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omnibus 发音

英:['?mn?b?s]  美:['ɑmn?b?s]

英:  美:

omnibus 中文意思翻译



omnibus 短语词组

1、omnibus credit ─── [法] 总括放款

2、omnibus risk ─── [财]综合性危险

3、omnibus agreement ─── 总括协定

4、omnibus clause ─── [法] 总括条款

5、omnibus book ─── 文选集(一个作家的作品)

6、justitia omnibus ─── [拉丁语]公平施于众(美国哥伦比亚特区的箴言)

7、omnibus film ─── 总括电影

8、omnibus survey ─── [经] 多项调查

9、in omnibus ─── [法] 在所有方面, 在总的方面

10、king's omnibus ─── [法] 警察局用的囚车

11、omnibus bill ─── [法] 混合法案

12、omnibus bill of lading ─── [经] 综合提单

13、omnibus hearing ─── [法] 混合听审

14、omnibus bar ─── 汇流条

15、omnibus calculator ─── 多用计算器

16、omnibus resolution ─── 总括决议

17、omnibus opinion ─── 综合意见

18、omnibus telegraph system ─── [电] 综合电报系统

19、Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ─── 统括预算调整法

omnibus 相似词语短语

1、omnium ─── n.[金融]担保证券的总值,全部

2、mini-bus ─── 小型公共汽车;小巴士

3、omnianas ─── 全方位的

4、omnibuses ─── n.公共汽车;精选集;文集;adj.综合性的;总括的;(包括)多项的

5、omnifies ─── Omnifies公司

6、Comnenus ─── n.康尼努斯家族

7、ombus ─── 影子

8、omniums ─── n.[金融]担保证券的总值,全部

9、minibus ─── n.面包车(等于microbus);小型公共汽车;中客车;vi.乘中客车

omnibus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had never seen an omnibus at any time in the Buchingham Park Road. ─── 他从来也没有见到公共马车在任何时候从白金汉公园路经过。

2、omnibus alternis horis ─── (拉)每隔1小时, 每2小时

3、They cited as one step the passage by Congress in 1988 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which contained some reciprocity provisions and other measures designed to open closed foreign markets to U.S. exports. ─── 他们举出1998年国会通过“综合贸易与竞争力法”作为一个例子,该项法案包含某些互惠条款和其他措施,以便开放对美国产品一向关闭的外国市

4、Omnibus survey is a research carried out for a number of companies of different products. ─── 综合性研究是对多家企业的产品的状况进行调研。

5、light omnibus ─── 小公共汽车

6、Public Omnibus Operators Association Limited ─── 公共巴士同业联会有限公司

7、Shanghai TV station (building of STV) new large building is 125 meters tall, it is office of a market, bank, meal, recreation and conference the omnibus edifice at an organic whole. ─── 上海电视台(STV)新大厦楼高125米,是一幢集办公、银行、餐饮、娱乐和会议于一体的综合性大厦。

8、Area can expand capacity continuously is an omnibus index. ─── 区域可持续发展能力是一个综合性指标。

9、an omnibus edition ─── 廉价普及本

10、At the most there was an omnibus wheel broken, and the old Anceau cart was demolished. ─── 会不会被打开一个缺口?这倒是一个问题。

11、Two light-infantrymen, who tried to lift the shattered omnibus, were slain by two shots fired from the attic. ─── 两个正在设法扶起打坏了的公共大马车的轻骑兵,被阁楼里打来的两枪送了命。

12、House approval of the 2009 omnibus bill will send the legislation to the Senate for a vote. ─── 众议院批准2009财政年度的综合议案后,还要提交给参议院进行表决。

13、Omnibus with Horses from Time ─── 和从时代周刊马公共汽车图片

14、Disgruntled and defeated omnibus owners and drivers groaned aloud. ─── 心怀不满的和遭受挫折的公共马车商人和车夫高声叫骂着。

15、king's omnibus ─── [法] 警察局用的囚车

16、omnibus telegraph system ─── [电] 综合电报系统

17、Within two years he sold the idea of wedding Indianapolis and Marion County into an omnibus governmental unit. ─── 不到两年,他实现下述主张:把印地安那波利斯市和马里恩县的政府联合起来。

18、Section 3004 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 ─── 1988年贸易和竞争综合法案第3004条款

19、They take you all over like an omnibus . They give you indigestion. ─── 他们像一部公共汽车似的把你们全载走,使你们消化不良。

