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08-14 投稿


sheared 发音

英:[??rd]  美:[???d]

英:  美:

sheared 中文意思翻译




sheared 反义词


sheared 同义词


sheared 短语词组

1、sheared blade ─── [机]剪切刀片

2、sheared off ─── 剪断;切掉

3、sheared buckling ─── 剪切屈曲; ─── 剪切挫曲; ─── 剪切造成材料压弯

4、sheared DNA ─── 剪切DNA

5、sheared bolt ─── 安全螺栓;保险螺栓;剪力栓

6、sheared angle ─── 剪角,[力] ─── 剪切角

7、sheared billet ─── 切坯

8、sheared plate ─── 舷侧厚度;剪切板

9、sheared dna blunted ─── 剪切的dna变钝

10、sheared mink ─── 水貂皮

11、sheared blank ─── 剪切坯料

12、sheared connector ─── 抗剪连接件; ─── 抗剪结合件;剪力接合器;受切接合部件

13、sheared coefficient ─── 切变系数

14、sheared lattice ─── 剪切晶格

sheared 词性/词形变化,sheared变形


sheared 常用词组

shear stress ─── [物]剪应力;剪切应力

shear strength ─── 切变强度

shear wall ─── 剪力墙;抗震墙,耐震壁;风力墙

sheared 相似词语短语

1、shealed ─── 谢雷德

2、smeared ─── adj.弄脏的;污迹斑斑的;v.涂抹,擦上(smear的过去式)

3、shearer ─── n.剪切机;剪切者;n.(Shearer)人名;(英)希勒

4、speared ─── n.矛,枪;vt.用矛刺;n.(Spear)人名;(英)斯皮尔

5、sheaved ─── v.捆成束(sheave的过去式和过去分词)

6、shared ─── adj.共享的;n.共享;v.共享(share的过去式和过去分词)

7、sheafed ─── n.捆;束;扎;vt.捆;束;扎;n.(Sheaf)人名;(英)希夫

8、seared ─── 烧焦(seared是sear的过去式和过去分词);使……枯萎(seared是sear的过去式和过去分词)

9、sheered ─── adj.绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的;adv.完全;陡峭地;vi.偏航;vt.使偏航;使急转向;n.偏航;透明薄织物

sheared 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The occurrence of high shear stress at the fibre end is a factor which is expected to lead to crack generation. ─── 在纤维端部存在高切变应力视为导致产生裂缝的因素。

2、Figure 5. Shear and bulk modulus relation for sandstone and weakly cemented sands. ─── 图5.砂岩和弱胶结砂体中剪切模量和体变模量之间的关系。

3、Critical resolved shear stress (O’crss). ─── 临界分剪切应力。

4、The shear strenth is equal to the cohesion of substance. ─── 剪切强度等于物质的内聚力。

5、The bolts holding the wheel in place sheared off. ─── 固定这个轮子的几个螺栓断了。

6、The interfacial shear stress is a constant proportion of the bottom shear. ─── 交界面的剪力与底部剪力之比是常数。

7、Shear strength of frozen soil. ─── 冻结土体抵抗剪应力的强度。

8、The resolved shear stresses increase with the increasing of notch radii. ─── 切口半径对持久寿命的影响作用非常大,切口半径越小,持久寿命越大。

9、A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding. ─── 双梯形的试样将产生切变脱胶现象。

10、God temper the wind to shear lamb. ─── 天无绝人之路。

11、Parameter is scaled and sheared to fit the shape of the parallelogram specified by the. ─── 参数指定的平行四边形的形状。

12、He sheared all of the small ramification from the bole. ─── 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。

13、One of the trains had part of its roof sheared off, and the wreckage was a jumble of twisted metal. ─── 一列车的车顶被部分撕裂,留下一大堆扭曲的金属残骸。

14、The seal of CMS2000 sheared packing can absorb charge easily to minus-pressured intake pump. ─── CMS2000层状剪切式填料轴封应用于负压进水的水泵时易产生吸料现象。

15、The elastostatical problem of the energy release in a shear crack was first created by Starr (1928). ─── 剪切裂缝中能量释放的弹性静力问题最先由Starr(1928)进行了研究。

16、They can be sheared off after bloom to increase the plants vigor and tidiness. ─── 在花朵凋谢后可以折断以提升整株植物的活力和整洁度。

17、In that it is flat with little or no shear lips. ─── 在这种情况下,它是平的带有较小的或者没有剪切边。

18、The shear dilatancy occurs only at low vertical load and is not obvious. ─── 剪胀现象只在低垂直荷载时发生,且不明显;

19、The feelings expressed in the drama, the drama pm, because shear. ─── 在感情戏的表达方面,戏分被剪切的所剩无几。

20、A jet plane sheared the blue sky . ─── 一架喷气式飞机划破蓝空。

21、There is a crack in a plate of steel which makes the material in that area weak in tension and shear. ─── 在钢板上有一条裂缝,使其所在区域内的材料抗拉和抗剪性能减弱。

