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08-14 投稿


entertains 发音

英:[?ent??te?nz]  美:[?ent?r?te?nz]

英:  美:

entertains 中文意思翻译



entertains 短语词组

1、entertains define ─── 娱乐定义

2、entertains synonym ─── 娱乐同义词

3、entertains clue ─── 娱乐线索

4、entertains meaning ─── 寓意

5、entertains thoroughly ─── 彻底娱乐

6、entertains thoroughly crossword clue ─── 充分发挥纵横填字游戏的线索

7、entertains thoroughly crossword ─── 玩纵横填字游戏

entertains 词性/词形变化,entertains变形

动词过去式: entertained |动词第三人称单数: entertains |名词: entertainer |动词现在分词: entertaining |动词过去分词: entertained |

entertains 相似词语短语

1、encurtains ─── 短的

2、entertainer ─── n.演艺人员,表演者

3、entertainers ─── n.演艺人员,娱乐圈人士(entertainer的复数形式)

4、entertaking ─── 入户

5、entrains ─── v.上火车;让……上火车;(水流或流体)卷走;导致;(使)成同步;用蒸馏带走(液滴、气泡等);n.热情,兴奋

6、entertain ─── vt.娱乐;招待;怀抱;容纳;vi.款待

7、entertakes ─── 企业

8、enterotoxins ─── n.[基医]肠毒素

9、entertained ─── v.娱乐(entertain的过去分词);款待;adj.娱乐的;愉快的

entertains 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don' t cling to your old ideas. Be ready to entertain some new ones. ─── 不要固守老意见,要能考虑别人的新意见。

2、She still occasionally entertains her family with her violin playing. ─── 她还是偶尔会为家人拉小提琴娱乐一番。

3、I don' t entertain very often. ─── 我不常在家请客.

4、They taped a special TV show to entertain their fans. ─── 他们录了一集特别的电视秀娱乐他们的歌迷。

5、I will entertain you to-night. ─── 今天晚上你是我的客人。

6、This piece is now in a formal show-off drawing room where the owner entertains officially and therefore does not want to see a big TV. ─── 这个书柜如今放在一个奢华炫耀的正式客厅里,主人要在这里郑重地招待客人,不想看到一个大电视。

7、A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity. ─── 女主人以社交身份或官方身份接待或款待客人的女性

8、Hospitable host entertains guests with grapes. ─── 好客的主人用葡萄来款待客人.

9、Mr Li,the general manager,entertains Mr Bush at the restaurant of the Beijing hotel. ─── 总经理李先生在北京宾馆餐厅部宴请布什先生。

10、Something that amuses, entertains, or pleases. ─── 乐趣使人娱乐,欢快或高兴的事物

11、What are we gonna do? he's a big customer,but how are we gonna entertain him ? ─── 怎么办好呢?他是个大主顾,但是我们怎样招待他好呢?

12、It also entertains requests from the Trade Department for technical advice regarding applications for import/export licence of strategic commodities. ─── 化验所亦应贸易署的要求,在处理战略物品进出口许可证的申请事项上提供专业咨询服务。

13、They got up a dramatic performance to entertain the foreign guests. ─── 他们举办了一次文艺演出来招待外宾。

14、Stage shows were laid on to entertain the foreign guests. ─── 安排了几场演出招待那些外宾。

15、Entertains the most high hope, for the greatest endeavor, makes the worst plan. ─── 05抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。

16、Entertain the guests with refreshments. ─── 以点心招待客人。

17、A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation. ─── 小丑,丑角在马戏、戏剧或其它演出中通过玩笑、滑稽动作及骗局娱乐的小丑

18、He refused to entertain our proposal. ─── 他拒不考虑我们的提议.

19、He even moonwalked on top of his car to entertain fans. ─── 他甚至还在自己的车上来了段太空漫步以愉悦自己的歌迷。

20、Full of vigor and strength, he expresses and entertains himself. ─── 他的拍击充满活力和劲势,从自我表达中获得自娱。

21、You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. ─── 你应该学会如何娱乐自己,享受你的生活。

22、I may not give people a better life, but at least I entertain them. ─── 我也许给不了人们更好的生活,但至少我让他们快乐。

23、I don't entertain very often. ─── 我不常在家请客。

24、She laid by her house hold work to entertain the visitor. ─── 地放下家务去招待来宾。

25、How do you entertain yourself after work? ─── 下班后你如何消遣?

26、China will entertain you to the end. ─── 中国将奉陪到底。

27、"How can you for an instant entertain so unworthy a thought, dear Valentine? ─── “你怎么会有这样不值一想的念头呢,亲爱的瓦朗蒂娜?

28、He also teaches (and entertains) budding Picassos. ─── 他还教授萌芽中的毕加索(也以此为乐)。

29、His wife likes to entertain. ─── 他的妻子非常好客。

30、You cannot evangelize and entertain at the same time. ─── 你没有办法同时又布道又娱乐的。

31、I am really exhausted after have to entertain my wife and kid. ─── "为""孝顺""老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽"

32、hurts retailers and entertains consumers," said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group. ─── 伤害了零售商,但取悦了消费者。” Verde 集团总裁保拉·考特尼说。

33、In shooting, aim your arrow at the target; in playing the violin, choose a tune that entertains your audience. ─── 射箭看靶子,弹琴看对象。

34、She loves to talk , dance and entertain . ─── 她喜欢谈话、跳舞和招待客人。

35、Entertain local and national reporters with his memories of war. ─── 就他在战争中的经历接受当地和全国报刊记者的采访。

36、Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。

37、The story that entertains without enriching is superficial and escapist. ─── 只有娱乐而没有教化的故事太肤浅,而且逃避现实。