20、His stories were later brought out in an omnibus edition. ─── 他的小说后来出版了廉价普及本。这里指报纸的出版。

21、omnibus algorithm ─── 公共算法

22、Omnibus (City Bus) ─── 市区公共汽车

23、omnibus film ─── 影片集

24、John McCain's attempt to reduce earmarks in an omnibus spending bill was defeated in the Senate. ─── 约翰。麦凯恩试图通过“一揽子开销议案”削减专项拨款的努力在参议院受挫。

25、omnibus circuit ─── 公共电路

26、Municipal guards of lofty stature were making their way in, some striding over the omnibus, others through the cut, thrusting before them the urchin, who retreated, but did not flee. ─── 一群个儿高大的保安警察,有的越过公共马车,有的穿过缺口,正往里蹿,向那野孩扑来,野孩只往后退,却不逃跑。

27、LGOC (London General Omnibus Company) ─── 伦敦通用公共汽车公司

28、omnibus system ─── 公用系统

29、Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act ─── 《贸易和竞争综合法案》

30、The application of GFRP in the technology design of omnibus and the development trend on this field are introduced in detail. ─── 介绍玻璃纤维增强塑料在大客车造型设计上的应用及其制造工艺的发展趋势。

31、omnibus bill of lading ─── [经] 综合提单

32、Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum. ─── 他说:“公共马车不从科林斯门前过。”

33、omnibus calculator ─── 多用计算器

34、From onefold paper medium medium to cross the media, omnibus media change that crosses a trade; ─── 从单一的纸介质媒体向跨媒体、跨行业的综合性媒体转变;

35、omnibus survey ─── [经] 多项调查

36、Require brokers to report clients who maintain positions in excess of certain levels; omnibus accounts must also report such clients (and omnibus accounts of omnibus accounts). ─── 对于持仓量超出特定水平的客户,经纪须要作出报告;如属综合账户,亦须作出报告。

37、Illi mors gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi. ─── “人之将死,显赫于外而陌然于心,大祸也。”

38、Birmingham Zoo - The Animal Omnibus ─── 伯明翰动物园

39、At the beginning of the school year, teachers held an omnibus meeting to tie up many of the loose ends that were left unaddressed over the summer. ─── 学年伊始,老师们会召开一次综合性会议以解决在夏天许多未处理的零星问题。

40、omnibus speaker circuit ─── 公共通话电路

41、To prevent this, Congress and the Bush administration agreed on the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. ─── 为了防止这一点,国会和布什政府一致同意实施“1990年综合预算调节法”。

42、two-way omnibus ─── 两用公共汽车

43、And HeJian will also focus to provide customers omnibus service to enhance great competitiveness on customers' products in market. ─── 同时和舰还为客户提供全方位的服务,以及先进工艺的技术支持。

44、omnibus ticket ─── 多人共用的车票团体票

45、Do not expect the man on the Ramallah omnibus to rejoice just yet. ─── 千万别指望现在拉马拉的公交车上已经有人开始欢呼雀跃。

46、Omnibus book: Volume of books containing all the works, or selected works, of a single author, published at a price to be within the reach of all. ─── 全集(选集):把某作者的全部或部份作品包括在内,并以普罗大众能负担的价格发行的书籍。

47、omnibus test ─── 多类题测验

48、omnibus account ─── 多种用途账户

49、x-ray omnibus ─── X线车

50、An instant later, the horses were unharnessed and went off at their will, through the Rue Mondetour, and the omnibus lying on its side completed the bar across the street. ─── 一会儿过后,卸下来的那两匹马,从蒙德都街口溜走了,公共马车翻倒在街垒旁边,完成了那条街的堵塞工事。

51、As a rider to the 1990 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, Congress amended section 307(c)(l) of the CZMA to read as follows: ─── 作为《1990年综合预算调解法案》的附加条款,国会对《海岸地区管理条例》第307条(C)(1)修改如下:

52、The money was part of an omnibus spending bill approved by Congress. ─── 这笔钱是由国会批准的总括消费账单的一部分。

53、omnibus train ─── n. 每站皆停的火车, 慢车

54、Group of this one medium tries to come true to transform to what face omnibus medium company of the whole nation from a local TV station. ─── 这一传媒集团试图实现从一个地方性的电视台向面向全国的综合性传媒企业的转变。

55、Preceding them with an omnibus F test in a stagewise testing procedure defeats this design, making it unnecessarily conservative . ─── 在此之前使用F检验会破坏这种设计,得到一个相当保守的结果,这是不必要的。

56、a George Orwell omnibus ─── 乔治·奥威尔选集.