22、The capability of the proposed model is validated by model tests of risers in stepped and in sheared currents. ─── 利用近期立管模型在阶梯状分布流以及剪切流中的涡激振动响应实验测量数据,验证了该模型的有效性。

23、Cell constructions for shear deformations. ─── 剪切形变压力室的构造。

24、The saddle steel number control horizontal shear the design of the production line. ─── 关键词:横剪生产线,同步控制。

25、The effect V-ring indenter on the sheared surface in the fine blanking of shifting fort is investigated by means of finite element method. ─── 使用有限元分析法对拨叉零件的精冲过程中V形齿圈对冲剪面的影响进行了研究。

26、A new invention means sheep do not have to be sheared – the wool just falls off. ─── 一项新的发明意味着羊不必被剪毛–羊毛就会脱落下来。

27、Too much pressure on the handles of the scissors sheared off the rivet holding the blades together. ─── 使用剪刀太用力而弄断了剪刀上的铰钉。

28、Without loss of generality, shear deformations will be neglected. ─── 不失一般性,忽略不计剪切变形。

29、Many go out for wool, and come home shear. ─── 偷鸡不着蚀把米。

30、Normally the shear velocity is about half of the compressional velocity. ─── 一般地说横波速度大约是纵波速度的一半。

31、The rigid arm CC is simply a statement that the "plane sections" hypothesis may be applied to the shear wall. ─── 刚臂CC只是说明了在剪力墙中可以应用“平截面”假设。

32、One block over, the facade of a white six-story residential building had sheared off, leaving one side of the apartments open to the air. ─── 一座白色的六层小楼正面已经完全垮塌,失去这面墙后楼内的房间一览无余。

33、The Contribution of Shear to the Evolution of a Convective Boundary Layer. ─── 切变对对流边界层演变的作用。

34、The shear strain decreases with the increase of the distance to the sheared surface. ─── 剪应变随与剪切分离面距离的增大而减小;

35、Next morning, however, he had gotten up to find his hair exactly as it had been before Aunt Petunia had sheared it off. ─── 可到了第二天一早他起床的时候,竟发现自己的头发又恢复到了佩妮姨妈剪它以前的样子。

36、Computer Control System of Flying Shear Speed Based on Neural Network. ─── 基于神经网络飞剪速度模型及计算机系统实现。

37、Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared seal skins to seasick sailors. ─── 七个穿着鲨鱼皮衣服的卑劣的论棍卖剪好的海豹皮给晕船的水手。

38、ECAP is an effective method realizing pure shear deformation. ─── ECAP是实现材料纯剪切变形的有效方法。

39、The pedal had sheared off at the pivot. ─── 这个踏板已经在轴处断裂。

40、As compared with Shear Type KR Vessel, FWACTV raises the efficiency of agitated mixing. ─── 与“剪切型”的kr法相比,这种反应器提高了混合效率。

41、The bolts holding the wheel in place sheared off. ─── 固定这个轮子的几个螺栓断了。

42、In fluids, forces of tension and shear can often be ignored. ─── 在流体中,张力和切力通常可以忽略不计。

43、The shear walls are arranged in both directions (across and longitudinally). ─── 剪力墙双向设计(横向和纵向)。

44、Plastic deformation as the result of dislocation motion; also, the shear displacement of two adjacent planes of atoms. ─── 位错移动导致的塑性变形或两个相邻原子面的剪切位移。

45、In the event the valve is sheared, an internal spring forces the stem into the seat, thus sealing the valve (Figure 5). ─── 在阀门被切断的情况下,内部的弹簧迫使阀杆进入阀座,因此密封了阀门(图5)。

46、For the cost comparison, specify costs for steel, shear studs and beam camber. ─── 在价格的比较时,钢材、抗剪螺栓和梁拱的价格可以设定。

47、Greider explained that, when cells divide, a little material gets sheared off the ends of the chromosomes. ─── 格蕾德告诉我们,细胞分裂时染色体端粒会发生降解。

48、He ragged edges has sheared away. ─── 切掉了参差不齐的边。

49、Shear lag is reduced for prestress in serviceability limit state . ─── 在正常使用状态下,预应力平抑了箱梁剪力滞效应。

50、Based on shear failure of concrete, a simple strain-based model is proposed in this paper. ─── 基于混凝土的剪切破坏,一个简单的应变为基础的模型在文章中被提出了。

51、But long hair for men should be lean and look sheared. ─── 但男人的长发应该很薄,而且看起来是经过修剪的。

52、Keywords: electrorheological fluid, flow mode, mixed mode, shear mode, damper. ─── 关键词:电流变液、流动模式、混合模式、剪切模式、阻尼器。

53、The only strain is a shear strain and the dilatation is zero, these waves are called shear waves. ─── 唯一的应变是剪应变而没有膨胀,这种波叫剪切波。

54、The brick chimney was sheared in at least two places , but it remained standing . ─── 砖彻烟囱至少有两处被截断,但是没有倒下。

