didn't know about. ─── 和在英格兰,长期以其英国的丹麦北欧海盗在纽约,它的最近有报道说,某旧约克郡的家庭已古代西非的DNA,甚至他们并不知道。

47、The Yorkshire Dales are not just a rambler's paradise of dramatic hills.Anyone can revel in the simple joy of padding in a gentle stream, feeding lambs, or exploring a castle. ─── 就是有着美丽溪流蜿蜒而过的山谷以及用各种绿色的草坪和石墙镶嵌成珠宝首饰般小丘的广大区域。

48、The Pennine Hills, which are very popular with hikers, are situated between Lancashire and Yorkshire. ─── 宾南山脉位于兰开夏郡和约克夏郡之间,是远足的人所喜爱的地方。

49、The mother of Shannon Matthew has been found guilty of kidnapping the 9-year-old from her home in Dewsbury, in West Yorkshire. ─── Her codefendant共同被告Michael Donovan was also convicted已被判刑的.M Taylor is from the Crown Prosecution Service皇家检控署.

50、Large Yorkshire had highly significant differences with Landrace pig. ─── 外来猪种间只有大约克和长白间差异显著。

51、It all reminded me a little of Bradford, but without any of the foppish glamour often associated with my Yorkshire birthplace. ─── 所有这些让我想起英国的布拉德福,但是在我约克郡的家乡常有一种俗艳的魅力,这儿却没有。

52、You think Yorkshire is the best cricket side? My foot! ─── 你以为约克郡队是最好的板球队吗?算了吧。

53、At first, Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton, North Yorkshire, was a stray. ─── 一开始,李尔顿以为这只朝他在北约克夏史基普顿家中飞来、脏兮兮的小鸟迷了路。

54、The gap with the northwest has gone up from 31% to 41%, and with Yorkshire and Humberside from 34% to 40%. ─── 与西北部人的差距从31%上升至41%;与约克郡和亨伯赛德郡的差距从34%上升到40%。

55、A spokeswoman for West Yorkshire Police said two men aged 26 and 24 had been re-arrested today while a 20-year-old man had been detained for the first time. ─── 一个发言人对西的约克郡 警察说了二个男人年老的 26 和 24 已经在今天被再拘捕当一个 20 岁的男人已经在第一次被扣留的时候。

56、Later in his life, James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire, England. ─── 在赫里奥特的晚年,他把在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写了许多。

57、Founded in 1132, the ruined Cistercian monastery, Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire, is one of the largest and best preserved Cistercian houses in England. ─── 北约克郡的喷泉修道院 (或称泉水修道院),是已成废墟的西妥教会修道院,成立于1132年,乃英格兰最大与保存最好的西妥教修道院。

58、C:Give me Yorkshire pudding. ─── 就给我拿约克郡布了吧。

59、In the 1950s, the English children's writer Philippa Pearce created a fictionalised version of Cambridge known as "Castleford" (not connected to the real town of the same name in West Yorkshire). ─── 出版社成立初期,以印制圣经及祈祷书为主。

60、East Yorkshire, UK-based AB Graphic International has announced the addition of the FSR film slitter rewinder to its range of Omega label converting lines. ─── 东约克郡,总部设在英国的国际公司的图形已宣布增加了FSR薄膜分切复卷机的一系列欧米茄标签转换线。

61、Magica_Luna,_della [Milano] Allevamento per la razza Yorkshire presenta foto dei campioni, standard, consigli e informazioni. ─── 云台山世界地质公园位于东亚裂谷西缘太行山南端,面积556平方千米。

62、She was born and bred in Yorkshire. ─── 她自幼在约克郡长大的。

63、She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire. ─── 她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。

64、In the early 1930s nearly every employable person in some of the South Yorkshire villages was on the dole. ─── 30年代初在南约克郡的一些村庄,几乎所有适于雇用的人都领取失业救济金。

65、Everything from playing football to having Yorkshire puddings on a Sunday. ─── 在周日,踢足球到享用约克郡布丁就是一切。

66、Halothane gene(RYR1) could be detected accurately. The gene frequencies of Haln were 9.0% for Landrace, 4.2% for Duroc and 0% for Yorkshire,respectively. ─── 在测定的长白、大约克、杜洛克猪中 ,发现长白猪Haln 基因的基因频率较其它品种高 ,为 9.0% ,杜洛克的为 4 .2% ,在大约克中未发现

67、"We had roast beef and yorkshire puddings every Sunday. ─── “我们每个周日都吃烤牛肉和约克郡布丁。

68、It spans North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and Cumbria. ─── 地跨北约克郡、西约克郡与坎布里亚郡。