57、You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand. ─── 你必须用老百姓能理解的语言来解释这事。

58、Implementing FFT by Omnibus Programming of Matlab, Matcom and VC++ ─── Matlab、Matcom与VC++混合编程在FFT上的实现

59、An omnibus trade bill. ─── 一项综合贸易议案

60、an omnibus of detective stories ─── 侦探故事集

61、omnibus box ─── 大包厢

62、omnibus language ─── 大型语言

63、Excess Turning Circle of an Omnibus Permit ─── 巴士圈头范围逾限许可证

64、He gave a choking cry, and fell back, on to the omnibus floor ─── 他声音哽塞地喊了一声,仰身倒在车厢的地板上。

65、With growing modularisation in the system, students who select omnibus programmes have far greater flexibility than denominated students, who are committed to one or two specific subjects from day one. ─── 学科体系越来越模块化,选择综合学科的学生比指定学科的学生有更多的机动性,指定学科的学生从第一天起就只能选择一两门特定的学科。

66、But he critized Democrats for including in the 555 billion dollars omnibus bill more than 9,000 special interest items that fund specific programs favored by lawmakers. ─── 但是他批评了民主党用超过9000条特殊利益条款项目在资助立法者偏爱的特别项目,包括5550亿美元的综合法案。

67、public omnibus ─── 公共汽车

68、The pole of the omnibus was placed upright and held up with ropes, and a red flag, fastened to this pole, floated over the barricade. ─── 公共马车的辕杆已用绳索绑扎,让它竖起来,杆端系了一面红旗,飘扬在街垒的上空。

69、Can you persuade the man on the Clapham omnibus that it is useful? ─── 你能让普通人相信这个很有用吗?

70、the 90-minute Sunday omnibus edition ─── 九十分钟节目的星期天综合版

71、There are three omnibus bar cave on the elevation of 186.95m between main power house and main transformer cave, whose section is 5.90m 6.75m. The distance between sketch of gate hole is 17.50m. ─── 主厂房与主变洞之间在高程186.95m布置3条母线洞,断面为5.90m×6.75m,城门洞型,间距为17.50m。

72、in association with Omnibus Books (Ringwood, Vic. ─── 发布于 1988, Penguin Books Australia Ltd.

73、in omnibus ─── [法] 在所有方面, 在总的方面

74、Farm-state lawmakers, as usual, will have the final say on how USDA implements the omnibus farm bill. ─── 和以往一样,关于美国农业部如何实施这项综合性的农业法案,农业州的立法委员将有最终发言权。

75、That's just a winter resort hotel omnibus that has brought over some of the boarders to see us drown. ─── 那只是一辆冬季旅游旅馆的大客车,把几个客人送到那儿看我们被淹死。

76、A gentleman and a lady were talking in an omnibus. ─── 一位先生和一位太太同坐在一辆公共汽车上谈着话。

77、cycle omnibus test ─── 循环式多类题测验

78、On TV with Omnibus and Young People's Concerts, he demystified serious music, making it exciting and fun. ─── 他在电视上通过“集锦”“青年音乐会”等节目,使“严肃”音乐变得富有刺激性和逸趣横生,不再神秘。

79、omnibus service circuit ─── 公共公务电路

80、motor omnibus ─── n. 公共汽车

81、Omnibus Personality Inventory ─── 多项性格量表

82、Shandong saves Tai'an city to regard the whole nation as only omnibus pilot unit, through the active practice of 5 many months, gained remarkable success. ─── 山东省泰安市作为全国唯一的综合性试点单位,经过5个多月的积极实践,取得了显著成就。

83、omnibus bidendis ─── (拉)每隔两天

84、COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is simply a way to keep your health insurance between jobs. ─── COBRA是一种可以确保你在变更工作时依旧保有医疗保险的简便可行的方法。

85、Omnibus Consolidated Appropriation Bill for Fiscal ─── 九七年拨款法案

86、an omnibus law ─── 包括多项内容的法律

87、He gave a choking cry, and fell back, on to the omnibus floor. ─── 他声音哽塞地喊了一声,仰身倒在车厢的地板上。

88、An omnibus adjust pole for the boring design ─── 一种多功能调节镗杆设计

89、Illi mars gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi. ─── “如果一个人在死的时候,别人过于知道他,而自己不知道自己,那么死亡之降临可真是一桩大祸了”。

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