55、For more rugged appearances oxford weaves that were sheared after woven for a more natural appearance. ─── 做旧的牛津纺布经过剪绒有更为自然的外观。

56、A jam occurred in a 603 scroll shear which covered the hopper sensor. ─── 603号曲线剪发生了卡罐现象,盖住了送料斗的感应器。

57、He sheared the wool from the sheep. ─── 他从关身上剪羊毛。

58、Thereafter, research is done on MR fluids sheared by a small angle based on BCT model and the formula of the shear stress is obtained. ─── 在这个基础上,本文对磁流变液受小角度剪切变形的情况进行了研究,得到了这种情况下其剪切应力的理论计算公式。

59、The gold mineralization controlled by SN or NNE trending shear z... ─── 受近SN向或NNE向剪切带控制的金矿化属蚀变岩型金矿化。

60、Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors. ─── 7个穿着鲨鱼皮外套的差劲的骗子把剪平的海豹皮卖给晕船的水手。

61、Mechanical propert ties.Longit tudinal and shear vibrat tion. ─── 参考名称: Met thods of test ting plast tics.

62、He sheared 200 sleep this summer. ─── 他今年夏天剪了200只绵羊。

63、Behavior. Thin Shear Layer Equations. TSL Coordinates. ─── 8薄剪力层座标,边界条件,剪力层种类。

64、Shear walls and the walls of the hollow box beam will be approximately 50 cm thick. ─── 剪力墙和空心箱形梁的墙厚约50厘米。

65、In the water sheared straight catheter to prevent and stop smoking are not air-chu Sheung Shui. ─── 在水中剪切是为了防止花枝导管被空气柱阻止而吸不上水。

66、Mitigating casing damage usually means reducing the amount of shear slip. ─── 减轻套管损坏就是缩小剪切滑移量。

67、The following illustration shows the original image on the left and the sheared image on the right. ─── 下面的插图在左侧显示原来的图像,在右侧显示剪切后的图像。

68、With a few quick snip of the shear he prune the bush. ─── 他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。

69、There will be no shear on this surface. ─── 在该表面上没有剪切作用的存在。

70、Some say shy shippers ship shy sheep. Six sly shavers sheared six shy sheep. ─── 一些人说害羞的贷主装运胆怯的羊。六个狡猾的剪羊毛的人剪六只胆怯的羊毛。

71、Extensive through-thickness shear causes crack-tip necking . ─── 大范围的穿透厚度剪切引裂纹顶端的颈缩。

72、Unsymmetric bending, shear center, and thin-walled beams. 7. ─── 6.非对称弯曲、剪力中心、及薄壁梁。

73、Crop Shear Automatic Controlling of Hot Strip Mill in TISCO. ─── 太钢热连轧飞剪自动控制。

74、Thus fluid shear stress has been considered one of the atherogenic factors. ─── 在动物研究中还发现切应力与内皮细胞增生程度有关。

75、This shear equipment and the sheet die were successively linked to forepart of the single-screw extruder. ─── 可控剪切专用装置和片材成型口模依次联接在挤出机前端。

76、Next morning, however, he had gotten up to find his hair exactly as it had been before Aunt Petunia had sheared it off. ─── 可到了第二天一早他起床的时候,竟发现自己的头发又恢复到了佩妮姨妈剪它以前的样子。

77、He sheared off the ragged edges. ─── 他切掉了参差不齐的边。

78、Solids can support both shear and normal stress. ─── 固体可以支撑剪应力和一般应力。

79、A Test and Study for Shear Pin of the Sample of APR-M_2 Circulating Valve. ─── APR-M_2循环阀取样器剪切销钉试验研究

80、Unlike other wools, which can be sheared off an animal, the wool of a Tibetan Antelope can only be obtained by killing the animal. ─── 与其它绒毛不同的是,其它绒毛可以从动物身上剪下来,而藏羚羊的绒毛,只能把藏羚羊杀了才能获得。

81、The displacement of this shear zone was about 8km. ─── 剪切位移量为 8 km左右.

82、The formers sheared the wool from the sheep. ─── 先来的剪好了绵羊身上的羊毛。

83、A sheep up to the age of one year,one yet to be sheared. ─── 一岁以上的羊,尚未剪过毛的小羊。

84、The main shear stress and its hydraulic system, calculation and research. ─── 主要对其剪切力和液压系统进行计算和研究。

85、Within the nozzle, the stationary air is sheared by the high velocity air causing turbulence which creates noise. ─── 在喷嘴内,高速空气会穿过静止的空气,引起湍流而产生噪音。


87、Due to its slanted end surfaces, a sheared round blank often becomes elliptic in shape after an upset forging process. ─── 由于剪切坯料端面偏斜,拍扁时压成椭圆形,此文称此现象为镦偏。

88、They discovered that they could shear sheep,take the wool,weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,. ─── 他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料,然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。

89、The farmers sheared the wool from the sheep. ─── 农夫从羊身上剪羊毛。

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