69、On October 13th of 1944, this Panther Ausf G (turret number 222) from 107th Panzer Brigade was hit and disabled by PIAT fired by 2nd Battalion of East Yorkshire Regiment at Oveloon in Holland. ─── 在1944年10月13日这辆来自于第107装甲旅的黑豹G型(炮塔编号222)在荷兰的欧路恩镇被东约克郡团2连的PIAT反坦克炮击中,失去行动能力。

70、'rt a Yorkshire lad for sure. ─── 是个约克郡男孩。

71、SQ plans to buy,from the world swine market, 950 head of purebred pigs of breeds duroc, landrace, and Yorkshire. ─── 蜝山公司拟从国外购买纯种杜洛克,长白,大白种猪950头。

72、Paramedics found the girl lying bruised and naked on the living room floor at her home in Almondbury Bank, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, on November 18 last year. ─── 医护人员于去年11月18日发现这个女孩偏体粼伤的裸趟在自家客厅地板上.

73、MHIE business card printing and membership card-making machinery Division as the new administration that is located in West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom in the city of Leeds. ─── MHIE制卡和会员卡制作机械事业部作为新的管理机构,位于英国西约克郡地区的主要都市利兹。

74、The Crosspool transmitter on Tapton Hill also has Hallam FM on 97.4FM, Galaxy Yorkshire on 105.6FM and Real Radio on 107.7FM. ─── 它是世界斯诺克台球锦标赛和英国壁球公开赛的定点举办城市,也曾经承办过世界大学生运动会。

75、Castle Howard in North Yorkshire ─── 北约克郡的霍华德城堡

76、She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire. ─── 她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。

77、The footage shows them standing near officers from West Yorkshire police, at least four of whom were not showing their badge numbers. ─── 从录像中可以辨认出站在一旁的警员都隶属于西约克郡警署,其中至少有四名警员未出示警徽。

78、In pen, the frequency of lateral recumbency in lactation period for Landrace sows was obviously higher than in pregnancy period (P0.05). ─── 但是大白母猪哺乳期侧卧的机率与妊娠期差异不显著(P>0.05)。

79、But Robert Jones of Doncaster, South Yorkshire in the UK, didn't do that. ─── 但是,罗伯特琼斯唐卡斯特,南约克在英国,没有做到。

80、A quintessential Yorkshire treat and, while I always associate it with Guy Fawkes Night, this rich, dark treacle and ginger cake is my chosen slice with a cup of builder’s tea. ─── 一种典型的约克郡吃法,它常使我想起盖伊节的晚上(焰火之夜),涂着浓浓黑色糖浆的姜饼,再加上一杯清茶,这是我在那天晚上的必选美餐。

81、In the County of Yorkshire in the north part of England there lived a baron. ─── 在英格兰北部的约克郡,住着一位男爵。

82、This programme takes a look at Yorkshire Water's framework agreement, the contracts they use and the commercial models that govern their work. ─── 介绍英国约克郡水利部门,如何利用架构协定与专用合约以商业模式管治机构。原版英文发音。

83、Four purebred Yorkshire terriers stolen at gunpoint more than a week ago have been reunited with their owners. ─── 一个多星期前被持枪者偷去的四只纯种约克郡狗已经被找回来还给他们的主人。

84、Duffin, 36, told the Yorkshire Evening Post newspaper that Parton's hit were often belted out from her home, but that her 15-year-old son Josh was a bigger fan,. ─── 36岁的杜芬告诉约克夏晚报,他家的确经常传出桃莉.芭顿畅销曲的乐声,不过,他15岁的儿子比他更迷桃莉.芭顿。

85、It is inherited in Yorkshire Terriers and German Shorthaired Pointers. ─── 在约克夏梗和德国短毛指示犬中为遗传病。

86、He's th' trustiest lad i' Yorkshire. ─── 他是约克郡最值得信赖的少年。

87、Regionally, the statistics show Yorkshire and the Humber has the highest rate of 17 year olds not in full-time education or work-based training at 35%. ─── 从各个地区来看,数据表明约克郡和汉伯地区17岁青少年的辍学率最高,达到35%。这些辍学的学生包括不接受全日制教育和职业培训的学生。

88、On the wild and lonely Yorkshire moors a tragic love story unfolds as Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff fall in love. ─── 在约克夏的荒野上,凯萨琳和希斯克里夫墬入情网。

89、She lives in a quiet corner of Yorkshire. ─── 她住在约克郡的一个僻静的地区。


New york翻译成新乡就好了,皆大欢喜


港澳台地区就是把新西兰(NEW ZEALAND)翻译成纽西兰,


关于NEW YORK为什么没有翻译成新约而翻译为纽约的问题



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