38、One who receives or entertains guests in a social or an official capacity. ─── 主人,东道主以社会身份或官方身份接待或款待客人的人

39、I am afraid we cannot entertain your claim as it have nothing to do with us. ─── 恐怕我们不能接受你方索赔,因为这与我们无关。

40、They spread themselves to entertain the visitors. ─── 他们大肆铺张招待来访客人。

41、The Smiths entertain a great deal. ─── 史密斯一家常款待客人。

42、In actual fact, anyone who entertains or supports this view is helping the enemy corrode our Party. ─── 事实上,任何抱有这种想法或者支持这种想法的人,就是帮助党的敌人腐蚀我们的党。

43、Mr Abe is a hawk who entertains dark suspicions about China. ─── 安倍对华关系上也是以鹰派著称。

44、He entertains his guest very poorly. ─── 他对客人很怠慢。

45、It instructs as well as entertains us. ─── 它不仅教导我们也娱乐我们。

46、They can entertain themselves, and then we can leave. ─── 他们可以款待他们自己,并当时我们可别.

47、A person, a city, as soon as entertains feelings hurts. ─── 字:一个人、一座城、一生心疼。

48、Sid was sick and had to miss the fun; Mary remained at home to entertain him. ─── 希德生病,没法和大家联欢,玛丽留在家中陪他玩。

49、They laid themselves out to entertain us. ─── 他们为了款待我们煞费苦心。

50、I could never entertain a thought so dishonourable to myself. ─── 我也不至于想出这么下贱的主意。

51、Entertain a feeling against sb. ─── 对某人怀有恶感

52、To break the silence, he told a joke to entertain us. ─── 为打破沉默,他讲了一个笑话使我们高兴。

53、A buffoon or jesterwho entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation. ─── 小丑,丑角在马戏、戏剧或其它演出中通过玩笑、滑稽动作及骗局娱乐的小丑。

54、She entertains a great deal. ─── 她经常请客。

55、He said to the monkey, ?lochMonkeys have to entertain people. ─── 他对猴子说:猴子必须带给人娱乐。

56、Duncan looked the sky entertains a hope to say: Hoped you really can help us this world. ─── 邓肯看著天空抱著一丝的希望说:希望你真的能帮到我们这个世界。

57、Typical for China is the crosswalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play. ─── 在中国,典型的喜剧形式是相声表演。两个喜剧演员通过诙谐的语言游戏使观众愉悦。

58、To draw company to the house to entertain her he gave Lucullian banquets. ─── 为了让她在家有伴玩,他举行豪华的酒宴。

59、Don' forget it should be a book which entertains you and the English must not be too difficult for you. ─── 别忘记这应该是一本能娱乐您的书并且书里的英文不能对您来说太困难了。

60、I am really exhausted after having to entertain my wife and kid. ─── 为“孝顺”老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽。

61、A woman never loafs; she shops, entertains, and visits. ─── 女人从来不闲逛;购物,待客,串门总有事可忙.

62、You are here to fight alone with us, not to entertain. ─── 你到这儿来是同我们并肩战斗,不是供人娱乐。

63、We therefore regret we are unable to entertain any liability in the matter. ─── 因此,我们对此事实在无法负任何责任,甚为抱歉。

64、She laid by her household work to entertain the guest. ─── 她放下家务去招待客人。

65、Typical for China is the crosswalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play. ─── 在中国,典型的喜剧形式是相声表演。两个喜剧演员通过诙谐的语言游戏使观众愉悦。

66、Before she grew old,Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 哈特丽姑妈年轻时,常常大摆筵席,招待宾客。

67、He had to entertain some boring local bigwig. ─── 他不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

68、The dances still entertain people today. ─── 对于今人,它们负载着娱悦心身的寄托,

69、We often entertain friends at weekends. ─── 周末我们经常招待朋友。

70、The enterprise entertains them at the entrance. ─── 企业在入口处招待他们。

71、They entertain a great deal. ─── 他们常常招待客人。

72、Entertain sb. With sth. Could you entertain the children for an hour? ─── 你能哄孩子们玩一个小时吗?

73、I'll be able to entertain the guests as soon as I've got the house together. ─── 我一把屋子收拾好,就可以接待客人了。

74、A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park, in Hong Kong. ─── 一个集教育与娱乐于一身的样板主题公园就是香港的海洋公园。

75、Before she grew old, aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 在她年迈之前,哈丽特姑母家中常常大宴宾客。

76、One says the friend that is her entertains guests. ─── 一个说是她的朋友请客。

77、He used music to entertain us. ─── 他用音乐来娱乐我们。

78、He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. ─── 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。

79、He entertains the belief that the second world war is inevitable before 1936. ─── 他相信1936年以前第二次世界大战是不能避免的。

80、He entertain us for hour with his story and joke. ─── 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时。

81、She entertains a great deal. ─── 她经常宴请客人。

82、I entertain no apprehension for his welfare. ─── 我不挂念他的安全

83、Typical for Chinese is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play. ─── 中国典型的喜剧是相声,两个滑稽演员通过诙谐的语言来逗乐观众。

84、They entertain us and make us think. ─── 他们娱乐我们而且使我们想。

85、She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs. ─── 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

86、Typical for Chinese is the crosstalk show , where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play . ─── 中国典型的喜剧是相声,两个滑稽演员通过诙谐的语言来逗乐观众。

87、The city centre entertains the traditional cinemas while the modern ones are located in the suburbs. ─── 市中心的影院是传统式的,郊外的比较现代。

88、They use conversation to claim attention and to entertain. ─── 他们使用的谈话来获取注意和认同。

89、Isabella swears that the love Edgar has for me is nothing to that she entertains for you. ─── 伊莎贝拉发誓说埃德加对我的爱比起她对你的爱来是不足道的。

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